Madrid Dham

13 years, 3 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid


   Aqui todo sige en marcha, aunque a veces hay alguna prueba o dificultad, pero aun asi pienso que Krishna es muy misericordioso por dejar que le preste servicio. Estamos montando un grupo con Jagamohana Dasa Prabhu. (un poco de rock and roll devocional) y bhakta Federico. Muy bonita la fiesta de Lord Nrisinhadeva. Sigo cantando casi siempre 17 rondas. si no 16 o a veces más. 6 dias de Mangala Aratik, Bien con el curso de Introduccion al Bhakti y tambien escucho las clases de Srila Prabhupada. Sigue con nosotros Tota Gopinatha Prabhu. Los dias pasan rapido. Yadunandana Maharaja no nos visita, siempre esta de camino a Belgica y Guadalajara pero disfrutamos de las clases de Rupa Ragunatha Prabhu. La fiesta de los domingos es muy intensa. Le envio mis mejores deseos. Gracias por su Misericordia.

   Espero algun dia aspirar a poder servirlo.

  Bhakta José.

HpS -   ! ! ! ! ! ! !     TlgaSP       pfanrh.  Tambien nuestras reverencias a Rupa-raghunatha y Tota-gopinatha Das'.  Ya estamos en San Jose, California, en ruta a Sud America. Aqui es un devoto, Srivasa Pandita Das, Hindu por nacimiento, muy inteligente, programador, muy buen esposa y hija de tres anos.  Es nuestra alumno de Bhakti Vaibhava.
Aparece que su camino adelante es super.
Piensa puede seguir los cuatro principios todo su vida?  Vida tras vida?  Sientas que occuparse en estas 4-cosas necios estara doloroso?

B. Cristian Barrera (Chile) - BIO DATA

13 years, 3 months ago by Ananda Shyam das JPS
AGTSP and Sri Sri Guru Gauranga

Hare Krsna Guru Mararaja!!! 
I hope you are in good health.I have read your latest reports and it makes me very happy that you come to Chile. We had meetings with my godbrothers about your next visit. In the last letter you ask me for write you a "Bio Data", here goes:
- Christian Andres Barrera Galdamez (21 years old)
 - I was born on July 1, 1989
- My occupation is being a University student (Social Work, 3rd year)
 I joined the movement in final of 2007
My principal service is on Srila Prabhupada Feast of fridays and give Bhagavad Gita lectures 2 times a month in the Temple.
- I take refuge in you in July 201<wbr>0</wbr>
- My girlfriend is Guna Manjari Devi Dasi
Without further ado, I remain yours
Bhakta Christian Barrera G.

ASA -   AGTSP        Please be patient with our slow response.  We are fighting so hard with many projects.   You letter is so wonderful.  Such a nice clear description. What is your school?  What are is the content of your courses?  Are they useful for serving Krsna? 


DTC 25 Mayo

13 years, 3 months ago by hps

Estimado devotos,  (English follwos)

TLGASP   pfanrh  Tenemos como 14 mas cartas responder.  Unos de una semana, pero ya son 6PM y tenemos que cantar mas rondas y preparar para clase esta noche!!!!!   Esforsamos.   Si es urgente, pone "Urgente" en su Titulo!!

Esteemed devotees, paoho,   we have 14 letters left read, some as old as one week ago, but now we gotta stop for Japa and get ready for the evenign program!     If it is urgent, put "URGENT" in the Title box!

Jaya! AGTSP!!!!!


13 years, 3 months ago by jambavatidd

NitayGouraPremanande!!!!Querido y siempre recordado Gurudeva,

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias , TODAS LAS GLORIAS A SRILA PRABHUPADA!!!

