Panama updates

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

Jay Gouranga

Hare Krishna maharaj

I am so happy to hear you are doing very well with the lectures in denver and that is happy a good response, well about the association question you ask me about what type association i have in panama well most of my friends are devotees or vegetarian or straight edge , my best friend just turn vegetarian a few months ago he is living right now in venezuela i miss him so much he is like my brother. My friends tend to something with art and music just like me I guess is the type of enviroment i enjoy ,i love art and music .

About the canal lease yes its over Panama has control over the canal since 2000 ,we control the canal and they are making a third set of locks which is expected to be ready for next year plus a 3rd huge bridge of the side of the atlantic .

Tomorrow is Ratha Yatra i  am so excited ive been looking forward to this for quite a while i hope i can record and take as many pics as i can , i will be participating in this year theatre i am narada muni i prepared myself a lot i watched so many videos so i can get right in character. On sunday we will have a huge harinam in this area that they are making the day of the kids we are going to take advantage there are a lot of devotees that come from other part of the world to be here for the Ratha Yatra.

i will  send you pictures of the event Maharaja ,ill send you the poster for the The Festival.


Bhakta Juanka

             HpS - AGTSP////   paoho   Such nice news.   Thank you..  We just got internet in our office so we will answer a lot of letters quickly and try to catch up.   Thank.  You.  I think there is another letter from you about Rathayatra we will get to it!  Use are to glorify Krsna!

urgent: kolkata

11 years, 5 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

hare krsna maharaj,
Prof Bandhyopadyay/Museum gave you CD having photographs of the event in Kolkata. Do you have it with yourself?

We need single Photo of following persons from that VD
i. Shyamal Kanti Chakaravarty
ii. Durga Basu
iii. Kalyan Chakravarty
iv. Prabal Sen
v. Pratap Bandyopadhyay.

If it is possible for you to send the images, please send me on my email id.

Hari Bol. thank you for engaging us in service.

   HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.   paoho.  As I remember I worked on the CD in his house. It had very extreme problems and then left it there for him to do more work. My netbook didn't have a CD reader and I have not seen the CD in my luggage.  I don't have it.  He worked on it and gave it to Sanjaya at the Gaudiya math.  Maybe there were two CDs.  Movie and still photos.   I don't have either.  Thank you!!!   You are a generous person!!

from manipur

11 years, 6 months ago by harsh_horse in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All glories to Guruji and Gouranga

Radha Krsna Ki Jai
Please accept my humble obeisanses that please include my questions to the editor monkey warrior block and help me to open an account so that sometimes I could send selected questions from time to time.

Some selected quotations for questionable.

There are more than five hundred thousand incarnations of Manu in only one universe, besides other incarnations in different universes. B 1.16.30

If the Yogi is perfect he can select the time and situation for leaving this material world.    Bhag. 8.23







 Mystics who are advance in Yoga practice can arrange the time and place to leave the body. Bhag. 8.24

 We heard that the two sons of Madri, Nakul and Sahadeva were born through the blessings of Aswani Kumar but in the Bhagabatam 1:14:22  it is mentioned that Nakul and Sahadeva were born directly through the union Pandu and Madri. Which one is correct? Kindly acknowledge me.

             ASA - AGTSP.   We THINK that "through union of Pandu and Madri" is a mistake, but maybe it is other, universe or something.  We know no more!

Yours sincerely,

Yamunesevara Das
dwarf has just copy paste as it is

HpS - Thank you kind Dwarf.     Yamunesvara Das, we hope so much that you can get your entrance into this Blog arranged, but communicating here through Harsh is also much better than letters by Yahoo.   Thank you so much.  We hope that there are more and more letters here.



11 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Dear Gurudeva:



I hope this letter meets U in really good health ¡¡¡

Gurudeva I have a deep concern about the preaching ¡¡ For instance I see that the deities like to be dressed, like the bhoga, etc but umm specially  Gaura Nitai They like to hear classes, bhajams ¡¡¡ They like sankirtan ¡¡¡Harinam ¡¡¡

So I feel sad when I do not see that these programs develop in the temple, because me as pujari I try that the deities be beautiful and attractive so the devotees may feel encourage and try to do their service better ¡¡¡ but honestly we do not have the commit to create a program and to develop it... so please advice us what shall we do, so the devotees commit for this purpose? Work with young and new people?? with the advice of elder devotees?? please give us some enlightment. Nowadays the temple is doing like concerts is that right? 

