Sankirtan in mexico

Pamho agtsp

All glorias to you. Guru maharaja.

Here bhadrasena das reporting from mexico. We are doing sankirtan under de guidance of aravinda prabhu. I hope this letter finds you in good health. We are going to stay here for a couple of months and then head back to argentina and uruguay again.

Trying to follow your example .

HpS - Super. AGTSP.... paoho...... our respects to Swami Aravinda Das. Hope the Kapi Dhvaja is useful for you! !!!

Looking for the innocent people Krsna sends.

Amsterdam Kirtan Mela 2022

2 years, 8 months ago by jaynityananda in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope this letter receives you well.

It was an enlivening happening to talk to you recently on the Whatsapp. I'm not sure how to move on from there. Is it alright if i send you a voice message occasionally if i am dealing with bhakti related personal questions that i would like to put forward to you?

HpS - ASA -- Daily basis now we see our body dwindling. Eg. our eyes can only handle so much computer time now. Only possible way for us to handle correspondence is if devotees, people, write here first with their preoccupations in a general sense and then we can give a general answer that will answer six more people with the same general question. If there are need for more confidential details, then, yes, we can try to do that.

Of course, there is Paramatma, Srila Prabhpada's books, local devotees, and then we decide if it is a good idea to start the battle of Kuruksetra.

Naturally i would deal with this privilege thoughtfully.

Besides this i wanted to give you some feedback on some of the developments of our congregation. Saturday may 7th was the day we organized our first Amsterdam Kirtan Mela, which was very well received. We had about 250-300 people in the peak.

-- SUper!!

Hrdaya Caitanya Prabhu was there, and several kirtan singers from Radhadesh, London, Paris and Goloka Dham. His Holiness Sachinandana Swami was so pleased with our effort that he pledged to be there next year and host a Holy Name Retreat as a part of it. We had about 70 volunteers and all expenses were donated, 95% crowdfunded in advance. Overwhelming!

ASA - Gauranga! Gauranga!!

The caretaker of the protestant church we've rented was very much impressed with our ISKCON and congregation. We've become personal with him and were able to help him philosophically in his understanding of Godhood.

We are furthering our bond with him, and as chairman on the board of the Amsterdam Protestant Church he offered his help to see if procuring a building from them is an option. The board of ISKCON Amsterdam is looking for purchasing a building.

We also were in contact with His Holiness Kadamba Kanana Swami for his presence both this year and the next, but things move a little more difficult with him, so our team is working on that.

HpS - We just saw a notice from him that he is moving into terminal cancer stages and is doing programs to consolidate things before he leaves.

His amount of disciples in The Netherlands has expanded with a handful devotees the last two years but still his presence in the country is rare.

Another big program with Kadamba Kanana Maharaja was the annual national celebration of the Kings birthday, which Maharaja traditionally celebrates by having a large all day Harinam on the streets of Amsterdam (madness!). It was interrupted for two years, and although slightly smaller than before, it was a blast!

Parasurama Prabhu from Food for Life UK and the Nama Ruci chanting group were there. We've seen countless teenagers and grownups chant Mahamantra for the first time, very potent and enlivening!

One thing I have noticed about my intention in organizing the AKM, is that prestige; being recognized by senior devotees (kirtaneers) as a person who wants to serve and does something important, is unfortunately an Anartha in my heart.

HpS - Ha! Ha! Hare! You and 99.999% of the rest of us in ISKCON, no?

At the same time i'm eager for their blessings, but wanting to be recognized is this annoying voice in my mind that keeps on rattling.

HpS - It will probably be there until the day you die, but if you engage in devotional service you will not be bothered by it.

Hare Krishna!

Your servant,

Raghava Pandita dasa.

LINK: a roughly cut compilation of the Kingsday Harinam

Super, Super! More news as it comes. Japa. Japa. Japa.


[shree knee vase] - Response recordings e-mail

2 years, 8 months ago by asacarnaval in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis rendidas reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada 

Gracias por su respuesta. Por favor discúlpenos, esperamos no causarle demasiadas molestias.

Nuestro correo es [email protected]

(Si lo desea, puede enviar copia a [email protected])


Si desea, también puede compartir con nosotros el ppt de la conferencia para editar el video.

Muchas gracias por su inspirador ejemplo.

Sus sirvientes

ASA Carnaval

Karuna-Sakti DD


Hare Krsna Gurudeva

Please accept my deepest obeisances

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Thanks for your reply. Please excuse us, we hope not to cause you too much inconvenience.

Our email is [email protected]

If you wish, you can also share with us the ppt of the conference to edit the video.

