Hare Krishna querido Maharaja, 

Pamho, agtSP. 

Gracias por escribir, es siempre bueno recibir sus mensajes. Aprecio su constante preocupación por la situación de nuestro Yatra en Peru.

La Junta Nacional de ISKCON Perú mantiene reuniones quincenales, promoviendo la unión de las Yatras y coordinando la implementación de la Estrategia de Predica promovida por el RGB Latino para toda la región. Hay mucho entusiasmo. Esperamos que otros programas de predica estables de las provincias del pais acepten la invitacion que se les ha hecho para participar. El Centro de Predica de Miraflores ha sido reabierto y tenemos programas regulares alli.

Estos días tenemos la visita de SG Rukmini Krishna Prabhu, de la India, candidato a tomar sannyasa y se quedara 2 semanas en Perú dando varios seminarios y clases en los 3 templos. Como un servicio a los discípulos de los diferentes maestros espirituales que hay en Lima, este sábado el estará dando un seminario para devotos con segunda iniciación (brahmanas) llamado "La importancia del Gayatri Mantra" Sera muy provechoso que sus discípulos asistan a este importante programa para refrescar los principios y valores brahminicos que se comprometieron a seguir cuando recibieron el Gayatri Mantra de Ud.

En cuanto a las denuncias administrativas que se hicieron hace varios meses, el investigador encargado por el RGB todavía esta esperando las evidencias para iniciar una investigación. Creo que este tema está en buenas manos y no debería perturbar el desarrollo espiritual de la comunidad.

Como Ud. sabe, cualquier denuncia debe estar acompañada de pruebas y someterla a un proceso justo antes de llegar a una resolución seria. Llegar a conclusiones arbitrarias y correr rumores ofensivos en contra de devotos es muy dañino para cualquier comunidad.

El dialogo conmigo siempre está abierto para cualquier devoto que tenga dudas, preocupaciones y ganas de hacer aportes constructivos para el desarrollo armónico de nuestro Yatra.

Cuando es necesario, publicamos comunicados oficiales en nuestra pagina de Facebook "ISKCON Peru - Comunicados oficiales del GBC"

Su sirviente, 

Mathuresa dasa


Hare Krishna, dear Maharaja,

Pamho, agt SP.

HpS/ASA - AgtSP! Esteemed Mathuresa Das, our very esteemed friend and GBC Regional Secretary, paoho! ! . ! First let us apologize in taking 8-days to respond to your very important ASA Blog post.

Our old body, donkey, super demanding/productive trip to Richmond and NIOS Nashville festival have occupied so much strength.

Thank you for the Whatsapp words to keep these Blog posts in proportion.

Thank you for writing, it is always good to receive your messages. I appreciate your constant concern for the situation of our Yatra in Peru.

The ISKCON Peru National Board holds biweekly meetings, promoting the union of the Yatras and coordinating the implementation of the Preaching Strategy promoted by the RGB Latino for the entire region.

There is a lot of enthusiasm. We hope that other stable preaching programs in the country's provinces will accept the invitation that has been made to them to participate. The Miraflores Preaching Center has been reopened and we have regular programs there.

These days we have the visit of SG Rukmini Krishna Prabhu, from India, candidate to take sannyasa and will stay 2 weeks in Peru giving various seminars and classes in the 3 temples. As a service to the disciples of the different spiritual masters that exist in Lima, this Saturday he will be giving a seminar for devotees with second initiation (brahmanas) called "The importance of the Gayatri Mantra".

HpS/ASA - 🙂 Super!

Regarding the administrative complaints that were made several months ago, the investigator commissioned by the RGB is still waiting for the evidence to initiate an investigation. I believe that this issue is in good hands and should not disturb the spiritual development of the community.

HpS - In our casual conversations on the topic, we have heard that H. G. Hansarupa Das from New York is the Investigator and that he has talked with H. G. Gita-govinda Das et al, requested their Evidence and that they have sent it.

Very nice.

Very interesting.


As you know, any complaint must be accompanied by evidence and subject to a fair process before reaching a serious resolution.

Coming to arbitrary conclusions and spreading offensive rumors against devotees is very damaging to any community.

ASA - 👍

The dialogue with me is always open for any devotee who has doubts, worries and the desire to make constructive contributions for the harmonious development of our Yatra.

When necessary, we post official statements on our Facebook page "ISKCON Peru - GBC Official Statements"

His servant,

Mathuresa Dasa

HpS/ASA - Super! Thank you so much for your efforts to post this great information here in our ASA Blog. Thank you.

