reporte de sadhana bhaktin zareth de mexico

13 years, 2 months ago by zareth bhaktin

hare krishna tlgaSP y a su movimiento de sankirtan
Pamho, maharaja hanumat presaka swami
estas vacaciones de semana santa estuve le vantandome en casa a las 4 de la mañana para cantar buenas rondas desde temprano ,estoy pintando varias cosas que hablan de la frustracion yansiedad humana de como entender que la vida material no hace feliz a las personas si no la conciencia espiritual, la segunda semana de vacaciones he estado en el templo haciendo servicio en la cocina de la deidad en raja bhoga y lavando parafernalia,un dia me toco cuidar a srimati tulasi devi, y fueron de los momentos mas hermosas ahora estoy maas apegada a ella, levantandome a las 3:30 de la mañana asociandome con las devotas, que nos ayudan a ser mejores personasy cantando 16 rondas diarias intentando lo mas posible que sean en la mañana.

Hay mucho servicio gracias a krishna por que los devotos estan en maraton de sankirtan, estoy muy emocionada por que vendra a mexico para ratha yatra, aunque en su ultima visita no pude estar , ahora el señor jagannatha da las bendiciones para que lo pueda volver a ver, el servicio en la base namahatta continua con la doracion de las deidades es algo muy fuerte para mi, por eso he acudido  con devotas mayores para aprender a hacerlo de la mejor manera, predicandole a las chicas que estan interesadas en conciencia de krishna, aprendo mucho, es de las intrucciones de srila prabhupada, con la que mas me he comprometido, a habido varias reuniones de hermanos espirituales para su visita y organizar el programa en ratha yatra, el prabhu aristasena esta organizando una exposicion de artes visuales con el tema el despertar de la conciencia y estamos trabajando en eso, MUY EMOCIONADA por su visita, este es mi pequeño reporte espero un dia servirle maas y llegar a tener su refugio, por que usted ya esta en mi corazon mis reverencias

hare rama todas las glorias a srila prabhupada<img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />

HpS - ASA  -  TLGASP  pfanrh.  No Hablamos muy bien el Castellano, pero nos gusta.  Nos gusta prasdam mexicano mucho.   Es el mejor en el mundo.  En muchas maneras Mexico es el mejor en el mundo!  Muy bien su Sadhana.   Muy bien.  Adelante.  Adelante.  Adelante.       Adelante.  Muy rapido puede jugar con Krsna y las Gopis. <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />

Bhaktin Rashmin from Toronto

13 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Maharaj, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!! I bought my ticket to Houston and I shall be visiting you between the 21st and 28th of May!!! I already informed mother Gurubhakti- awaiting her reply. From my observations, the devotees inform of their Sadhana- I shall as well: 16 rounds everyday. Whenever I have some left over I finsh the next morning. I have also recently completed the whole morning program from 4:30 to 8:30 without taking a nap during japa time. I am officially a walking zombie... 4 regulative principles- it's hard not to eat chocolate... Service all day long. I get to make the sweet preparation for Raj Bhoga (CAKE for Gauranga). The Govinda's boutique is taken care of by myself. The women's washroom I clean. I clean the prasadam hall almost every morning. Sometimes I mop floors. And my favourite service ever is Sankirtana!!! I am still blissed out from today's session. This one is very important to me. Reading Bhagavad gita and Nectar of Instruction everyday. Thank you for your mercy and I look forward to serving you in Houston if I can. Your servant, Bhaktin Rashmin

HpS - AGTSP  pamho - Oh, Lord of the Blue Hill (Nila-cala)!   <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />    We go to Mexico from the 21st to the 24th!!  It's on the Calendar!    Ooof!    Quick, get another ticket.   <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />   Ho!   Ho!   Ho!       But we are in Houston from the 24th to the 27th. Then we fly to San Jose.   Seems that Nila madhava has His own plans for most of your time!
Your report is great.   I feel like I need to follow in your footsteps!   You can  call us on Skype with some respetable dude as a camperone to discuss and calendar details.   Every gone to Mexico?

You are on the right path.  Just stay steady.   Zoom!     Zoom!   Zoom!


13 years, 2 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja
Please accept our humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Gurudeva, I was thinking about what is to take shelter of you as my Guru, to be really related to you as my Guru. Is it the best way to really be connected to take really to heart the basic and essential instruction: mangala aratik, 16 rounds, 4 regulative principles? In my following this am I really related to your guidance? And what is the situation if I follow that but not really to heart, with devotion, faith, simply doing? Then the senses are not completly engaged, connected, then not completly purified, and then they can be attracted by other things which make us feel some illusory feeling...? That is my freedom, to choose if I want to take to heart, to devote my feelings, to connect my energy to the process or not? Or the process will connect me at some point? Superficial connection seems not to be enough to cut our attraction to matter.

Gurudeva, I am following everything, but some days I am surviving because I am not very expert to manage time, and many things to do. I hope to have some kinds of rural life some day, because is crazy to be running from one thing to another. My brother is chanting, giving up terrible nonsenses, and reading, talking about Krsna, vegeterian, offering food. Sometimes devotees has the experience that people feel pushed by devotees to change everything in their lives, as if everything was wrong before. At the same time we have the function to give some advice because they are willing to accept some spiritual life. So what would be the essential things we should emphasize, that will give them some real path that will connect them? Chanting, Prasadam, 4 regulative principles... Then more details should be given according to their desires to know?

Normally I read again one or two times when I write to you, but the last time I did notice I wrote: all glories to our service... And i wanted to write All glories to YOUR service to Srila Prabhupada! An unconcious mistake, maybe you did notice but I was very ashamed!