Thank you very much for your inspiring example.

your servants

ASA Carnival

Karuna-Sakti DD

ASA - Hare Krsna. Tom Brown here! AgtSP. Paoho, Mataji!! You are such a tireless worker in trying to remove the Lord's distress... Where is Sita?

  1. "...we hope not to cause you too much inconvenience...". This world is designed to cause us inconveniences, no? It cause M. Pariksit inconveniences. For example, it is an inconvenience but please send us the name of your esteemed Protector so that we can include him e-mails to your good self. We ignorant B'caris and S'nayasis cannot write letters to esteemed ladies alone.
  2. ASA Carnaval is a miracle. We feel that a lot of the stuff we do is of mediocre quality or redundant to Srila Prabhupada's books, so it seems to us that it does not need to be collected, but some seems like it might be useful in illuminating Srila Prabhupada's message. For that material we have to develop a system to post the links. One problem is that we cannot do it right after the class because it takes time for GoTo to make it available. Then we forget t do it. So we have to create a system to remind us. Then, the easiest would be to Tweet the links for watching the class. Does that also allow you do download them? Let us experiment with tonight's NoI class.
  3. Any PPTX we are using are included as part of the DTC for the current fortnight. It is all in one big box. So, ask us, Tom Brown, for our DTC, PPTX, after each Ekadasi. That is when we close the paper and PPTX copies.
  4. In a few moments we will die. Then we will be with Nimai in Nadia?
  5. Our plan now is to visit Mexico March or so 2023.

Hare Krsna!!

Our eyes are failing.

Richmond Temple Approved

2 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear and Respected Maharaj,

Please accept our humble and respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! All glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!

With so much joy and gratitude, we would like to share that on the most auspicious day of Ekadashi, ISKCON of Richmond has officially received the Permit and our site is now authorized to be an official Church/Temple site. This was a long-cherished dream and by the mercy of all our Vaishnava Acharyas, it’s now a reality!!

Next steps - Once the site plan is reviewed and approved by the county officials, we will immediately start the construction for the driveway and parking lot. 

Thank you very much.

your servant

Divyanam Das

HpS-ASA - - Hare Krsna!!! So nice. All this activity is Daivi prakrta. Building a Temple is from different world!

Global Village Festival June 4th

2 years, 8 months ago by tulasi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga! All glories to Sri Krishna Sankirtan!

I wanted to personally invite you to an exciting Sankirtan event in Ontario, Oregon which will take place during your upcoming Boise visit. It's just a one-hour drive away from Boise. Krishna Meditations is representing the country / culture of India in Ontario's Chamber of Commerce Global Village Festival. This will be our second time participating in this family and child-oriented educational festival.

This is a great opportunity to showcase the rich and diverse culture of India, crowned by Vaisnavism. We will teach about Indian culture, distribute Srila Prabhupada's books, teach mantra meditation, offer Kirtan, serve prasadam, lead a kid's craft, offer face painting, and pull little Jagannath, Baladev, and Subhadra Devi in the Village Parade! We also have 30 minutes of stage time and will be presenting traditional Bharat Natyam dancing and leading Kirtan with the crowd.

If you would like to attend and have your own space for "ask a Guru", or something similar, we would be thrilled to accommodate that.

Many other devotees from the temple and beyond will be participating. The event is from 11am-4pm at Lions Park in Ontario, June 4.

We are very much looking forward to having your association at your upcoming visit.

Praying for your blessings,

Your aspiring servant,

Tulasi Krishna Devi Dasi

HpS - Wow! AGTSP paoho We can barely keep up with the programs already scheduled. It was hard when were ride a young ass, but now he is old and feeble minded. The only hope is that he is a little bit smarter.

We talked about the program

and seems like just too much,

travel, festival, travel, rathayatra, die.

So... hope to see you here!!! Best of LUCK with the festival. Make so many people into devotees but just explaining the books and then distributing them.

[Papas gouranga] - vyasa puja Bhakti Dhira Damodara swami

Hare krishna Gurudev!!

Pamho, AgtSP 

 I hope you are fine..

A Desciple of Bhakti Dhira Damorara Swami Maharaja contact me to ask you to make a short clip for his Vyasa Puja on 3th june..(give him the blessings to continue in service, Disciples of his grace wants to present a gift to him and consist of the blessings and mercy from the seniors and Srila Prabhupāda disciples…

.the clip should be send on the 31th of may

Thank you very much 

Ys ptd

HpS - We are not sure which of two Sannyasis is Maharaja. We met them both the same time and similar appearance. Can you send his photo and short bio-data!!?? Thank you.