Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj - Madhumanjari dd - report

Hare Krsna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances to you. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for your reply to our previous message, as usual it is full of insightful guidance, advices and instructions. I pray to you, Lord Balaram and to all Vaisnavas to bestow your blessings upon me, so my spiritual intelligence eventually will awaken, enabling me to honour you by following and serving your guidance .appropriately.    

Regarding your possible visit to Australia this December Aniruddha Prabhu (ISKCON -Melbourne TP) is glad to know that you are considering the possibility to visit Australia. He mentioned that December is quite busy time here, besides of SP’s marathon; H.H. Devamrta Swami usually holds a retreat on the last week of the year; H.G. Sankarshan prabhu; Vijay prabhu ( Sankirtan Minister) visit Melbourne during that time. Aniruddha prabhu says the temple can host two special guests at the same time, so there wouldn’t be inconvenience if you come (we can adjust the dates).  Gurumaharaj, What about January? H.H. Prahaladananda Swami generally comes on the 2nd week, then it is a bit more calm; and  Ratha Yatra on February.  

In other words, we are very much grateful and happy that you are thinking of visit Australia. Please Sir, come!!. Despite of  lack of qualification, we are ready to assist and serve you. I could start contacting devotees, gathering suggestions and help from enthusiastic devotees (Druvananda prabhu could be one of the key persons). by July 18th you will get more precise info – dates about your schedule in India. We hope that Australia visit will fit in it.

Previously, we mentioned about our experience here. Krsna’s plans = many changes full of intensity and lessons.  To me, it is like Krsna shaking grounds but at the same time giving enough tokens of encouragement and assurance that He is here to protect us.  I have been receiving a lot caring and reassuring exchanges from Krsna. He allows me to have devotees association in an enthusiastic and supportive community. It seems to be more unity and sincerity in the spiritual practice, which is exemplified by temple authorities. Of course, it is no perfect, its growing stage with improvements and many deficiencies (we are learning to accept them as part of the package; is not this a cynic attitude, so called “realistic one”?). In overall, this is a good temple.

It is more than 6 months that I submitted a formal appeal to ISKCON Australia - National Council regarding to the allegations against me. Despite of receiving verbal support from them, there is no formal response.  Aniruddha prabhu said it is due to an institutional problem,  lack of an organisational system with an autonomous entity within Iskcon which can deal with these issues, it is unknown  when it can take place. So, my case is in standby. I am losing hope of getting fair treatment. For the authorities there are other priorities.  What is Krsna’s message in this case gurumaharaj?  Is it my karma?  I cannot deny it, it still hurts.   Ummmhhh!   Krsna has His own ways and time. By Krsna’s arrangements Varanayak prabhu and Somendra Prabhu were force to present their resignation. Varanayak prabhu is no anymore Sydney TP, An investigation process was conducted due too many devotees complains.  Now there is no TP but a committee where Ghanashyam Govinda das is taking part.  It is hard for me not to get confused. There is a conflict of emotions within my heart. I sincerely, prayed for Varanayak prabhu’s spiritual well-being (it is no easy time for him now). I cannot understand Krsna’s plans, ways; they are beyond my understanding.  I am still thinking that it is unfair, but at the same time, who am I to say what is fair or unfair. Looking at my sinful- misdeeds, perhaps I do deserve worse.  .. But, how to avoid not going down in ignorance, hurting myself?  I thought and felt that Krsna forgave me. Is this deceiving tendency of the mind, in order to avoid responsibility?   But, what should be responsibility for me in this case?  I do accept that I am guilty of my past sinful misdeed, I won’t do it again. But, should I torture myself for that always? Is it right to look for a healthy and mature emotional well-being within Krsna Consciousness -ISKCON?

I have been requested by the temple authorities to look after the young girls as brahmacarini ashram leader.  We have a need to contribute and support Srila Prabhupada’s movement, would be artificial to say I do not have ability to do it? Somehow and other, due to your and devotees’ blessings I do have some abilities though, they should be used in the service of devotees. .. Does this statement sound too proud?  I am praying to the Lordships for help, I am aware of my contaminations that many times obscure my character.  I don’t want to hurt devotees, just be useful.  There is a tendency to be too lineal or too strict. The Aussie, OZ way is more relax in many cases. So what is the right way to educate= facilitate?   . . .

HpS -ASA -  You are presenting a lot of topics for just one letter so we are to the end here and answering. Jaya!   \'o'/   Very nice letter.   


This message has become too long, and still many good important things to report.  With your approval the next message would be a report of my personal sadhana, chanting HARE KRSNA.

