Carta de Ram vijay das de Chile para usted estimado Maharaja, acepte mis humildes reverencias.

12 years, 11 months ago by jagannatha deva das

Nama om visnu padaya krsna prestaya bhutale srimate hanumatpresaka swami itinamine
Todas las a Sri Sri Goura Nitay, Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada, Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto.
Querido guru maharaja que su esplendorosa misericordia recaiga en este caido sirviente, le cuento que en estos tiempos me encuentro viviendo en compañia de mis padres en la ciudad de parral, pero dentro de 3 meses me ire a vivir a mi casa donde pretendo utilizarlo para la predica por lo que sus bendiciones son fundamentales para  mi, perdone mi ausencia querido gurudeva, he seguido sus intrucciones: seguir como brahmacari, levantarme todos los dias a las 5 a.m, cantar mis rondas y leer el Srimad Bhagavatam, en esta oportunidad me gustaria recibir una intruccion para tomar mas fuerzas y determinacion en este sendero. por favor Guru Maharaja le pido humildemente que perdone todas mis ofensas, y mas acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias.  su eterno sirviente Rama vijay das

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!    TlgaSP    Pfanrh.   Aqui estamos en Bombay.  Tenemos fiebre fuerte y bastante presion trabajando con esta Ministerio de Educaion pero estamos advanzando.   No puedo recordar su forma ni pasatiempos.  <img alt="smiley" height="20" src="" title="smiley" width="20" />       Por favor iluminar nos.   Un bio-data y tres fotos a [email protected]

Establecer su propio centro de predica esta bien pero como esta relacionado con los otros devotos en Chile! !!          Y especificamente Amara-gauranga y los devotos administrativas?       Eso es el arte, no? Como relacionar con Madhyama adhikaris.

Su reportaje es super. Tiene que ser bastante advanzado en su sender con esta Sadhana para tan muchos anos.

Hawaii news

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

What is your opinion on ISKCON as a designation? There is a slight feud between Narayan devotees, and ISKCON devotees here. I think it is too bad that we can't all get together and chant, and read the Sastras. Do you think of yourself as an ISKCON guru?

Krishna is sending more and more devotees out here. I think things are going to get better.

Still reminding the Temple President to write to the blog...

I'm wondering, if you can't make it here to Hawaii, would you be able to make it out to Utah after I return there? My plan was to return to that temple right before the next Holi Festival, which is towards the end of March. I plan to stay there for a large amount of time.

I'm still striving to increase a better standard for myself. It is a constant struggle.

I constantly miss your personal association Gurudeva. I am always striving to serve you better.

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Adrian

HpS - ASA -     Jaya!      AgtSP.     Pamho.      Here we are in Mumbai (Bombay) at the mid-year GBC meetings.    It is incredible.    We are with the Education Ministry, Sesa Prabhu.    So much work.


We have a some pretty robust enfluenza!        !Boomp!       Trying to get enough rest but not slight our service!


Srila Prabhupada is the Founder Acharya for ISKCON. The Pope is the head of the Catholic Church. ISKCON can be taken as a legal entity under the laws of the state of Hawaii, Califronia. You can be a Life Member of ISKCON just by paying some money but still eat fish and smoke cigarrettes. In Nectar of Devotion Srila Prabhupada mentions several things about, "What is ISKCON".   In one respect he says that it is only for Paramahamsas.

So, Yes, I consider myself an ISKCON guru, but it is not a within the above perspective.    In NOI 5 and 10 there is so much about how to recognize and associate with different kinds of people, devotees.

Do we hear and chant with Catholics? ?        ?

Good luck.   Krsna surely seems to be blessing you!

thank you , Gurudeva !

