Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Vrindavana Dham P.S

13 years, 8 months ago by Cakori Radha

Dear Guru Deva, please accept our obeisances!

we forgot one thing!

We think we should get the manuscript diary of a traveling creature  because of 3 things:

1- we are getting blind and we can not see and read very well on the computer.

2- We love to read paper books and touch paper while we read.. allow more concentration for us.

3- we don't deserve it so if we get it that would change our world.

thanks for you very nice letter... we will try to stay in the path. I think we need a map!



Tom Brown (MONKEY)  Hare Krsna!   AGTSP   paoho.   O.K. We send to you when we get to Tennessee, March. Then we will ask, address!

Hare Krsna!  Please distribute some Prasadam to the celebrated Monkeys of Vrndavana for us and aks if we  can come to Vrndavana for Kartika this next year!

Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Vrindavana Dham (until further notice)

13 years, 9 months ago by Cakori Radha

Hare Krsna dera Guru Maharaja, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!


So manly this year was complicated, but we could get throw it.

My Japa was not Good, but thanks to the continuos crying to Lord Narasimhadeva, it seems that we are making it.

We make our best to finish Japa before 6am, because at 6:30am we get completly cover and go back to bed. We are waking up between 2:50am and 3:30am. so every Mangala Aratika we are awake and thinking in Krsna and Guru and the little love that we have.

Service, is not steady becasue I don't have a permanet address yet, so we do what we can get... taking care of the Kids... is a nice service

we promiss to finish the Mahimamrta and we are working on that, good quality but it will take some more time. helping a little in sandipani muni school in Vrindavana, and trying to make senior devotees to understand that any condition can be change and that we must not lose faith, ever...

Principles, well in theory following 4 principles... we are working on the "in theory" part (which is one principle, and we ).have to make the question).

Reading, well we stop reading books and Im reading and studying the song by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, sometimes we feel that he gets us so much.

So every day we simulate that we are giving a lecture (to a non existing audience) yes, that's my way to feed my ego, feel intelligent and in control... its embarrassing, but more embarrassing is when I take the questions. so today I was  "talking" about responsability, so I had an insight (speculation) I was thinking that what is the responsability of us and our authorities on us... so I thought that we are responsable of our life, because we do things and we dicide to fallow or not certain advices... the authorities are responsables for our life as long as we fallow their advices same with the spiritual master, when we dicide not to do what the spiritual master says or not fallow the advices we stop been under his "responsability" in a way... and I was thinking is it like that?

Hope you are well dear Guru Maharaja, although we are in different continents, we never feel you far... we have a nice colection of your lectures and sometimes we hear hours and hours of it.

Have a nice stay, and we hope the brahmacaris are helping you go to bed early  and that they are not overcrowding your room!!!

next life i wish I could be a brahmacary traveling with my spiritual master and patraka :)

My obeisances over and over unto you and your wonderful inspiration,

Hoping one day to be a good disciple, Cakori Radha Dd.


we read in the Brihad bhagavatamrta today that

" But even the devotees of the personality of God-head who still have material desires can enjoy the pleasures they whish and then become fully purified and go to the Lord's abode" Coment ... paraphrasing... the devotee of the Lord has material desires, but even him is more elevated than an impersonalist free from this material desires.

that gave us some some hope! so many material desires, but we cry because we want Love Krsna, we don't love Krsna yet and do service and fallow the process because if we don't we suffer more and more and more... so if we can cry from the heart one day maybe Krsna will hear out lack of love and  he can help us so we  can become a devotee.

Radhe Radhe!!!!!

HpS- Jaya.  AGTSP   paho.  Monkey and Piggy are amazed at your letter.  It is very long but pretty nice.

You are on the right path (and off it (and on it (and...)))))  So by trying and following 40% we come to a taste, knowledge, and then can follow 60%.

So try as much as you can to have FULL MORNING program in ISKCON (the good ISKCON).

That is really the basis of solving your material programs also.  We are waiting for a letter from Radha carana Devi Dasi?  We sent here a letter with an address where we can talk about the more individual topics that she wanted to discuss.

Send us more reports!    They are very nice.  You are like a roaming journalist for may people.

Yamila Sandivara. Of Argentina ; Mendoza.

13 years, 9 months ago by Yamila Sandivara

The programs improved much; we made many celebrations for Krishna and we had the visit of Gunagrahi DAS Goswami and Ajamila Prabhu.

I could not travel to Buenos Aires because it was rendering examinations in the university.

But it was strange to speak to him. I was speaking with Radha Japa Prati Jalpa so that it sent my reverences to him when You were in Peru.

Itself with 25 rounds minimum and 4 principles, as always, since I knew the devotee ones. But now luckily it is different, more and more of a little I am understanding that Krishna is my refuge, can spend long time and It always is.

