Preliminary Reading of Jung

3 years, 10 months ago by sugopiradha in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Guru Maharaja!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to your wonderful service to him.

Whenever I finish school work early on any given day, I have been reading Memories, Dreams, and Reflections. So far, it is a very interesting and smooth read. Carl Jung analyzes his childhood with a level of depth that I never used to think about my own childhood experiences. I thought I would write to you on a few points that seemed intriguing to me from the first 50 or so pages.

1) Jung felt more comfortable with God, than with Jesus Christ, because he heard that no correct conception or image can be formed regarding God (27). Based on this page, my preliminary impression was that Jung was attracted by mystery as opposed to certainty, more of an impersonalist approach as opposed to personalism. Is this correct, Guru Maharaja?

HpS/ASA - AgtSP!! I think this can be a very useful endeavor. Please keep your notes.

Next, I have heard criticism (Prof. Shyamdasani?) that it is not exactly an auto-biography that lady who co-wrote it put her biographical notes in as Jung's own comments without complete authorization, so some things may be a little off.

I would say that it might be as you say. I and most of us are contaminated with impersonalism to some extent, and so to some degree negating material personalism for mysticism is a better way to approach God unless you get a 'bija' by the mercy of Guru and Krsna.

In perspective, and maybe not true, but my impression is that Prof. Jung was on the level of Hiranya garbha realization ie. above Virata rupa but not up to Paramatma. All three of these have some impersonalism, but a lot less than a gross Karmi.

2) Just when Jung was six years old, he found an "inexhaustible source of interest" the illustrations of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva in a children's book he had, and secretly believed that they resembled his "original revelation" (17). While it is unclear what exactly the nature of this resemblance is, I think it would be interesting to hold on to the idea and attempt to dissect it further as I read the book.

HpS - Yes! I don't remember that!

3) I was also struck by the deep and negative impression his mother's absence made on Carl Jung. He speaks of his mother repeatedly throughout the pages I've read thus far. He mentioned that his feeling associated with the word "woman" was that of "innate unreliability," due to his mother being away from him for a few months on account of illness (8). I couldn't help but think about the modern practice of sending children to India for a few months or dropping them off at daycare centers for 8 hrs/day so that their mothers can work, and how drastic of an effect it may have on children's psychological and emotional health as they grow. In relation to modern methods of child-rearing, I remembered BG 3.35, where Krishna instructs us that it is better to perform one's one duty, even faultily, than performing another's duty perfectly.

HpS - Haw! Haw! Haw! This is exactly how I was raised. My parents were very nice people for the time and circumstance, but I grew up speaking English and had to go through the Hippy culture.

Seems like you have a good start.

.Srila Prabhupada ----- Jung.

Thank you very much for tolerating me and engaging me in service, Guru Maharaja. I will continue to read the book, and hopefully, I can come up with more substantial notes. I am trying to consciously improve in my devotional service every day, as you instruct. We had a nice Nityananda Trayodasi festival (pictures attached) for Gaura-Nitai, at home.

Your fallen servant,

Sugopi Radha Devi dasi

Kapi Dhvaja Feb 26, 2021

3 years, 10 months ago by Patrak das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva!!!!!!!!!!!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to YOU.

Please accept our humble obeisances. PAMHO

* Bulletin is now upload on Facebook (English & Spanish), this is the link:

Si desean recibir el boletin en su correo electrónico o desean que te avise cuando llega, pueden unirse al grupo de GOOGLE:

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We are ok. Heath is very good. That is what my doctor said.

Improving our sadhana everyday... rounds, reading, worship. more fixed.

This week we started classes at school via ZOOM... pretty good. This is my last year with this group. I've been working with them for 5 years. Then, probably I will take another group for 1st grade...

HpS/ASA - Thank you!!! Next KDh, please tell us a little about the group!! We can't do much but rest now because of headache. It is unusual.





K YOU!!! Do you want to open a school in Goloka?

Thanks a lot

EDT (Patrak das & Antuanette )

There is a Cure for Covid- less risky than the vaccine

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

On Thursday, February 18, 2021, one devotee <. . .> wrote: To ASA yahoo mail:

Dear Jayarama Prabhu

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Please accept my humble obeisances.

