SB 11.29.8 -- 11.29.31

13 years, 8 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

I have undestood those who claim to be Krsna's devotees but who have not taken shelter of an Acharya authortzed by Him, are not really His devotees.  

I have learnt that no true devotee of Ram can claim to be Ram's devotee. As soon as someone claims himself to be Krishna's devotee and claims himself to be better than others, then such person looses his qualification to be Krishna's devotee.

HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.    Yes, but we should claim like Lord Caitanya to be servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna, no?    That is the necessity that I see of taking shelter of a Bona fide Acharya like Srila Prabhupada.

Essence of shastra

13 years, 8 months ago by mittalga

The essence of bhakti is:

1) everything  (matter or spirit) belongs to Krishna

2) self (everyone) is part of Krishna

3) self (everyone) is beyond body and matter.

You can give any philosophical conclusion and I can show that it is contained in above 3 statements. If those conclusions are not contained in above 3 statements, then most probably these are not important and can be ignored.  

HpS - AGTSP     The problem I have with your attitude is that as far as I have undestood those who claim to be Krsna's devotees but who have not taken shelter of an Acharya authortzed by Him, are not really His devotees.  They want to be Laksman, or Sita.     The point is not to think but to hear from an Acharya and then do what He says with that knowledge.  This is our position.   It leads us to reject any advise about BG that is not being delivered by the person Parampara. 


Guru teaches us above 3 statements. Krishna from within teaches them. Saints like Vyasa-deva, Gosvamis, Prabhupada,  Bhaiji Hanuman Prasad Poddar, Swami Ramsukh Das etc teach the same statements.

I am trying to realize above statements. That is my qualification. Based on these qualification, I am following Krishna and also, saintly people who are dear to Krishna. I think I am qualified to be initiated based on above qualifications.

My problem with many Iskcon devotees is that they focus on non-relavant topics which don't even affect one's bhakti. Initiation based on these qualification will also show to me that Prabhupada agrees with me. Those topics which don't affect bhakti can be ignored.

I hope Krishna can inspire you from within to see the truth the same way.

All the glories to Srila Prabhupada

13 years, 8 months ago

Hare krishna gurudeva! You will be in Mar of Plata soon? ... reverencias.

HpS - AGTS pamho.    Who is this???!?!?       No, we will not be back to Argentina for some time as far as I know.   We are in San Francisco!!       Hare Krsna.  Very nice ot hear from you!

I would like to talk confidentially. Thanks

13 years, 8 months ago by philip108


I would like to email you some thoughts that I have but only on the condition that you not discuss it at all with anyone else, and keep 100% confidential. Can we agree on this?


Thank you so much!


Hare Krishna!


your servant,

Bhakta XYZ


HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.  Haw!   Haw!!   Haw!

You have this kind of mentality in several things.  Like you would accept me as Guru but only if I didn't give you certain orders.


I think I have the same interesting mentatlity.


And I answer like, "No".   If you tell me that you are a serial killer and are planning your next murder I will tell the police.   Haw!      Haw!   Ho!


But, of course, we can write about some things confidentially,  but that is $200 per hour.


The whole purpose of this blog is to put things in a genral way so that we can disscuss them for the benefit or confusion of others.


Why not start that way, make more general comments, and then if we need to discuss in private we can set up a separate temporary address.

Dear GM

13 years, 8 months ago by tcsd


Did you recieve my vyasa puja offering? I sent it via this blog.



HpS -  AGTSP!!!   pamho.   Yes!    But we could only read the first few words.   Ooof!    And we know that we can't  "save them for when we have more time"  because it doesn't happen.    But we are so happy to get letters and read at least a little and answer!!!!! 


Jiva Gosvami's understanding

13 years, 8 months ago by mittalga

My dear Maharaja,

Dandavat pranams. Ram Ram.

the first part seems very nice.


If there are any details that Jiva Gosvami and others see as different then it seems that they would be answered in Canto Seven:

My understanding matches quite well with Jiva Gosvami, Vyasa Deva etc.. The problem is that it does not match well with most Iskcon devotees.  . . . .   HpS  -  AGTSP!!    pamho.    Please excuse your inaboitities.   We are almost dead from travel and work in Peru.  GOt a chance to answer finally.  As soon as we hear phrases like "most Iskcon devotees" we fall apart:  Does it include Life Members? They can eat meat fish and eggs and have all kinds of illicit relations.  Does it mean GBC?  Has the writer interviewed ten devotees in all 500 ISKCON temples?  ? ? ?

Your servant,
