[Nrsimha bhoga]. Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra en Chosica!

Hare Krishna, dear gurudev, Pamho, AGTSP!

On Saturday, July 2, we had a beautiful program at the Chosica temple.

Their Lordships Jaganatha, Baladeva and Subhadra who resides in San Borja, a middle class district of Lima, visited us in Chosica.

Their Lordships made a tour in a van, in the manner of a Ratha yatra from San Borja, to Chosica and then back to Lima to the Wilson temple, in the center of the capital, to finally return to their residence.

In Chosica they had prepared a wonderful program of artik, kirtan, ending with a succulent prasadam.

The most beautiful thing was to see, after a long time, devotees from Lima and other friends. They were even new devotees that we had never seen before in Chosica.

Sharing those pleasant moments revitalized everyone's enthusiasm. Greeting P. Phanideva and M. Ganga and other devotees after a long time was very gratifying.

Perhaps this event is the beginning of a better stage after the pandemic. Unity and cooperation is an urgent issue if we want to continue to progress and enhance Srila Prabhupada's movement.

Finally, during the event we were talking with Jaganatha Swami, our older brother who is now approximately 85 years old. He asked me to ask you how he would have to deal with his death. It is that lately his health has deteriorated and he is already thinking about his final step. Please give me an instruction for him.

HpS - Is this chapter a good study for him? Some friends can read it with him and discuss it? https://vedabase.io/es/library/sb/4/12/

Even if all the world is crazy, we can create a little island of Vaikuntha with Hari Kirtan/Japa!!!

Then Lord Jagannatha may make it into Dvaraka and then take us to Vraja for service there. Giving this gift to others.

Thank you!!

That is all for now, your servant says goodbye,

Laksmana-agraja das.

"URGENT" Project: Self Sustainable Ecocultural Community "Nueva Govardhan"- Monterrey, Mexico


Project: Self Sustainable Ecocultural Community "Nueva Govardhan"- Monterrey, Mexico

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja

Please accept our Humble Obeisances 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

All glories to the Sankirtan Movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Dear Gurumaharaja, 

I hope this report finds you well and our hope is that in our small capacity we can contribute to your vision, and the vision of Srila Prabhupada of developing communities around the care of Earth, Cow, Women, Children, and Brahaminical Culture to find our highest goal in devotional service to Krishna.

ASA - 🐄 






The following report is in Name of all the actual members of the project "Nueva Govardhan” a Self Sustainable Ecocultural Community that envisions to expand the principles of Simple Living and Hight Thinking.

Here we share I glimpse of the place in a short YouTube video "Nueva Govardhan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr0erkfjTis&t=1s

"Nueva Govardhan” is a 9,000 square meters of land located in the beautiful mountain ranges of Los Nogales and La Sierra Madre Oriental of Montemorelos Nuevo Leon, Just 1hr far from Monterrey City Downtown.

The area is famous all over Mexico for Citrics production, rich in aquifer mantles, and with Warm-to-hot weather trough out the year that allows a good production of grains, fruits, and Vegetables.

We have some animals on the property, and specially Nandita our cow has taught us so much about goodness and dharma, by keeping a fixed schedule to take care of her nicely.

ASA - !

The closeness to the city will allow in the future to develop businesses, our main focus at the moment is the look into circular and sustainable economies, having the protection of earth and cows as a pivot. Currently, 2 of those businesses are running successfully in parallel in the city: The Hare Krishna Restaurant and a Hostal.

Montemorelos has flourished with Seventh Day Adventist communities and businesses and in general a very pious atmosphere. They have also their Universities with a great range of Degrees and Postgrad programs such as Universidad Montemorelos https://www.um.edu.mx/, which also works in collaboration agreements with Loma Linda University from California in the field of health Sciences https://home.llu.edu/. The spiritual background of these communities makes it very favorable to develop good relationships with them as neighbors.

ASA - !!!

Currently, Gadadhar Gosai Das, Ananda Maya Dasi, and their 4 boys are living in the place, developing the grounds of this project, which has been inspired by your instructions. The vision for this project is that more can join the initiative of adopting the beauty of this lifestyle.

