B.Natalia reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeisance
All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Since the marathon we are collecting to buy a new kitchen with oven to cook for Lord Jagannatha. We already order the fabrication,  and we are collecting some more laksmi complete the payment, the kitchen will be ready for this monday!

Gurudeva, I had the desire to make a travel this holidays, to travel with my brother to some other temple. The past year my brother make a big change becoming devotee, but even if he is very enthusiastic, sometimes he expressed he felt more alone because at the school he could not enjoy as before the activities (usually nonsenses) with his friends. Even if he understand the value of Krsna Conciousness in his life, he sometimes felt little unsecure, or like "ashamed" because he is not enjoying like the others. I undestand was he is feeling and I wanted to make a travel with him to show him, to experience together that devotees can also have fun but with Krsna in the center. So I was planing to make a travel to some place, to do sankirtan, participate in festivals during the holidays. And finally we bought tickets to go to Brasil. We are going to Sao Paulo, we will stay in the temple there...

HpS - ASA ---  Jaya!

I hope this is a good idea, some devotees I feel doesn't like too much the idea, and also I didn't metion this before, and now I already have the tickets. So it seems it may be too pationed... I apologize to not ask before, nor even mention.

HpS - As NIOS we are reading one heavy German author now.  He went through so much hell during his life, war, newspapers, crashed plays...   But it was his sister who again and again helped him.   Yeah, its good to ask first, but also its a practical thing and whether it is a good plan or a bad plan, its a pretty good plan and it may work.

My desire is to spend a good time with my brother in Krsna conciousness, because the next year I will go to Mexico and I would like he feels more secure about his new path. We are departing the 24th and coming back the 10th march.

Some days I didn't enter to the japa class were because I was really sick. And others because sometimes programs at the temple finish very late. Yesterday I arrived too late from Sattva I forgot to put my alarm because I was too tired... but my rounds are really better, in the morning. I am very gratefull. It is true that when we chant anarthas come more strongly?

HpS - Can be the case.   They are not going to go away.  The are frozen and when we are strong enough to handle them Krsna lets them out.

Or we are more concious of them? Maya will try to put more obstacles?

thank you very much, please excuse my offenses, I am very grateful for you assotiation, I don't deserve it
Your aspirant servant


HpS - AgtSP!     Paoho.      So nice to have your association.  Hope that all your relations get worked out well!

NIMSAR REPORT January 19th

12 years, 8 months ago by candra108_mukhi

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:


I hope this meets U in very good health

Well basically we continue trying to work as a Group HH Hanumatpresaka Swami, LAD and Matajis Rohini and Ananga are having meetings trying to organize the academic part of VEDAS.

HpS, LAD and CMdd are organizing the final examination of our Bhakti Vaibhava study.

The others members of VEDAS are continue with his Bhakti Sastri and Bhakti Vaibhava students. For instance Patraka das with his group in chile and chiclayo, M Ananga with her students. M rohini was visited by her BS Student Ekanta Bhakti from Argentina. EKanta told me that she spent a great time with M ROhini jay... Even if Yugala is in chile she is having skype meetings with her students...

The final examination of Bhakti Vaibhava is on going to be in schell on January 28th. We are organizing also a symposium in Education for that day in order to celebrate VEDAS- NIMSAR aniversary (Sarasvati puja). HpS , M Arudha are going to present a power point presentation.

LAD, Abhiram thakur, and CMdd had 2 meetings in order to organize that. It is pretty nice to work together SATTVA- NIMSAR- THus develop good vaisnava relationships.

Thank U very much for your inspiration

Your eternal servants 


ASA - HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP.     Paoho.   We endorse 100% M. Candramukhi DD Report.   After we read it we called Boise, Idaho, and M. Aruddha has sent her power point show for translation for the Symposium on Saturday. We talked for 1/2 hour with Laksmana. Das about EVERYTHING and had very nice rapport with him.

1) ASSOCIATION - ISKCON Ministry or Education, other prominent groups such as Mayapura Institute, Bhaktivedanta College et al, are no more socially integrated than is NIMSAR, or ASA. So we seem to be O.K. in that aspect.

2) PROCESS - Considering how much we pay our Staff, Professors and Administrators we seem to be doing just  f i n e.

3) CONTENT - We are memorizing our verses:

Yad kirtanam, yad smaranam, yad iksanam
   yad vandanam, yad chravanam, yad arhanam
lokasya sadhaya vidunoti kalmasam
   tasmai subhada sravase namo namah.

(Took us big effort to recall all of that verse in parts, but we did it!)  2.4.15 I think .

Sattva reporting

12 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina

Hare Krsna
Please accept our humble obeisance
All glories  to Srila Prabhupada

  1. This Saturday we will do a special meeting to see the details about legal aspects.
  2. The day of Sarasvati puja, 27thJanuary, we are preparing the prasadam distribution (350 plates) at Desamparados.
  3.  We are starting to plan a tour (from 4thto 24thApril) including Chiclayo, Trujillo and Cajamarca.
  4. Sadhana: P.Abhirama and b.Natalia are participating in the Japa class, Jagat Pavitram is as usually chanting his rounds, M.Damodar continue with her puja, chanting 16 rounds, trying to improve her quality of chanting… Luis, waking up early and his chanting during the day. We are all together trying to continue!
  5. Our class of Srimad Bhagavatam is from 7am to 8am.

 Hare Krsna!

HpS - Jaya!     AgtSP     Paoho.   Such a small group, but with good possibilities. May we all find our place in Srila Prabhupada's movment as he wants to precisely place us!!!!

