6 years, 5 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido  Gurudev: Pamho

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!    AgtSP.  Tenemos fiebre fuerte but no somos esta cuerpo.

Ya faltan pocos dias para su viaje a España y me gustaria que enviara los datos del vuelo para que Jara Mara pueda ir a buscarlo.

Yo lo veré el dia de Janmastami en NVM.

Un saludo


Jayanta das

HpS American Airlines 8644 from JFK to Madrid, leaves 5.15PM arrives 6.30AM. Gracias!

Diet urgent

6 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Calendar Development

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva



Gurudeva from Spain Ghandamanjari dd is asking about your current diet

And this will also help for other countries that is why I am writing here

Thanks in advance

Your servant

Candramukhi dd

ASA - Prasadam! Remnants of food offered to Krsna with love. No Quienwa, Tofu, Rice.

 Oats and please are good to offer as Kitri to  Lord Nrsmha.

Invitation to Chile - Arte y Lo Sagrado Santiago

6 years, 5 months ago by in Calendar Development

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada,

Dear guru maharaj,

Finally, I received an answer. There is no problem with another visits scheduled t Chile on this dates.

So, the dates are perfect. There is no specific problem if you should leave earlier because of your flight to Houston. But, if you arrive at 27th would be so nice.

Are you going to India after Houston?

HpS - Jaya!   This is still not settled. The Bag Bazaar Gaudiya Math is having problems organizing there program. Actually it would be nice to stay in USA from 21 Nov until 21 January. Then go to India for two months. (With a quick trip to MEXICO (Tamales Govinda!)).

O.K. After 30-minutes we have the tickets. 27 October we go from Lima to Santiago and 19 November we go from Santaigo to Lima on Latam for only $235!!

Now --- Any proposed Calendar in STG??   Lots of fun...


6 years, 5 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Hare Krisna: Le escribo rápido. Estoy saliendo de viaje para Sevilla (a ver a la familia, mi hermano, etc).

Hablaré con Hanuman para los libros. Hasta el sabado o domingo no podré escribir de nuevo.

En cuanto al "cartel" yo tambien pensé en esa perspectiva al principio; pero es evidente que hay mas perspectivas:  Srila Prabhupada nos ha traido a Rupa Goswami y está detrás de todo, "Imperial". Despues de analizarlo bien me pareció un cartel bonito. Posiblemente puede haber alguna crítica (como la de usted). Siempre habrá alguna critica aunque el cartel se cambie muchas veces. De cualquier forma el cartel lo ha hecho Jambula y habría que hablar con él. Espero que lea el blog y entienda la perspectiva que usted da.Le paso el mensaje por whatsapp.

Estamos en contacto



Jayanta das

HpS - Muy bien.  Espero buen predica al hermano etc.   Tenemos su carta en Yahoo que Hanuman Das tiene 50-NOI.   Es suficiente ahora.   Posible mientras estamos en Espana podemos hacer arregla imprimir 2,000.


6 years, 5 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev:Pamho

Tenemos 15 Upadesamritas en NVM (Regalo de Lokanath prabhu. En Madrid tambien tienen entre 10 y 15.

Yo tengo 2 mas y en Barcelona aún no lo sé. Parece que no será necesario traer ni imprimir nada.

He hablado con Indradyumna prabhu y, en principio, él se incorporará en NVM con su carabana (su vehiculo-casa).

Jara Mara irá a recogerlo al Aeropuerto y tambien tiene los billetes del AVE comprados al lado de usted para Guadalajara -BCN y BCN-Guadalajara.

Nosotros nos veremos el dia 3 Janmastami en NVM, si Dios quiere, y estaré toda la semana sin trabajar.

Seguimos en contacto


Jayanta das

Super - Super - Super ---  Pero.....      Es solamente 35 NOI.   Si podemos vender como 5,10,15 a cada integrante en los programas para vender, compartir a su circulo, eso es bueno, no?

Quien puede ser?  Tenemos autorizacion de Hanuman Das BBT para imprimir unos para nuestras programas de predica.

El tiene unos?


Puede hablar con el?

Si no podemos bajar de y poner en un format attractivo y hacer foto copias. Podemos pagar de NIOS si no es una costa a nivel de Bill Gates.

Posible de Peru en uno PDF listo para imprimir y cortar y spiral binding.

El afiche (juntado) pienso no es bueno Rupa Goswami abajo de Prabhupada.   Estoy pegando cuatro fotos. Posible Rupa Goswami centro grande, despues segunda fila BSDM y Prabhupada y tercero linea la informacion y el foto de HpS mas pequeno de todo.

___|rupa gos|___

_BSDM __  S. P.__

palabras ___ hps_

Jaya. Sri Krsna, Sankirtan.

Urgent - Invitation to speaking event

6 years, 5 months ago by Dhruvānanda DAS in Calendar Development

HpS - I think the following part of this letter was published on the Blog, by accident. I was working on it then tried to call Dr. Samaresh in India to see if there has been any news about the symposium in Kolkata at the end of November. It is still not fixed if we will be going to Indian the end of November.  In general, it seems that we should decline the offer to maybe lecture at the Pivot Summit, although we looked at the summit link you sent.

Let us stay in touch with this Calendar Development and even more with our efforts to identify different prospective candidates for devotional service.

Have you shown our "Art and the Sacred" clip to your friend, contact?

Dear Maharaja,

pamho agtsp

I have an invitation from a devotee in Melbourne for you to speak at Pivot Summit 2018, 6th-7th December.

Here is the devotee’s message to me:

“Do you know his [HPS] diary for this year? I am part of a big tech, film, entrepreneurial event in Geelong (Melbourne) 7th dec, would be great to get him to come and speak or to at least attend and network with the many academics that will be there. The conference is for technology, startups and social entrepreneurship. This year {confidential at this stage} is that the general theme is Tech on Trial (Black Mirrors style). I have less control over speakers than I had last year. Could Maharaj give a talk about the dangers of technology and or social entrepreneurship? Can you send through a little bio that I can show my boss?”

You might be wondering what is “Black Mirror”. It’s an interested TV show that addresses philosophical questions that arise with the progress of technology. I have seen a few episodes. In my opinion it address the possible dangers of technology quite well and they are good conversations to be having.

Here is a link to the conference’s webpage.

What do you think maharaja? Would you like to speak at this event?


Dhruvananda Das

HpS - Hare Krsna!!     AGTSP  paoho....     I was planning to write to you ASAP.   I found a nice verse related Australian aboriginal cosmology as I understand it from you:

"SB 8.5.33


The entire cosmic manifestation has emerged from water, and it is because of water that all living entities endure, live and develop. This water is nothing but the semen of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore, may the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who has such great potency, be pleased with us.


Despite the theories of so-called scientists, the vast quantities of water on this planet and on other planets are not created by a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen. Rather, the water is sometimes explained to be the perspiration and sometimes the semen of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is from water that all living entities emerge, and because of water they live and grow. If there were no water, all life would cease. Water is the source of life for everyone. Therefore, by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we have so much water all over the world."