Hare Krishna!! (Bhakta Manuel, Chile)

13 years, 3 months ago by Manuel Poblete


These days I've been thinking a lot about the letter sent by Mitravinda dd and her relationship with her mother ... Often suffer or disturbs me because I think that many things depend on me, whether in work, family, devotional service, etc. But forget that Krishna delivered to all what belongs to every living creature you are given full protection by order of the Lord. I find it hard to apply this to my life, but with your instruction I can.

There is little time for his visit to Chile, I hope with joy your visit, you are my inspiration to continue this process of Krishna consciousness and to contribute a grain of sand in the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

Your aspiring servant,

ASA -  Jaya Srila Prabhupada!!!  ! !  !!!!            !                   Just keep on chanting.  Nothing else matters.  Everything else will come from that!!!!!! .

Hare Krishna

13 years, 3 months ago by Cynthia24

Hare Krishna Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada Hola gurumaharaja, le dejo mis saludos, ¿como van sus viajes?

ASA - TlgaSP      Espero que son cercandonos a Gokula!

Realizando que es necesario cada dia ser autosuficiente y amar a krishna para poder ser realmente feliz?


ASA - Vd. Tambien!    No soy solo!    No soy loco!!!

¿ Como poder aumentar esa atracción y seguridad con Dios? ...


ASA - Cocinar te para El y ofrecer a Srimati Radharani ofrecer a El!

He tenido sueños frecuentes con el mantra y con su persona, gracias por toda la misericordia ... .


ASA - No lo hizo. Nadie me vi.   No hay testigos! NN onn

Con algunas devotas de Valparaiso estamos preparando actividades para las fiestas en la academia, en los programas de mahabahu y bueno, hare lo posible para poder servir y aprender de todos y de las pruebas. Fracasos y triunfos,siempre van. Pero estoy tratando de invocar a la madre Radha en mi corazon.Pronto espero verlo y comunicarme con usted. Cynthia.


ASA - Esta otra vez en Valparaizo!    Eso es super!!!!!    Entonces esperamos verte pronto.   Hare Krsna Hare Krsna.    Esta mantra va a fijar sus actividades en la tierra sin destruir su altura!

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva!! Thank U for your mercy, it´s already 6 months chanting gaytri...sooo fast!

13 years, 3 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krishna beloved Gurudeva!!

AGSP!!PAMHO! Hope you´re great and happy as always! Gurudeva..just I wanna remember and share  that it´s already been passed 6 months since Your visit to Nova Gokula,it seems like yesterday,times go  really fast... and actually today May 27th it´s been 6 months that You´ve given to 6 spiritual godbrothers(Pañca Tattva das/Arg, Pratibhanu das, Madhavendra  Puri das /Chile, Madhavendra Puri das/Arg , Abhimanyu das  and myself) the mercy on chanting the gaytri mantra and have the blessing in serving directly Krishna.

Since that soooooooo many wondreful things has happend  in my spiritual...Today  was doing the Mangala Aratik here in Buenos Aires and  it ´s passed like a video in my mind about that auspicious and perfect day... I´ve got chicken bumps in remember it...it was a perfect sunny and hot day,great and unique natural enviroment from Nova Gokula...and what´s  improved everything it was Your presence and also Maharaja Dhavantari´s presence...it was really crowd the temple that day after the cerimony You´ve lead all of us to teach how to chant the gaytri mantra...unforgetable I still have the paper and the flower petal  that You gave us...

I just wanna tell You that You´ve given us the most precious and intimate jewel in Krishna´s Counciousness...and lots of responsablities too. i´ll never be able in put in words how much I´m grateful for Your mercy..Thank U sooo much Gurudeva, for Your confidence and mercy.All my activities and services are to please Krishna, Prabhupada, You and devotees. Hope one day I would be near of doing that...Miss U Gurudeva!
Your humble and eternal servant,Radha Madana Manohara dd  

ASA - AGTSP    paoho.    It is Goose Bumps, not Chicken Bumps.    Gooses are more elegant than Chickens.  Maybe even better would be Swan bumps.      We hope you just explode while chanting Gayatri and go to God!   Hare Krsna!    Don't stay here anymore.   Just go to Krsna and talk to Him!!! 