Vyasa puja offering. From Gayatri Prasad

12 years, 8 months ago by srinivasacarya
Hare Krishna Maharaj.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories unto the dust of your lotus feet.
Kindly accept my offering for your Vyasa puja and forgive me for any offence that I may commit. I'm one of the fallen souls who was fortunate to have your association while you visited Boise in 2006/2007. I still remember your lecture in one of the home programs in Boise. You were the first sanyasi I met within Iskcon. Little did I know how profound you were but the way you were articulating throughout the lecture was so impressive.
As mentioned in the Light of Bhagavata, pure souls like you come as a blessing in one's life and transform their hearts. One such nectar from your boundless mercy has changed my life too. Your intellectual, analytical study of the scriptures with a light of humor fascinates me the most. Everytime I read your study notes on the verse or purports makes me say 'VOW'. I have no qualification to even appreciate but your Vyasa Puja offering to Srila Prabhupada was with so much realization and humbleness. Certainly you are empowered by Krishna and Srila Prabhupada. Only because of your mercy, I'm trying to understand the scriptures. Your disciple and also my spiritual guide, Srinivas-acharya prabhu/family have been my backbone to progress in my Krishna Consciousness.   Anything a disciple can achieve is only through the mercy of his spiritual master.  My words fall short to describe your glories that are unlimited.
Although, I've not interacted with you personally but I'm grateful to you for all that knowledge you've brought into me. True Knowledge brings us freedom, dissipating ignorance. You're my master who has mercifully helped me rise from my ignorance. I still have a long way but beg your guidance in my struggle to advance in Krishna Consciousness. My desire to Krishna is to serve you for all that you've been in my life. Please give me an opportunity to serve you.
On behalf of you, my fervent prayers to Sri Guru and Gauranga for many more wonderful years of service and protect you always.
Thank you so much for everything Maharaj. Happy Birthday.
Your Servant
HpS - ASA   ---   Hmmmm?   Srila Prabhupada Ki Jai.    Thank you for your fine words. I hope they inspire us to get free from the stupidity which is always plague to us. We seem to be advancing. It seems to be because Srila Prabhupada is reducing enormously the reactions to our selfish lust that we deserve, giving us some good thoughts that we can artificially claim so that we have the prestige that we desire, need.
So, all glories to Srila Vyasadeva and His followers. May we all try to be sincere.   We hope to see you all in a few days.


12 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Italo

Mis respetuosas reverencias a Srila Prabhupada quien me ha salvado de la oscuridad; a Sri Guru porque en mi esta guiando , y a mi patha pradarsika guru pues me esta guiando a los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada.

En cuanto al sadhana: 8 rondas propuestas y 4 principios, ahora acepto el caytania caritamrita para el avance espiritual y desarrollar una mayor comprension.

Sri Guru me ha complacido todos los deseos materiales, no hacia falta caer y romper principios  pero las tendencias estas presentes, y ya no importa mucho solo tenia que confesarle y solo los complace una sola vez. Estoy saciado. Ahora 4 principios ya no sera una tarea muy dificil.

HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP   pfanrh         Accepta seguir como una compromisa personal a Srila Prabhupada y Senor Caitanya?

Last Activities and Future Plans

12 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta David Vinces


Pleaseaccept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to You Maharaja,

Dear Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami,

It was nice to read again the Kapi Dhvaja because it stop to come to my facebook. My associated Radhanarupini dd (HH Prahladananda Swami’s disciple) and I are now in Iquitos, we had a little participation in the marathon of Prabhupada last December here but we are thinking in going to Lima to collect and stablish our married life, maybe living near the temple of Wilson, and make our lives around the activities of that mandir, we are now thinking in the future and how important is that we have something sure (money) in order we can keep the soul and body together and go on our spiritual life till the time we have to face our final exam, death time. My associated with a group of three mothers was supporting Your preaching programme in the Alianza Francesa in Cuzco last year with Sankirtan and inviting people in order that You, dear Maharaja have a good audience, she also could take advantage of Your classes there and of Your pure knowledge, now she’s feeling inspired to write You to your fine blog and she’s asking for Your mercy in that matter. Please Maharaja tell me if she can do it.

HpS - ASA -   Jaya.    AgtSP    Paoho.   Sure seems fine to us if Mataji write to us! Very nice to hear from your good selves also.

I’m chanting 6 rounds each day, I was chanting 16 rounds for around 3 months, but it was a bit heavy for me, so I return to the 6 rounds You told me before I were to Chosica in 2011. I don’t know if I told You but last time I was in the asram of Chosica I had a crisis of my bipolar disease, and now I’m trying to get better and for that I had those plans with my associated of find the way to not depend so much of my parents, and having activities spiritual and practical which gave us a good health both phisical and mental and of course spiritual too.

We are reading as much as we can (although I have to admit we must be reading a bit more) We read now Mahabharata 2, Bhagavatam Cantos 8 and 9 and we were trying to follow the instruction You gave me Maharaja, about reading the 3rd Canto and the pastime of Devahuti and Kardama Muni but we don’t have that Canto and although we tried to find it on the net we couldn’t, maybe You dear Maharaja may gave us a webside where we can read it.

ASA - http://vedabase.com/es/sb/3/21

I'm still translating the Ayurvedic book of Navayauva Dasa with the help of my associated. My parents are fine and we are trying to keep an enviroment of concord. My associated is a so good devotee of Krishna, most of the time we get along very well, I love her. We are reading the book of Bhaktitirtha Swami  “Spiritual Warrior II, Transforming lust in Love,” I thought it could help us much in our relationship. Dear Maharaja I miss You very much, I hope You are very well and we can see You as soon as possible.

Your aspiring servant

Bhakta David Vinces

Ps: I beg for your bennedictions so these good intentions become true. 

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!    AgtSP    Paoho.   It seems you are doing well in your Ashrama. try seven rounds a day on Sunday!!!!