Jaya ASA Japa Forum!

Maharaj I am writing to thank you for japa program which helps me every day.

 also take this opportunity to thank all the devotees who participate in it.

    This program helps me to combat the onslaught of the ravenous senses.

              the chanting of japa is very nice with your association.

        Krsna's mercy. every day the process is a bit more clear.

today I'm listening to bhajans sung by Srila Prabhupada.   Amar Jivan, Hari Hari Biphale janama, Anadi Karama phale are gems. from bg 4.34 cannot argue with the spiritual master. I think that's all.  thank you very much Maharaj.  please forgive all my offenses your fallen servant George.

         hps - asa - agtsp.....   paoho.....   maya tatam idam sarvam....  bg 7.? ....  cited 'noi' 3 to show that enthusiasm means to use everything in krsna's service, by the instruction of the spiritual master.       george is a plenary potentate of the regent of spain, maybe, so we soon expect the king of spain to be joinning 'japa-joe' daily.  the reverse is true.  it is george's participation that has done much to keep us all together from 1.30-2.30am daily.


11 years, 5 months ago by papanoel in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna.

S.S. Hnumat Presaka Maharasa, Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias.

Todas las glorias a Sirla Prabhupada. Le escribe un aspirante a discipulo (sirviente). Creo que me recordara pues dijo que me parecia a Papanoel.

Mis contacto en el Templo de Madrid son. Jagamohan Arabhu. Jaramara Hari. 

               HpS - AGTSP   paoho.  No podemos recordar Vd. o esta "pseudonym" especific.  Hmmm!   Pero de Shakespeare que conocimos de el mas de sus escritos!

Report from Czech

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Month ago I left Mayapur to Czech for 3 months. It is pretty good here, except I am getting more crazy and sad to see how many people are systematically avoiding to remember Krishna, including me. I feel my mind is more peaceful, my theory is that it is caused by the fact that I am cooking myself, instead of eating prasadam cooked by others.
             HpS - ASA - AGTSP.  Paoho.  11.34PM.  If we take rest by 11.45 PM that will be two Muhurtas of rest before Japa Joe.  Brother Ass is O.K.  Got chronic arthitis in the right thigh, feet are starting to swell up, eyes get strain from computer, but seems O.K.   It is soooo nice to hear from you.  On behalf of the hundreds of readers of this Blog, we thank you for setting it up and maintaining it.
It is good to hear that your leave from Mayapur is temporary. Yes, same experiennce, when we cook for ourselves has good effect, but is also good to get Prasad of others also, especially nice devotees.
...My morning sadhana is still pretty bad. My body and mind is enemy here as I was born at the evening and my brain was always most effective in nightly hours, but I didn't give up, hoping one day I will be able to switch it till end of this life.
             HpS - Try to make little changes.  We tried to go from 25 rounds/day to 32 but couldn't do it.  So now we have been able to keep 26/day!
Most of the time I work on my business project and hopefully will be ready soon. Thing which is really good is that I am learning every day something new and most of this I will be able to use in new engine for vedabase.com.
               HpS - Another super project. I see so many people, groups using it.  Having professional librarians help us set up an index will be super.
... All family here loves when I cook, so I often cook for everybody here. I was planning to eat more like a raw salts, but seems Krishna has different plan. Normally 8 people come for prasadam. It makes me happy to see how are they unknowingly attracted to Krishna. They are also offering help with cutting vegetables and nephew was also asisting and singing while offering. :)
I have very strong tendency to use mind and intelligence in mode of passion and it is hard for me to push myself to read Bhagavatam during day, so I am reading before sleep, but unfortunately not every day. I know that is very bad and slowly improving it. 
Funny is that Krishna is the biggest trickster, so he inspires people to write through vedabase.com contact form and ask different philosophical questions, which force me to do research and answer them. Today we spoke with somebody about Vedas and BG and SB as  their essence and bhakti-yoga as ultimate way to re-establish relationship with Krishna.
A week ago I went to church together with my two cousins. They moved from roman-catholic to protestant church in last years, so I wanted to visit as see. They sing lot of sweet songs, and mainly they sing about pure devotion, it was very inspiring. Problem was with their class, when priest was talking as it was very poor philosophy, listening to it was very painful. I would like to come more often for singing, but would like to avoid lecture there.
Visit of the church reminded me how fortunate we are to have Srila Prabhupada, for bringing us answers for all our questions which is Christan religion unable to answer.
It is now more than month I was not physically in association of the devotees. But during this week I will visit devotees on the farm.
Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das
                     HpS - Jaya!  Such a nice report.  You are also a journalist.  Read like a paragraph of the Krsna book each day after breakfast, before you start your work.

