Hare Krishna!!

12 years, 11 months ago by danielfrozero

Hare Krishna!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you Maharaja?

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   About to die the trip from Belgium to Vraja was a giant killer, but we have 25 Mg of strenght left to answer letters!

Here we are in Krsna consciousness, trying to make progress
A few weeks ago we met in the house of Madhavendra Puri das. I am grateful to Krishna to have the opportunity to partner with such great souls. It was a very nice meeting, which I have attached some pictures.
I am recovered from my broken foot, so I want to see the possibility of starting a fixed service in the temple.
I work preparing fruit smoothies and juices, in a place that is in the financial district of Buenos Aires (Kali Yuga), where many office and bank. While I can exercise tolerance, i want to change jobs as soon as possible, as I feel that I can not advance spiritually in that place.
Still I can not get up in Brahma Muhurta , but do not doubt that in the near future to accustom to do, because I am very inspired by you
I sing 16 rounds and i'm following the principles. I try to read the first chant of Srimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad Gita on a daily
Thank you very much for reading my letter

Please accept my obeisances
His aspirant

Bhakta Daniel

Hare Krishna!

ASA -   Jaya.   Yeah!   If you just get up a little bit earlier each week you can get the Brahma muhurta habit.   Then you will be adept at catching the opportunites that Krsna is sending!!!

Respuesta Citrak Das de Argentina

12 years, 11 months ago by Citrak Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev: TGSP! Gracias por responder tan rápido. Aquí le envío algunas preguntas:

HPS - ASA - Jaya. TlgaSP Pfanrh. Gopal TIENE MUCHOS ambiciones, entonces this manteniendo Su herramiento (herramienta), Vd. en buen Orden.

Citrak Das, ¿qué ambiciones tiene Gopal?

ASA -Tom Brown - AGTSP  pamho Collectar un gran cuantidad de dulces cada dia.

HPS; This desarrollando Una visión de Su mision en ESTA VIDA??

Citrak Das, hasta el momento quiero que mi misión sea estar conciente de Krishna todos los días (cantando Hare Krishna, leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam, adorando a la Deidad, y asociandome con devotos), para que por la gracia de Guru y Krishna al abandonar este cuerpo material, yo pueda volver al mundo espiritual para servir a Krishna y a Sus asociados eternos con amor puro. ¿Usted se refiere a este tipo de misión?

ASA - TB -- Eso es primero iniciacion, comenza de segunda iniciacion, y entonces su mision es mas especfica.   Como Arjuna ayudando a Krsna. Por siguendo el process debe que ser mas claro, poco a poco. Por ejemplo, unas proyectos de ecribir en filosofia.

HPS; Ya las 5.36AM hijo ya las 5.45 tenemos Que Salir del puerto de Radha desa Para El Aeropuerto Para El Viaje a Delhi y esperamos un Vrndavana. Hare Krishna / Rama!

Citrak Das; ¡qué tenga buen viaje!

HPS; Esper Que Vd this Listo Tomar responsibilidad párrafo Nuestra Servicio, Pero quien sabe CUANDO Krishna va uno Tomar Todo vosotros Llevar nn un Vraja párrafo Trabajar alla ....

Citrak Das, ¿qué tipo de responsabilidades tengo que tomar en su servicio (específicamente)? ¿qué responsabilidades quiere Usted que yo tome en su servicio? ¿qué servicio lo complacería a Usted?

HPS; Nos vemos MUY PRONTO!

Citrak das, ¿Cuándo y dónde nos vemos muy pronto? Acepte mis reverncias y perdone todas mis ofensas. Su aspirante a sirviente. Citrak Das.

ASA - TB ---   Jaya. HpSwami es loco.   Semanas de seminarios y Espana y Belgica, viaje a India.  Luchando establecer el modem para realizar estas cartas.
Pero responder a estas preguntas tiene que primero responder al pregunta si le gusta peros o no?   Tiene un pero?     O.K.   Tres cartas mas rapido antes de 'explodes' el brain.


Looking good in Hawaii

12 years, 11 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Progress In Hawaii! I've managed to raise myself to a proper standard (again). Without going into great detail, I can honestly say that I know by raising my own standard, those in the Ashram, and living outside have been positively influenced by it. We have one new devotee here in the temple. And an old friend from Los Angeles is going to be coming here for some time also. Krishna is surely making arrangements at this temple.

The college programs are almost on their way. We'll start hosting programs within a week and a half. I was also thinking of looking into preaching at the local jail.

The devotees in the Ashram are on a rotation giving Bhagavad Gita classes in the evenings. That has been really nice. I love to preach!!!!

I've asked the Temple President to write to the blog, but he hasn't got around to it yet. He seems quite busy. I'll continue to remind him.

What is your opinon on ISKCON as a designation? There is a slight feud between Narayan devotees, and ISKCON devotees. I think it is too bad that we can't all get together and chant, and read the Sastras. Do you think of yourself as an ISKCON guru?

Do you have any disciples travel with you? What does that require?

Would you be able to make it here to Hawaii anytime? What would that require?

