DTC July 7

13 years, 2 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Muchacas y Muchacos!       AGTSP   paoho.    Here we are in the Templke room in Santiago. It is 6.20AM. 18-roiunds dune!  Monkey Sahaab here!     Yesterday we went to M. Marisol Vera's publishing house. she was very cheerful, about 50 years old.  she has been publishing for about 26 years.     many books.   rodrigo is her frioend.    she likes LOB and wil; help priniting and distributing in Chile.

We gave her LOB, 3 little cook books, Queen Kuntiand two packs of incense. one of here formatters was smok king!   Did our LOB power Point show last night and 5 conculktations!      Adelante!    ForwRD!   mORE SB Study and writing..

Proposed Program - ASA Kids México

13 years, 2 months ago by Cruz Santa

All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to your Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances, inspired by Srila Prabhupada and force you infuse us, then the impulse that gave us ASA Kids during the Ratha Yatra, we're trying to keep this effort and support in the culture of Krishna Consciousness in children at least once a week..

HpS - ASA - SUper!!!  TlgaSP   pfanrh.  Puede ver de las otras cartas que hay mucho esfuerza!    En San Jose, California hay programa muy fuerte desarrollando entre Hindues, ISKCON devotos, como Hari lila muy fuerte.   Podemos tomar apoyo de ellos.  No sea sorprendida si cosas advanza muy rapido!

   Maharaja know we have very limited and we have no ability, we are trying to exploit the limited position from where we are, although we have no pedagogical training, seek advice from those who do have to eventually improve the quality of this program .

 Then we send you the overview of the proposed ASA Kids, which is coordinated by Gopi Radha DD, supported by Akincana D. Aristasena D. Lalita Gopi DD, Bhaktin Atenea and Bhaktin Cruz Santa. We'd love to hear from you especially pray for his blessings so that through this program, we can introduce Krishna Consciousness in children of our community, we offer an apology for the extension of the letter, just as is the first program of its kind we want adequate detail.

 Project Description

 As a firststage of development of the educational program ASA Kids Mexico, is intended start with a Sunday program, while parents are grown listening to the Srimad Bhagavad Gita in class on Sunday, your children cultivate devotional service with activities of age.  Workshops such as drawing, reading, theater, singing and music, learning Slokas, Mantras and pastimes, chanting japa together. Thus introducing children to naturally develop a taste to practice devotional service to Krishna.
In the hallof ASA Kids, we set up an altar to deities of cloth, learn to perform basic worship, and children may participate in the care of the altar, bring flowers or gift. You can instill in children the commitment we have to Srila Prabhupada and the Iskcon in general.
Forms present with the children, whose intention is that they are part of the festivals, either with a children's choir or dance group, plays and exhibitions of drawings, among other things.

 Parentsmust commit to bringing children to Kirtan and participate in this partnership with them. At the end of Sundara Aratika, take the kids for their class and they return to class on the Bhagavad Gita. At the end of class and Kirtan. Parents must pick up the kids in the hall ASA Kids.

Instructors should also develop skills to communicate with children, teaching advice will be sought, of devotees who have the academic preparation and thus give children the confidence to express their doubts and concerns about Krishna consciousness and especially to adequately dissipate, truthful, attached to the precepts Sastric and focused understanding of children.


Nothing else at themoment.

His servant
ASA Kids México.

HpS - ASA - Nothing else!   That is enough to conquer the world.  Don't think that anything else is necessary.  Only thing is maybe adding one program durring the week outside the Temple!!!    I will send a copy of this letter to Bali mardana and the devotees in San Jose!


Citrak Das de Argentina Reporte de Sadhana

13 years, 2 months ago by Citrak Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev: TLGSP! Espero que se encuentre bien. Me comunico con Usted para informarle acerca de mi sadhana. Por la gracia del Guru y Krishna, mi familia y el trabajo estan muy bien, como siempre sigo dando clases de filosofía y otras materias en la escuela secundaria y en el profesorado. Además me estoy levantando en bhrama muhurta a mangala arati al menos cuatro veces por semana.

HpS - ASA - Misercordia de Srila Prabhupada, no?!   Doble velocidad en vuelta a su Amante!

Estoy siempre fijo en el canto de las 16 rondas, y me asocio con los devotos. Tambien estoy muy inspirado en la vida espiritual, pues estoy disfrutando el escuchar todos los días las clases de Srila Prabhupada en mp3, y estoy estudiando el Primer Canto del Srimad Bhagavatam..

HpS - ASA - Wow!  So much.  Vd. Esta un peligro para Illusion! 

