ASA Mex - First Tele-Sadhana

12 years, 8 months ago by asa mexico

All  glories  to Srila  Prabhupada!
All glories to you, dear Maharaja!

Dear Gurudeva, Please accept our humble obeisance’s!

We are infinitely grateful for the mercy you poured out on us, inspired by your wonderful example, this year we intend to improve our program Sadhana, as a group. So, From this month, celebrate our Sadhana programs 2 times a month

The first (during the light fortnight
) will celebrate by assisting the temple to physically perform the complete program, a Sunday before the Ekadasi. The second (during the dark fortnight) will make our Tele-Sadhana program through Webex.

On Thursday January 19th, we celebrated our first Tele-Sadhana, was a very beautiful where we had the opportunity to join in chanting Japa, before starting our diverse duties. Attendees at the first Tele-Sadhana were his servants Asta Sakhi DD, Aristasena D, Angada D, Gopi Radha DD, Priya Sakhi DD and Bhaktin Cruz Santa. We had some setbacks with the use of Webex and microphones of some members, we are trying to learn from these setbacks, and we ask you give us your blessings, for this small Tele-Sadhana program helps us to unite as brothers, through the chanting of the holy names and grow day by day.

Continue to strive to improve our participation, inspired by the great mercy you poured out on us, we are determined to take refuge in his auspicious partnership, example and inspiration.

His servants
 ASA México


ASA Central Command   ---   AgtSP!!!     Paoho.     This is you servant, Uncle Gismo.   Very nice news.  Use these tools, but remember, it is the personal dedication to the process that makes the tools useful.  In NOI-3 Srila Prabhupada, himself, explains this in terms of the dictaphone.What verse does  he cite from the BG?

DTC/Sunday - 22

12 years, 8 months ago by hps



Here we are in the Ashrama of Tandavika Prabhu.   Musa and his mother just got back from Nashville from their Karnatica Classical music class. That's about 1-1/2 hour drive round trip.

Now, 8.30PM we have our Shayana arati and Kirtana.

Kusa (autistic) is running around making noises like a train in excitment.  We are looking for th $10,000 Blue Ray copy of the Madana bhari DVD that Rodrigo says he sent 2-months ago.  They remember that it is somewhere.   I bought folders to put the NIOS masters of all the movies in a more secure place!!

O.K. After Kirtana we do the Kapi Dhvaja!

O i n k !     O i n k !        Whoop!     W H O O P !

Bhakta Adrian & Bhaktin Revati Hawaii-Utah

12 years, 8 months ago by BhaktaAdrian

Hare Krishna,

Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada!!

Bhakta Adrian: We have managed to make it out of the politics of Hawaii and are into a very good place in Utah.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya!  AgtSP!!!

We are living in a place near the temple here, not on the property.

ASA - Spanish Fork?

We are having another devotee move in with us in the near future. We are both excited to have devotional association in our home. We have been steady in our chanting, and are working on getting into a good rhythm of reading twice a day. The latter is still in the works. Unfortunately we rely on the public g ion here, and are not able to make it to Mongala Aratic in the mornings. However, we have visited, and are working our schedule to make it to the temple daily if possible. It is a very beautiful temple. It is nice to again serve the deities that I started serving in the beginning days of my devotional life (in this body). I am also very excited about working in the gardens here. That has always been my favorite service. 

We will be visiting you at the Boise temple here in the next week. Our bus arrives the morning of the 26th, and we leave the evening of the 29th. We are being hosted by one of the devotees that lives near the temple. I'm eager to receive your association and to get more instruction on my spiritual path. I'm so fallen. 

Bhaktin Revati: Hare Krishna! As Adrian has stated, we are coming up to the Boise Temple next week! I am also very excited and eager to have your association and also to be in the association of devotees. It's been a little harder here without a personal vehicle because we can't visit the temple when we want, but we have set up a nice altar in our home and it's nice to learn home worship (granted there's A LOT to learn..). I really hope we have some time to talk with you because I have a lot of questions! 

Being in Utah has been really nice so far. It was hard to leave my friends and family and mostly Sri Panca-tattva and Lord Jagannatha.. I'm so so so attached to the deities, but I have many photos of Them and my friend is going to send me a picture of them every Sunday Feast :) We were able to visit New Dwarka in LA during our layover there on the way to Salt Lake City. That was the second temple I've ever visited! I am so thankful that ISKCON is international and that we can always be sure to have devotee association wherever we go. Plus, it'll be nice to have another devotee roommate. Right now, our roommate is not a devotee, but he is Indian bodied, so he is familiar with Krishna. He doesn't know much about Krishna Consciousness, but he's had darshan of our altar and is favorable. Everything has been running so smoothly, though, as far as having our other friend come stay with us. Our current roommate is moving out on the first and Bhakta Tracy, our friend, is moving in on the 3rd. He's a member of New Navadwipa right now.

Along with chanting, reading, and regular household duties, we've both been looking for jobs. It's quite a slow process, but hopefully Krishna will allow us to land good jobs soon. I also have been trying to figure out school things, and definitely considering attending Radhadesh! The school here in Utah has already spoken with my advisor in Hawaii and has approved of my acceptance there, so if Radhadesh doesn't work out, I will still be able to finish my education here. As far as our material assets are concerned, we're okay for now. 

