Vyasapuja Offering

11 years, 1 month ago by pnd in Special Category B

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to you.

Gurumaharaja, You are always very kind to all.

My attendance of mangala-arati was poor for quite some time, but because how much you preach importance of attending mangala-arati, I had always hope and desire to be able to have strong sadhana again. Seems that by your mercy, example and inspiration my mangala-arati is fixed now.

Whenever I raise my hands during kirtan I see you there dancing and jumping, same as when you were here in Mayapur.

You are strong force of vedabase.com project. Without your mercy it will not exist as it is. Whenever there appear some problems in development or maintanance, you and the fact that you are using the website are huge inspiration to continue and overcome all obstacles. Thus we could serve Srila Prabhupada's books to 310,00 people last month.

Thank you for everything. 

Hoping to be able to give you always good news,
Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

              HpS - AGTSP!!!!  Hope to see you in just a few days. Vedabase.com is wonderful! We will use it today at the program with Universidad Federico Santa Maria one of , if not, the best engineering schools in South America.

If we dance in Mangala arati, our whole is dancing.

(How long it take you to buy Audi?)

Ofrenda 2014

11 years, 1 month ago by Bhadra Gopal in Special Category B

Hare Krsna


Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.

Espero que en el dia de su vyasapuja se encuentre bien en compañia de los devotos.

Nunca es facil empezar una ofrenda, menos buscar algo dentro de mi para ofrecer,¿ que le hace falta a un devoto puro como usted? creo que ya lo tiene todo, pero la mision de Srila Prabhupada es mas grande que todos nosotros, por lo tanto todos somos parte de ella, algunos generales como usted y otros peones como yo, no soy el mejor de los dicipulos ni mucho menos el mejor de los devotos, pero solamente puedo jurarle algo, todo el servicio que he hecho y hago, es con completo amor a Srila Prabhupada y la inspiracion y el entusiasmo es completamente producto de la meditacion en usted, en su determinacion, inteligencia y cariño que como dicipulo recibo de usted, eso es lo que me mantiene en la mision de Srila Prabhupada, sin usted, yo no estaría aquí, no estaría sintiendome feliz, solamente puedo prometer que el tiempo que me queda estaré en la mision de Srila Prabhupada, quizas no sea el mejor, probablemente tampoco el peor, pero independiente a mi nivel, solo le ofrezco mi presencia y ayuda en ISKCON y en la propagacion del santo nombre.

su sirviente

Bhadra Gopal Das


                            HpS - Muchas Gracias, Senor Bhadra.   Muchas gracias.  NOs vemos aqui ayer. Nos vemos mas!  Muchas Gracias.

Hare krishna- Happy Vyasa Puja !! From Sri Dham Mayapur !!

Dear Gurudeva Hare krishna -Happy Vyasa puja !!!

Jay Srila Prabhupada ki jay !!

Pamho! AGTSP !!

Today my God-brothers and I are organizing a small feast for you; we invited some srila Prabhupada’s disciples and devotees around mayapur. I hope all of them can come for the feast.  Dear Gurudeva, we are trying to serve you as much as we can. I hope do you like it, Thank you very much for be so merciful with all your disciples and give them your attention to all of them, Thank you for be so patient and guide us in the spiritual path that is Krishna consciousness.

I would like to be in argentina in this moment and take your pure association, I would like to see you smiling, I would like to see you dancing, I would like to hear your classes, I would like to hear you chanting because when you chant I feel so peaceful and happy that’s why I would like to be next to you, I would like travel with you and learn from you, I hope that day can come soon.  The devotees from Argentina are very fortune to have you in this wonderful day, I know they will serve as you deserve.

I have too many things to tell you but the most important words are: “I love you so much” because you are always with me.  When sometimes I feel sad, alone or in maya you are always there and sometimes you come in dreams, chanting hare Krishna maha mantra, once I dreamed that we were in vrindhavan and you were greeting me, Caitanya; hare Krishna and I didn’t respond anything, like 2-3 times you greet me and I didn’t respond anything then when I wake up I felt very sad with myself because how can I did respond to my Guru maharaj, I felt so bad. So Please Gurudeva forgives me for my offenses.

I’m so thankful to Krishna that he has send in this world to you,  you will be always in my heart and by your mercy I will serve Radha and Krishna or I will do some service for them.  I want to become a good devotee and serve Srila Prabhupada’s movement and worship in the right way to Radha and Krishna. By the mercy of you and all the vaishnava I will reach my goal. Please Dear Gurudeva Bless me.

Vanca kalpa!!! Hare Krishna!!

Y/s Caitanya Candrodaya das.

