Thank you!!!

11 years, 10 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Thank you very much for your quick and kind reply.
When i wrote You first time, my mind protested against publicity but now i like this blog.
With Your posts You help for many devotees.

I like reading your answers. You are always considerate and patient. You never decide instead of us just show the right path and tell lot of stories related to the questions. We have free will and we have to decide.
I read Your answer lot of times and i understand from it more and more day by day.
The "temporary insanity" is the main point if i think of it i can be more tolerant and try to see the good in everybody. Of course i'm also not perfect.

I'm delighted to hear you feel better and take rest a bit more. You are a real Goswami, don't eat, don't sleep too much just serve Krisna and His devotees.

Maharaja, I try to take part on Japa Joe but it's 8:30 am here and usually i'm busy at that time.
I listen to Your classes regularly and i would have to study for Bhakti vaibhava also but my vocabulary is too poor for it. Reading Krisna book in English is quite easy but the Bhagavatam is more difficult for me :(
I try to read more in English and train myself.

Thank you very much for everything dear Maharaja!
Take care!!!

Your insignificant servant,
Sri Radhe dd

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   pamho.  "Temporary Insanity" is I think a term that I heard Srila Sridhara Maharaja, use, Prabhupada's Godbrother.   However, it is very much our philosophy.

We have to understand and we have explain to others that ISKCON is composed of many people. Some Paramahamsas, others hypocrits disguised as devotees for their selfish aims, others sincer sinners advancing in purifying their habits, and with our effort and Krsna's help, we can deal with, avoid, associate with them all properly!   Jaya!