Hare Krishna!!

13 years, 3 months ago by danielfrozero

Dear Maharaja!
 Please accept my humble obeisance, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

 I hope you are well
 I return to writing after seven days
 We birthday and we got together at my house with devotees singing Hare
 Krsna. It's beautiful with the Vaishnava Association, I am very happy to meet
 People who are inspiring me a lot.
 I sent a message to Narayana Parah, I hope that he write to You
 I'm studying music of India, and started playing the sitar
 Sadhana into account, for now 5:30 a.m. up, hopefully in a month at 5, and thus each
 day a little early. Rounds trying to be more aware.
 I enclose another photo here more
 We are trying, always trying ..

 Thanks for Everything

 At yout service

 Bhakta Daniel
 Hare Krishna!!!


ASA - Muy Bien!!!!              As long as we are reading Srila Prabhupada's books we will become more and more ecstatic.   We have to become ecstatic to serve Krsna!!!!!!    You are an instrument of Krsna!


13 years, 3 months ago by devaki_nandana_das


Please accept my humble obeisences. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I'm in Argentina, studing Counseling (Carl Roger psicology). We are living in La Plata, there are some devotees here. We are building our house, now the altar, bathroom, kitchen and bedroom are finish. 

We are doing preaching programs every week.

Our japa sometime is good and sometime is bad. I´m chanting 16 rounds every day.  Sometimes i'm filling less sabor chanting my rounds. I'dont now why, may be offences, or may be bad chanting.

I'm praying every day for Krsna´s mercy. In Mayapur or Vrndavana, our spiritual life was almost perfect. Here in our country, and in the Grhasta life we are going throw some dificulties. 

I'm following the four regulative principles (but many times the sutil sex come to my mind), and sometimes i dont chant the gayatri mantra. My SB lecture is not good. We are working many hours during the day.

What can I do gurudev?

I woud like to see you dear gurudev.

You servant devaki-nandana das.  

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.  Thank you 110% for your letter.   (What happened to Cristina, Anna's sister in Lima????)                                    What to do?      I only know what I do....   try to do better.   Try to do all may Japa everyday well and read and write.     Boop.     That's all.   Other stuff we just do the best we can and realize that Krsna is doing 90% of the work, at least.   It's easy to be KC in Vrndavana Mayapura, but to bve KC in West is hard, but even a little bit is intense example for others!!!        KEeep on trying.  Keep on trying!   It works, it works, keep on trying!!! 


Hare Krsna Gurudeva!

13 years, 3 months ago by sarad bihari dasi

Hare Krsna Gurudeva , por favor acepte mis reverencias , Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada !! , Todas las Glorias  a usted!!.

Disculpe que hace mucho no le escribo , las  cosas aca estan bastante bien acabamos de mudarnos y estamos tratando de acomodar todo .

Estube viendo una novela de Ramayana  , la verdad me inspiro mucho es muy detallada estube comparandola y es bastante fidedigna   , me  resulto mas facil que leer, ya que radhe esta super inquieto y demandante y me cuesta mucho poder leer desgraciadamente, la historia de Ramacandra me inspiro muchisimo me senti mucho mas atraida hacia SIta Ram que hacia Radha Krsna  .

Por aqui estubo Vaiyasakhi Prabhu , dio una clase muy inspirante sobre como mejorar el canto de nuestra japa con muy buenas analogias , todos salimos muy inspirados a mejorar aunque el dia a dia cuesta estoy intentando fuertemente .

Esta llendo para la granja en septiembre? si es asi tenemos ganas de ir a verlo y si cabe un pequeño viaje a Barcelona en su itinerario estariamos mas que felizes  ya que ahora somos varios  que queremos verlo , espero se encuentre muy bien , muchisimas gracias por siempre inspirarnos con su ejemplo Gurudeva  , quien quiere servirle Sarad Bihari Das

ASA -    Otro super carta!    Pero . . . . .

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             ....   Donde estan los fotos del Radha y que pasa con el gran Erudito, Mangala-ananda Das????