In conversations with such devotees and Gita-govinda Das, Abhirama thakura Das, Candra-mukhi Devi Dasi and many more, we have never heard any anger toward those with whom they feel administrative conflict.

There has been a humor that we are friends, members of the same Yatra, but there are administrative conflicts that need to be addresses.

For this there is of course a line of command from Head-cook, to Temple President, to National Council, to Regional Secretary, to GBC Secretary, to Regional GBC Committee, to International GBC Executive Committee, to Srila Prabhuapda.

For ASA we require that our individual, direct relationship with Srila Prabhupada is first, second is our friendship with the other members of his society, and third, but a very essential manifestation of his potency, are our institutional relations in ISKCON.

We feel very intensely that Institutional Leaders must join the Yatra from time to time and lead Kirtans, half an hour, more. Then their political position will become transparently obvious to the Brahmanas and saintly devotees.

As Smt. Gangamayi Devi Dasi has been so active in administration, it would be wonderful if we could join her for Kirtan's regularly, no? We need her leadership.

ISKCON seems to be moving into the Third Stage.


Many more things to discuss with your good self!

Many more.

Hope this Blog can serve a little for peaceful and productive dialogs, with a common cause.






1 year, 7 months ago by estefania in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krshna Querido Gurudeva, acepte por favor mis reverencias, todas las Glorias para Srila Prabhupada🌻

Escribo porque quería comentarle sobre mis servicios en el templo de Santiago:

Por el momento tuve que poner en pausa mi servicio en la cocina de la Deidad, pero continuo con el servicio en las guirnaldas de flores. Estoy muy feliz de poder realizar ese servicio porque es muy delicado y hermoso. Continuo apoyando en los festivales aportando en la decoración y la recepción de invitados, lo cual me hace feliz porque se puede conocer personas nuevas que están buscando a Dios. Hace poco me ofrecieron un nuevo servicio que consiste en motivar a la comunidad a generar donativos para aportar económicamente al templo, así que estoy planeando como llegar mejor a las personas e intentar que dicho proyecto tome fuerza.

Quisiera comentar que me encanto conocer el templo de México y eso me motiva a querer conocer otros templos, creo que aun no logro dimensionar toda la misericordia que tuvo ese viaje y la dicha de tener su asociación.

Espero mejorar mi participación en full Morning Program.

Por último estoy tomando el curso de Bhakti Sastri

Me gustaría saber Gurudeva como podría servir de mejor manera y apoyar su sankirtan

Que sea un hermoso día en conciencia de Krshna y muchas gracias por todo!!!

Me despido atentamente Havihsara Devi Dasi.





Hare Krshna, Dear Gurudeva, please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada🌻

I write because I wanted to tell you about my services in the temple of Santiago:

I had to pause my service in the Deity's kitchen for the time being, but continue with the service in the flower garlands.

I am very happy to be able to perform this service because it is very delicate and beautiful.

I continue to support festivals by contributing to the decoration and reception of guests, which makes me happy because you can meet new people who are seeking God.

They recently offered me a new service that consists of motivating the community to generate donations to contribute financially to the temple, so I am planning how to better reach people and try to make this project take off.

ASA - Old English phrase: All men are ready to invest, but most expect expect some result from their investment.

I would like to comment that I loved visiting the temple in Mexico and that motivates me to want to visit other temples.

I think that I still cannot fathom all the mercy that this trip had and the joy of having your association.

HpS - ASA // Was just the same for us. Even bigger things on this path! Let us go ahead with enthusiasm!

I hope to improve my participation in full Morning Program.

Lastly I am taking the Bhakti Sastri course

I would like to know Gurudeva how he could better serve and support his sankirtan

ASA - What is your daily work? How do you maintain your self?

May it be a beautiful day in Krshna consciousness and thank you very much for everything!!!

I sincerely say goodbye to Havihsara Devi Dasi.




ASA - Hare Krsna. Photos attached. More news next month!!



1 year, 7 months ago by divya@108 in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports


KISHKINDA is sit next to a LOTUS flower

Hare Krishna Guru Majaraja



Hoping everythink [everything] is going great there, I just wanted to do a litle report of my sadhana and service :

Chanting 17 rounds a day.

ASA - 👍

Service: for instance chanting rounds, doing book distribution, and listening lectures. Looking for organize namahatas, bhagavagita lectures and yoga clases for preaching in a space Ive found in a devotees house.

Please GM I have these questions :

1.-Do we have to be pacient in this material World if not we die? how to get pacience?