Please forgive me for this passionate message, no need to make up my life?

Sorry. Sir - Gurumaharaj.

Thank you

Your child

Madhumanjari dd

HpS - ASA -- Thank you very many for your letter.  Your experiences are very, very important for all of us on this Blog.  Considering the kind of media that is this Blog it seems best to deal with one or two themes in each letter, no?

We try to answer within three days.  It is a place to write amongst family, think about the answers, and write again.


Bhisma deva told Yuddhisthira - "As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra. Such powerful women are controlled by shyness. Therefore, shyness is important for women."

- - -https://www.vedabase.com/en/sb/1/9/27

Talking a lot with Yadunandana Swami, the word is "recatada" not "timida".

So, there is the basic answer to your question about relations with the opposite sex. Basically you just need to be a proper demur young lady and give all your passionate impulses to Krsna. Of course, what this means, as you probably have a lot of realization, grows and grows, all the way to Goloka if you want to be that level of servant.

Deal with the institution the same way.  Any institution in Kali-yuga will have problems but if you see it as an instrument for Sankirtan, then you can separate the problems from the truth. Be a proper lady and deal with it.


Practical details of administrative situations you can also present here for consideration and advice, but local help is essential. Work with your friends in the administrative Yatra.

Who knows why we are getting harrassed. What about M. Parikshit?  What about about Draupadi? Have you had to go through her trials?  (What happened to the 100-saris?).j

Thank you for news of Sankirtan situation during December. First is to wait for news from President of India and Gaudiya-matha, five days.

Taking post of advisory for younger girls seems O.K. I would have the job description put in a simple written form and several people agree to it and then try it for ... ? ... six months.  After that it will be easy to see how to make changes.

You could have left ISKCON. You could have gotten a job and be a rather elevated person in some corporation. Of course, you would probably be smoking a little etc. etc. but it was your choice to stay in ISKCON and not go for material development.   So you have practical experience to offer to others.

Hope this has been useful letter. The next ones will be better.





6 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho.

Me llegaron sus datos por email. Gracias. Ya estan comprando los billetes de AVE (tren).

Intentaré estar en Janmastami en NVM. Termino las vacaciones el dia 22 de Agosto. Las vacaciones las tenemos que pedir con antelacion (Abril-Mayo) y cuando supe de su visita ya no pude cambiarlas. Pediré al menos dos dias (3 y 4 de septiembre) a ver si tengo suerte.

Las fechas en las que viene no son las mejores para contactar con academicos y otros. Agosto es el mes de vacaciones por excelencia. (el más común).

HpS - Si, yo entiendo. Es una esfuerza adjustar todo el calendario para USA, Mexico, Peru, Chile, India, Epanya....  !!      Pero, aveces es bueno por que los professores son en vacaciones y tiene mas tiempo para conversar.  Bhadrasena Das busca unos contactos.

Arte y lo Sagrado es nuestra enfoque en esta predica.

Quien es organizador en Barcelona? Podemos annuciar seminario en Upadesamrta y personas puede inscribir para recibi materios didacticos y doplomas. Muy divertido y much impetu para Sankirtan.

Espero que algún discipulo o alguien tenga exito en contactar con alguien influyente en arte, filosofía, etc.

En cuanto a las Deidades de la foto son las que tenemos en casa. Las compré en Ekachakra hace 16 años,el dia que dejo el cuerpo Tamal Krisna Maharaja. Pensé que eran de madera de Nim, pero las acaba de restaurar una señora que viene a las reuniones Sat Sanga de casa y resulta que son de barro (tierra). De todas formas estoy muy contento con la restauración. Han quedado mas reforzadas y creo que mas bonitas que antes. El fondo del altar lo pinto un compañe4ro de trabajo (Cartero).

HpS - Super.

En cuanto al seminario de "Updesamrita" .... cuantos dias sería? En Madrid  estaría viernes (pre Ratha Yatra), el sabado (Ratha Yatra) Domingo (Fiesta de Domingo) y quedaría Lunes y martes. ¿ .......?????

HpS - ASA --- Si, estoy pensando es eso. Gino Carrion esta ayudando organizar en Madrid. Hay una Blog carta de eso: https://hps.monkeywarrior.com/node/9454. Alguien puede escribir aqui para ayudar organizar estas cosas en Barcelona?

Otra cuestión: El baston que tengo en casa se lo llevaré cuando llegue a NVM.

HpS - Awk!  Recuerdo lo. Dejando en la coche cuando salimos en el aeropuerto. Tengo otro. Poc mas util. Puede condensar.   Posible quedar en su casa para pegar peros.