12 years, 11 months ago by Madhvacharya das
hare krsna ! GURUMAHARAJ !! PAMHO ,AGTSP !......... Appreciate very much that You ,Sir have time to reply ,big thank you . To me seems that everything its getting tune to take your darshan and perform guru seva in Vraja along with your others disciples ,my godbrothers 'n G'sisters . it's so nice !!,......and I thought that I'd been cursed for "leaving" Peru-yatra and moved to this far far away land.This is the mercy and gift from Kartik on me which completely satisfied me! ,I' m begging for your association and guide........... all glories to all Vaisnavas !! may remain always as your servant : Madhvacharya das anudas. ======================================== HpS - ASA - Jaya! 2.10AM Sunday/16 Thank you for your letter. We have three rounds left from our 25/day from yesterday! R(-3) Some alergy. Vrindavana dhama Ki Jai! The internet is working better. Service is for Radha Shyama, no? Service to Their servants is in terms of the servants connection. We have to understand that! Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai!!!! Oll Korrect! More Japa and letters!

DTC Saturday/15 (3.00AM)

12 years, 11 months ago by hps
AgtSP Paoho. We answered all the Blog Posts. The HTML editor is not working. But we still answereed them. We will bath now and go to the Temple. We go bare foot everywhere. Lots of rocks etc. but if you walk slow it's O.K. Your feet are feeling Vrndavana Dhama! Madhumanjari DD arrived yesterday. Vaisesika Prabhu gave class yesterday. Lots and Lots of Sanskirta verses! The Guru kripa Prabhu gave BG class. It was super, super, intense! So many inicredible stories from Srila Prabhupada's pastimes, and his own years as a devotee in great philosophical perspective. Simple. Chant Hare Krsna and do what you can for Krsna. Nicely, not dog hard. Accept whatever bumps that Maya sends you as kisses from Krsna if you can't avoid them. (There is an ant crawling on our leg. They don't bite, but they tickle!) O.K. Let's bathe and get some rounds done. We are planning on going to Radha Govinda Temple at 6AM this morning. Last night we showed the movie of Radha Madana-bihari to about 8-devotees! Fair amount of management work for accomodating all the devotees etc. but Raktaka is doinng 90% of the work!

Fernanda Leiva desde Chile

12 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay -------------------------------------------- HpS - ASA Please accepts my humble reverences Hare Krsna, i hope that you are well, my english it´s no so good, but i will try to write the better possible. Thank you very much for your answer, there is the devout major one that is my coach and friend, we are two alone living in the asram besides the bramacaris. The theater´s class with we are preparing a play for a preaches, and this is a JECK´s project in Chile, maybe we will travel to Bolivia for the presentation. I have a question, because in the BG. says that the last maya´s test is to believe that we are that we enjoy, and also i listened that the last maya´s test its the lamentation, what is it means that ? i will hope your answer, your aspirant to maid, Bhaktin Fernanda. HpS - AGTSP Estimada Bhaktin Fernanda, muy bien oir de Vd! A veces no hay nadia en el Ashrama sino Gaura Nitai, Srila PRabhupada y nosotros, y otros veces miles como ahora en Vrndvana. Esta bien. Nuestra unica esfuerza es recitar Maha-mantra y tomar cualquiere Prasadam que Krsna nos envia! Su drama aparece muy bien! Tambien puede salir para cantar en los calles? Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!!! No entiendo su pregunta del BG. Mejor escribir in Castellano y dar la citacion exacto del Gita! Usualmente Srila Prabhupada explica que el truco ultimo de Maya es comentar a nosostros que, "Ahhhh! Ya Vd entienda todo. Ya Vd. entienda que tiene que controlar sus sentidos. Ya obtiene la ultima premio, convierta a Dios, convierta a mi Senor, mi disfrutador!" Adelantamos!!

Going to Holy Dham !!

12 years, 11 months ago by Madhvacharya das
Esteemed Madhava acharya Das. Thank you for your letter. AGTSP! paoho. OUr internet connection is terrible. 2.44AM. It is good to know that you arrive in Sri Vrndavana Dhama on 24th. We come back from Dehli like 22nd. It is very nice here! We are with Radharani and Shyama sundar. Krsna Balarama. Everyone, even the demons are thinking of Them. Little alergy, other pains. Cannot do our Bhakti Vaibhava work so well. We are being pushed to focus on chanting Japa. We are incompetent for Karma or Jnana, unless they come from Hari Nama! So... hope to see you soon!!!