Vrsabhanu Das - News from La Paz

13 years, 7 months ago by vrisabhanu das

Jaya Gurudeva !!!
Please accept my humble obeisances, and dandavas to his lotus feet. 
All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

Please excuse my English, I am a donkey.

I realize how little I've communicated last year, please forgive me, and I promise you right now that this year will be different, I feel that this year will be a great year in my spiritual life. 
We were in La Paz in recent months, which brought me anxiety about the work I did, and it was the first time I worked there, besides for the difficult political economic issue in the region. 
I remember him fondly, and I am aware of what important are you in my life. In La Paz we were also studying the Bhakti Sastri with devotees, and attending programs in, I was able to give a lecture on Bhagavad Gita; I speaks about to the spiritual master, Tad vidhi pranipatena, pariprasnena sevaya, upadesyanti  te janan, janinas tatva darsinah. We celebrated and organize the day of his apparition in Cochabamba. By the mercy of the devotees I express my Vyasa Puja offering as follows: 
" nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale
srimati bhaktivedanta swamin iti namine

namaste sarasvati deve gaura vani pracarine
nirvesesa sunyavadi pascatya desatarine

nama om visnu padaya krsna presthaya bhutale
srimati Hanumatpresaka swamin iti namine

Thanks dear devotees for the opportunity to thank my spiritual master, in this glorious day of his appearance. On a day like today we have the opportunity to glorify the spiritual master. The scriptures say that by the mercy of the spiritual master, one can make spiritual advancement, and without his mercy one can not approach Krsna. I want to thank my spiritual master, is by the mercy of their partnership now I am here among you, in a temple, worshiping Krishna, and Hare Krishna singing. 
This moment is very difficult for me because I don’t  know where to start talking about the qualities of maharaja, for example if we speak of his humility. The scriptures say that humility is a thermometer that measures the spiritual advancement, and he is always humble. For example he could be sitting taking a class, and eventually he can approach and maybe give to fearful forgotten person in a corner, a few words. I remember that in Chosica he always asked to live in the ashram of bramacaris, he did not want anything special. Even he always eats with everyone, and he shares with everybody that had in his plate.  I love him deeply. 
He is so dedicated to Krishna, I want to speak about when he came to America, he had only about a $ 5 in his pocket, and this reminds me of when Prabhupada came to the West, with a few rupees in his pocket, and told to Krishna "you brought me, I'm a puppet in your hands, now make me dance ...” 
There are so many qualities in him, and that each of us has been witnessed. I do not remember any time I've seen anger in him, he is always friendly, and if him have to give me a lesson, he know say it at the right time and with the right words, to not to make me fell bad. 
Sometimes we make divisions in our time, and decided give to Krishna this or that moment, however he is aware of Krisna twenty four hours a day. With his constant example teaches us sadhana bhakti. 
We can talk for long about how he taught us by example, or talk about his courage.  He is very brave, once on a trip to Satipo Chosica, there was an accident, in which the car the devotees were riding struck a child, and Majaraha ran to help him and achievedto save his life. 
Krishna's love for us has given us maharaja; although Krishna is not physically present here, but in fact is present, because he gives us the gift of the association and the presence of the spiritual master. I can not even imagine my life would have been if he had not crossed my path, if Krishna would not have put him in my life. 
All glories to His Holiness Swami Hanumatpresaka, ki! jaya! "

The Sunday when we celebrated the Vyasa puja, Prabhu Maturesh offered us call you by phone to speak all us with you, but finally, there was no place Laksmana Prabhu's phone and we could not make the call. 
I genuinely regret not having sent before this offering, but always my nature to be delaying things, caught me. 

Here sincerely we try to continue on the path of effort and austerity, and closer to Krishna, also I apologized for not sending you my annual report about my spiritual life but better late than never. We are in strict compliance with the regulative principles, and my body has gotten used to waking up around 3 in the morning without an alarm clock. Chant my rounds at that time. Now also learn verses for consideration of the Bhakti Sastri, and I decided to learn many more verses after the test. I am very happy with my wife, she loves very much to the deities and attend them to daily, and we will try to ask (borrow) to Maturesh Prabhu, the small Gaura Nitai’deities to worship them in our house. I feel this year is a very important year in my life. Soon we will move to another bigger house, and this year maybe we lay the groundwork for owning a home here in Cochabamba. Also along with Narayani, studied natural medicine with a naturopathic doctor, and in the future we want have a store natural medicines, which also is both a health center, and besides, this was confirmed in the astral chart of Narayani. 

