Radhe Radhe Shyam!

13 years, 2 months ago by prananathdas

Dear Gurudeva




Lot of time without write you, but Im still alive, I was working hard with my workmates because now in my home place is the "big festival of running bulls" and we try to finish as much work as soon as posible to go out of the town all those days of pure and absolute madness. Now Im with my wife and her parents in the south of France until day 22 of july, we are near to the shore in the Landes, a very quiet places 100mts far from the beach. Every morning I wake up and I go to walk for the long beach chanting hare krsna and thinking in this beautifull pictures of Srila Prabhupad walking with His Disciples, giving us all those pearls of teaching. I'd leave my deities in home, and from here I offer them fruits every morning, and all that I can offer them without meat, because my parents in law arent vegetarians sadly...

My sister in law take a travel through south america and she let us her golden retriever puppy, the case is, She is very atracted by Lord Shiva, and Her puppy have this name, I told her Lord Shiva is male, and the puppy is female, but finaly the puppy have the name. Is this properly Gurudeva? the animals can have a demigod name or this is offensive? I think in my ignorance is better than "puffy or duffy" or whatever name can get a pet, isnt it?

Dear Gurudeva I hope can I meet you when you come to Spain in Guadalajara. I realize that is amazing chant hare krsna and chant gayatri mantras with the ocean sound in the background.

your humble and ignorant servant

Prananth das

HpS - ASA ----   AGTSP!!!!      paoho.   2.30AM  -  R(-3/25)     From the other letters I think you can see our situation.   Your letter is another super report!    A pure devotee lives in this world as a reflection of Vaikuntha.    Krsna says that among bodies of water He is the ocean, He is the fragrance of the earth, light of the sun, among purifyers the wind.  All those things to appreciate while you walk!!!
Let us render some direct service!

Go back home.

Back to Godhead!

I guess it is O.K. for a dog to be named Siva Dasi and then engage her in some service!    Dogs naturally are house guards no?   Children guards.   We also hope to see you in Spain.   We want to work some more on the weekend in Barcelona with the Light of the Bhagavata symposium.   It such a super chance to introduce so many people to K.C!!!
O.K.  More Japa!    Maybe you could organize regular symposium in your local town on CULTIVATION OF THE HUMAN SPIRIT: Light of the Bhagavata.


13 years, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio

Dear Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada,
All glories to you,

Still we havent bought the farm, but we are eager to do so, the land is still to expensive to our budget, so we are expecting krisna`s will.
Gurudeva i`m realizing so much dhuka alayam. I need a lot of dhairyat, I think that is my main problem now.
Getting up early every day chanting 16 rounds, preaching to patients, many of them started to chant hare krisna hare krisna krisna krisna hare hare hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare.
Only hope is your instructions, safe path toward Srila Prabhupada`s lotus feet.
I started this program with family, reading the bible and the krisna book every afternoon for 30 min.
We are developing also a program for kids at the loft.
My regards to Panca Tattva et al.
Hare Krisna!!!

HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP   pamho.  Senor Mar de Plata, Argentina. Thank you for your letter.  Please escuse the delay.  You can see some justification for delay in the DTC.    Your news from Mar is super, SUPER,  S U P E R !     Visit of Pancha-tattva Das and another devotee from Mar here in Santiago is very nice.   Cold here also. I also need to develope tolerance to advance. NOI-3. Enthusiasm is more important than patience. We have to go ahead with enthusiasm, have an inspiring goal and a practical way to achieve it!
Then patience and determination are natural parts of our enthusiasm!
We do the austerity and we see the good result.
If it is too stressful, it is not K.C.
Krsna wants us to work for Him nicely, not Dog-hard. Then we can gradually and steadily get qualified to return to our service!
O.K. 2.06AM  -   R(-6/25)      - -       Let's chant three more rounds and read another post.   What about getting a fruit orchard to start with?  We can c-ordinate our children's programs with Bali mardana Prabhu and the devotees in San Jose maybe.  Is there information at:
www.iskconeducation.org ?  Another book that you might find even better than the Bible is "Imitation of Christ" by Thomas Akempis.   It is several hundred years old and the second biggest selling Christian book after the Bible.  It has many very nice things even for ISKCON devotees.  Another is the story of Joan of Arc by Mark Twain.  If it is not translated into Spanish you could do it each day.  You could read and your good wife could type up the translations!   You can see www.bhati.or for the books.

DTC 18 Jul

13 years, 2 months ago by hps

Hare Krsna, Prabhus,

AGTSP   pamho.   4-daze since we last reported!    That's too much.  We are improving, however. It's a fact. We struggle a little bit with our hypocrisy and sense gratification and make a little progress!  AGTSP!
Still we are in Santiago, ISKCON. Yesterday we had 3-intense classes, a few individual consultations, and so we only chanted 21-rounds, and even had similar days during the weekend before, so we are 9-rounds behind, R(-9/25), from our 25/day.
O.K. Let's have at it and read the mail also.
We can talk more about what's happening in those letters also!

1.42AM - R(-9/25)   ...  

