12 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta Italo

Mis respetuosas reverencias a Srila Prabhupada quien me ha salvado de la oscuridad; a Sri Guru porque en mi esta guiando , y a mi patha pradarsika guru pues me esta guiando a los pies de loto de Srila Prabhupada.

En cuanto al sadhana: 8 rondas propuestas y 4 principios, ahora acepto el caytania caritamrita para el avance espiritual y desarrollar una mayor comprension.

Sri Guru me ha complacido todos los deseos materiales, no hacia falta caer y romper principios  pero las tendencias estas presentes, y ya no importa mucho solo tenia que confesarle y solo los complace una sola vez. Estoy saciado. Ahora 4 principios ya no sera una tarea muy dificil.

HpS - ASA -- TlgaSP   pfanrh         Accepta seguir como una compromisa personal a Srila Prabhupada y Senor Caitanya?

Last Activities and Future Plans

12 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta David Vinces


Pleaseaccept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada, and all glories to You Maharaja,

Dear Maharaja Hanumatpresaka Swami,

It was nice to read again the Kapi Dhvaja because it stop to come to my facebook. My associated Radhanarupini dd (HH Prahladananda Swami’s disciple) and I are now in Iquitos, we had a little participation in the marathon of Prabhupada last December here but we are thinking in going to Lima to collect and stablish our married life, maybe living near the temple of Wilson, and make our lives around the activities of that mandir, we are now thinking in the future and how important is that we have something sure (money) in order we can keep the soul and body together and go on our spiritual life till the time we have to face our final exam, death time. My associated with a group of three mothers was supporting Your preaching programme in the Alianza Francesa in Cuzco last year with Sankirtan and inviting people in order that You, dear Maharaja have a good audience, she also could take advantage of Your classes there and of Your pure knowledge, now she’s feeling inspired to write You to your fine blog and she’s asking for Your mercy in that matter. Please Maharaja tell me if she can do it.

HpS - ASA -   Jaya.    AgtSP    Paoho.   Sure seems fine to us if Mataji write to us! Very nice to hear from your good selves also.

I’m chanting 6 rounds each day, I was chanting 16 rounds for around 3 months, but it was a bit heavy for me, so I return to the 6 rounds You told me before I were to Chosica in 2011. I don’t know if I told You but last time I was in the asram of Chosica I had a crisis of my bipolar disease, and now I’m trying to get better and for that I had those plans with my associated of find the way to not depend so much of my parents, and having activities spiritual and practical which gave us a good health both phisical and mental and of course spiritual too.

We are reading as much as we can (although I have to admit we must be reading a bit more) We read now Mahabharata 2, Bhagavatam Cantos 8 and 9 and we were trying to follow the instruction You gave me Maharaja, about reading the 3rd Canto and the pastime of Devahuti and Kardama Muni but we don’t have that Canto and although we tried to find it on the net we couldn’t, maybe You dear Maharaja may gave us a webside where we can read it.


I'm still translating the Ayurvedic book of Navayauva Dasa with the help of my associated. My parents are fine and we are trying to keep an enviroment of concord. My associated is a so good devotee of Krishna, most of the time we get along very well, I love her. We are reading the book of Bhaktitirtha Swami  “Spiritual Warrior II, Transforming lust in Love,” I thought it could help us much in our relationship. Dear Maharaja I miss You very much, I hope You are very well and we can see You as soon as possible.

Your aspiring servant

Bhakta David Vinces

Ps: I beg for your bennedictions so these good intentions become true. 

HpS - ASA -   Jaya!    AgtSP    Paoho.   It seems you are doing well in your Ashrama. try seven rounds a day on Sunday!!!!


12 years, 3 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA


AgtSN y SC.


Aqui seguimos Maharaja, hacia adelante, esforzandonos.

Me gustaria compartir algo no Usted y tal vez, saber su opinion sobnre algo que recorre mi mente estos dias.

Estoy comiendome el Brihat Bhagavatamrta, y hay sentimientos o dudas que a-floran en mi, que me hacen pensar porque Vyasa formulo especialmente el Maha-bharata para kali- yuga o nosotros los tontos. 

Al leer el Brhat, el Maha-bharata, Krsna-book, etc, siento sentimientos que me recuerdan, que mis recuerdos de la gente son pasatiempos, esto o eso que esas personas-almas hicieron.

Muchas veces al estudiar otros libros, con el jñana inmerso que tienen, al ser yo tran caido, perturban mi mente y no me dejan saborear el sentimiento, como en libros mas infantiles como Krsna-book, Maha-bharata, etc.

No es peligroso que un tonto como yo estudie esos libros?, no pensaria Vyasa lo mismo sobre un tonto como yo?, no es el Maha-mantra la vibracion que reactiva nuestros recuerdos de Krsna?

Perdone que sea tan mental.

Balarama loka va muy bien, este mes ya intentamos adelantar muchos cultivos en invernadero, y otros pocos en exterior, como patatas, guisantes, ajos y cebollas....por favor maharaja, cuales son las tres hermanas; maiz, frijoles?, ????.

Loa animales estan muy bien, creo hay una pareja de buhos viviendo en la finca. 

Vamos a cercarla entera para que los perros puedan alejar animales de 2 y 4 patas, nos comen los cultivos, jajaja.

Ya estamos preguntando por la jaya, son de un centro que se llama jaya, yu una parejas de gallinas reproductoras. jaya.

Este domingo, despues de dejar a Varuna con su madre vay a ir una semana a hacer servicio a Madrid.

Estamos espezando un divertido proyecto que se llama RISHI TECHNOLOGY, probando la tecnologia de los Rishis...resultados increibles.

16 rondas, 4 principios, programa, estudios. Me levanto a las 5 am.

