asking for advice 2

12 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse
Hare Krsna. AGTSP paoho. It is 2.30AM We have 3-rounds done. Fighting with Tata Photon internet connection. It is almost useless. Doesn't even show the formatted version of your letter. Shows it with all the HTML codes. OoooF! Your firs question: Bhakti yoga verses Karma yoga. As we understand there is nice explanation in the start of Nectar of Devotion. We haven't got access to it now, but the basic idea is that if you have a taste of serving Krsna and that is what you want then you are doing Bhakti yoga, but in the neophyte stage the yoga is mostly through offering our psycho physical attachments to Krsna, "I am this body and I will cook for Krsna". As we do this then we start to develope analytical knowledge like we are doing now. That is jnana-yoga. "I am not the body, I will use my tired body to cook for Krsna, because now is the time for the offering". From the logical platform we advance to the meditation platform. Now I am doing my yoga with understanding and concentration. Then I am doing it with, the previous but I am really focusing on changing my motive. NOt that I am doing it for personal gain of any kind. We may be doing the formal rituals of Bhakti, chanting on beads, but do we understand intellectually who is Krsna? Are we thinking of something else. We go to our church and chant Jehovah, Jehovah, but there is no intellectual understanding. Of course there are lots of more details of the different rungs of the Yoga ladder, but this is some idea. Question Two, to whom to communicate about making improvements to the Blog. It is Prahlada Nrsmha. But he is here in India with us and now he is working mostly on the site. He has reliance modem. Seems to be working better!!

DTC Saturday/15 (2.12AM)

12 years, 11 months ago by hps
Hare Krsna! AgtSP Paoho Internet is dog, dog slow! We couldn't even connect last night. No, BhVai connection with Choseeka! R(1) We try later!

DTC Friday/14 (2.40AM)

12 years, 11 months ago by hps

2.40AM     We only got 3 rounds done but the internet connection is HORRiBLE other times, so we do it now.     Body is shaking a little bit from fatigue but pretty much O.K.              So, now we sign off, the Blog, Skype and do some Japa, and go to the Templ for Srila Prabhupada Samadhi arati at 4.10AM.   About 600 devotees left for the Vraja mandala parikrama yesterday so may not be intensely crowded today.   Other wise we find a space to squeeze in the cracks!   Ha!    Ha!!!  (Hare Krsna/Rama!).

Grhastas Guru

12 years, 11 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, Muchas Gracias por Su Respuesta. Mis Grhastas Gurus son Srila VIrabahu Mharaja, Mahanandini Radha Devi Dasi y su esposo Prabhu Ananda Vardana Dasa. Estamos leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam diariamente en casa, pero no tenemos programa de mañana, estamos esforzándonos por hacerlo. Estamos asisitiendo regularmente a programas Bhakti Vriksas.

Su sirvienta.

Dhanistha devi dasi, Santiago Chile.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya.  TlgaSP    pfanrh.    Hace un poco tiempo adjustar a su Ashrama, marido, sociedad etc.   Y siempre es Kali yuga, entonces cambia todo constantamente, entonces real refugio estable es Hari nama, Japa, 144 rondas cada dia si necesita.    Pero puede leer muy bien con Hari-murar Prabhu en la siguente enlace o SB en casa 7.5.23 de Arcanam.  Pued ver de la sitacion la importancia para Vds si no quiere morir espiritualmente o sufrir cn vida espiritual debil!!!

"En nuestro movimiento para la conciencia de Kṛṣṇa hay brahmacārīs, gṛhasthas, vānaprasthas y sannyāsīs, pero la adoración de la Deidad en el templo deben realizarla principalmente los casados. Los brahmacārīs pueden ir a predicar con los sannyāsīs, y los vānaprasthas deben prepararse para la siguiente etapa de vida renunciada, sannyāsa. Los devotos gṛhasthas, sin embargo, suelen estar dedicados a actividades materiales; por esa razón, si no se ocupan en la adoración de la Deidad, su caída está prácticamente garantizada. Adorar a la Deidad significa seguir estrictamente las reglas y regulaciones; esto nos mantendrá estables en el servicio devocional."


Srila Gurudeva, Ki Jaya!         Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Asking for Advice

12 years, 11 months ago by nadiavillar

<cite>Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaj! All glories to Srila Prabhupada! </cite><cite>Please accept my humble obeisances and please, forget my offenses. </cite>

This is Nadia Villar from Santiago, Chile. I haven’t written to you since long time. It’s sooo inspiring to know that you are in the Holy Dham!!  I Hope to get the mercy to go there one day.  