The vision for this project is to have leaders developing the main areas, similar to the petals of a lotus. Right now the team is conformed by:

  • Gadhadar Gosai, Ananda Maya, and family: They are focusing on Agriculture, food autonomy, and circular economies from the earth and have as center their Krishna consciousness values.
  • Rocio Lopez Saldaña: Veterinary Doctor, Leader, and Founder of Cultura Perrona S.A de C.V. focusing and Animal wellness and compassion. She leads national programs for animal care.
  • Prof. Gabriel Madrid: A Jungian retired professor from TEC de Monterrey University and owner of hectares of land in the area and interested to develop a space for wellness and care.
  • Govinda Pramodini and Ranchor Krishna Das: Their support to the project is by providing tools to the team to function and work towards defined goals, connecting the project with well-established and accomplished projects, and seeking guidance from Professionals, Universities, Devotees, and of course spiritual guides.

We are hopeful to grow the collaborators in the project and also to understand their purpose and motivations for contributing to ‘Nueva Govardhan; we hoping to reinforce our collaboration with the present ISKCON center in Monterrey and to be acknowledged as a functional project by local GBC. And in the long run, we hope that by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada and by your merciful instructions Gurudeva, the project can educate and become a role model community and thriving hub of the Principles of ‘Simple Living and High Thinking' 

Last and not least we would like to extend our invitation that during your upcoming visit to Mexico in 2023 consider ‘Nueva Govardhan’ as an option for your stay and of course a great opportunity to inspire the upcoming years of the project.

Our humble obeisances always, to you and your service

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Your servants,

‘Nueva Govardhan’ committee members and your aspiring servants:

Gadhadar Gosai Das

Ananda Maya Dasi

Govinda Pramodini Dasi

HpS - ASA - Jaya!!! How is Krsna worshipped in the project?



Proyecto: Comunidad Ecocultural Auto Sostenible "Nueva Govardhan” - Monterrey Mexico

Hare Krishna Gurumaharaja

Por favor acepte nuestras humildes reverencias

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias al Movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Estimado Gurumaharaja,

Espero que este informe lo encuentre bien y nuestra esperanza es que en nuestra pequeña capacidad podamos contribuir a su visión y a la visión de Srila Prabhupada de desarrollar comunidades en torno al cuidado de la Tierra, las Vacas, las Mujeres, los Niños y la Cultura Brahamínica para encontrar nuestra más alta meta en el servicio devocional a Krishna.

El siguiente informe es en nombre de todos los miembros actuales del proyecto "Nueva Govardhan", una comunidad ecocultural autosostenible que ambiciona expandir los principios de vida simple y pensamiento elevado. Aquí compartimos un vistazo del lugar en un breve video de YouTube "Nueva Govardhan” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jr0erkfjTis&t=1s

“Nueva Govardhan” es un tierra de 4 hectáreas ubicado en las hermosas cadenas montañosas de Los Nogales y la Sierra Madre Oriental de Montemorelos Nuevo León, a tan solo 1 hora del centro de la ciudad de Monterrey.

La zona es famosa en todo México por la producción de cítricos, rica en mantos acuíferos y con un clima templado a Cálido durante todo el año que permite una buena producción de granos, frutas y hortalizas. Tenemos algunos animales en la propiedad, y especialmente Nandita, nuestra vaca, nos ha enseñado mucho sobre la bondad y el dharma, manteniendo un horario fijo para cuidarla amablemente.

La cercanía a la ciudad permitirá en el futuro desarrollar negocios, nuestro enfoque principal en este momento es la mirada hacia economías circulares y sustentables, teniendo como eje la protección de la tierra y las vacas. Actualmente 2 de esos negocios están funcionando con éxito en paralelo en la ciudad: El Restaurante Hare Krishna y un Hostal.