Abadhuta Nityananda Gaura Candra!!!! Ki jaya!!!


HpS - TlgaSP   -  Es carta de Pablo, no?   Pensando de Nandanandana Das de Chile.   Super bien sus noticias.  Puede para tiempo con Varuna.  Poco a poco podemos hacer el mejor uso de una mala ganga.   No entiendo perfecto su carta, acerca de los libros.

Esta bien.

Si estamos siguiendo los cuatros principios y cantand rondas entusiastas por que no esperamos milagros divertidos?  Por que no???       Puede invitar Jayanta y los otros campesinos visitar su finca.

Differente libros para diferent personas.


Mahabharata a veces no es posible entender. Madhva acharya dijo que hay errores en lo que tenemos, pero leyendo de Prabhupada podemos apreciar Maha Bharata correcto.

O.K?     Esta bien???        Mantiene leer un poco de cualquiere libros de Prabhupada y natural mente puede juzgar el valor de otros......!    Esta muy misercodioso con nosotros, miembros de esta Blog, enviar sus noticias, la finca....

Hare Krsna - Going for 15 days leave......will be back on 6 Feb 2012

12 years, 3 months ago by Gopal C Biswas

Hare Krsna Maharaj,
    Please accept my humble obeisances.
    All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
    Please don't get angry with me, whatever feedback has been given by our Temple President H G
    Radhe Shyam Das, ISKCON, Pune. and My Shiksa Guru is H G Sri RadhaKunja Bihari Das, ISKCON,
    Pune, for my initiation. I am happy with whatever Krsna's wish.

    If you guide me to grow in Krsna Conciousness that will be enough for me for my survival for Krsna,
    because i am new for this path.
    If that is also not possible then i have to just learn from your lectures and photograph (which show
    me your greatest renounce or vairagya). And i know, who is renounce or vairagi, he only loves Krsna,
    he remembers Krsna, he sees Krsna in every thing, he sees Krsna in activity, he can not hat any thing.

    Next 15 days i will not be availabe for writing letters because i am going Baster District in Chhattis-
    garh, India. This is trival area, there is no light, travelling facility, food etc........So there will not be
    Internet also.

    But i will connected with you by chanting.

    Thank your Maharaj.

Your aspiring servant,
Gopal Biswas

HpS - Jaya!   O.K.  See you soon.   In USA people are dying to go to a primitive place like you describe.  Take some books to distribute. Have little Kirtan program every evening and Whoooop!   Success!

Hare Krishna

12 years, 3 months ago by Jiyada Nrsmha

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva:

Habiendo dejado la vida de Grihastha, y sin mas intensiones de retornar con la compañía de una mujer, y con muchas ganas de incrementar mi servicio a los pies de loto de radharani, quisiera por favor me aconseje, si seria lo mas adecuado tomar un voto de celibato, con la finalidad de poder regular mejor mis sentidos y mi mente.

Deseando que Krishna siempre lo llene de su misericordia sin causa y le brinde salud para seguir predicando e inspirando a sus discípulos, se despide de Ud. Su eterno sirviente Jiyada Nrsmha

HpS - ASA ---  TlgaSP....  pfanrh.   Pero esta en viaje a India con Mathuresa Das.  Dejando Grhastha ashrama.  Ayeeee   Que pasa???   La esposa tiene locura temporario!!!   Claro, es Kali-yuga.     Y claro es mejor pasar como seis anos antes de tomar votos de dejar la esposa a Krsna para siempre.  etc. etc.   Por la fine tiene muy buen associacion, Mathuresa, Vrsabhanu y sus esposas. Puede tomar unos decisiones practicos con ayuda de ellos.   No es que tiene que ser PARA SIEMPRE.  Mejor hace un plan para unos par de meces y depues ver el resultado.


Hay MUCHO  hacer!!!!!

Greetings from the land of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu

12 years, 3 months ago by pnd
Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I am writing from Sridham Mayapur, changed ticket to stay 10 days longer.
Trying to go for Harinamas every day, feel like I am again getting alive. Harinama devotees said they do Harinama every day in the year here! <img alt="" src="" style="line-height: 35px; font-size: 22px; background-color: rgb(253, 226, 205);" title="" />
Pranesvara Prabhu and Padmanayan Prabhu from MIHE offered me services to help them with online education and website. MIHE will arrange my VISAs and will give me room to stay here in Mayapur. So in May after I will finish one project I may go back to Mayapur.
HpS - ASA -- Srila Prabhupada has given you the extreme limit of all possible mercy, to live and work in the Dhama.
Normally I am very sceptical towards education in ISKCON (mainly because last 6 years close to Bhaktivedanta College), but I have very good feeling with MIHE as their mood/values seems different. It is nice to see humble devotees in the project and I hope will also become more soft. It will be my honor to help them whatever I will be useful.
So my idea is to help in MIHE, go for Harinamas and do big stuff on And on side do some small project for job, so I have money for coconuts and for eventual grihasta asram.
Are you still coming into Mayapur this year for the education meeting?
Your servant Prahlada-nrsmha das
HpS -   Jaya!   AGTSP  Paoho.  We are just finishing stay in Tennessee.  Has been very nice.  Lots of work.  Some advancement in KC!!!!        Our travel to Boise, San Jose, Houston, Monterrey, Mexico City, Houston, Miami, Lima, Choseeka, Lima, Buenos Aires, Mar de Plata, Buenos Aires, Lima, Choseeka, Chiclayo, Trujillo, Caja Marca, Lima, Miami, is 90% fixed.  After that, May 1st, 7AM, we were supposed to go to Radha des and then on to India, but not completely sure....  Looks like for SURE Kartika again in India.   We are servants of Krsna.  Our austerity (this world is ONLY for austerity) is to die for Him.