DTC 13 June

13 years, 4 months ago by hps

hare krsna  agtsp    paoho.   writing  from   kindle...  health o.k 

if we chant there is much but if we stop then all is hell.

in choseeka until two weeks.  BhVai 1.9

kapidhvaja tonight.  6 letters to answer.

buck white

DTC Monday 13

13 years, 4 months ago by hps

of a

 13 June 2011   ---   Choseeka, Peru

AGTSP pamho. It was a long, hard trip: Boise to Salt Lake, to LA Temple, bath, meet many devotees, Sunday feast lecture, run to airport with case of NOIs. Check in. Plane delayed by 2-1/2 hours! All night in the plane. Get through Customs with Oscar's camera and books from LA for only $15! Fifty devotees at the airport. Passed the Camera and all the remaining $$$ to Oscar.

 Patraka had a Chip and Nandulal's phone accepted it!

 51 (Peru) 99 (Cellular) 37 44 57 8

 Now 9.45PM we are in the Temple office above the temple. Very artisitic, rustic, dim light cold, like India. Laksmana is working on the computer and our machine is connected by the W-Fi! Tommorrow Introduction to Indian Classical Literature at Cantuta University.

 O.K. We send more Sankirtana results. Send us yours!
4-letters to answer!

Hanumatpresaka Swami, T. Brown, B. White et al (Piggy et all!).

A humble request for service

13 years, 4 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Maharaj,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!It was super to have met you in person while your stay in Houston. My airfare was so worth it! While you were away in Mexico for the weekend, Nila Madhava indeed have plans for me- I got the opportunity to organize the pujari and room and Radha Nila Madhava's dresses! Krishna is one wonderful, merciful dude :) Yet, I wanted to ask you if I could serve you in any way from where I am in Toronto. It would would be nice to follow some instruction to keep me steady in my sadhana.

I was also wondering about what to prioritize in regards to my services in the temple. The mercy I get blessed with doesn't give me time to go out on Sankirtan as often as I would like to and my reading is suffering as well. My rounds do get done, phew...

Once again, thank you for letting me visit you and I might go again in January- omg... the head pujari's name escaped my mind... anyways, he would look forward for me finishing Krishna's dresses.

Your aspiring servant,
Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Pamho. Here in Boise, Idaho it is 3.28AM. We have chanted 20-rounds since we got up and we are shooting for 37-total today.
1. 16-nice rounds minimum.
2. 4-principles strictly.
3. Full morning and evening program.
4. Sankirtan according to your nature and ability.

<img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a35.gif" title="" width="18" />

Why work in the Pujari room? Because in Kali-yuga it is an essential part of the Sankirtana movement, which is the Yuga-dharma. We need the cleanliness and punctuality that deity worship provides. That's before elaborating the rituals and parafernalia. Other people also need these aspects of Deity worship, Arcana, maybe more than we do. Then they can think of Krsna. SB 1.7 beginning describes Vyasadeva's Ashrama, and then he could meditate. Look it up!
Do this stuf and then send us description of our experiences here to the Blog and then should have a little intelligence to maybe give you some more specific advice.
You are accepted into Dental School? <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a04.gif" title="" width="18" />
Head Pujari in Houston, Nila Madhava-dhama is Maha-hari Das! <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a37.gif" title="" width="18" />
O.K. Waiting for your news.
It's Thursday here. Sunday we go to Lima. We will stop over in LA from 11.30AM-9.30PM, so we will go to the Temple and pick up 20kg of BBT books for Lima Sankirtana. We are reading about one article a day for Dr. Samaresha's/NIOS's book and reading our Chapter Study Guides for SB 1.8 today, Prayers of Queen Kunti!!

Reporte, Cuerámaro, México. Priya Sakhi DD

13 years, 4 months ago by Priya Sakhi dd

Hare Krishna Guru Mahraja.
Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.
Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada!
Estoy en Cuerámaro, México, ayudando a Prabhu Aravinda Das con el Seminario de Bhakti Sastri.
En éste momento estoy con Sarahi, en la  Fabrica de papel de Prabhu Trilokanath y Madre Mohini.
Estoy muy felíz de estar aquí realizando éste servicio. Retomando Mangal Arati y lectura y estudio de los libros, además de Sadhu Sanga.
Éste seminario me recuerda mucho el seminario de Campina Grande y creo que me ayudará mucho en mi vida espiritual tanto como el seminario de Brazil.
Espero que se encuentre bien y pueda tener una linda estadía en Santiago de Chile, con un buen programa de prédica en las Universidades.
Muchas gracias.
Priya Sakhi DD  

HpS - ASA >   Buena suerte con sus esfuerzas en Mexico. Cada esfuerza es para fijar los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada en nuestra corazon. Si eso la vida no tiene significado para nosotros. Claro, sus libros son avenida perpetuo acercarse a el. Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!   Esperamos puede envia unos mas noticias durane su estancia en Cueramara!! 