Hare Krsna
Your servant, b Natalia

HpS - ASA ---  Jaya!   AGTSP!!!!  All glories to our service. Pamho.  Is very nice to be able to serve devotees. Read this Text and Purport and especially the next one!

It is like which comes first, the chicken or the egg??
We follow mechanically and we try to feel properly as and exercise and we try to do it from the bottom of our heart.  These rules don't come from me.   They come from Srila Prabhupada.  I didn't invent them.  Neith er he.  It is parampara.  It is mercy from Krsna. 
Just do it as duty, because of fear of going to Hell if you don't. For peace.  For prosperous and happy life.  Because you know that if you do it even mechanically with a desire to do it spontaneously that will come.  Do it from your heart as much as you can in your present condition.

Little by little you have to learn how to understand each persons position differently, like an advanced doctor, but good example is always important.  Be a good example.  Engage others in Karma yoga.  Find things that they can do for Krsna according to their inclination.  Then later advize more the rules and regulations.    Little Karma yoga,  some rules, increase karma yoga.    Introduce them to other devotees who can give them advice!

Right now.  It is 5PM.  We had a pretty good day.  We were about 87% engaged in devotional service.  Not intense pure devotional service, but not in stupid eating and sleeping that took Prabhupada's work to keep us a float.    Abhiseka, Nitai-gaura-sundara's good son, will come by and pick us up after work and take us to the house!   We are in Lima in  about five weeks. no?   O.K.  Next letter before he comes!!!     Send us news of Miraflores!

DTC 3 May 2011

13 years, 2 months ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature

3rd of May, Tuesday Day

Capitol and careful care,
   And you'll see some profit there.
To grow all wise at Guru's feet,
   While he sits, and watches from his seat.

Day's end has come, strife's still as snow,
  That down upon the ground does go.
But hoary, hairy, funny plot,
   It is not even cold and piles a lot!

This is the Astasaki's joke,
   That Radha-Krsna's play's not broke,
But bubbles on in piles of snow,
   That's warm and thick enough to hoe.

Such a fuss we find all day. People run their cars away. Yet, little profit at such a loss:
Get up early and get your round's done.

Build a foundation then it's fun, build a bridge, build a shop, where Yasoda devi will make a stop  -- things that are everlastingly, increasing, in beauty, grandeur and harmony.

So now, brown cow,
Sleep deep, with grey sheep,
So that tommorrow upon Maya's fortress,
We may creep!

Hari!!!   Hari!   !!

Varuthini Ekadasi. Kriyasakti devi dasi from Chile.

13 years, 2 months ago by kriyasakti_dd_hps

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

<img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />

Hare Krsna, Guru Maharaja. I hope you are well upon receipt of this message.<img alt="yes" src="" title="yes" />
We are fine. We continue in the fight. <img alt="" src="" title="" /> I left a job as a journalist in a agency to complete either the thesis of the university and not neglect my spiritual life.
We join the Bhakti Sastri group, led by Patraka prabhu.<img alt="" src="" title="" /> We so full of enthusiasm for the NOI and Krishna consciousness in general. However, there are other devotees around me who are losing enthusiasm and inspiration. How can we help?<img alt="" src="" title="" />
Began to chant rounds at 5 am every day, and our clockbiological is almost used to (before we started to 5:30). The idea is that we chant in Mangal Aratik, but we still win the mind.<img alt="" src="" title="" />
We are constantly striving to make everything as it should be. All morning mercy beg You to never leave the right path.
My sincere reverences.

Who hopes to serve You,

Kriyasakti d.d

HpS -  AGTSP   pamho.  you are doing really, really well.  Ooof!    It is one year since we see everybody and we cannot remember who looks like what, has what name!   Ha!   Ha!  But is O.K.   We all know each other.    Krsna knows us.                      You can enthuse others by citing for appropriate words of the scriptures and the previous acharyas.  Also, and if that doesn't work, yad yad acarati sresthas.     we set the good example for others and don't become destroyed by their bad examples.

We see you July 1st (or 2nd).   Send us news of Chile.

Bhaktin Sarahi México

13 years, 2 months ago by sarahii

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Todas las Glorias a Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Todas las Glorias a Usted..¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

Querido Gurudeva por favor hacepte mis mas humildes reverencias, aqui segimos intentando llegar a mangal artic todos los dias, cuatro principios y 16 rondas, el motivo por el cual le escribo es por que ahora me encuentro en una situacion en la cual mis padres y mis ahutoridades me han sujerido que termine mis estudios ya que tengo 18 años y ellos piensan que es el mejor momento para hacerlo, esto conlleva  salir del templo un aproximado de 9 meses  <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" /> a mi me gustaria que usted me diera su opinion e instruccion ya que me preocupa un poco que es lo mas adecuado para mi vida espiritual en este momento, le contare mas detalles en su proxima visita en ratha yatra.

Se despide de usted su torpe sirvienta

Bhaktin Sarahi

Por favor perdone mis ofensas


HpS -  Jaya!  Hare Krsna.  Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!   Eso es tipico, no puedo entender si los autoridades esta pidiendo que Vd sale del templo o que o que.  Mi castellano no es bueno cuando llega a esta cosas de administracion detallado.  Necesitamos ayuda de un abogado espiritual. <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="18" />    Pero pronto estamos en Mejico y entonces podemo hablar.  Hace tres semanas.  Basicamente habla con seis buen devotos, siguen el consejo en los libros de Prabhupada y habla con Krsna por Sus Santos nombres y estamos bien dirigidos en referente a cosas practicos.     Gracis su asociacion!!