We have been working on valuable information about the Covid vaccine for the ISKCON leadership. We know that everyone wants to travel and be with the devotees around the world. We want to alert you to the Cure for Covid as well as to some of the issues around the vaccine.

There are a few tried and tested protocols which are a cure for Covid:

1. Ivermectin protocol: We have devotee doctors who have used it to treat Covid patients successfully

2. Hydroxychloroquin protocol- prophylactic 

3. Vitamin D high dose

We have prepared a documentary with world experts, Nobel Laureates, professionals, scientists, doctors who are the top of their professions. These experts are offering alternatives to the vaccine and alerting us to some of the potential consequences of taking the vaccine.

We have shown the documentary to the ISKCON leadership in Australia among which are Ramai Swami and Mukunda Maharaj. Mukunda Maharaj has given us feedback directly and said it was “Excellent”.

Please watch the link below

The Last Inch:

If you’d like to discuss further or want more information please contact me at the above email. We have a panel of ISKCON doctors who are willing to discuss these matters further.

Your servant

Anjana Suta Academy (Hp Swami) - Thank you very much for this communication, but we followed the link and then pushed the Play button on the video twice and it would not run. Also the Transcript that was mentioned as following did not appear.

Can you help us?

Thank you.

Urgent-brahmacari seva

3 years, 10 months ago by Panca tattva das in Special Category A

Hare Krishna.



Dear Guru Maharaja I hope your health improves soon.

HpS = "I hope you die soon", 😉 We also hope you die soon!!

I was inquiring about the visa for the USA in relation to the 3 options that there are. From what it seems the R1 visa (religious work) is the most accessible if we have someone who can help us from Iskcon Tennessee or another yatra.

HpS - We don't, and it would not really be for Religious purposes. The INS is becoming very strict with ISKCON and other relgions. Maybe with new President it will change.

In general it seems that we will try to go to Peru in April, in time for Rama navami, to focus on developing a rural, cultural project: New Ashoka van. We will show people how to hide the trees and disguise themselves as cats.

That will be too soon for you to get a Visa and come here to help us, ASA, no?

If you can come tomorrow, do it!

The other options require that I have to present evidence that I have a job in my country, a house in my name or that of a student, they only mention that I show how I am going to support myself abroad ... etc.

HpS - The best seemed to be the Enhanced Business visa and that allows you to engage in work projects eg. We could work on a book or movie, or on long term basis for peoplt to get accepted into MTSU as students for Masters program in education.

Do you have a Bachelor's degree? Or were you smart enough to get out of the slaughter house before that. 🙂

It would be very good as you recommend to have a call by watsup: (+542236214454) with NGSd to continue talking about the visa.

HpS - I just texted you on Whatsapp. Got it?

Do you have a father and mother? Brothers and sisters? ? ?

What are [were] your father and mother like?

I am also excited ... I would like to be able to serve you wherever ... I am given to serve you .. and I will be more fluid and attentive with communication ..

HpS - Yes, I was thinking about someone joining us before Abhirama suggest it and you, and now sometimes I think, "Oh, if PCTDas was here then we could do this, that...". Of course, best service to me and everyone is understand what service Srila Prabhupada wants from you, no?

For me watsup is the best and fastest ..

HpS - Yes!! If you don't get our message in Whatsapp then please Post here again.

thank you very much!!

Sankirtana yajña ki jaiii

Ys Ptd

Reporte Laksmiradha DD desde Chile

Vanca Kalpa Gurudev!!!PAMHO!!!TLGSP!!!Mis reverencias eternas.

Querido Gurudev, soy Laksmiradha DD de Santiago de Chile, hace meses que deseaba escribirle, de mayo del 2020, pero ese año fue muy zigzagueate para mí en lo espiritual, hasta agosto había sido muy auspicioso, poder tener su asociación virtual y tener teletrabajo, fue intenso; luego tuve un declive hasta diciembre en asociación y sadhana.

Sin embargo hay maldiciones que se transforman en bendiciones y ahora me encuentro buscando un equilibrio para poder avanzar con entusiasmo y determinación.

La semana pasada retomé mi servicio de guirnaldas para placer de sus señorías y espero que el vuestro. Estoy participando casi a diario en FMP y mis rondas han mejorado considerablemente. Definitivamente no hay nada mejor que depender solo de Krsna, es quien realmente sabe que es lo mejor para nosotros.