Tres veces feliz, por su pronta llegada a México, por terminar la Maratón de Gurus, y porque actualmente tengo la misericordia de cuidar del Señor Jaganatha durante su periodo de emfermedad, hasta el Ratha Yatra, un servicio que hace que ocupe  mi conciencia en sus Señorìos a tiempo completo , ........hay tantos pasatiempos que se estan manifestando con sus Señorìos, ser emfermera de ellos y cuidarlos es algo tan confidencial, extàtico y ademàs derrite el corazòn.....en el Yatra todo el ambiente està en funciòn a sus Señorìos, los devotos le escriben cartan manifestandoles sus sentimientos de separaciòn porque no los pueden ver, y están constantemente preguntando por ellos .......todos los dias se recita mañana y noche el Sri Jaganatha Astaka....en la espera del maravilloso festival del Ratha Yatra!!!! ........Querido Gurudeva, por su Misericordia nuestro grupo de Sankirtam distribuyó cerca 4,000 libros chicos, 61 libros medianos, 20 BG y 7 colecciones del libros de Krsna.....postrada a sus divinos pies de loto, el refugio de mi vida.......lo extraño mucho, y solo estoy esperando el momento de volverlo a ver..........

su inútil y torpè sirvienta

m. jambavati d.d.  

HpS  --  TlgaSP   pfanrh.   Claro, esta carta es antes de nuesra visita a Mexico y tuvimos la oportunidad hablar, asociar, con La Jambavati Devi Desi en persona.    Super Sankirtana.   Pero ella tiene fuerte problemas con su salud, posible dejar su cuerpo rapido.  Espermos una carta de ella con detalles y si podemos ayudar ella en su servicio!!!1 


News from Shell

13 years, 3 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Gurudeva please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I didn't wrote about Shell before because I was staying at home some days to recover because I was sick. I spend the last week there, and everything is going nicely. Morning program, Srimad Bhagavatam class, evening program. And now they are taking breakfast togheter. I am little independent from the program because of my studies. M.Yugala is always studying the sastras, b.Maria is doing sankirtan. P.Rupa gives classes Tuesdays and Thursdays, and also SB. P.Abhirama also is doing SB class. P.Puspa Gopal is always blissful, and doing lots of service. B.Italo is with us now, and he is very enthuciastic and nice devotee.

Yesteday I went to Chosica for the celebration of Lord Nrsimha apperance!! It was so nice admosphere! Everyone was worshiping Lord Nrsimha with their voices, body, dance, music... For it was long time without going there it was a nice oportunity to share with Radha Madhana Vihari about many things. It was really a beautiful festival, really nice kirtan, a super class about Lord Nrsimhadeva pastime from Prabhu Anandamaya. Before leaving I took a time to see everybody worshiping Krsna, and it was the most attractive thing I saw. There is nothing better than Krsna Conciousness. I pray to be able to be part of this pastime also.
I wish everybody can be happy in Krsna conciousness.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
your aspirant servant, bhaktin Natalia

HpS!!!!!!!    Jaya Srila Prabhupada.   We don't deserve to receive letters from you what to speak of trying to be of some service as teacher etc.   Such nice effort by everyone.   Devotional service ion the material world is like serving Krsna n the middle of a forest fire.      focus on krsna and let him take care of the fire.  get very precise on what is your service.    everyone is asking....   how is gopa kumar das??/   How is your father?     our respects to everyone at schelll!!!! 

Hare Krishna!! (Bhakta Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 3 months ago by Manuel Poblete


Dear Gurumaharaj, things have improved in recent weeks, I could organize to carry out in good shape with all the activities (work, study, service). My preaching has been improving in my work, my coworkers are very interested in Krishna consciousness, prasadam is a great tool for Preaching! These past weeks I could not attend Mangala Arati at the temple, but I'm getting up early and doing my program Mangala Arati at home, but strange to see the Deities, chant the Sri Guru-Astak with devotees, Gonvinda (Govinda is really beautiful! I always asked if I can develop pure love for Krishna, but with your instruction I can bring me!)

My parents are very interested in know you, if I comment about you. In fact, my first BG gave me my Father. They are Christians and very favorable to Krishna consciousness, they like a lot of joy with the Lord who is adored in Krishna Consciousness.

Waiting for your visit,

Bhakta Manuel

HpS -  SUch good news.   AGTSP   pamho.  Just returning from Mexico..  SO busy.  Excuse delay in answer, but don't lose hope!     Yes,  Srila Prabhupada is the best Christian I know.  The best way to approach our Lord Jesus Christ that I know!!!!!!