Seguimos en contacto

Su sirviente

Jayanta das

ASA -- Sankirtan.

Spain Trip (Need Accomodations)

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaj PAMHO AGTSP

I beg you to give me permissions to associate with you in Spain,Barcelona and Guadalajara.

I have not accommodation so If it's possible to share it with you should be very nice.

Hare Krishna

HpS - Hare Krsna.  It is fine with us if you travel with us in Spain. Sometimes the accomdations are very fine from you also and even others, but other times, like in New Vraja Mandala and Madrid they are very tight. We can adjust but best you contact local authorities also.

Anyone can help Indrady. Das with these adjustments!??

Lamentamos no verlo en Septiembre

Querido Gurumaharaja:

Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias!

Toda las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Hemos visto el DTC en el blog, lamentamos muchísimo no poder tomar Su santa asociación en el mes de Septiembre pero también nos parece bien evitar una parada muy corta en la estresante ciudad de México. 

¿Hay posibilidad de hacer preparaciones para algún programa refrescante para fines de Noviembre después de Chile? 

SS. Danvantari Swami se encuentra estos días en México. 

Tenemos vice presidente en el yatra Adinath Prabhu, discípulo joven de SS. Guruprasad Swami.

Nosotros nos hacemos viejos y ahora podemos entender un poquito más el gran amor de Srila Prabhupada por Srila Bhaktisidhanta,  gracias Gurumaharaja por llevarnos por este sendero hermoso y sin igual,  gracias por Su ejemplo y perdón por mi  estado condicionado.  

Su eterna aspirante a sirviente 

Asta Sakhi dd. 

HpS - TlgaSP!    pfanrh.   Si era lastima no visitar Mexico en ruta....   Pero tambien menos estress pasar directamente a Lima. Tambien, la parada por Interjet es de 9PM por la noche hast 9AM la proxima manana!    Inutil.    Y lo de United directo es mas barato.   Pensamos es mejor ir a Mexico de Houston directo para visitar sus!

Nuestra solo esfuerza es involucrar otros en esta red de amor creado por Krsna!!

Espero su Sankirtan es super bueno...   Mas dramas......


6 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Calendar Development

Querido Gurudev: Pamho.

Necesito sus datos personales para sacar los billetes de AVE. Sobre todo el número de pasaporte.

Puede enviarlos a [email protected]



Jayanta das

HpS - ASA --- Gracias.   Somos muy animado la visita!   Hemos enviado los datos a su direccion. Tiene?

Hay Upadesamrta, Ensenyanzas del Senor Caitanya, Luz de la Bhagavata, Vida del Senyor Caitanya, disponible para distribuir?    Estamos organizando seminar en Upadesamrta en Barcelona etc?      $5 para registrar y recibir materiales didácticos y una diploma.

El foto son deidades suyas!!

Hare Krsna Gurudev

Hare Krsna, Srila Gurudev

(Is this an appropriate way to address you, Gurudev? Some devotees say that Gurumaharaj-word has an impersonal, generic term. So I am looking for the most appropriate way to address you, Sir, Gurudev. Please, instruct me /\).

HpS - ASA -- Good question. My natural consciousness is of Srila Prabhupada and how to address him.

From what I have heard and trying to be practical, I think, Guru Maharaja, and Srila Gurudeva, are both O.K. as long as we remember that we are just acting in any of these roles under the lotus feet of our Founder Acharya, Srila Prabhupada. We see ourselves as "guru" in this forum just as Madhyama Adhikaris. We are following the principles given by Srila Prabhupada and if anyone wants to follow us following Srila Prabhupada then we are all going back to Goloka!

I have heard Srila Prabhupada say, "My Guru Maharaja", about Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati.   Thank you.

Please accept my humble obeisances to you

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

HpS - ASA --  AGTSP!!!    Paoho.

Writing, writing to you!!!!. I must break this lethargic inertia. I write you every day in my mind, talking to you, inquiring from you. But it is not enough!! It must be more concrete (tangible?).

That reminds me a movie about mother’s love. LOVE, yes; but, real love= love in action. As Srila Prabhupada emphasises the same principle of bhakti-yoga = devotional service to Krsna.

There are a lot of things to report you, quite intense time for me right now; in average, all are good, I mean all are ideal chances for learning, strengthening our faith and trust in the process, Guru and Krsna. I must grow up, no more childish attitude (it is not pleasing anymore and I cannot fool myself for any longer) in the practice of the process.