            ASA - HpS - AGTSP paoho.  Thnak you.  We see you in just a few more days!!!

El Enviado de Patita Pavana

11 years, 1 month ago by YugalaKD in Special Category B

En bandadas las aves vuelan muy alto y dejan huellas, es así el camino que los grandes acaryas han recorrido, dejando grandes cosas para nosotros.  Cuando uno abre un libro de Srila P´pada un océano de posibilidades  se presentan, el mundo de lo imposible queda atrás la mediocridad es historia. Al conocer este tronco genealógico al cual pertenecemos nos sentimos muy afortunados por poder servir por verdaderamente poder amar al más perfecto de todos, Krsna.

Tan grande es nuestro infortunio que nos rendimos de inmediato, pero cuando por pura misericordia, Krsna nos manda a su devoto, el Guru, empezamos a apreciar, a entender  a realizar las escrituras, el servicio y apreciamos nosotros mismos, comenzamos a vivir verdaderamente. Revivir nuestra conciencia espiritual. Pero esto no es posible sin su guía Gurudeva, dedicado 100% de su energía al servicio de Krsna.

Ud es el enviado del Patita Pavana, el más misericordioso de los santos de los últimos tiempos para predicar por estos lares de cordilleras y quebradas, Ud. con su entrega a P´pada ha transformado nuestro corazón de piedra y ahora le pertenece a Srila Prabhupa, servimos a su cuerpo ISKCON, somos monos de su ejército y deseamos servirlo y complacerlo.

Pertenecer a esta virtuosa familia, es maravilloso ver que gracias a su asociación somos ahora miembros de un legado que tiene pedigrí, un Param Param inmaculado como las puras aguas del ganges  y puedo afirmar sin temor a equivocarme que ahora podemos servir en armonía por el hecho de esforzarnos por seguir sus instrucciones.

Su asociación aplasta todo vestigio de maldad, por ese humor mezcla de  ironía, broma sumado a su compasión hacia todos los grandes tontos que abrazan a Maya guiándoles para que deseen atraerse a Krsna, valorando y entusiasmándoles a seguir en ISKCON pese a todos los obstáculos que se presenten, en el  Vrndavana Dham de los discípulos de P´pada.

En el asiento elevado de una conferencia en templo o una universidades predicando las glorias de Gauranga dadas a conocer por esos Goswamis como Rupa y Jiva Goswami, que nos han entregado las joyas inmaculadas de la filosofía védica , así siempre deseo  verlo, es tan importante verlo predicando a diversas personas en diversas etapas de avance, Ud. es mi mejor ejemplo de predica a las masas, un gran comunicador  de la gran labor de Srila Srila Prabhupada y param param que le preceden, de tal palo tal astilla.

Muchísimas gracias por sus ciento ocho mil formas de  muy buena asociación, gracias por  su Japa Joe, donde  el  entusiasmo, cuidado y familiaridad se unen dando esperanza empezando el día o el sadhana con las 16 rondas lista, permitiendo una global-local de comunicación trascendental, donde una voz el canto del Maha Mantra Hare Krsna desde cada aldea retumba fuertemente en nuestros corazones.

Por favor perdone nuestras débil mente, nuestro grandes errores, permítanos seguir sus sendero, seguir sus pasos camino y de vuelta a casa, para poder servir a Radha y KRSNA

Muchas gracias

Todas las gloria a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas glorias a Hanumatpresaka Swami!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kishora Dasi


Birds fly in flocks high and leave traces , so the way that the great acaryas have come , leaving great things for us. When one opens a book of Srila P'pada an ocean of possibilities present themselves , the world of the impossible is back mediocrity is history. Knowing this family tree to which we belong we feel very fortunate to be able to love truly serve for the most perfect of all , Krsna.

So great is our misfortune that we surrender immediately, but when pure mercy , Krsna sent us his devotee, the Guru , we begin to see, to understand to make the scriptures , service and appreciate ourselves , we begin to truly live . Reviving our spiritual consciousness . But this is not possible without your Gurudeva guide, dedicated 100 % of his energy in the service of Krsna.

You are the envoy Duckling Pavana , the most merciful of the saints of recent times to preach in these parts of ridges and ravines , with delivery to you P'pada has transformed our heart of stone and now belongs to Srila Prabhupada , your body serve ISKCON , are monkeys of his army and wish to serve and please .

Belonging to this virtuous family, it is wonderful to see that thanks to their association are now members of a legacy that has pedigree a Param Param immaculate as the pure waters of the Ganges and can state unequivocally that we can now serve in harmony by the fact to strive to follow your instructions.