I have a favourite pastime; watch online the temple Hare Krishna of Los Angeles, always I see mangala-arati live because here they are the 9:30 a.m., when there they are the 4:30 a.m. They were reading all the yesterday mantras of the Bhagavad Gita; realising a ceremony and the reading. Devotee online also we tried to follow them; simply wonderful. Something funny to do a Sunday!

Thank you very much Guru Maharaja to offer its association me <img alt="" src="" title="" />

(I am using Babel fihs, excuses the translation)

HpS - Jaya.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  Please accept our humbel obeisances.

Babel fish is O.K. if you write with simple grammar and simple words.

It is very, very, very nice to hear from you.

We are in Mar del Plata.  We are doing four days of inter-faith dialog. It is simple but very nice.

In the mornings we are doing a seminar on SB 1.8.18 -43.

What is that???

Next week we will be in Asuncion.  Then 27th-30th we are back in BsAs.  Maybe we can see you then. If not you and Yadupuri should surely call.

I can only hope that the community in Mendoza gets stronger and stronger. We want heavenly pleasures, not gross ones. We want to go to Indraloka so we get eviated by these things and don't get up early for Brahma-muhurta and chant nice rounds etc.

We miss the real nectar of building a Vaisnava community.

In any case I hope this Kapi Dhvaja and our Anjana Suta Academy can always be a home for everyone.

We are chanting our rounds, just like you!

See you in a few days.

Our respects to all the devotees in Mendoza!

reporte de clarita rojas.

13 years, 9 months ago by clara rojas rossell

Todas sus glorias SS Hanuman Presaka Swami gurudeva,

HpS - TlgaSP!  El es el sol, esperamos ser rayos de el.

humildemente me presento ante ud. para informarle mi camino devocional , que sigo los cuatro principios, estoy trabajando con devotos y además  buena asociaci}on con madres entre ellas vanamali  dasi,

HpS -  Jaya, Vanamali devi!   Jaya Vanamali devi dasi!  Jaya

lo cual me ha servido de gran ayuda en mi camino devocional sigo con servicio semanal en el templo hago el aseo al interior y exterior del templo en la fiesta de domingo. y estoy leyendo los libros de prabhupada . bagahavad gita, y upadhesamrita. me despido de ud, su fiel servidora  reciba mis humildes reverencias.                                                            

clarita rojas rossell.  

HpS - Y el libro KRSNA!?    Es bueno cada dia.   Espero que mas, y mas tiene asociacion de devotos. Que la yatra de Valparaiso, Santiago, Chile, flourishes mas y mas y mas a vamos juntos al mundo espiritual para ayudar a Srimati Radharani y las gopis y todos las Vrajavasis.

Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai.

Que hace diariamente??


13 years, 9 months ago by Guna Manjari

AGTSP and Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja, I want to make a correction in my letter I put "four regulative principles: yes", and here comes that I put no.

TLGASP Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!

HpS -  Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai.  Paoho.    Oooof!       Embecile robot!

Thank you so much for the correction.    It is hard for us to sometimes realize how exalted a position we have when we are chanting 16 nice rounds and following the four principles strctly.

Everything else is just details.

It takes so much effort just to keep Hari nama Yajna in front!   But, if we do that we are serving the Master of Limitless Universes, as He needs!

Thank you!!!

Reporte de Guna Manjari DD

13 years, 9 months ago by Guna Manjari

AGTSP and Sri Sri Guru Gauranga!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, long time since I wrote, sorry. Here I write a brief report:

- 16 rounds per day, yes.
- Four regulative principles: no.
- Fixed service: Yes, I am preparing sweets (berfi and sandesh) to Deities week after 2 ½ months ago, and I cooked Sunday afternoon's offering for the first time with help from Alan and prabhu prabhu Yamuna. He was very gracious.
- Sankirtan: I will start out this week with some Matajis. Please give me your blessings Guru Maharaja.
- University: I finished school, tomorrow, Monday, December 6 is the graduation ceremony.
- Work: Not yet, I do sankirtana for a while.
- Partnership: Receipt of Astasakhi good sadhu sanga and other devotees of my age, when I devoted more service and spiritual brothers as well.
- Ashram: Associated with Christian Barrera.

I hope you are well and the trip did not last too long. Please accept my humble obeisances.

hs Guna Manjari DD

HpS AGTSP   paoho.  If there were more people like you in the universe it would be heaven.  Paoho. Thank you all the news.

I knew a fellow who was like addicted to marijuana. He finally decided to just chant Hare Krsna while he was engaged in this vice.

Going up, going down.

He reported that one time was all that was necessary.

He could see all the bad things about the vice from the little island of the Holy Name in the storm of Maya, and he was never attracted ever again.

Ladys save their sons, husbands, brothers and fathers by their spiritual strenght and spiritual accomplishments.

H E L P !          We are drowning!     Please save us.