ASA - Text three of NoI. Enthusiasm is more important than Patience. Don't live in the material world. That is a perspective. Live in the spiritual world, by Kirtaniya sada harih. Specifically good rounds and four principles. Then Krsna can guide you!

2._How to overcome doubts? there are doubts all the time never ending for example this space I've found in this devotee house to do namahatas has one disadvantage that the toilet is not nice, so do I look for other place? Or stay hear because is not expensive and I can help doing arrangements to improve the toilet, the owner is a nice devotee, very favorable. for instance I do not have laksmi to move to another place.

ASA - 🙂

3._ Im doing all my best, sadhana, rounds, lecture, been busy, even thought the sensation of not doing enought is still there, I know in my heart that its because Im not doing the puppets shows. I know doing art as Radharany asked my will solve this, althought its been dificult to find a place to stablish miself, and arrange my economy, so I hope soon Ill start doing puppets.

ASA - 👍

Maybe I have to improve my Gaura Nitay adoration but I do not have enought time, there are too many thinks I want to do.

How can I prioritize my activities?

ASA - Again

4. _What suggestions could you give me please to improve my situation?

ASA - Get more counselors! Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many counselors - Cankya Pandita!

Thank you very much in advance for your answer.

YOUR servant :

Divya Dristi DD.

HpS - ASA - Thank you!

Your association is super.

Yes, do pupper shows.

Use puppets when you do the tourism.

Train others.

Enquiries from the Blue Rhinocerous

1 year, 7 months ago by hps in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

On Whatsapp the BRh writes: Any news on a temple in Nashville.

ASA: Your question is of relevance to many who read our Blog. So we will engage our well paid professional staff of apes and porcupines to post it here.

First, we are not trying to develop a temple. We are trying to develop an academic focused ISKCON rurual community.

We have asked about it, and President of NIOS and other senior devotee mentioned that they had done some work to look for land, but that is all.

It is not advancing much.

We do not have great hope for it in the near future, but practically speaking there has been a lot of background work, so we might see sprouts at any moment.

If you, or other nice Blog readers, give me a short written comment, request, suggestion, we can forward it to NIOS President. Esquire A. Singh.

Muy urgente - Pada Yatra 2023

Hk pamho Jay Gurudeva!!!!!

Al fin pude cambiar exitosamente mi contraseña.

Aunque todavía con dolor en el cuerpo por el accidente del carro, salimos muy contentos casi todos los días a distribuir libros, por lo general Krsna tiene cada día un hermoso pasatiempo. Una vez estaba muy cansada ya era de noche, no pasaba ningún carro, varios esperábamos, un buen rato en el paradero, Krsna envió el bus más lujoso en el que viajé, subimos varios era una movilidad privada que trasporta al personal del banco y estaba vacío, el tipo deseaba ganarse unas monedas, justo me dejaba muy cerca de casa y nos cobró lo mínimo.

Estoy contenta porque falta muy poco para el Pada Yatra que será en Lima, Ud. participó en dos de ellos, las deidades que salen son las que estoy cuidando a diario. Ellas desean salir, quieren una gran fiesta, muchos devotos desean participar.

A pesar que Perú está muy polarizado en el plano político y administrativo en ISKCON, como si eso no fuera poco, ahora a nivel de grupos más pequeños, es decir “todos contra todos”, por ello, prefiero no pertenecer a ningún bando, sólo al de la prédica de Srila Prabhupada.

Me alegra retomar este servicio de Pada Yatra, El grupo bhakti yoga, bajo la autoridad de ISKCON Wilson, aceptaron muy entusiastas ayudar en el servicio, en su local se iniciará la fiesta y terminará en el parque concurrido cercano al local. Esperamos que todos los vecinos de Jesús María, disfruten del canto de los santos nombres y captar nuevos devotos. Varios de los integrantes del grupo son sadhaneros, fijos en rondas, adoran el altar de sacrificio y al maestro espiritual, estudian el sastra, siempre consultando a brahmanas por buen consejo, muy activos en la predica, evitan prajalpa, debido a ello me siento a gusto con ellos y las cosas están fluyendo.

Como Ud. es nuestro maestro le reportaré todos los pormenores de este evento, los desafíos y demás, por lo pronto le adjunto el afiche. Y también le enviaré el reporte económico, hasta el momento, el único de mis hermanos espirituales Visala Das es el primer donante, estamos muy agradecidos con él, siempre nos apoya en la buenas y en las malas, para mi es como un hermano de sangre. Entonces, queda muy poco tiempo. Por ello, una vez más le pedimos sus bendiciones para complacer al Señor Jaganatha con este sacrificio, para que aparta los obstáculos de ego falso que puedan ser amenazas para el éxito de cualquier programa de prédica. 

