Hare Krishna!!!!!!!

12 years, 5 months ago by danielfrozero in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Nitai Goura!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

How are you Maharaja?
I hope that this good

HpS - AGTSP  paoho   Struggling just like you!

Here we are in Krsna consciousness, trying to make progress

Sorry for my English, the Google translator and I may fail,  ahah ...

Sorry that you could not write this month
I tell him that we are here to organize everything for your coming to our country. I feel there is much connection between the brothers and good vibes, and that makes me very happy.
I hope to serve to you personally.
Prabhupada is so great ... I can not stop thanking his mercy every day. I'm reading the nectar of devotion, very carefully and try to implement more and more.

HpS - Dhanurdara Swami's book, Waves of Devotion, helps a LOT.

For now once a week I go to mangal arati to the temple with devotees, and in my home I try to wake up as early as possible. It's hard work for me to do, but his inspiration makes me feel strong and determined.
I'm still working at the restaurant of the temple and also with the fixed service cleaning the kitchen.

We are putting together a group of kirtan with some devotees to play nama hathas, Bhakti Vriksas and once a month in the Sunday celebrations in the temple. http://kirtanmovil.blogspot.com/?z

Also these days I was thinking about making some t-shirts for the devotees, I send a design to see what you think.

I do not get more time
Was eager to write, and transmit all that is happening.
See you soon
Thanks for your time and inspiration
eternally grateful

Please forgive my offenses
My most humble obeisances unto you

your aspirant
Bhakta Daniel

Hare Krishna!

HpS - Jaya!   Hare Krsna.  So we see you Within 2-weeks! Is nice logo!!!!

india trip 2012

12 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Calendar Development

Hare Krsna Maharaj, AGTSP, PAMHO,

We some how remember that you would be going to Naimisharanya this year in India?---- Its North West of Lucknow....

Will it be possible maharaj that you can also go to

1. Ayodhya, its east of lucknow nearly same distance as Naimisharanya
2.  Also Allahabad/Prayag [ Juncture of Ganga-Yamuna] is also near by Lucknow[ 6 hr rail/road journey]. .... we can take bath in these two exalted river....our whole maternal and paternal family belongs to allahabad. we were also born there..
3. we dont know further plans for yours in India visit.. there fore we are just suggesting randomly....

if there is a possibility please tell us we would try to arrange some thing

aspiring to serve you,,,
bhakta harsh

 HpS - AGTSP  -   It appears now that maybe we go to India, Manipur, during the month of May with quick visit to Kolkatta and that is our only visit to India this year.   We go to Australia instead.

Thesis from IIT Bombay

12 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Other

Hare Krsna Maharaj, AGTSP, PAMHO.

Hope you had nice travel to Mexico. We understand that your health is giving you some discomfort. It pinches us to think any thing negative about you.

We have chosen our Field of work as Emotional Intelligence a branch of psychology[ we were able to consult only chaitya guru before finalising it].

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   Paoho    See the DTC.    Sounds like great topic.

We hope our huge effort[from mundane platform] can contribute some thing on absoute platform. We may be of any use even though small to Krsna, Srila Prabhupada and you.

We had vision or dream that we would request Prof Huber Robinson to be there in our thesis defense [ at least two years away]. We want work of NIOS to be known to academic world asap.

Is there any forum of NIOS also as Hps-d6 is forum for ASA ?

HpS - No, we are still a new organization. If Krsna wants more people will get involved. We are not opposed to closing NIOS and working with others, but so far there has not been that option.

Please send us more details of your Thesis little by little.

we dont want to disturb you , simultaneously we want to talk to you. seems its ABAT... we need to have purified knowledge and intelligence the right balance. thank you for letting this horse let run after you... hope we are able to rein the horse properly under you direction...

we would give our sadhana update one day after kapi dhavaja.


Bhakta Harsh---
this is the name you gave us to u on 20-feb-2011. japa joe session... till then every body called us Harsh Prabhu or Hrash Pradhan... nice to know that we can do some bhakti.....

horse pranam


Sankirtan from Radhika Spa

12 years, 5 months ago by radhikas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami Maharaja AGTSP PAMHO Dear Maharaja I hope you fell completely well. The eternal relationship between the soul are amazing !

Yesterday came in to my bussines a girl from Argentina , she sale biblie like a extra curricular class in her University, And i was very happy because I show her the Bhagavad gita and explain about rencarnation and resurrection . She could understand and she was very happy to know our philosophy ! In the end our meeting I read a text and then, I gift the Bhagavad Gita to her. Tomorrow I go to see her again. She come back to Argentina. Pleases don't forget this insignificant soul ! Your eternal servant Maha Bhava Cintamani dd

HpS - ASA  ---   AGTSP    paoho   What is your business!

