Full Morning Service - Current Kirtan Leader Schedule

Hare Krishna, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

Please, accept my humble obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

This is the fortnightly schedule of devotees for leading kirtan on "Full Morning Service" :

● MONDAY: H. H. Hanumatpresaka Swami.

● TUESDAY: Govardhana das, Mitravinda devi dasi.

● WEDNESDAY: Yugala Kishora dasi, Jagad Guru das.

● THURSDAY: Caturatma Goura das, Jagadisvara das.

● FRIDAY: Abhinanda das, Deva Vrata das.

● SATURDAY: Isvari Radha devi dasi, Karuna Sakti devi dasi.

● SUNDAY: Candramukhi devi dasi, Parasurama Avatara das.

Thank you, Gurudeva 🙏🏻

HpS/ASA - Thank you. We should record the sessions so that session leaders can hear the quality of their leadership.

Sometimes the percussion is too loud for us.

Maybe Kartals little farther from the microphone and voice a little closer.

Everyone should learn the word-by-word mean! Jaya!

Chant like a child crying to Mother!

Thank you!!

current calendar

10 months, 1 week ago by hps in Special Category A, Calendar Development


.. 🌴 🌴 🌴

. .🌴

h. g. sri hari das - Dear Maharaja, pamho. agtsp. Maharaja, as you mentioned you are going to Houston around April 16th, when are planning to return to Nashville. Ys shd

hps/asa - agtSP... paoho...

how are you? how is your japa 📿

. . . sattvica principles?

. association?



twitter, kapi-dhvaja,

. blog 🐸



the sun 😎

is now at 2.36am, murfreesboro []TN[].

our body🐷

. . is at about 15-25% energy.

but we are charging.



. . 💥

krsna krsna.

.. hare hare...



. we have been trying to communicate that our formerly unpredictable body [dukhalayam asvasvatam] has now become rather more unpredictable.

[[[guess the same for you]]]

struggling to chant 16-enthusiastic rounds.

paralyzing headache last two dazes.

but good at heart.

. . . and recharging, setting up campsite 🎪

🏳🔴🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳🏳🔴 🏳=} plans

  1. be gbc of our bead bag for the next breath. sit properly.... kkhh
  2. tweet, blog [whatsapp] - team building 🐒
  3. 🐒 🐒🐘
  4. based in The Boro at least [?] until Sita devi avirbhava 16 May.
  5. . . . die after our current breath.
  6. team build [tb].
  7. go with you, ngd, abhiseka d, shyama sakhi dd, subhadra dd. . ., for day trip, to Houston? ramanavami??? tb with houston ISKCON.
  8. rent store front.
  9. purchase land/buildings for NIOS Campus Development.
  10. publish, books, movies [pablo, raul, raul, raul, artd, smdd...]
  11. cooperate with KRSNA's plan, work, kkhh. 🙂

⚡ ⚡

and your reverend self 👑 ??? . . . we were making our plans, perspective, attitude in terms of your comment that you expected to arrive 5th April ☁


thank you. 3.36am. one professional monkey hour = 226 🍌

Nice movie

10 months, 2 weeks ago by candra108_mukhi in Special Category A

Hare Krsna beloved Gurudeva AGTSP PAMHO

Here is a movie that a psychologist recommended to me when you are depressed or feel like you can't find meaning in life or when you think that your life is a failure.

There is an angel involved. And it is a film to watch with the family. When Palika had an injure on her foot, I recommended it to her and she really liked it.

This link contains the videos in English and below is the movie in Spanish.



Thank you for allowing me to share with the blog community.

Your eternal servant


HpS - Super! agtSP. Hope to hear more movie reviews.

CC reading coming Sunday (2/25/2024)

10 months, 2 weeks ago by upendra1 in Special Category A

Hare Krishna, Maharaja and devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru and Gauranga.