Montemorelos ha florecido con las comunidades y empresas adventistas del séptimo día y, en general, con un ambiente muy piadoso. También tienen sus Universidades con una gran oferta de Licenciaturas y Posgrados como la Universidad Montemorelos https://www.um.edu.mx/, que también trabaja en convenios de colaboración con la Universidad de Loma Linda California https://home.llu.edu/ en los campos de Ciencias de la Salud. El trasfondo espiritual de estas comunidades lo hace muy favorable para desarrollar buenas relaciones con ellos como vecinos.

Actualmente, Gadadhar Gosai, Ananda Maya y familia viven en el lugar con sus 4 hijos, desarrollando las bases de este proyecto inspirados en sus instrucciones. La visión de este proyecto es que más puedan unirse a la iniciativa de adoptar la belleza de este estilo de vida.

La visión de este proyecto es tener líderes que desarrollen las áreas principales, similares a los pétalos de un loto. Actualmente el equipo está conformado por:

  • Gadhadar Gosai Das, Ananda Maya Dasi y familia: Se están enfocando en la agricultura, la autonomía alimentaria y las economías circulares de la tierra y teniendo como centro sus valores de conciencia de Krishna.
  • Rocío López Saldaña: ​​Médico Veterinario, Líder y Fundadora de Cultura Perrona S.A de C.V, enfocada al bienestar y compasión Animal. Lidera programas nacionales de cuidado animal.
  • Prof. Gabriel Madrid: Profesor jungiano jubilado del TEC de Monterrey y propietario de hectáreas de terreno en la zona e interesado en desarrollar un espacio de bienestar y cuidado.
  • Govinda Pramodini Dasi y Ranchor Krishna Das: Su contribución al proyecto es brindar herramientas al equipo para ayudarles a funcionar y trabajar hacia objetivos definidos, conectando el proyecto con otros proyectos bien establecidos y buscar orientación de profesionales, universidades, devotos y, por supuesto, guías espirituales. .

Tenemos la esperanza de hacer crecer a los colaboradores del proyecto y también de comprender su propósito y motivaciones para contribuir en 'Nueva Govardhan; esperamos reforzar nuestra colaboración con el actual centro ISKCON en Monterrey y ser reconocido como un proyecto funcional por el GBC local. Y a la larga, esperamos que por la misericordia de Srila Prabhupada y Sus misericordiosas instrucciones Gurudeva, el proyecto pueda educar y convertirse en una comunidad modelo a seguir y un centro próspero de los Principios de 'Vida Simple y Pensamiento Elevado'

Por último y no menos importante, nos gustaría extender nuestra invitación para que durante su próxima visita a México en 2023 considere ‘Nueva Govardhan’ como una opción para su estadía y, por supuesto, una gran oportunidad para inspirar los próximos años del proyecto.

Nuestras humildes reverencias siempre, para usted y su servicio.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Sus sirvientes,

Miembros del comité 'Nueva Govardhan' y sus aspirantes servidores:

Gadhadar Gosai Das

Ananda Maya Dasi

Govinda Pramodini Dasi

(PC - Nrsimha bhoga). LAD goes to Hari Kripa!

Hare Krishna, dear gurudeva. Pamho, AGTSP!

It had been a long time, due to the pandemic, that I had not traveled. I wanted to do it, this time with my wife Raman reti dd. And Krishna fulfilled that wish.

At one time I traveled a lot to the provinces and abroad giving courses and seminars, trying to enthused myself and the devotees. This time we travel to Arequipa, a beautiful mountain city 18 hours from Lima, invited by the locals devotees on the occasion of the inauguration of their new temple premises.

I gave the main class and we participated in an ecstatic kirtan. Due to the generosity of its new president, Ray Ramananda and all the devotees, we were able to move there and share some beautiful days with them. We also took the opportunity to change our routine a bit, which due to the pandemic did not have many interesting changes. We were able to walk a bit through the beautiful countryside of Arequipa and visit very inspiring churches and monasteries.

 We are not pure devotees so that a specific service fills us completely. Sometimes we need changes to continue with enthusiasm. And by the grace of Krishna and the devotees we had this surge of enthusiasm. I hope that Krishna and the devotees will take me to other places to preach.