Thank U all so much 

Looking forward for your reply

Always trying to be your disciple

Candramukhi dd

                HpS - AGTSP....    paoho...    Don't know details!!!      Basic strategy is wherever you go, whomever you meet, tell them about Krsna.  Then you will automatically begin to see what systematic programs are needed.  Prabhupada gives us basic program of Kirtan, lecture, kirtan prasada, so that can go on morning and night.  Of course, Kirtan can be Concerts.  One formula is to let Krsna do His job of sending innocent people and we keep pure and the people are determined to listen even if our presentacion isn't Hollywood.

            Hmmm.  Work on creating a balanced preaching program you self there and then see how it can be expanded to others, no?


11 years, 6 months ago by jayanta in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

PAMHO Gurudev: TgSP

Espero que se encuentre bien de salud cuando reciba este mensaje.

            HpS - TlgaSP!!!  Solamente momento pasado pregutand que pasa con Vd!  Muy bien

Envio algunas fotos del Ratha Yatra de Madrid, donde miles de personas pudieron escuchar los Santos Nombres, pudieron ver las caras de Sus Señorias Jagannatha, Baladev y Subhadra y pudieron degustar varios miles de bolitas de prasadam.

Jay Jagannath Swami.... Jay Jaganath... Jay Baladeva... Jay Subhadra!

su sirviente

Jayanta das

            HpS - Hay mas fotos?  En la Web?            Su salud, cirugio???   El libro KRSNA?

Urgente Anandamaya das

11 years, 6 months ago by anandamayadas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports
Hare Krsna Gurudeva.
Por favor acepte mis respetuosas reverencias.
Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
              HpS - ASA -  TlgaSP!    Pfanrh.,...
Perdone por no escribir antes. Sabemos por los KD que esta bien,
nosotros todos (Karuna, Sita, Arjuna; y yo) estamos bien, luchando para poder seguir sus instrucciones.
Gurudeva, el sábado pasado la Junta de Templo de Chosica nos comunicó que la Junta Nacional del Yatra Peruano aprobó integrar dos miembros nuevos a la Junta de Templo de Chosica: Prabhu Ekacakra y Anandamaya das.
Como Usted sabe, hace ya un tiempo ellos (La Junta de Chosica y devotos mayores) están solicitando mi apoyo, pero yo había sido renuente a su pedido.
Ahora he aceptado, a pesar de mi falta de tiempo y de mi ineptitud. Lo ideal hubiese sido que primero le pregunte a Usted que le parece. Pero no me anime porque aquí son volubles las propuestas y no quise molestarlo con algo que aun no sucedía.
  Querido Gurudeva, aún tarde quisiera saber sinceramente que piensa Usted? de este mi nuevo servicio. Sin sus bendiciones no existe un plan exitoso. Esperando su respuesta.

                               Su tonto discípulo, Anandamaya das.

Hare Krishna Gurudeva.
Please accept my respectful obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Excuse me for not writing sooner. We know from the KD that's fine,
we all (Karuna, Sita, Arjuna, and I) are good, struggling to follow your instructions.
Gurudeva, last Saturday Temple Board Chosica us that the National Board approved Peruvian Yatra integrate two new members to the Board of Temple Chosica: Ekacakra and Anandamaya das Prabhu.
As you know, some time ago they (the Board and senior devotees Chosica) are asking for my support, but I had been reluctant to order.
Now I have accepted, despite my lack of time and my ineptitude. The ideal would have been to first ask to you that you think. But I do not because here are fickle anime proposals and I would not even bother with something that did not happen.
   Dear Gurudeva, later still would like to know sincerely think you? This my new service. Without their blessings there a successful plan. Waiting for your reply.
                                Your silly disciple Anandamaya days.


Estimado Discipulo Tonto,
TlgaSP. Pfanrh....   Como su Consejero Tonto puedo decir que aparece muy bien para nosotros. 1) Las cosas importantes que esperan la demas y Vds en la relacion tiene que ser escrito con firma de todos,  2) Tiene que ser un compromiso para un tiempo fijado, por ejemplo vamos a trabajar con miembro de la Junta con 1-hora cada semana de reuniones y dos horasa de trabajo personal HASTA fin del Deciembre esta ano. En esta fecha podemos pensar en como mejor el servicio y continuar para mas tiempo o dejar el servicio.

O.K?    Piensa es buena idea?  Tiene que realizar un revolucion para Krsna en Chosika!!!