Todos debemos apoyarnos entre todos y juntos servir incondicionalmente a un propósito supremo.

En muy poco tiempo se realiza este evento, por ello urge sus bendiciones sin ellas estamos perdidos. Por favor denos su misericordia.

Jay Jagannatha!!!

Pada yatra 2023 Ki Jay!!!

Jay Sri Sri Guru y Gauranga!!!

Su hija que lo adora:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (El león que desea saltar a Goloka)


Hk pamho Jay Gurudeva!!!!!

I was finally able to successfully change my password.

Although we still have pain in our bodies from the car accident, we go out very happy almost every day to distribute books, usually Krsna has a beautiful pastime every day. Once I was very tired, it was already night, no car passed by, several of us waited, a long time at the whereabouts, Krsna sent the most luxurious bus in which I traveled, several of us got on, it was a private vehicle that transports the bank staff and it was empty, the guy wanted to earn a few coins, he just dropped me off very close to home and charged us the minimum.

I am happy because there is very little left for the Pada Yatra that will be in Lima, you participated in two of them, the deities that come out are the ones that I am taking care of daily. They want to go out, they want a big party, many devotees want to participate.

Despite the fact that Peru is very polarized at the political and administrative level in ISKCON, as if that were not enough, now at the level of smaller groups, that is, "all against all", for this reason, I prefer not to belong to any side, just to that of Srila Prabhupada's preaching.

I am happy to resume this Pada Yatra service, The bhakti yoga group, under the authority of ISKCON Wilson, very enthusiastically agreed to help in the service, the party will start at their venue and end in the busy park near the venue. We hope that all the neighbors of Jesús María enjoy the chanting of the holy names and attract new devotees. Several of the members of the group are sadhaners, fixed in rounds, worship the sacrificial altar and the spiritual master, study the sastra, always consulting brahmanas for good advice, very active in preaching, avoid prajalpa, due to this I feel at I like them and things are flowing.

As you are our teacher, I will report all the details of this event, the challenges and so on, for now I am attaching the poster. And I will also send you the economic report, so far, the only one of my spiritual brothers Visala Das is the first donor, we are very grateful to him, he always supports us through thick and thin, for me he is like a blood brother . So, there is very little time left. Therefore, we once again ask for his blessings to please Lord Jaganatha with this sacrifice, so that it removes the obstacles of false ego that can be threats to the success of any preaching program.

We must all support each other and together unconditionally serve a higher purpose.

In a very short time this event takes place, so his blessings are urgently needed without them we are lost. Please give us his mercy.

Jay Jagannatha!!!

Pada yatra 2023 Ki Jay!!!

Jay Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga!!!

His daughter who adores him:

Yugala Kisora Dasi (The lion who wishes to jump to Goloka)

HpS/ASA - 😁 Thank you very much! AgtSP!!!!! You must be the Most Fallen, because you are getting Lord Caitanya's mercy in the very first group! Go on improving your spiritual life.

Go on.


Send reports, yes!

A little pilgrims progress and Boise temple update

Hare Krishna, guru maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Maharaja, we are very excited to hear that you will be visiting us in September. Anantarupa prabhu has bought my ticket to fly with you back to Tennessee and I was hoping to stay for a few days. So can I be there from Wednesday the 27th to the evening of Saturday the 30th of September. Is that okay with you?

HpS - Seems fine with us. Your mercy! Whole week of festivals. We can develop a lot of Sankirtan.

I like to sleep on the floor and I can cook, clean and do any other menial services.

HpS - How about Brahminical services!? 😄

We want to thank you again for giving Yamuna her middle name. ~Tarangita~ It very much suits her so far. Waves of the Yamuna river. Fresh. Not stagnant. Anantarupa Prabhu says that she will bring waves of bhakti to the Boise temple and the astrologer says she will start preaching very successfully at age 15.

HpS/ASA - Jaya!

Also, I wanted to let you know that we have a wonderful new pujari from Nepal named Madhava prabhu. It was a long process getting him here but thanks to Radhika Raman Prabhu and Anadi’s strong and diligent effort he is now taking very good care of Radha Bankebihari. I also really like him. His association has been a very good thing.

HpS - So, nice!!!

I hope this finds you very well.

Your aspiring servant,

Nitisara das

HpS - Look for the internal intelligence that Bankibihari gives you to find the internal thread to reach your neighbors in Boise for the Sankirtan of Lord Caitanya!

Hope our Kapi Dhvaja and this Blog and Twitter are useful!!!