His association crush all vestiges of evil , for that mix humor, irony , joke coupled with his compassion for all great fools hugging Maya guiding wishing to attract Krsna , assessing and entusiasmándoles ISKCON to follow in spite of all obstacles presented in Vrindavan Dham P'pada 's disciples .

In the high seat of a conference in temple or universities preaching the glories of Gauranga released by these Goswamis like Rupa and Jiva Goswami, who have given us the jewels of pristine Vedic philosophy , and always want to see it , it's so important to see preaching to various people in various stages of completion , you are my best example of preaching to the masses, a great communicator of the great work of Srila Prabhupada and Srila param param preceding it , like father like son.

Thank you for your hundred and eight thousand forms very good partnership , thanks for Japa Joe , where enthusiasm , care and giving hope familiarity bind beginning on or sadhana with 16 rounds list, allowing momentous global-local communication , where a voice chanting the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra from every village resounds strongly in our hearts.

Please forgive our feeble minds , our biggest mistakes , let us follow his path, road and follow in their footsteps back home , to serve Radha and Krishna

thank you very much

All glory to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Swami Hanumatpresaka !

Your daughter loves it :

Yugala Kishora Dasi


HpS - TlgaSP>      Moooo!   Cha Cha Cha gracias para su poema tan poetic. Translator Google says, "Duckling Pavana". Pato joven! Pavana!       Thank you so much.    Somos todos tan debiles, solamente podemos esperar llevar adelante en la ollas del tsunami de Srila Prabhupada. Gracias, Gracias, Gracias, Nos vemos por la tarde!

Sadhana 2013

11 years, 1 month ago by chas d lind in Special Category B

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

please accept my obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

This letter is in response to our Sadhana report and am happy to reply that everything is going perfectly well under my command. So much wealth do I have and I will gain more, my enemies will be killed and I am the enjoyer surrounded by aristocratic friends and relatives… now the rest of the story.

Sadhana 2013

Claims to 16 rounds are there but how many with care? About 20 years on the japa reins, still fighting with fingers & brains though they may flow, the mind rarely lets go. Moments we miss, till our hearts fill with bliss yet we continue to resist. This is where I’m at for now and glad that I’ve kept my vows, times are testing as ever, give up? Never… delay? Maybe too often, but my resilience refuses to soften.

Continuing with high-tech preaching though at times I may be over-reaching, the glowing screens and fanatic gleans, half the time the truth isn’t seen. So, honing my dull intellect I return to the keyboard and reflect… what it is to sincerely express the wisdom of the ages from our lineage of Sages.

Thinking, feeling, willing thus all things become fulfilling, pray tell we get direction and clear reflections not some sentimental recollections with lusty connections.  As the Mind folds, Intelligence holds, so let us grip our beads with complete greed and nurture our rounds with speed, this is the integrity I seek. Once done, we may blissfully do japa and surround ourselves with the Maha-Mantra. This is my goal if I may be so bold, from one who is quickly growing old.

Thus my desire is invoked, yet I still hesitate, obvious attachments must be revoked to obliterate. What about the subtle grips still lurking in the mind… easy enough, direct them to the Divine, now we have a start but let’s fan the spark! Keep in the Fire when we aspire for Vaisnava association, this is our means of true negotiation.

Who am I kidding, the senses want their bidding, a simple breeze will blow me away with ease. Will face the truth and acknowledge I’m uncouth, not fit for human life, this I know, it cuts like a knife for without Guru, Sastra and Sri Bhagavan I cannot go on.

My Sadhana is flickering, though gaining momentum, no more mental bickering, I know my intention and that is complete Spiritual attention… soon I pray, let me hold Bhakti close to my Heart and never stray.

Thank you for your valuable time, hope to continue this path and share more Truth so Sub-lime.

Your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta dasanudas.

AGTSP. Hey this is a pretty good poem. Next one should be no longer than 140-words about the mystical land of Vrndavan.

Thank you very much!!

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja

11 years, 1 month ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Special Category B

   Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

Todas Las Glorias sean a Usted!!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias, muchas gracias por Su carta de respuesta al reporte anual de discípulos, mi esposo Hari Murari das le envía sus reverencias y saludos; estamos viajando a Argentina el 2 de Enero en la mañana y así poder estar presentes en Su Vyasa Puja. Muchas Gracias por Su misericordia.

   Su sirvienta,

   Dhanistha devi dasi, Santiago, Chile.

                HpS ! - Graaacias!!!  Es un GRAN placer ver ambos de Vds aqui en BsAs.  Para nosotros es como very unas flores hemosas o los rayos del sol en primavera. Gracias a Vds. para su asociacion santo.