I am also looking forward so much to taking your association and learning about how to advance more in spiritual life. I have been realizing more and more lately that advancement in spiritual life is the ONLY important thing in this life. 

I hope that this meets you in good health and happiness! Jaya Radhe-Shyam!

Your lowliest servants,

Bhakta Adrian & Bhaktin Revati

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    Pretty cool, but the 16-enthusiatic rounds, and 4-principles strict are the perfect boat of Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet to take you through everything.   So we see you in Boise!

It is so nice to have you association.    You life can be like a Soap Opera for the Blog.    Hare Krsna's in the land of Angel Moronaye!

hari haribol!

12 years, 8 months ago by XnarayanaX

querido gurudev
aceptes mis revrencias
 todas las glorias a srila prabhupad!
gurudev queria contarle q el dia 28 sus discipulos y aspirantes vamos a juntarnos para organizar mas su llegada
muchos devotos de bs as piden si puede dar un seminario 
hasta ahora solo tenemos confirmado un programa en casa de bhimanat acyuta prabhu
y esta semana proxima veremos una conferencia en una universidad
 y otros nama hatta
sin mas x el momento su sirviente 
HpS - ASA -  Jaya!     TlgaSP   Senor NpDas (Nada pronto Das,  Nivel practico Das (Ha!   Ha!))         Narayana para Das!!!    Es decir fijado devoto del Senor,    muy no comun.
Muy bien su associacion.    Fechas fijadas para Gaura Purnima and Mar de Plata, no? Seminario puede ser Japa, Pa, Pa,    o     , Luz de la Bhagavata,      o      , Curriculum de BhSastri or BhVaibhava, no?

Bhaktina Julieta dice Toda Gloria al Movimiento de Sankirtana del Señor Caitanya!!! Yes!!!

12 years, 8 months ago by Julieta Corzo Fillmore

Sean Todas las Gloria a Sri Sri Gaura Nitay!!!

Sean Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Sean Todas las Glorias a UD Guru Maharaja!!!

 Interesante este camino de la vida espiritual...cambia constantemente...o la que cambia soy yo?...

 Ya hace un tiempo que no le escribo, Guru Maharaja, estos ultimos dos meses fueron muy intensos, diciembre con la maraton de Srila Prabhupada, intensa experiencia, muy purificadora,   me permitó pulir un poco mas mi caracter, aprender un poco mas a cerca del mundo que me rodea, me permitio desarrollar un poco mas la humildad y me permitio comprender un poquito mas la mision de Srila soy nada...

Hps ASA -  Pienso que es algo!       No es nada, No es Dios.     Tiene cualidades, los cuales son atractivos aun a Krsna!

 Mi vida es muy sensilla, 16 rondas, no tan buenas como me gustaría...mi mente está rara... cuatro principios...lectura...muuucho trabajo....servicio en el templo....llegaron a mi muchas clases de Srila Prabhupada traducidas al español...increible su humor para la pré mantiene con los pies en la tierra...por supuesto también participo de alguna novela dramatica...uffff...que mala costumbre....jajjaja..

...pero allí estan Ellos..Sus Señorias, Ellos son muy misericordiosos con migo y yo soy tan torpe con ellos...

 Le cuento Guru Maharaja que el proximo mes MahaHari prabhu nos va a tomar el examen de primera iniciación a Dani, Teresa, Diana y yo...tuvo la oportunidad de hablar con el?

HpS - No, pero aparece muy bien a mi!    Nos vemos en como 8 semanas o menos, no? !

 Gracias Guru Maharaja por derramar tanto amor por el mundo, leerlo a Ud. en el blog cada día me da calma, me hace cuestionarme cosas, y me hace sonreir, Ud es la bocanada de aire que me permite sobrevivir a mi ignorancia y a mi contaminada mente...cientos y miles de reverencias a Ud Guru Maharaja, por toda la eternidad...intentando servirlo de alguna manera, me despido.

Bhaktina Julieta.

Hare Krsna!

Hps - ASA -  La Julieta Soltera, Sin Romeo.   Ha!    Ha!    Ha(re)!      Estamos aprendiendo no realizar las mismas errores como antes?

En el foto, son Gaura Nitai del Templo, no?    No sus propios?

Hare Krsna!!!

12 years, 8 months ago by Gadai

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaj, por favor reciba mis humildes  reverencias, esperando que la presente carta lo encuentre  bien de salud.

Seguimos aquí en Chosica, mi esposa Nadiya Nivasi hoy dia comenzo a ayudar en el pujari,


ASA - Jaya!!   TlgaSP        pfanrh

con lo que respecta a mi, estoy ayudando a mi amigo Radharaman en el restaurant  "Govinda" del templo de Chosica.

Nuestra salud esta mejor,  estaremos en Chosica por 1 mes, despues de Gaura Purnima estaremos de Sankirtan viajero.

¿Como esta su salud?


HpS - COn 65 anos comenza poco esfueza mantener el burro viejo. pero esta bien!

Estamos haciendo Mangal Artik 4 am, siguiendo 4 principios regulativos, en mi lectura personal estoy comensando a leer el Caitanya Caritamrta.

Bueno Guru Maharaj me despido, esperamos verlo pronto en Chosica.

Hare Krsna, un abrazo.

Gadai Gauranga Das

HpS - SUper.   Cual parte de CC?