Le pido disculpas por mi ineptitud ante la clase realizada on line, tuve muy poquito tiempo para prepararla, pero me sirvió para comprometerme conmigo misma para leer, indagar y aprender más. Además nunca había dado una clase!!!

Gurudev, dentro de todos estos arreglos de Krsna, deseo informarle que a fines de enero he entablado una relación de pareja con un devoto, serio en su vida espiritual, muy favorable, de Republica Dominicana, discípulo de Srila Virabahu, ha sido como si Krsna hubiese golpeado mi puerta y haya puesto a alguien con quien conversar, crecer y fortalecerme en CK, ya que me sentía muy vulnerable, reciprocamos en nobles sentimientos y avance espiritual, me siento muy agradecida y emocionada.

Sigo distribuyendo prasadam (en los patalas) nuevamente, a sido muy reconfortante, estamos con Cristóbal con ayuda profesional (psicólogo) para poder ir mejorando en aspectos personales y ordenando la casa (la mente) para fortalecer el corazón y apoyar de mejor manera a mi nieta, que ya tiene dos años (Colomba).

No ha sido fácil para mí, pero por lo menos, sigo esforzándome y comprometiéndome seriamente en mejorar cada día, por favor perdóneme por los errores del pasado.

Prabhupada es realmente muy, muy experto en darnos una filosofía tan completa y versátil.

Postrada a sus pies de loto,

Laksmiradha Devi Dasi ,

Santiago, Chile 23 febrero 2021.


Vanca Kalpa Gurudev !!! PAMHO !!! TLGSP !!! My eternal obeisances.

Dear Gurudev, I am Laksmiradha DD from Santiago de Chile, I wanted to write to you for months, May 2020, but that year was very zigzag for me spiritually, until August it had been very auspicious, to be able to have your virtual association and have telework, it was intense; then I had a decline until December in association and sadhana.

However, there are curses that turn into blessings and now I find myself looking for a balance in order to move forward with enthusiasm and determination.

Last week I resumed my garland service for the pleasure of your Lordships and I hope yours. I am participating almost daily in FMP and my rounds have improved considerably. There is definitely nothing better than relying only on Krsna, He is the one who really knows what is best for us.

I apologize for my ineptitude in the online class, I had very little time to prepare it, but it helped me to commit to myself to read, investigate and learn more. Also, I had never taught a class!

Gurudev, within all these arrangements of Krsna, I wish to inform you that at the end of January I have established a relationship with a devotee, serious in his spiritual life, very favorable, from the Dominican Republic, a disciple of Srila Virabahu, it has been as if Krsna I would have knocked on my door and put someone to talk with, grow and strengthen me in CK, since I felt very vulnerable, we reciprocated in noble feelings and spiritual advancement, I feel very grateful and excited.

I keep distributing prasadam (in the patalas) again, it has been very comforting, we are with Cristóbal with professional help (psychologist) to be able to improve in personal aspects and order the house (the mind) to strengthen the heart and better support me granddaughter, who is already two years old (Colomba).

It has not been easy for me, but at the very least, I continue to strive and seriously commit myself to improve every day, please forgive me for the mistakes of the past.

Prabhupada is really very, very adept at giving us such a comprehensive and versatile philosophy.

Prostrate at his lotus feet,

Laksmiradha Devi Dasi,

Santiago, Chile February 23, 2021.

HpS - The efforts to serve Krsna are utilized by Krsna and make us eternally more and more free from the external energy. The reciprocations with Maya, external energy are ignored by Krsna, or used by Him indirectly for His purposes and to purify us.

Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna.

Whatever we do to help people has a lasting effect, eg. your family. It may not get complete results immediately but it keeps building up and one day they will be awake.

Addenda to Satya/Co-vid Help

3 years, 10 months ago by hps in Special Category A

Continuing from: On Friday, February 19, 2021, Satya Armstrong <[email protected]> wrote:

Haribol Dear Jayarama Prabhu

Thank you for contacting me regarding the issues you’re having.

Here is the link to the Last Inch:

It may take a few minutes to load. Bitchute is a lot slower platform to load.

Another website that is hosting the documentary is:

I will send the transcript again in another email

Your servant

Satya Maharani

. . . .

HpS - We looked at the "Transcript Letter" and there were 35-pdf files. Too much for us to process. Our 73-year old eyes won't even handle it.