DTC Monday (3.13AM) Lima/CEMUL

13 years, 7 months ago by hps

A G T S P !

CEMUL = CEntro MULicultural (Rupanuga and Divyavani)
YEsterday was up early, Japa, WebEx class with Candra mukhi, Nama-acharya..., packing, packing, packing, trip to Lima, meeting with Mother Divya-vani and Rupanuga, crash!    Boop!       Now we have one round done! R(1). We will chant some more and amswer some letters, Mangala-arati, Kirtana (alone in the house). See you at the next letter.

We live in a bubble of time and space,
     Dominated by the feet of His Divine Grace
The Holy Names generate all your plans
     Chant with attention, as much as you can!

HARE!       KRSNA!       RAMA!

Raindrops in a desert

13 years, 7 months ago by jaynityananda

Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaj,

AGTSP, Pamho,

In regard to your inquiry on my whereabouts. Please allow me to give a short summary.

About a year ago, when i wanted to leave Belgium because of my attachments to personal income and family life, it coincided with the short deathbed and passing of my father. When that was over, my cousin invited me to her house, in the town where i live now, for allowing me to start up things again. Right now, i still live in this town, in a quiet part of the country. No devotee association, but some nice yoga people nevertheless. I managed to get a job in my line of study, which turned out mostly detrimental. I started visiting the Amsterdam temple again, which is a 3hrs + trainride, but because i really miss and need the association, i am now in the preliminary process of moving into the vicinity of Amsterdam and the people through which i first came in contact with KC.

In conclusion, my life goes quite irregular here, so by this move i wish i can continue again to balance out my life towards a steady sadhana and sankirtan, and a job supportive to my needs, after this initial trial and error period.

Jayatam suratau pangor
mama manda mater gati
mat sarvasva padam bojou
Radha Madana Mohanou

I sincerely hope to meet again later on. All the best with your vehicle and mission in spreading Srila Prabhupada's mercy,

Richard van Dijck

HpS - ASA  -   AGTSP   very intersting.   Everybody is diferent, so everybody is interesting to Krsna Himself: Just see Radha, how Richard is dealing with this situation.  It is very interesting.  Let's watch!

Going to Seattle

13 years, 7 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

No, I don't think that I am Adrian from the Angels, haha. I'm not sure what you mean by that.

Anyway, I've tried to send an email to the address you gave me, and I instantly recieved a return email saying that it doesn't exist. So I'm still working on getting everything sorted out to visit Seattle. Once I have a formal meeting with my temple president about this trip, I think I can ask him who I could contact. I'm sure he would know. 

I'll let you know for sure as my situation developes.

Thank you for your association!!

Your servant,

Bhakta Adrian
HpS - ASA -   AGTSP  pamho.   Wow!   Pandava is back, but I am also having hard time contacting him.    He must be under the mystical power of Bill Gates.   Adrian of Los Angeles, no?

Report from Vraja

13 years, 7 months ago by radhacaranadasi

All glories to Radhe Syam !!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!!
All glories to you!!!

All glories to the vraj monkeys <img alt="" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" />

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Guru Maharaja:

we are veryhappy that you and many devotees will come soon the Holy ham for Kartik Cakori has been founding very good places to accommodate everyone.
The school year started and I'm giving my art classes to children of shandipani muni school.

HpS - ASA >   AGTSP!  Ahh!  This is Radha carana Devi Dasi.  We were wondering what has happened to her!!   Nice news!

For me its been quite difficult this year because I was assigned to small children and my Hindi scares many, volunteers will be coming soon for the English classes, I wonder if any of my god-sisters would be willing to join the volunteer program for English classes, children get very happy when they see foreign devotees.

HpS - ASA =  I don't know???

Gurudevis very sad and I feel sorry that my spiritual life is getting a little complicated .... Cakori and I wondered and came to the conclusion that we feel ashamed that we are in the Holy Dham and our minds wander a lot, I'm trying to concentrate more on the Japa, but as soon as I touch  the beads my mind start to fly away and I am felling like a parrot,   I sarted to notice that when i paint also repeat the holy name, and I find it more easy to concentrate ..... maybe because I'm focus on what I am paintig (Krishna), I started to read the Mahabharata for children, im taking material fron there to make my classes, and also "Art: the basis of education" by Devi Prasad is about how to help children improve their school progress THROUGH art. I need to talk further about the instruction  you gave  me this year about staying in the brahmacari asrama think that for me it’s very difficult, I think that loneliness makes it more dificults in my spiritual life. I hope to improve my  Japa and discover .
why this weir thing about japa.


please forgive my terrible offenses

Your humble servant

Radha Carana Dasi

p.d.t. I wonder if it would like to make some program at school. I've been watching that teachers are losing interest in teaching and they don’t have any methodology, in short there are many things I've seen that it would take a long time to explain to you. I think it would be very useful for teachers.

HpS - ASA >>>  AGTSP  Well we will be in Vraja for several weeks to we could do something.  Look at the Kapi Dhvaja Calendar!

Please go on.  You are making a lot of progress!


13 years, 7 months ago by Bhakta Italo

Gurudev, mis medicinas se agotaron y nececitamos  volver a Lima , me esta atendiendo un medico naturista, va a cambier mi tratamiento por uno mejor, sera posible el viaje  el 13 de Agosto, mi abuelita esta decidida a visitar a un pariente para recomendarle prasadam, y adios  gula, antes de que la operen, de paso vamos a predicar a toda la familia en Chepen ciudad proxima  a Chiclayo, ESTAMOS PENSANDO COMPRAR MUCHOS LIBROS PARA DISTRIBUIRLOS.

Estoy recuperando con el VedaBase, prabhu Tattvavit me dio uno.

ASA -  Jaya TlgaSP   pfanrh.   Muy bien oir de Vd.   Eso es Italo, no?    La vida adelanta y siemptr mejor si tenemos asociacion con devotos, Srila Prabhupada y sus siguedores et al.   Si compra llibros y venden de modos inteligentes!