Anandamaya das

11 years, 5 months ago by anandamayadas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports



Estimado Discipulo Tonto,
TlgaSP. Pfanrh....   Como su Consejero Tonto puedo decir que aparece muy bien para nosotros. 1) Las cosas importantes que esperan la demas y Vds en la relacion tiene que ser escrito con firma de todos,  2) Tiene que ser un compromiso para un tiempo fijado, por ejemplo vamos a trabajar con miembro de la Junta con 1-hora cada semana de reuniones y dos horasa de trabajo personal HASTA fin del Deciembre esta ano. En esta fecha podemos pensar en como mejor el servicio y continuar para mas tiempo o dejar el servicio.

O.K?    Piensa es buena idea?  Tiene que realizar un revolucion para Krsna en Chosika!!!

Querido Gurudeva, amhr. TLGASP!
Muchas gracias por contestar. Si Gurudeva usted siempre tiene ideas brillantes. Se dice que en las instrucciones del Guru se encuentran las bendiciones. Oro a Nrshimhadev para poder seguir siempre sus instrucciones. Ompurnam Prabhu nos dijo que la Junta Nacional va a entregar una carta de aprobación. He aceptado este compromiso  hasta Gaura Purnima 2014, eso les comunique a ellos. Hay mucho por hacer. Por ahora vamos a ubicar el Plan Estrategico (que el templo tiene) a un plano practico. Asi que estamos recogiendo datos (diagnostico) por medio de entrevistas, luego fichas y encuestas. Ese va a ser nuestro aporte, tratar de organizar lo que faltaba. Ademas hemos presentado un proyecto "Club Radha Madana Vihari", el cual ha sido aprobado y espero luego darle mas informes.

Esperando siempre buena salud para Usted.

                                        Su tonto discipulo Anandamaya das.

HpS - Esperamos detalles!!!!

Desde Cusco con amor

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada y a su sankirtana eterno. Hare krsna gurudev esperando que ésta carta lo encuentre bien de salud, nosotros estamos 16 días en cusco dando libros en asociación de los devotos y de las deidades gigantes JBS de P. Amala, muchos pasatiempos hermosos, muchos turístas llevandose libros de SP. Estamos tratando de cantar 32 rondas de yapa, adorando a nuestras deidades, levantándonos temprano, 4 principios. Tenemos el plan de ir a puno, ayacucho, abancay, huanta de ahí ir a la marathon de bolivia claro krsna mediante. bueno gurudev me despido que el señor lo siga protegiendo Nadiya Nivasi D.

                     HpS - ASA --   Reverencias a Srila Prabhupada, quien ha traido esta graaaaan sabiduria de la India.  Claro hay diferentes filosofias, religiones aqui con mucho valor, pero no encontramos nadia tan claro y profundo.   Cusco es super,no?  Puede pasara libros a TODO EL MUNDO por las turistas alla.  NEcecitamos muchos libros en INgles para ellos!!!!!!   Desafio de BBT Peru!   Buena suerte a todos.  Amala..  Como ests su Hija??


11 years, 5 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna BELOVED Gurudeva:



We hope this report meets U in really good health ¡¡

Since a long time we NIMSAR had a meeting with LAD ¡¡¡¡¡ he is almost 100% recover we realize that the service we did to the Deities THey never forget JAYA ¡¡¡¡

We had a meeting last sunday in Chosica mandir on July 15th 


LAD, Patraka das, M Rohini, Gaura G dasi.

we made a proposal to make  NIMSAR's statutes, which may include:

  • Introduction of What is NIMSAR
  • NIMSAR's vision
  • Founding members: HpS, LAD, Patraka, Rohini dd, Anangamanjari dd, CMDD, Yugala Kishor dasi, Gaura G
  • The board: President: LAD, Secretary: CMDD, Treasurer: YKD

NIMSAR has the following Study Programs:

  • Introduction of Bhakti yoga :  LAD in charge
  • Bhakti Sastri: M Rohini in charge
  • Bhakti Vaibhava: YKD in charge
  • Deity worship: GGD in charge

ROhini mataji will send all the things related to BS

NExt meeting by SKYPE July 24th 5pm

Thanks Gurudeva for all your inspiration and specially patience

Always trying to become an ASA branch

Your eternal servants


              HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.   Paoho.  Thank you very much.  By these regular reports we can certify groups like NIMSAR as regular Branches to ASA which in turn is a regular Branch of ISKCON based in Tennessee USA with Tamohara Das as our GBC Secretary.

We would say that NIMSAR has not been burned to ashes. Under the able Presidential reign of Patraka Das and heroic efforts of Yugala, Jagat pavitram and all of you it has gone one.  A big test from Krsna.  Our meeting Friday was very nice. Seems we can make very nice progress.  With Srila Prabhupada's books as the basis we will surely live in Goloka!

We would suggest that the Introduction to Bhakti yoga be especially approved by Zonal authorities and be co-ordinated with efforts by such devotees as Yadunandana Swami to develop a nice global perspective such as we have for Bh Sastri.

Waiting for Minutes of Friday meeting.

On behalf of the ASA Supreme Undiferintiated Absolute Commando we apologize for our own delay in responding. Our Office apears to be functioning well and should go on that way.

TB/BW/HPS/UG et al.