<cite>Many things have happened to me this last month. Health problems, lots of work and emotional troubles. Because of that, I have done many offenses. (or may be it’s the other way round) I haven't chanted rounds for days…  I can notice that my level of conscious is not the same as it used to be. After your visit, I was very happy because I had a fixed service in ASA Chile and in Congregational Department, I used to get up at 4:30 almost every day, offer incense and flowers, chant rounds and then go to work full of energy. My service seemed to go nicely. But I don’t know what have happen to me... some devotees have told me that spiritual life full of troubles  but the important things is to get up, shake off the dust and keep going. I can understand it, but these words haven’t been able to inspiring me enough. At the bottom of my heart there is still a strong wish to learn to love Krishna and serve you and the vaishnavas nicely. Am I just incapable to do it, or may be it's only a bad moment? What can I do to take up again my service?  I am really afraid because I don’t want lose it! </cite>
<cite>I feel ashamed of daring to tell you all this, I know that is not something to be proud of, but believe me,  I need your advice. I hope one day good things come out from this fool. </cite><cite>Thanks for your patience with me...</cite>
<cite>Your servant, </cite>
<cite>Nadia Villar.</cite>
<cite>HpS - ASA</cite>
<cite>1. Take a vow to chant a fixed number of rounds/ day until the next Ekadasi.  Something you know you can do without fail: 1-round a day, 4, 6, 16, and then do it!   Don't let you mind defeat you.</cite>
<cite>2. You have to read a little bit to get strength to chant.</cite>
<cite>3. Then use your intelligence to get a little good advice about how to participate in Srila Prabhupada's Sankirtana.</cite>
<cite>4. Report back!!!           Yes, you have been bumped by Maya, out of the battle!</cite>
<cite>Boomp!    Like Hanuman, up, shake off the arrows, roar and back into it!    Your service is your Sadhana, from that will come Karma yoga, working with your hands!</cite>

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva!!!

12 years, 11 months ago by Candrarekha Devi Dasi

Dear Gurudeva<img alt="mail" src="" title="mail" /><img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />

I hope you are in good health, as well as your activities.<img alt="yes" src="" title="yes" />

in this report I can tell you, my 16 good round, good my four regulative principles, My reading is a bit weak, only upadesamrta for now and some kinds of Bhagavad Gita in the temple.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - ASA   ---    AGTSP!     Plooomp!      Then is for sure your rounds are not so good and you are running risk of falling down from four principles!!!     How can we chant good rounds without Srila Prabhupada's association.  We went to BG class last night and had SB class with devotees on Parikrama.   Then we read little in the evening!

I'm really in college activities, It's been a difficult year, with almost no time for anything, I continue in my service garlands, but I'm thinking about switching service, because sometimes I can not do them, will be left without time during the week in college, I hope my schedule to accommodate for this.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS ASA ---  Priorities.    In school, work, our first service is 16 good rounds, then full morning program, the our school, college, Sankirtana!   It will all fall in proportion. You will become respected student, effective in business!

my sadhana, I get up at 6 am every day, on weekends I relax a little, because I am very tired and need to sleep a little more.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

in short my life is quiet, with many things to do, but I need to further develop more my spiritual life, I would love to take some Bhakti Sastri course if possible.

HpS - ASA - Is only useful if it increases your association with the local devotees!

I am meditating to visit some temples in Peru, Argentina, Brazil, if all goes well in January I would like to visit Brazil, to visit the ashram, doing service, and after visiting Peru and Argentina if it so desires also krsna<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="" src="" title="" />

I have great motivation in Krsna consciousness, willingness to work and grow spiritually, but often need a little motivation to help me move sometimes I get tired and would like to leave all my activities and devote only Krsna, but also am very responsible and is that we deal with all, responsibilities and daily activities should not be abandoned.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

Gurudev, I appreciate your time to read this report, excuse my delay in writing, but I'm always very honest and I strive every day to stay in the spiritual life<img alt="" src="" title="" />

always very grateful to you and your sweet association

(excuse my bad English)<img alt="cheeky" src="" title="cheeky" />

His eternal servant

Candrarekha Devi Dasi<img alt="" src="" title="" /><img alt="wink" src="" title="wink" />

Santiago - Chile

HpS - ASA  ---   !!!!!   Super Report.    Please send another one with news of how our advice was useful!!!!     You are on the path to becoming a great Saint!