New Chapter of The Neo-Metropolitano tele novela!

12 years, 8 months ago by Jagadananda Pandit das

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!

Please accept my humble obeisances.

Dear Gurudev,

There is a new chapter in The Neo-Metropolitano tele novela!. My son already born and the mother is calm now, she let me see him everytime I want. Ufff being father, new chapter and responsabilities. Yesterday I met him, he born the 12/01 the same day of Your birthday in the western calendar.

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP   paoho   Strange indeed!

Krishna made some arrangements, there was an accident and the bus where he and his mother were traveling to the hospital have to detour and  passed at the front of the temple here in Buenos Aires. They took darshan from Gaura Nitay!!! hehehe Krishna`s mercy. 


HpS - Ha!      Ha!      Ha!     Ha(re)!      Incredible beyond belief!!!


He has being registered as Radhe Gopinath but, I want to ask You. Is a good name for a child? Is a good name for a boy? I have my doubts but his mother, Lalita, wanted me to ask You what name is best for him. She chose that name but now she is in doubt too. 

HpS - Is very fine name. Who would want other. Is very big name, though, Radha-Gopinatha Das.  He is not an ordinary person. Krsna does not send ordinary people to be children of devotees,   Now you have big responsibility to protect him so that he can do very wonderful things for society!

My sadhana is increasing step by step, japa and deity workship before going to work and reading Upadesamrta at work,is a quite job and I can read pretty well without distractions. I am trying to get SB first canto but is so difficult, I am reading it in the pc but I don t like that reading method. I am waiting a mataji that is coming from Alachua and she will bring me one in english. Please accept my humble obeisances. Trying to serve You.

Jagadananda Pandit das.  

 <img alt="Image preview" src="" title="radhe_gopinath.jpg" /> Here is the beast!

ASA - Angel.  You can maybe print each chapter as you read them. Make a collection.  Hmmm....    CC is very nice also.  Have you tried it.  Different books are better for different people!

Dear Gurudeva

12 years, 8 months ago by draupadi

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
How are you? I hope you are fine
Here I am, trying to increasing my service. Nowadays I continue doing service at Wilson Mandir but not only one day a week, since this week I started doing the morning program two days a week and is very inspiring for me. I realized that while the time is passing I get more faster at dressing up the deities so I have time to listen the Srimad Bhagavatam while I am washing up everything.
I am also continuing doing my rounds and principles.
I wrote to you my annual report last month. Since today I will write to you near ekadasi because I want to be in contact to you.
I read on the monkey warrior that my recommendation letter was sent it to you.
I hope in the deepest of my heart that you give me second initiation. It would be possible?
Thank you for everything.
Your servant
Draupadi Devi Dasi  

HpS - AgtSP.   Paoho   So very, very nice to get this letter from you.    You English in pretty good.  Maybe you can come to USA and refine it more here.  I would like that.  Maybe Krsna will arrange it.  You could do a Master's Degree in Education.   Krsna has His plans.  He is not stupid.  He wastes nobodys effort.

The second intiation seems fine.

If we are following the 4 principles strictly we are brahmanas. If we then chant Hare Krsna we are Vaisnava Brahmanas. Then after second initiation there is third initiation.



Desde Cusco Mandir

12 years, 8 months ago by Govardhana das

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva



"El Secreto del exito en la vida espiritual cosniste en satisfacer al maestro espiritualy de esta manera obtener sus sinceras bendiciones"... SB 1.1.8 Significado Srila Prabhupada

Dear Gurudeva, estas lineas son solo para expresar nuestro sincero agradecimiento por permitirnos servir al polvo de sus Pies de Lotto, el día de su Sri Vyasapuja organizamos aqui en el Templo una fiesta con Amalakaruna, Jagad Isvara y madre Yurika, nois distribuimos para organizar su fiesta la cual salio bien, estuvieron regular cantidad de invitados, distribuimos prasadsam y lo mejor fue el cantar sus Glorias, cada uno de nosotros le dedico una ofrenda y realizamos compromisos para mejorar nuestro servicio hacia UD. por favor orientenos como podemos servirle mejor...

