"Nitai-Gauranga!" NOI Sanskrit Project

4 years, 4 months ago by sugopiradha in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

For the Nectar of Instruction Sanskrit project, I was wondering if you could kindly answer a few questions I have.

So I have to re-order the words of each verse in the English word order for easier readability, and include the word-for-word translation for each Sanskrit word?

Should I use Srila Prabhupada's word-for-word translations or can I adjust them a little bit without changing the meaning, so that it works out with the new word order?

I am very sorry to bother you again on this Guru Maharaja.

Thank you very much 🙏 your insignificant servant, Srinivasacarya Dasa

AGTSP! This is not a bother. This is nectar.

What we have seen is that you just rearrange the Transliterations into the English word order so the translation is clear. If you want to adjust the Translations of each word a little, fine. I don't thing they are directly Srila Prabhupada's choice anyway. This is an Appendix. We are hoping to build something on the basis of his work, and hoping that he finds it delightful. Gives us suggestions!!

Vaidya Rupanuga Karuna Virus Formula

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Dear Maharaja🙏🏻

 Here are some tips to avoid the disease:

 - Apply 96 ° alcohol especially in:

 The entire neck (including the throat and nape). Then the chin and cheeks. From the forehead to the back of the left ear. The temple and the middle of the head. Then the same to the right side of the head.

Also apply alcohol to the lung, belly-navel-pubis. And the knee to the soles of the feet. This whole procedure is done 5 times a day.

 -Then take the vinaigrette that is mixed like this: 3 tablespoons of olive oil-1 tablespoon of white vinegar-salt.

 (Salt is important now because it destroys, mobilizes, the virus and takes it out of the place where it hurts.)

 Vinegar is antiseptic.

 Olive oil protects tissues and prevents the virus from freezing the tissues.)

 So, each time the alcohol is applied, take half a teaspoon of the vinaigrette.

 -Take fennel water with ginger, cinnamon, cloves and honey.

 Maharaja, as you are a Pitta person take it little by little by sips (1 cup takes between 4 and 5 sips).

 What's the weather like?

HpS - Little hot.

 If it is very cold then drink it hot and if it is hot then drink it cold.

 Perform the Pranayama that enters the stomach when inhaling and swells when exhaling the air through the nose.

 Every hour is repeated or every two hours:

 -The application of alcohol in the body.

 -Take the vinaigrette.

 -Take the fennel according to the weather.

 Dear Maharaja, this method works.

You also can :

 -chew lemon with salt for hoarse throat.

 -and lemon candy, every 2 hours so that the throat does not dry out.

 If I could get coca leaves. Where are you exactly?


AGTSP! paoho. Thank you. Quiet seriously, where are we, by your association we are fixing ourselves at the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada with continuous Nama-vratta. Then... our material vehicle is in Nashville, Tennessee. No, coca here. 😮 So, far NgD has only moderate reaction and is going ahead with Tylenol and rest. Doesn't the alcohol bath dry the skin????

Kapi Dhvaja Setiembre 1, 2020

4 years, 4 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las Glorias a UD, querido Gurumaharaja.

Por favor acepte nuestras reverencias

El boletín ya esta (en ingles y español) en el grupo de Facebook aqui:


Este gran boletín nos da energía cada vez que lo leemos. Como usted dice, es un reto y a la vez es un aprendizaje. Antuanette (mi hermana) es más inteligente, ella puede entender mejor algunas de las palabras o "frases nuevas". Nuestra meta es traducir y enviar este boletín antes de 3 dias.

Básicamente trabajamos en casa, estamos estudiando muchas cosas. Terminando la especialización, de 5 años, en Pedagogía Waldorf, asesorando a niños en clases particulares, llevando cursos de actualización y asesoría en "Como educar desde la Tecnología sin perder la esencia de la Pedagogía Waldorf". Estamos planeando llevar un curso de Lenguaje de Señas Educativo.

Nuestra naturaleza es ser solitario, investigador y nos gusta leer mucho.

Muchas gracias

Equipo de Traductores (Antuanette & Patrak das, por ahora)

HpS / ASA - Super! TlgaSP! Si puede ofrecer sugerencias como mejorar el Kapi Dhvaja o comentarios del contenido es super. Su Madre, Tia???

Karuna Virus Dialog (KVD)

4 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

AGTSP.... Paoho.... Start a dialog with our Primary Health Provider, Dr. Amit Singh. He was Gurukuli when I was visiting Vancouver, Canada, and his father is initiated devotee. Extremely nice devotee:


You know that NgD went for Karuna Virus testing, as he has some fever, no?

Now, we are getting pushing to go to local testing center, but we are quite hesitant.

1. We got conjuntivitis in a 1st class medical center.

2. We have no symptoms and never had any but outside safe distance association with Prabhuji.

3. We are doing voluntary quarantine. Only going for solitary walk around the block until...

4. On Wednesday NgD gets results and if it is not positive then less reason to go for testing, and even if we do test positive there is not much that we can do, no?

So rather wait until Wednesday before any testing and risk infection in the Clinic.

What is your first opinion?

Socrates viewed his death as a blessing. Mrs. Socrates viewed it as a curse.