This is blog report for a Sunday morning ~ Srimad Bhagavatam workshop on weakly reading on Sri Caitanya Caritamrta (madhya lila volume 1). On coming Sunday, we will continue reading Chapter 6 ~~ The Liberation of Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya. verse 6.118 on wards. Thank you to Lakshman Agraja for willing to do seva of Spanish translation for class on coming Sunday.

It is the mercy of Maharaja, to engage everyone in reading books of Srila Prabhupada.


Upendra dasa

Bound by Karma?

10 months, 3 weeks ago by hps in Special Category A

Dandvat pranam Maharaj [HpSwami]). All glories to you and Srila Prabhupada.

By your blessings I sure will look forward for your guidance and association in our next birth on Nabadvipa dham.

You are just like light house in vast material ocean. A lighthouse guides ships in ocean, you are guiding me for safe and quick journey back to Krishna lok.

I was just talking to my sister Uttama-gopi devi dasi. She moved back to Bombay to look after my parents. She told me about HH Radhanath Maharaj and his conversation with great South Indian astrologer.

So far all of his predictions come true.

So Maharaj ask him to make prediction about Maharaj.

To that he responded nobody can predict about ISKCON's devotees. They are under direct care of Bhagavan Krishna.

For devotees Krishna decides. 

I thought I should share with you.

HpS-ASA 😐🐒🐒🦍 . 🐷

It certainly matches with my individual experience with devotees.

'diksa kale...' at time of Diksa, Durga passes the strings of our Karma to Radha.

So, our destiny in Guna-karma goes on in many ways just the same eg. You have same gender before and after the Svaha... but now Radha uses it in the Sankirtan Movement and to guide us to more advanced service!

OK 👍


10 months, 3 weeks ago by madhumanjari in Special Category A

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

Just wanted to share with you this poem from Rumi. today while reading it, remembrance of you, your presence was perceived, as i was reading it to you.

Hope you like it.

Should everything pass away,

it couldn't happen without You [KRSNA] 🙂.

This heart of mine bears Your imprint;

it has nowhere else to turn.

The eye of intellect is drunk with You,

the wheeling galaxy is humble before You,

the ear of ecstasy is in Your hand;

nothing happens without You.

The soul is bubbling with You,

the heart imbibes You,

the intellect bellows in rapture;

nothing happens without You.

You, my grape wine [non-alcoholic] and my intoxication, 

my rose garden and my springtime,

my sleep and repose;

nothing happens without You.

You are my grandeur and glory,

you are my possessions and prosperity [one backpack etc],

you are my purest water;

nothing happens without You.

It is all Your being, Your gentle good faith or Your seemingly cruelty.

You are everything of mine;

no matter where You are going,

nothing happens without You.

[Siksastakam 8!]

They place their hearts with You,

and You break them;

they repent, You break them again.

You do all of this Yourself;

nothing happens without You.

Were something to happen without You, 

the world would be overturned. 

The Garden of Eden would turn to Hell;

nothing happens without You.

If You are a head, I'll become Your feet,

and if You are a fist, I'll become Your flag.

If You disappear, I'll turn to nothing;

nothing happens without You.

You've disturbed my sleep,

You've effaced my personality,

You've broken every attachment;

nothing happens without You.

Should You stop being my Beloved,

my affairs would be disastrous.

My Comforter, my dear Companion! 

Nothing happens without You.

Without You, life would not be delightful

nor death joyous;

how can I rebel against Your sorrow?

Nothing happens without You.

Whatever I say, O seal of judges,

all seemingly good and evil notwithstanding,

say it Yourself, by Your Grace; 

nothing happens without You.


🐵 🐵 He is interesting person. Thank you. We will look for his biodata. Maybe he is in ISKCON now???!

Read through the biography on Wikipedia.

Seems lot of things unclear about him.

We are so lucky to be sitting at the feet of Srila Prabhupada with his books and examples fresh in first hand witnesses!

Yada Yada Hi Dharmasy... Krsna comes again and again!!

Thank you!

Best wishes in your complete purity of any selfish motives!!!

Respects to [?] Aniruddha Das and the devotees.