Esta en Lima Su Gracia Srila Virabahu, P. Raghu viajo a Lima para verlo, todos sus discipulos, ahora del programa nos encargaremos con Jagadisvara para no descuidar la atención de SRI GOURA NITAY, P. Raghu nos encomendo este gran servicio, estará en Lima la semana.

Quisera compertirle que en la clase del domingo se hablo de la determinación de Druva Maharaja, ab esa edad determinado a ver a la Suprema Personalidad de Dios, como no tenemos siquiera un poquito de esa determinación para poder rendirnos al Señor Krishna, creemos que eso es un reto de mucha lucha con nuestra mente.

Le comento que ya compre mi pasaje para viajar a Lima a fines de marzo, si UD me lo permite, para poder tomar Dharsam del polvo de sus Pies de Lotto. Ahora estamos bien seguimos con la misma rutina, tratando de trabajar como burro, cuidando siempre y corriendo a nuestra mente, mejorando para poder ser un verdadero Grihasta, es nuestra lucha diaria, ahora queremos tener un horario para poder hacer Sankirtana es una de los servicio que más estamos descuidando, queremos mejorar para poder servirle mejor.

Dear Gurudeva, me despido por favor acepte las reverencias de B. Ayda y Nilacandra, él esta creciendo muy rápido eperamos ser el mer ejemplo para él... por favor dneos sus bendiciones para pode rmejorar en nuestra vida espiritual y tambien para poder viajar a Lima para poder verlo, muchas gracias por Todo. Que la Misericordia del Señor Sri Krishna se derrame siempre sobre UD. Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva

Su inutil sirviente

Govardhana das.

ASA - HpS   ---  Jaya, Giri-govardhana, Jaya, Krsna- Balarama.   Nila-candra, y sus Mama ki jai!!!!!     Si, fin de Marzo es Rama - Navami!!  Entonces vamos a Chiclayo.  Adelante.  Convierta entusiasta en cada minuto.  Canta Hare Krsna mucho, mucho, y pued ehacer MUCHO para Cuzco!!!!!!!!  Krsna nos empodera.

Rasa-mandali devi dasi

12 years, 8 months ago by Rashmin dd

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

I apologize for not writing sooner. It has now been a little over a week since my initiation yajna!!! I'm still not sure what I am supposed to be feeling. Someone suggested that one feels lighter...

HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  pamho.   Feeling lighter sometimes comes from lack of oxygen.

I can see that being true. Another suggested that it might not sink in until a few years down the line. Regardless I feel blessed to have received your mercy in the form of accepting me as a disciple. Thank you very much and am forever grateful. I promised to chant 16 rounds and follow the four regulative principles so I pray that I keep this vow and not dissatisfy you, ever.

HpS -  Grrrrrrrrrr!   You have to keep it like a Pit Bull holding onto the meanest Bull in the world by the nose, snaping you from side to side, and slapping you on the ground and stomping you with his feet.    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!   (The reflection of the Rasa-lila in the material world!)

And during the yajna, Bhaktimarg swami was the one who gave me my beads as well as the name you picked and let's not forget that beautiful maha ring from Radharani. It was just amazing. Another nice thing about the ceremony was that Madhavendra puri as well as Yogendra, who is the boy I am associating with, both received second initiation. They are disciples of Bhaktimarg swami. It was a memorable day by all means!

Just to confirm the meaning of my name: is it the name for one who arranges the circle for the rasa dance to take place?

HpS -  Yes, yes, yes...  Got to keep things tidy.  Don't want any sticks or stone on the dance floor!!!!

One devotee also told me it is a name for Radharani. I assume though it is a name of a gopi. I simply adore my name btw :)

HpS - In the spiritual world everything is a person.  The flute, the trees, the dance floor!  All the Gopis and Krsna stamping on her.

Oh, and I collected daksina for you. How would you like me to send it? I would be happy to get it to you as soon as possible.

HpS - AGTSP!!!  I don't know???  Maybe you could cook some potatoe squach for Krsna and use the Daksina to pay for the ingredients.  That would be nice!!