Reporte - Bhaktin Zareth, Mexico

13 years, 4 months ago by zareth bhaktin

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!

todas las glorias a usted y a sus pies de loto!!!

 Querido Maharaja hare krishna por favor acepte mis revrencias, gracias por regalarnos de su asociacion en el festival de sus señorias jagannatha, baladeva y suvadra, ratha yatra, fue muy hermoso, todo lo que sucesio, tenia mucho deseo de ir el desfile con usted y los devots, pero krishna yuvo otros arreglos, para que que montara con la madre cruz en parque mexico, de igual manera fue muy hermoso, gracias por su istruccion de ekadasi maharaja, ahora la llevo en mi corazon siempre, no lo entendia muy bien era de las cosas q se me hacian mas dificiles, es hora de cumplirlo adecuadamente, ni un grano mas en ekadasi. estamos pasando fines de semana en el templo de mexico intentando servir, a los devotos y srila prabhupada. en namahatta los sabados, con prabhu deva darsana, que acaba de recibir iniciacion, es un hermano que nos a ayudado bastante a varios porque su inspiracion es usted.

gracias por su reporte kapi dhvaja, me encanto su instruccion Vamos a hacer 4 rondas de Japa, y luego otras cosas, cuatro rondas de Japa, otra cosa, ciclo , ahora intento seguirlo y terminar rondas antes de las 4 pm, antes de pintar cantar y pedir a krishna. 4 principios con entusiasmo, entre semana a las 5 am es cuando me levanto :(, y en fin de semana 3: 30 en el templo. prabhu bhakta vatsala me invita a vivir  en el templo en vacaciones ayudando mientras los devotos se entrenan en bhakti sastri. :D.

La madre jambavati es una gran inspiracion para las devotas de mexico, y siempre nos intruye para estar siempre participativas al servicio, gracias maharaja por habernos dejado conocerla.

disculpe maharaja por no servirle adecuadamente, gracias por todo maharaja. Hare krishna . Jaya srila prabhupada.  

HpS - ASA  -   Jaya Srila Prabhupada.    We are trying to do a little bit and realizing that Srila Prabhupada is working so hard to put our ignorant efforts in some brilliant order to get some results in Sankirtana. 

Estamos esforznado hacer un poco y realizando que Srila Prabhupada es trabajando duro para organizar nuestra esfuerzas burdos en una esfuerza brillante difundir SB en todos partes.   Jaya Gauranga. Adelante con sus efuerzas.     Mas noticias.  Sea una heroina! 


  jambavati, es una gran inspiracion para todas nosotras  e    H

Radhe Radhe Shyam.

13 years, 4 months ago by prananathdas


Dear Gurudev:
I apologize for not writing before, is a matter of time because Im helping my father in law in his uncle's  olive grove, because his uncle die recently, so after I come out from my workplace, I go to a small village in the south of Navarra to help him to cut bad grasses and put water in all those old olive trees. I think we will prepare a piece of land to make a garden with tomatoes, letuice, and some vegetables :).  Im happỳ because this is the back to the roots, I think is the back to the simple life, learn to plant vegetables, learn to work the land. I still do my offerings to Sri Sri GourNitay, Sri Jagannath Baladev Subadraji, I chant my rounds in sections, a long the day mostly when I go to the village, I cant follow the BV program, because the few time, and few energy <img alt="sad" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/sad_smile.gif" title="sad" /> , many times Im exhausted... but happy.

I'll try to write you more often, and make an effort to follow reading and feeling the happyness of put your lotus feets on my head.

Your humble and useless servant
Prananath das.
HpS - ASA --  Jaya!   AGTSP     paoho.  So nice to hear from you after so much time.  READERS: Prananatha Prabhu is in Spain and living some distance from the Barcelona Temple.  We gave him Gayatri mantras and seems he is living like a gentlemen.

Prabhu, yes take a little time to read a little bit many times during the day. If we follow family or earth dharma but do not develop a desire to hear and chant as a result, it is a complete waste of time and you will be so much tossed by the modes of nature.    More news!