DTC 2011 jul 14

13 years, 2 months ago by hps

of a
Traveling Creature

Thursday (11/07/14)   -   ISKCON Santiago
6.27AM (R) 19 - Cold!   Shivering little in the Temple Room. About 8-devotees at there Japa and attending Srila Prabhupada.  Lot of reading and note taking for BhVai done. Narada Siksa SB 1.13.

Today the Kapi-Dhvaja goes!

Last night super show at Universidad Arturo Prat. We try to  post the content.

All mail answered within one week.
O.K. Gayatri and prepare for today's Temple SB Class: SB 1.17.19

Saddhana´s report from Jan- June from Buenos Aires Temple

13 years, 2 months ago by radhamm

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva!!

AGSP!! Please accept my humble obeisances onto your lotus feet. Hope everything´s ok with You. I´d love to be in Chile right now w/ You but Sri Sri Gaura Nitay are pushing me up more and more...and it´s just amazing..i´m really sorry for my late  in sending my report, almost don´t connect due my service.

Regarding to my saddhana - ROUNDS  everyday 25 rounds trying to improve more. i feel like i can do better than this...would you give me your blessings....sometimes is really austere to acomplish ...due my service but here I go...-4 PRINCIPLES- strictly followed -Daily activities- waking up everyday 02.45 a.m then at 03.45 a.m waking up Gaura Nitay for Mangala Arakti, 3 times a week full service from Mangala till Govinda ... bhoga arakti cooking and puja then put Them in ciesta (12.30 ) .On wednesday work at the temple Boutique from 4 p., till 8 p. m .on tuesday Gaura arakti and put Our lords to sleep. Sankirtan one or twice a week( we ´re collecting fotr the temple,it´s being soooo great)...I´m in charge now to wacht over the new bhaktins for sankirtan and studies Study and read at least 1 hour a day( I wish  to do it more...but sometimes  I need a nap!). Harinama every saturday.(we all want more then once a week, we´re all here in the temple count down the days for Saturday,it´s amazing ... On sunday´s Festival I´m on the donations programm for the temple, it´s a such nice programe. -Authorities  Iskcon Buenos Aires - Pesident of temple: prabhu Maha Hari das , Ashram leader. Madre Vrndavana Biharini dd and Radhika Madhavi dd

Message to You GM - AGSP!! PAMHO! Thank you soooooooooo much.There´s nothing else in this world  sublime as  serving Sri Sri Gaura Nitay everyday and being in such great association w/ devotees, godbrothers and sisters. , it´s just fullfiled my heart and soul...and all of that wouldn´t be posible without Your mercy and trust in myself. Miss U a lot GM.. My only desire is qualifying me to serve U , Prabhupada and devotees  as better as posible.

Enjoy Chile, beloved Gurudeva!! Hare Krishna!!  Greetings from cold  Buenos Aires...

Your humble and eternal servant, Radha Madana Manohara dd

HpS - ASA !!   AGTSP   pamho.   I think you can see frm the other letters we are just as busy.  Now we have to run out.  It is 4.45PM for our 5-6PM Japa walk, consultation with devotees.   You schedule, everything seems so great.   Just accept that Gaura Nitai are personally taking care of your Ashrama situation. If they want us to be Grhastha, Vanaprastha, Sannyasa....    It is a very, very considered choice by Them.

Please send us more news after the next Kapi Dhvaja!


13 years, 2 months ago by GauraLilaDas


All glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga

 So, in relation to our last conversation, I want to expand on my study of Sri Upadesamrta. 

I am curious as to whether you think that I should pick up the study of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur's Anuvrti commentary? Currently I am studying Nectar of Instruction (read about 5 times within the past couple of months) and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Sri Bhaktyaloka (just picked up a week ago) with the eventual goal of re-reading Nectar of Devotion right after. After I re-read NOD, I will get on Srila Dhanurdhara Swami Maharaja's Waves of Devotion (already picked up a copy ;D) 

Again, I can't thank you enough for your siksa Maharaj! 

your servant, Gaura Lila Das (RTS)

HpS -  Jaya!    Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!    paoho.   Thank you for your association in this matter!!!!          We are still in Santiago.   this is our third letter.   The sun is going behind the high rises and the air is getting frosty!

Have you seen our tpp-noi.doc at the ASA Archives?

I am working on NOI-2 class.  It is for the Bhakti Vaibhava Diploma course we are developing.  Four years. 40-students now.

Out idea is to give an extract of the songs in Gitavali.  You can see these annoteated in our asa-noi.doc in the archives.

but not go into detail, but if the student wants to read them, contemplate them, then super.   Then it looks the same with Baktyaloka.  I think it was written before the Piyush vrtti that is in Narayna Maharaja's commentary, but Bh. Thakura.  We are translating the Anu vrtti there and I think we will goe through it in more detail.   Then the last part of the NOI-2 course is to pass through the NOI again seeing some of the sources Srila Prabhupada takes his cites from to appreciate the seamless depth of the NOI and point the way to more study.

We should know a little about all of his books, a lot about one, or two or...

We will upload the pdf of Bhaktyaloka and Anuvrtti to our Archives starting with ABC-NOI-2-...                     Jaya!   Soak ourselves in VEDA and then go in public like sinking wet dogs and make a good shake!