DTC Wednesday/22

12 years, 5 months ago by hps in DTC

Hare Krsna,

AGTSP      paoho    We just got to Mexico City from Monterrey.  We are tired but moving on.  We do Blog now and then go to the Temple.   Monterrey was packed with work.  Super, Super University program and three lectures in the Temple. Some personal consultation but also doing all of our Internet work!

Sunny with little smog everywhere.



12 years, 5 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports
Todas la glorias para Srila Prabhupada!
Todas las glorias para Sri Caitanya y Sri Nityananda!
Maha Siva Ratri ki jaya!
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.
Soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.
Espero que se encuentre muy bien Maharaja.
Me gustaria comentar un poco como estoy, revelando un poco la mente, espero hacerlo bien.
HpS - ASA --  TlgaSP!
Antes que nada, estoy haciendo el programa de la mañana 4 am ( algun dia me he dormido ),
HpS - ASA  ---  Super!
adoracion, haciendo 16 rondas entusiasta, estudio-lectura ( tal vez mas lectura que estudio, pero me ha motivado mucho su explicacion de " un capitulo semana, una pagina semana, un verso semana ".
HpS - Pero eso es Bhakti vaibhava...  Leyendo un capitulo cada semana, memorizando un verso semana, escribiendo una pagina cada semana.
Voy a intentar aplicarlo, ya le comentare. Y programa de la tarde, pero se me olvida muchos dias...uff.
Esta semanas he tenido muchos imprevistos.
Me ha sido duro mantener mi Conciencia de Krsna, eso he intentado.
Virginia no deja de molestarme, y eso me es muy duro para mi. Sueño con que cambie su mentalidad, pero cada vez esta mas cubierta, por lo menos externamente. Realmente se que ella es mi mujer, haga lo que haga ella, pero no me resulta facil librarme de la lujuria. Me atraen las chicas, y me caen bien, se que puedo casarme si de  verdad mantengo y trato en todos los aspectos a Virginia como mi 1ª mujer, no??, por lo menos asi lo siento, pero siento que mi tiempo ya ha pasado, o eso creo, y no se como llevar esos pensamientos personales contrarios. Me cuesta mucho sobre todo cuando Virginia hace cosas muy feas. 
Me cuesta mucho no estar a su lado, ha sido mi mejor amiga toda la vida, desde que eramos niños, la conozco como la palma de mi mano, se que necesita mucha ayuda y los consejeros no son buenos. Se que me necesita y no se que hacer Maharaja,... Rezo por ella pero recibo muchas cosas malas, hago lo correcto??. Que Dios me perdone.
Como voy a ayudar a otros si yo no se solucionar mis problemas?
A veces solo quiero salir por la puerta, no mirar para atras y no volver jamas.
Asi creo soy yo, Maharaja, mental y tal vez bipolar?, no se.
No consigo mantener claro mi futuro personal, profesional y espiritual, ninguno. Intento meditar en mis cualidades para buscar una solucion consciente de Krsna, pero me cuesta bastante hacer un balance que me alegre. De tal forma las cosas cada vez estan mas claras gracias a la Japa y Servicio. 
.......   HpS - ASA - Pasando adelante sin abilidad leer todo la nectar de nuestra senor Pablo.
Hari Hari! Hari Hari!
Hari!      Hari!
P.d: Me gusta escribir poemas, sera en mi una tendencia Sahajija??
HpS - ASA --  Hare Krsna.   Comenza la Gaura arati. Hay como 20-devotos aqui en el nuevo Templito de Monterrey, Mexico. Yo pase casi la misma como Vd en mi sendero.  Claro uno tiene pasion para juegos de azar, otro sexo opuesto. . .  pero la conclusion es la misma, si tenemos que pasar por estas experiencias por nuestra Karma, aun esforzamos la mas fuerte que podemos evitar, entonces, adelante, pero no dejar cantando Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, al entrar en la Maya, pasar por la Maya, y despues de la Maya.  El adjustamiento, la desarrolla de sabiduria va a ser  R A P I D O .  Muchas veces solamente UNA VEZ sera suficiente entender claro la ilusion y despues el apego sigue automaticamente.
"Es un reflejo de una manzana, no esforsar para ella mas!"
Jaya!   Arati-kirtana.
Esperamos mas noticias!
(Mas intenso, eso es poesia).