My book score for the Prabhupada marathon was 121 books... not too many but it is the most I've ever distributed and I'm happy with my little contribution.


HpS - ASA  ---   Jaya!!!!!          Super!!! ! ! ! ! !        121-people have unlimited, eternal, fountains of nectar in their hands.

I tried to meditate on the fact that the laksmi collected is to be send for the construction of the new temple in Mayapur. A bigger home for Lord Caitanya!!!!!!!

Maharaj, I hope you are in good health. Please engage me in your service, whatever it may be. 

Your aspiring servant,

Rasa-mandali dd

HpS - Rasa-mandali Devi Dasi, Ki Jai.   Jayatam dvijate, All glories to the twice born (Yogendra Das).

geting attache to principle or krsna

12 years, 8 months ago by harsh_horse

hare krsna maharaj dandvat pranam. we are now in emotional truama. hence we are just writing whats coming to mind.

Q1 : if one can get attached to lord, that means one ie not KC , then is there any problem if he gets attachd to other principle like morning program , following four rules.....

ASA -  AGTSP!!!!!!!!!    Your question is not clear... but attached to Krsna means attached to Krsna's service.  Attached to the elephant's nose is attached to His feet and tail.  It is just different ways of approaching him.

to protect such attachment  that the person may adopt measure that may be harsh, rash or any other [un expected thing] but aim is to follow the principle. is that ok ? or that is called niyam-aaagraha.

HpS - We don't hurt the elefant's tail to be attached to his nose.

we understand this fall down stories little bit. but maharaj i ahve reveleation to make. here.

we dont want to preach this message of KC, becasue we are not able to set an example. it requires strong/expert guidance. which we are not able to find til this point. one has to search diksha guru, sikhsa, guru then asram guru... we are playing trial and error. lets try this guru that person. may be this or that may help.

first set  example then preach this what  we think should be followed...without example we are not thinking of preaching....

ASA - Yes, preaching, teaching, means to teach what you know.  If you have 35% realization that a certain diet is good then you just tell people what you know, "I have realized this about 35%.  I think the people who are promoting it are good. I'm not completely sure how to apply it, but definitely some good here and as we make any progress its eternal so little by little it should get clearer".

q2: is that ok?

like last mail we wrote---intiated disciples are more focusing on execution on service and morning program... the asrma thing is sort of neglected. we are not set anye xample nor we are able to find any example [ may be our example definition is wrong]

Q3 what do thy[HpS] mean by setting right example?
[a] mode of good ness behaviour in asrama
[b] serious intense auterirites in bhakti yoga
[c] behavior that may inspire others to do  service externally, in this movement.
[d] all of the above.

ASA - [d] except [b] should eliminate "intense" at this point.


We also remember thy instruction of following morning program and getting intelligence..

we try to follow ur moring program..its getting better eventually.... but manier times these emotional and mental confusion creates big problem in mirco management oif life.and we miss morning program.. [we dont expect diksha guru to do micro-management].


harsh from andh-kupa.

ASA - Maharaja Nrga was cursed to live as a frog in a well, so he accepted if he could have three wells, 1) Cool in summer, 2) Warm in winter, 3) In a fruit orchard so that there would be lots of flies to eat.  Yum!   Yum!    Dark well, Ki Jai.   Yet, there is nice light.   Just chant Hare Krsna whenever you have problems and you will be O.K.   Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.  You can cry.   You can walk out of everything and just chant, and then Krsna will give you intelligence how to deal with it!   I know.

bhaktina teresa (buenos aires)

12 years, 8 months ago by bhaktina teresa



HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP    Huh?    No hay muchos detalles pero como puede entender con Espanol como un burro Vd. fue juicicado injustamente.   You have been unfairly judges.

Well, it happens.

Has happened to me.  Of course, Krsna knows what is happening.    Krsna conoce lo que pasa.  Y aveces, si, estamos sufriendo resltos de nuestras propios fechorias,  pecados pasados.  O.K.   Seguimos con Servicio devociona.   Cantando Hare Krsna constante y poco a poco vamos a ver todos va a ver, LA VERDAD!!!!!!