Embracing accountability and responsibility in my purification process is becoming a necessity. Is this right, Sir. I wonder if this is sign of false-ego, and pride in this approach.

HpS - ASA -- Seems pretty good to us, but in detail we would have to know more, more.    We may go to Australia in December.

I am pretty much under the influence of the modes of nature, bodily conception of life. Perhaps my desire to come out of that influence is not strong enough. What should I do? Gurudev.

HpS - Chant with more sincerity. Chant better rounds. Adjust your life to chant better rounds.

Here,  ISKCON-MELBOURNE temple, the spiritual program and activities are very intense in all levels.  It is Guru-Krsna’s blessings and arrangement that I am here now. Thank you, Sir.  Last year you came to Australia in the right time (causeless mercy and my good fortune). Your protection dispelled all anxiety, doubts, fear, misconception and strengthened my faith on you, Srila Prabhupada, Krsna, devotees and on myself.   I have no regrets regarding those changes in my life, because, you are here.

One of the main lessons that we are learning (in process of realising it, jnana-vijnana) is that there is no perfect place, nor circumstances in this material world. Everything has pros and cons. So, no more expectations of just happiness without difficulties. This is giving me a kind of peace of mind, and perhaps a cynic attitude towards some reverses. (a laughter rather than anger).

Is it because they are not so serious issues, yet?  That is a bit scaring Sir, am I deceiving myself?. Thinking that I am learning but actually, I am not.

HpS - Even slow learners, learn. We cannot stay within any distance from Srila Prabhupada, in ISKCON anyway, and but learn. Actually after many years see real, tangible, undeniable results.

Bhurijana prabhu and his wife Jagattarini mataji were here, conducting a mini-Govardhan retreat. The principal point that was emphasised again and again was, Krsna is right now here with us. He is in our heart, everywhere and most personally waiting for us to turn towards Him, calling out, crying out for Him.  A simple attempt of doing so, can please Him, and He will help. Those days (retreat) were very intense, Krsna, Krsna.. a glimpe of perceiving a Person Krsna, no just the idea of a person call Krsna –God. And the understanding- action of we are part and parcel of Krsna, in that consciousness dealing with others as part and parcel of Krsna will preserve us from offenses, mis-conduct,  SINS… It is simple, it seems simple, but I tend to forget it Sir.   I want to always remember it and act on that consciousness. Please help me.

Devamrta Swami, was here too.

ASA - Ocean of Sadhus!

Currently, in the temple we are studying SB canto 4, Dhruva maharaj pastime. On Sunday SB class, the text talked about Druva feeling shame for his materialistic desires when he initially approached to the Lord, and how after, in his purified stage, he realises his mistake and feels remorse.  Devamrta Maharaj during the class, kindly requested us, please dear devotees, try to internalise this past time, live SB, Could you relate to Druva’s feelings of shame?

This is our case; most of us came to Krsna Consciousness with different motives rather than just loving and serving Krsna.  ..  that moment during the class was revealing,  open-eye experience, SB is life experience, right now.

HpS - Yes. It seems that all the stories can be put into modern contexts for our own purification and preaching to others. We can see people just like Gajendra!

I promised myself to write to you and send it today. So I must stop here, since I have to go for  altar service.  I am trying to design an effective strategy to facilitate writing behaviour. Please guide me, how to get it.

HpS - Start with every Ekadasi compose a Blog post and eveyr Dvadasi send it. Can include Temple report. Madhu m. D. D. report, a serialized novel about somebody eg. Wonder Woman in Australia.

Please forgive me for my luck (lack) of quality service, offenses and my passion and ignorance overwhelmed condition. I want to raise up to goodness and beyond that, please Sir. Help me.

I offer my humble gratitude, obeisances, and prayers to you, Gurudev.

I am yours, your servant, and your child.

Madhumanjari dd

 PD. Today, we dressed Sri Sri Radha Vallabha on your-behalf, with guru-astaka meditation, and inspiring memories of you dressing Sri Sri Goura Nitai in the altar at Chosica Temple. Jay Gurudev.

HpS - ASA -- Agan, thank you!!     Again, also, we are trying to fix our Calendar. By the 18th we should have the dates for the Kolkata lecture fixed. So we should go to India last week of November and leave first week of March. That's three and one half months. Too long for India really, so visit Australia? Of course, December would be good to get to warmer climate, but is also Marathon, and Raktaka's family may be visiting India then.  Also, Dhurva/Dhanesvari will go to Peru in October.  What do you think?   We need to visit the North-East, India.  Sankirtan.  Art and the Sacred. Wise Men from the East brining gifts (SB) for Baby Jesus?