In my gratitude to Srila Prabhupada also like to stress that he is the hand that holds out Krishna. Krishna saw in this generation, so misguided people spiritually and felt compassion for them, people were going to hell for his bad habits and they had forgotten God, and Krishna gave a look at the world and said “ I send my son for help them. To in every town and village singing Hare Krishna”. Then Prabhupada came to us and he is still present in his books, and thanks to him is that we have to guide our spiritual master, who inspired in Srila Prabhupada, lights us to be happy and go home, back to Krishna.

In Villa Vaikunta, says Prabhu Maturesh, we have become a group of devotees who attend consistently, which can hardly be separated. I fixed my service, kitchen, preaching, Pujari, and I help the devotees all I can. 
My spiritual authority is Mathuresh Prabhu, a great devotee who also Krishna has placed in our lives. 
I say goodbye Gurumaharaja invoking their Lordships Gauranga andNityananda, protect you in every way; you are a hero, who gives his life in body and soul at every moment in many parts of the world, to help the fallen souls. 

Please accept my dandavats to his lotus feet. 
His servant 
Vrisabhanu Das

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  You English is fine.  Thank you for all the news of Bolivia.  We want to visit but our body is getting old.  Haw!     Haw!      Is a fact we have to reduce this travel or die.  Your all activities sound wonderful.   Just go ahead, go ahead, go ahead.

We will see you soon some how or other.  Srila Prabhupada's mercy, ISKCON, is saving so many people!!!

Bhakti-Vaibhava- group for association

13 years, 7 months ago by Govindananda dasa

Hare Krsna! All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Jaya Maharaja Hanumat P., please accept my humbles obeisances!

Thank you very very much for your attention to me.

Maharaja, like i previously told you, my second intention after BV is form a study group for it, but i can form this group now. Maybe i and more 4 or 5 devotees.

I wish very much to study the BV with you. I wish and i need your mercy Maharaja. (smile!)

Your servant,

Govindananda dasa  

HpS -  Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  We are working with VEDAS in Peru to organize things.  I think you wrote to Candramukhi devi dasi before. She is woking a lot ot get things organized!     But, I think Dhanvantari Swami is also moving to organize a Bhaktiviabhava program.   Whatever we do we can do in co-ordation.  Can you see what is happening with their effort? 


Hare Krsna!!!

13 years, 7 months ago by narayani dd-bolivia
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances
I want to be very good wife for Vrisabhanu Prabhu, that he is a great devotee, to make progress in our spiritual life, he has many qualities, has a noble heart and, he sees Krsna in all living entities.
All my spiritual brothers are very close, Vrisabhanu, Jiyada Nrisimha, Dharmaraja,Ambika who lives in La Paz and had a baby girl named Lakshmi, always try to help in every way Ambika, she is very good ... and all the devotees who are dear as  Mathuresh  Prabhu and Nayana Mataji ...
I am studying naturopathy at a center called "Inkari" the teacher is very good, and I think we will finish the studies later this year, Vrisa also studying with me. Also continuous with the art, that I really love, but in my astral chart, said I could not collect anything if I work only to art.
  We will publish a book for Sankirtan in Cochabamba and make people aware of Krsna ...<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/01.gif" title="" />
Dear Gurudev, am I doing right? ... how I can help you? how I can satisfy your lotus feet?
how I can bring a smile to Srila Prabhupada? What I can do to help the Lord Caitanya?
Thanks for everything
His clumsy daughter<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a37.gif" title="" />
Narayani Devi Dasi
HpS -  AGTSP    pamho.  11.49PM.  Ooof!  Have to rest.   You seem to be doing fine.  Basis is always the sincere Japa and four principles strictly, morning program.  Then do so many things inthe association of Devotees!

