My dear Maharaja,
Dandavat pranams.
Narasimha prayers are recited by devotees everyday which explain the meaning of "vasudeva sarvam". Here is the meaning:
"Narsimha is here. Narsimha is there. Wherever I see, there is Narsimha. Narsimha is outside and Narsimha is in the heart. I take shelter of that Narasimha who has no beginning i.e beyond matter which has beginning."
The self has assumed false affinity with the matter. The true affinity of self is with Krishna. Everyone is part of Krishna. We are Krishna's and only Krishna is ours. This world is not ours but belongs to Krishna. We are supposed to use the objects of this world which belong to Krishna in service of living entities which are manifestation of Krishna.
I think when we accept the above statements, then all doubts, problems etc are resolved. You will find the discussions on guru tattva meaningless or even stupid after accepting above statements. Most people start preaching without accepting or even understanding above statements. That is quite sad as their preaching deviates us from above truths.
Your servant,
HpS - Jaya Hare Krsna. Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai. Krsna says in Bhagavad Gita 5.29
Krsna says that He is the enjoyer of all sacrifices. So we can certainly agree that service to Jivas in an enlightened perspective is part of serving Krsna, but Guru and the Deity are also forms that Krsna authorizes to receive service. Otherwise we have the problem that we think that we can approach Rama, Krsna, directly and that Laksmana and Sita are not important. That was Dvidvida and Mainda's problem, no? They could appreciate that Rama was God, but they just thought that Laksmana was a person like them who had done a lot of austerities. Then in Krsna lila Dvidvida realized that Guru, Balarama, Laksmana, is just as powerful as God.
We hope you are getting enough rest yourself, as one of the manifestations of Krsna!!!!
Hare Krsna dear Maharaj,
please acept my humble obeisances
Bhaktin Valentina, 15 years old, 4 principies, 16 ronds-Santiago,Chile
I'm done with school!!, have finished with a good average, my parents are happy and satisfied. Now I have more time to do service on the temple, I'm in good asociation with mother Raman Reti devi dasi, she is fine, we do the cleaning service on the morning, sometimes I have to do the garlands, but we are in constant asociation, she ask me how the ronds are and I'm remembering her the Gayatri, she is like my tutor :) , have realized with mother Raman Reti that the treatment to the people that aren't devotees is very important in preache and in that aspect sometimes we fail, so we are triying to improve that.
Hope your health go well,
Your servant,
Bhaktin Valentina
HpS - AGTSP paoho. We can get this pig out of our letter! Ja! JJa! J!
Thank you for your super letter. Just think how the world would be if everyone in the world was you!
Would it be a nice world?
Our obeisances to M. Raman reti. We have been talking and writing a lot with Bhadra Gopal, Rama-keli and Amara. Also here we are wih the B'caris, Abhimanyu, Paundram, Madhavendra et al. Think we will get to Chile next July. It is 12.42 AM we have been up all night answering letters! your's is very very nice. Just continue like this and you will undestand who you are!<img alt="" src="" title="" />
Dear GM,
Although my sadhana is not strong, by your mercy my attraction to Krsna is gradually awakening. By chanting, reading, reciting, singing, praising, remembering, and trying to follow the four regs and not falling into maya’s innumerable traps, albeit often not successfully, the spiritual embers in my heart remain alive.
I am continuing to battle with the onslaughts of modern science, philosophy, intellectualism, and material culture. The struggle is grave, but with the association of guru, sastra, and sadhu, I must endure!
One thing is for sure – death is imminent. I hope to conquer my doubts before this. <img alt="surprise" height="20" src="" title="surprise" width="20" />
Dear spiritual master accepts the mission and thanks for all jivas learning. I'm arguing with the English and Spanish to write the best way.
For some reason I can not even how important dimension has been sharing the movement of Srila Prabhupada and have known him. And while you're getting multipleskills and movements of God sent to preach universal love, I'm sure that somehowserve to enhance their teaching. I can not even find the balance, and spontaneousdevotion, just sometimes I can tell we love strongly Krishna Radharani and strength that is in us. Always end up asking for mercy.
Because I feel I can get good advice writing to ask a specific academic subject since you are in Mar del Plata would be a good reason to go for further studies, I have ascholarship to art school to start studying music and also want to learn the art ofalternative healing therapies.
I hope to keep writing and if he could serve in some way, due to various conflicts I've had in Mendoza, in association with devotees and breaks ideal exile I find it a little, so I can not tell a good sadhana but a daily meditation on the mantra, in the next life wouldbe initiated with you, but in its original form and not in this wretched place. Hoping to see him at least once before his departure,
his servant M. Cynthia.
HpS - AGTSP pamho. Well, here you are! We were wondering, wondering, wondering, where you are. No longer in Valparaiso, Santiago, in Mendoza. I think that there is good association there if you want it. Jadupuri, Citra gopi are there. Sura rama, Murajit, Mataji, Baladeva. Just get up early and get your rounds done. Krsna will solve the material problems. Please do that so we can get some amazing news from you very soon!
<img alt="" src="" title="" />
Hare Krishna dear GuruMaharaja,
AgtSP, AgtYM.
I'm Inaugurating this account as You ordered. Well it is 3:17 pm and I went to Sankirtan in the morning, the streets was harsh but we get to distibuted two books, Perfection of Yoga and Karma. At five o'clock I have an appointment with the dentist and after that I'm going to continuos trying to give Prabhupada small books to people.
I was so happy to reading your answer Maharaja, You are so Merciful! I would like too to see You next time You are coming to Lima too. From time to time we receive Gopa Kumar das phone call, so from time to time we talk. I'm getting up at 3 am for the last three days and the last two after my 6 rounds, when dawn was breaking I was going back to bed because I can hardly keep my eyes open and I sleep for about two hours more. Then I'm doing a translation of a book on Ayurveda by Navayauvana das adhikari, Your godbrother Maharaja! Or like today I'm going out for Sankirtana but most of the days when I went out on Sankirtan it was at the afternoon from 2 to 3 hour. I'm picking up my reading of the Krishna Book where I left it in the long long chapter The Prayers of the Vedas Embodied (don't know if the title if exactly like this).
Well and I'm waiting for the decision of the authorities of Lima to know if I will be accepted in the ashram in Chosica, well we'll see.
Yesterday in the evening I tried to post a letter here but when I was just to finish it there was a blackout and I lost it!
Please Maharaja accept my humble obeisances and my love :)
Your eternal servant
bhakta David Vinces
HpS - Jaya. AGTSP pamho. I don't know what you have done to have your present body, but to go out like Sankirtana like this can only be for a devotee who has some special mercy from Krsna!
We are in Asuncion until Monday, trying to do our small Sankirtana. Is very nice here. Just like India. If you can visit LIma while we are there that is nice, but otherwise call Patraka and we can talk by phone. Yes, I was with Nava-yauvana Das in San Francisco for a few years! Go ahead! We are on the right path. Tell us what you find!