Our routine remains very fixed with the worship of our beloved Nitay Caitanya candra and Laxmi Nrsimha. Sometimes we don't attend ASA programs when the schedule is hard to fit in, but we never leave Mangalartik and Srimad Bhagavatam class. Thus we have the opportunity to hear other perspectives of great devotees.

Good news was being invited again to give class for ISKCON Chosica. We will try to give a good class on Sunday July 7th.

Next August, I hope that our external preaching projects that we have been designing can be concretized. I hope for your blessings that I may be able to preach a little to people in our city and elsewhere, if Krishna sees fit.

We have been reading the complete version of Prabhupada lilamvrta and it is really inspiring. Knowing details of their preparation and attempts to establish a solid institution is truly inspiring. Many doors were closed to him and finally his decision to come to the West was the culmination of his strenuous efforts. It reminds me a lot of my own failed attempts to do something for ISKCON. And I think if it was difficult for Srila Prabhupada what is left for me.

Just follow his example of determination, effort, spiritual strength, etc.

I tried to help in the formation of a good gurukula in Chosica and it was not possible. I tried to raise a good asrama of devotees and it was not possible. I tried twice to form educational institutions (VEDAS and NIMSAR) and it was not possible. And other things not worth mentioning.

Maybe it was because I thought I was the doer, I don't know. But in fact everything was to educate me, correct me, improve me. Will this new attempt work? I don't know, I just know I have to keep trying.

Dear gurudeva, please give me your mercy to understand what Krishna wants from me.

Your useless servant,

Laksmana-agraja das.

HpS - ASA --- Thank you. Basically, as far as I can understand, as long as we are able to chant Hare Krsna / Hare Rama right now our project is successful! Any other project depends on what Krsna wants.

He made Hitler very powerful, but what was the depth of his program.

Your program sounds very nice. Very very nice!!!!!! !!!! Expand it more and more.

Amala Karuna prabhu

Hare Krisna Estimados devot@s, TlgaSP, Pamho.

Nuestro hermano Espiritual Amala Karunas das, discípulo de SS Hanumatpresaka Swami, se encuentra muy delicado de Salud, por lo que pedimos a todos los devotos las oraciones por este gran vaisnava del Yatra de Cusco. Talló unas hermosas deidades del sus Señorías Jaganatha, Balarama y Subrada e hizo un servicio extraordinario en el Templo de Cusco. Hare Krishna. ISKCON Chile , ISKCON Chosica Perú, Ayacucho Mandir

(PC-Hanuman) - Regular update

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudev,

  Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet.

  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

  All glories to Guru parampara.

HpS - AGTSP!!!! Gp!!!! If we have Srila Prabhupada's lotus feet in our heart. we all have lotus feet! My bodily feet are maybe apple feet.

How are you??? How is your Sankirtan?

  Gurudev, Happy to see your confirmation about your india tour, Sep 2022-Feb 2023.

  This time....am waiting for you with so much emotions...never felt earlier but this

time.....don't know why.   

  Last meeting with you was in Pune 2018. This time, i will be a slient looker with you

on your coming India tour. will do huge japa and follow you, no talk....just will hear

from.....that's all. No desires...no questions...will hear about only Vrndavan Radha-Krsna.


  Materially things are as usual, still working from Raipur. 

  HG Jibesh Das finished his long seva in Pune ( had requested by temple authority ).

He worked on Lord's Paduka design and other ornaments ( Gold, silver ). Pune temple

authority always very happy with his seva and issued another recommendation

letter after formal exam and interview by temple authority ( attached for your review

and comments ). He is in Mayapur now. 

Your dependent,

Girivaradhari-Gopal Das

HpS - Aaaah! We will save this letter and look at the attached. . . . . Such a nice letter. So nice. Then we can meet Mr. Jibesh when we are in India and then he can take initiation then or shall we do it by telephone before then?

Gauranga TSKP

2 years, 8 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Phone Text:

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Paoho!AGTSP! We are now in Florida... arrived a few minutes ago👍🙏🙇🏽‍♀️


HpS-ASA -- Who do you know there? Who are the leading men?