Joining the family of Prabhupada

13 years, 7 months ago by narayani dd-bolivia

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
Jaya Gurudev, my reverences for his lotus feet.
Dear Gurudev, his letter is very beautiful, I think is an important encouragement to continue studying Prabhupada's books, and pass the Bhakti Sastri, who give in 10days!!!!.... also wish to study the bhakti vaibhaba... jaya!! <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a36.gif" title="" />, <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" />!!!...

In Cochabamba we have a festival called <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />“joining the family of Prabhupada”<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/40.gif" title="" />, will be very nice, is once a year and has become a tradition, devotees from all over Bolivia, La Paz Cochabamba, Oruro, Santa Cruz!!! is a wonderful feeling, as if you saw your  family together after a long time, of course, I miss you and  H. H. Jayapataka Swami too, to feel that really we all are.

 many devotees from peru come to festival, together with our dear brother Laksmana Prabhu,!!! Jaya!!!

I'm studying and learning very well care for the Deities, even in the festival we will give a workshop on worship of the deity, with its blessing all will be beautiful.

I was looking for much the second volume of Pancaratra Pradipa containing many details of how to bathe Their Lordships, among other things, but I can not find it, Where can I find?? Where I can learn all the details to be a good pujari??<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/51.gif" title="" />

 Vrisabhanu Prabu is writing a very nice letter for you, these days are going to send it, he is a super devotee.<img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/03.gif" title="" />

Dear Gurudev, thank you very much for your kindness, and for having me patience.
His clumsy daughter   <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a37.gif" title="" />
Narayani Devi dasi.

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.  Such great news about your Festival.  We would like very much to be there, but as soon as we think about the travel to Bolivia our ears start to ache.   But we are not too far away.  You all, Ugra-nrsmha, Dharmaraja, Mathuresa and Mataji, everyone, are in Alto-Peru and we are in Bajo-Peru.
I don't have access to the Deity worship book, but I think that Laksmana Das can help because he is doing the service every day. So, many things are advancing very nicely.  I think Krsna will have some nice surprises to show you soon.   Are you studying in the university?

We will wait for Swami Vrsabhanu's letter.   A good wife is among the greatest jewels a man can possess.

BV verses

13 years, 7 months ago by tcsd

Dear GM,
What are the 25 Bhakti Vaibhava verses?
Does anyone post recordings of your classes on the net? I have searched and found little. Iskcondesiretree has a good place to post lectures of prominent vaisnavas, like your holiness.

HpS -  AGTSP!!!!    So nice to hear from you!   So, nice.   We have reached Radhadesa.
There are two links for our miserable classes at:


I checked them out and there are more recordings than you would want to hear in a lifetime!
The 25-verses are from a collection of 70+ verses that we selected to memorize for the Bhakti-vaibhava Diploma. Those are in the doccument at:

From those our proctor selected 25 as our examination. Which 25 is a secret unless you want to take the test. Of course, 99.9723% of all of my Bhakti-viabhava, Bhakti-sastri studies are from that year we spent together going through it all.  Shall we do it again?   Want to join Bhakti-vaibhava?   Of course, you would have to do your BG (Bhakti sastri thing the same time).
Just like School!     Haw!       Haw!     Haw!   (How are Baladeva and Nila??).


13 years, 7 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.    Yes, but we should claim like Lord Caitanya to be servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna, no?    That is the necessity that I see of taking shelter of a Bona fide Acharya like Srila Prabhupada.

jivera svarupa hoya krsnera nitya dasa ---> To take shelter of Caitanya Mahaprabhu means to accept that one is eternal servant or part of Krishna which includes servant of servant ... of Krishna.

We are always servant of Krishna whether we accept it or not. That is everyone's eternal svarupa i.e. all living entities are eternal part (servant) of Krishna. Since Krishna is present in everyone, it also means that we are servant of servant ... of Krishna.
Claiming means to state something which is new. You were always servant of Krishna and you will always remain servant of Krishna. What extra this claim will achieve?
Your servant,

HpS - AGTSP!   We have arrived in Radhadesa, Belgium, and are starting to get settled down. We still have Jet-lag, but getting some nice work done.  Your letter is very nice for us. Not to long. I think the answer to your question, idea is at the link below and especially the following two verses. What do you think?