 Realmente me estoy sumergiendo en el néctar de los significados de Prabhupada, me siento afortunado por tener un Guru que me insipira a querer mejorar como devoto, y me siento muy feliz de tener un Acharya como Srila Prabhupada que me insipira día a día con su maravillosos libros. Estoy disfrutando del Capítulo dos del Primer Canto, Divinidad y servicio divino, es realmente maravilloso como Suta Goswami afirma que la suprema ocupación es prestar servicio devocional puro al Señor Supremo, de manera inmotivada y ininterrumpida. Aunque yo soy un tonto, y estoy condicionado por maya, quisiera llegar a la platarforma del servicio devocional puro por la misericiordia del Guru y del Acharya.  Ayer termine de escribir un resumen del primer capitulo, La creasión, y recién termine de escribir el resumen del segundo capitulo. En la lectura y estudio del Srimad Bhagavatam estoy encontrando ideas, citas, y argumentos para armar mis propias clases y así intentar predicar la conciencia de Krishna, a pesar de mis limitaciones en la vida familiar. Por favor acepte mis reverencia y perdone mis ofensas. Su aspirante a sirviente. Citrak Das de Argentina HpS - ASA - Super.  Estamos realizando una programa muy similar con BhVaibhava, una diferencia es que Vd es un burro corriendo solo y nostros somo una manada (herd) corriendo juntos, hay ventajas en ambos modos.  Pero pienso, a veces vamos a encontrar y tomar apoyo del trabajo de uno o otro!    Como esta sus hijos?   Dando clase formal en el Templo, BhVrksa en Argentina?   Estamo en Chile.  Cada dia poco mas regular la programa. Hace tres dias.  Estamos aqui hast 25 Julio.    Segunda Iniciacion?

Toda Gloria a Srila Prabhupada: Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias Guru Maharaja.

13 years, 2 months ago by Yamila Sandivara

 Soy Yamila Sandivara de Mendoza( Argentina). Guru Maharaja quiero viajar a Chile durante Su estadia. Han pasado como 6 años; que canto 25 rondas sigo 4 principios y sigo en este proceso con mucho entusiasmo de querer entender a Krishna. En noviembre 2009 aproximadamente; le pedì refugio de manera formal en Bs. As. , y me había recomendado Murajit. Estudio Lic. en Filosofìa y Tec. en Documentaciòn ; me estoy por recibir de tècnica en Noviembre. Guru Maharaja; me gustaría iniciarme ahora durante Su estadia en Chile. Si esta de acuerdo, por favor dìgame los libros que tengo que estudiar para el exámen y los demás detalles. Jadupuri va a viajar tambièn; hablarà de mi ante Usted, y me va a ayudar durante el proceso. Por favor Guru Maharaja; realmente quiero que me inicie. Està de acuerdo? <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/a38.gif" title="" width="21" />.

HpS - ASA >> TlgaSP   pfanrh.   Levanta temprano para Brahma-muhurta, Mangala arati todos las dias?      Necesitamos aprobacion de los autoridades del templo de Chile tambien.  Puede escribir mos detallada mente a [email protected]
Pero incluya un buen hombre en la diagalo por qe sannyasis no puede hablar solo con Damas. 

Greetings from New York City

13 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta Kevin

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

pamho AGTSP

We are now in new york city. After coming back from India, finding employment was proving to be difficult. However, Krsna has given me the opportunity to work for one of His devotees baking doughnuts that are offered to the Lord. I should be starting this week. 

There have been nice Ratha Yatras and kirtans that we have been attending. I miss Vrindavan so very much. 

I hope you are well Maharaja.

your cooky creature,

bhakta kevin

p.s. I got the popcorn maker...and the Deities love it..

HpS - ASA >>  GOd is watching us.  If we want to serve HIm, Lord Gauranga, and He is in SO much anxiety about the fallen souls, certainly He will make special educational arrangement for anybody who wants to participate with even a litle ltle ltl    sincerity!    Take the lessons.  Get up early and get your rounds done well!     Vrndavna misses you very much also..........

Bhaktin Rashmin from Toronto

13 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please Accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

Thank you for the advice. I am chanting 16 rounds everyday, 4 regulative principles in the bag!, morning program for sure (sometimes take nap during japa) although I have a question about the evening program. No body gives Bhagavad- gita class. I was told to just read outloud anyways because the demigods are present and Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati Goswami said that if no one is present just read to the four walls around you. Is this ok?? So this is my sadhana..

HpS - ASA >>  SO nice to hear from you.   We are on the opposite end of the world from Canada!   Chile!        Where are you?   Winny Peg?    Temple?     You can read for the Deitys!   They like to hear very much.  I do that.  And then others start to come.  Its a  fact.

I got a letter from my school for the dental assisting prgram and I was told there might be space for me. Is is necessary to attend school at this stage of my life? I wanted to get more training for sankirtana but it's hard back home because no one preaches..

HpS - ASA >>I don't know the details of your life, community etc???  To give detailed analysis.  Gotta ask people who know you and your world better.  Tell us what they say. 

Anyways, thank you and I still need to read that chapter you told me frmom SB 1.7.

HpS - ASA >>Huh?    SB1.7 is a chapter????  We dont understand.  <img alt="" height="18" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/38.gif" title="" width="18" /> 

Your aspiring servant,

Bhaktin Rashmin.

HpS - ASA >> Again. very, very nice to hear from you.  Everyone in Houston was very happy to have your association!!!