Your humble servant,

Bhakta Adrian Chavez

HpS - AGTSP   pamho.   We just made it to Vrndavana!     It is 8.50PM.       We are as tired as dogs.     Castle, Brussels, 8 hour plane trip, overnight in Dehli at Gokula-hari Das's house, five devotees with us, 4-hours to Vrndavana by auto, 8-more devotees to receive us.  It is just like home.  It smells like India.

BG class was not too stimulating for us. (We are demons).
The crowds are so great that Gaura-arati was impossible.  The weekend will be even more intense. So, maybe we all go to the Gosala and have our own arati!

I don't know if we can get to Hawaii???        I don't know.     Nobody travels with us as a secretary but, for example, on this trip Prahlada and Ambarisa and Vicotoria were all on the same airplane and we are staying kind of together.   Nothing formal.

Ramananda said he would look for you.

Gotta rest or die now!

Reporte Citrak Das de Argentina

12 years, 11 months ago by Citrak Das

Hare Krishna Gurudev: TLGSP! Me comunico con Usted para enviarle un reporte sobre mi sadhana, por la misericordia de Guru y Krishna; la familia y el trabajo están bien, las rondas bien (16) , estoy estudiando el Srimad Bhagavatam canto uno capítulo tres, me levanto a mangala arati al menos cinco días por semana (en brahma muhurta), estoy adorando mi Deidad Gopal todos los días, y además estoy llendo al templo de Buenos Aires al menos una vez al mes y me quedo a dormir, el día Viernes asisto a Gaura arati, escucho la clase de Bhagavad-gita, me quedo a dormir en el templo y asisto a mangala arati, canto las rondas con los devotos, escucho la clase de Srimad Bhagatam, y despues de Govinda vuelvo a mi casa. Tambien estoy escuchando clases de Srila Prabhupada. La conciencia de Krishna me hace muy feliz, este proceso de vida espiritual que nos trajo Srila Prabhupada es maravilloso y satisfece mi ser, el canto congregacional del santo nombre es un néctar, y es la vida de todo conocimiento. Me siento muy afortunado de formar parte del moviemiento de Srila Prabhupada! Jay ISKCON! Espero que Usted se encuetre bien, aquí le envío unas fotos de mi Deidad. Acepte mis reverencias. Su aspirante a sirviente. Citrak Das

HpS - ASA -  Jaya.  TlgaSP   Pfanrh.   Gopal tiene muchos ambiciones, entonces esta manteniendo su herramiento (tool), Vd. en buen orden.   Esta desarrollando una vision de su mision en esta vida???

Ya son las 5.36AM y a las 5.45AM tenemos que salir del puerto de Radha desa para el aeropuerto para el viaje a Dehli y esperamos a Vrndavana.   Hare Krsna/Rama!!!  Esper que Vd esta listo tomar responsibilidad para nuestra servicio, pero quien sabe cuando Krsna va a tomar todo ye llevar nos a Vraja para trabajar alla....   Nos vemos muy pronto!

Prasadam & Dog

12 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse


Hare Krsna Maharaj

Referring to previous letter. We did struggle only prasad for around 10 days we some how we were following it. Yesterday our intelligence failed to control our mind and we ate pizza.

Krsna send Mr. dog.  He came near us, was looking at us. We gave me outer circumference of pizza , he ate very quickly and again looked at us. this time we threw the portion of bread little away fro him, he ran and eat. we were subtly enjoying by controlling the dog by his food.

Supersoul said -- this is the way to eat remanents. you have to be dog of god. we will give you remnants when, in quantity and way we like . you just have to accept it. if you are good dog we would take care of you nicely.

then we understood we are not yet son of god, first we have to be good dog of god and guru parampara.

please correct us if what we inferred was right.



HpS - ASA ---  Whoop!      Whoop!         Oink!OInnk!!!!!       May we just run behind Srila Prabhupada like dogs in the dust of his footsteps chanting "KRSNA, KRSNA!"


12 years, 11 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj

dandvat pranam..

chankaya pandit says " not even a single moment will come back , if you pay trillions of dollars".

when we see, watch, some times we see death is walking closer to us. we have less time to do whatever we have to do.

this time scarcity mentality has decreased our patience a lot. as our patience decreases so do us our tolerance. 

we want everything to be done quickly, we can not wait for anything. If we have to wait we get fired up or frustrated.

some times  --we become mechanical in all activities , trying to save time every second. and we treat others as machine..

i know some thing is wrong with this mentality of ours, we beg to correct us.

 HpS - ASA - Jaya Srila Prabhupada. What comes to mind is the same answer we gave in the letter from Mother Natalia: We have to investigate and then see that if we focus on the root of the system, Krsna Bhakti, then we will be doing universal service.  All of our desires to serve KRSNA will be accomplished.

That takes investigation.

NOI Three.  Utsahan niscayad..... Enthusiasm is more important than patience but without patience it turns into passion and the result is that we may get more done immediately but in the long run we get less done.

"There's never enough time to do the job right the first time, but then you have to take time to get it done for a second time".

YES,  be enthusiatic to use every second for Krsna perfectly, but understand that unless there is some patience then you will not work so efficiently.

It's a big topic.