Report from Valparaiso

12 years, 6 months ago by Ignacio González in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Sri Sri Gouranga Nityananda
All glories to Srila Prabhupada
All glories to H.H. Hanumat Presaka Swami

Please accept my most humble obeisances

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, I hope that these words find you in good health. My name is Ignacio González and I`m from Valparaiso, Chile.

ASA - Jaya!   Bh. Ignacio.  Muy bueno leer de Vd.

I write to you to report about my daily activities. I have been chanting 16 rounds every day for maybe 2 or 3 years, lousy but getting better., Since I read about Jayananda Thakura and his Japa, I`m trying to get focus in the sound of every word.

I have been following the 4 principles for one and a half months. It has been hard but easier than in other occasions. I`m also trying to understand that it´s only because of Krishna and you, and that is not my merit, so I don´t get proud about it.

From april, 15th we have been making programs for the devotees in our apartment, it is small but significant.

Trying to serve you


ASA - Very nice.   Chanting Hare Krsna but not following four principles strictly is like trying to build a fire but not sheltering it from the rain.   Ooof!     Yet follow them is different challenge for each of us.  For one person 1,2,4 are easy, but 3 is difficult.  For another 1,3,4 but 2 is dificult.  Judge your progress against your own advancement, how you are using your intelligence to solve the problem, step by step!

AGTSP!!! PAMHO!!!!! Gurudev =) Yasasvini Devi Dasi

12 years, 6 months ago by Yamila Sandivara in Personal Sadhana Reports

I wanted to inform that in cochabamba with the help of my spiritual sister Narayani D. D. and the devout ones of the community; we create Harinama's program!! Jaya!!!

HpS - ASA - Jaya!

I That develops every Thursday 19hs, with books and Prasadam!! Jaya Prabhupada!!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - La gente es amable?

Now I am of return in mendoza; because the university in bolivia was suspending the activities a lot of time for political problems. But good my experience with the devout ones of cochabamba was very pretty; and from here I continue asking his reports them on this activity of the Harimana Program. They tell me that they remain very inspired. Jaya Prabhupada JayaJaya Gurudev!!!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

One more good news!!! June 25 Comes here to mendoza; Maharaja Bhakti-Bhusana Swami!!! We are organizing His Vyasa-puja and Programs!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - Oooof!              Maharaja pude describir sus comprehension de Goloka por sus meditaciones!!!                  Muy bien.              Muy bien.  Solamente tiene que adelantar!

report from tarapoto

12 years, 6 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva AGTSP ,AGTHpS, PAOHO ¡¡¡

Bellow is a letter from Tarapoto .... The blog is not easy for him

Por favor Gurudeva tenga a bien aceptar mis mas rendidas y humildes Reverencias. Todas las Glorias sean a Su Divina Gracia A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada ! Todas las Glorias sean a Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja ! Querido Gurudeva leeo con mucho pesar q UD continua delicado de salud lo cual me llena de una inmensa tristeza,preocupacion e impotencia. Agacho la cabeza y me postro ante Sri Sri Goura Nitay para clamar su misericordia y ruego le envien su proteccion y UD se pueda mejor muy pronto. *4 Princp.*16 rondas* Atendiendo la Deidad *Atendiendo Tulasi Devi *Estudiando SB con la madre Ananga Manjari *haciendo programitas los sabados con vecinos y devoto.* y lo peor trabajando. Por favor reciba reverencias de madre Siboney y Radharani. Su aspirante a sirviente: Laksmi Narayana Das.

HpS - ASA - Jaya!     Muchas Gracias.      Muy bien su reportaje.     Perfecto.   Va a ampliar naturalmente solamente por menteniamiento!!!!!!                Adelante!!!         

Hare Krishna

12 years, 6 months ago by gayathri in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaj

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Thank you so much for all your inspiration and teachings in our lives!

With all the Vaishnava's blessings and in front of Sri Radha Govindadeva, we received the names Priya Carana Dasi and Vraja Pati Dasa.  It was our first time in NY Ratha Yatra and was so blissful. So many wonderful Vaishnavas.  Now we are back to Chicago. In two weeks, we have Chicago RathaYatra :) We received the instructions to study Srila Prabhupada's books and chant offenselessly during initiation.

We pray that these steps only make our faith deeper and unflinching in the service to Srila Prabhupada. Please bless us that we may continue our spiritual progress to receive the PhD from Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Your Aspiring Servant

Priya Carana Dasi

HpS -  Jaya!   Hare Krsna!                   Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!            If we just finish our prescribed rounds, under Srila Prabhupada's authority, we are guaranteed to come to the highest level of Vaisnava worship, Uttama-adhikari!              Please send us news of Rathayatra........


12 years, 6 months ago by mirabai in Personal Sadhana Reports


Porfavor acepta mis humildes reverencias,Todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!!!

si gurudev,mi padre me puso el nombre de mirabai para que nunca se me olvidara que soy una sirvienta de krishna,y a la pregunta de porque estoy en valencia ,aqui vive mi madre y mis hermanas,Pero maharaja el problema es que desde que mi pita dejo el cuerpo,incluso un poco antes, todos dejaron de ser vegetarianos y perdieron toda conciencia de krshna que pudieran tener.Es muy dificil para mi estar en una casa en la que me tratan un poco mal, he incluso mi madre me ha llegado a hechar varias veces.

siento molestarle con mis problemas pero me gustaria decirle, que he pensado seriamente en hablar con yadunandana maharaj para ver si puedo ir una temporada a hacer servicio o trabajar a el templo de radhades,y queria su opinion.

Gurudeva intento predicar a amigos y gente que voy conociendo,hace poco tiempo abrieron al lado de casa un centro de yoga y les hable un poco de la conciencia de krishna,y de que han inagurado un nuevo templo en valencia centro,haber si poquito a poco se nos va uniendo mas gente,no lo entretengo mas maharaj,espero que este mejor de salud y se recupere pronto

su aspirante a sirvienta mirabai

HpS - TlgaSP     pfanrh.  Entendemos como 70% de su magnifico carta. Desculpa. Hablamos Espanos como un burro, pero las ideas basicamente son claros, yo pienso.  En casos mas extremos tenemos Prahlada Maharaja y Vibhisana, el hermano de Rama, que tuvieron grandes desafios relacionando con la familia. No pienso que su situacion es tan fuerte, pero Prabhupada presento estos ejemplos como podemos apreciar que en cual quiere situacion podemos ser feliz. Claro, tambien no somos Prahlada ni tampoco Vibhisana, entonces buscamos ambient bueno.  O.K.       Pero hay problemas en Radha desa tambien.


Canta Hare Krsna y sea feliz, per tambien habla con bastante devotos de diferente commuidades y por la fin desarrolla una relacion practico con unos no esperando perfeccion en religion pero perfeccion en Sankirtan, juntos glorificamos Krsna, Hari Bolo, Hari Bolo, entonces Krsna adjusta los problemas de religion etc.

Mas noticias.

Mayapur Academy ( BHAKTI SASTRI )

12 years, 6 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna!! Jay srila prabhupada!!

Dear Gurudeva please accept my most humble and respectful obeisances!!

Thank you  very much for you quick letter.  I'm agree with you about  first study bhakti-sastri and then study deity worship training. I really  want to study something in Mayapur , May I study Bhakti-sastri  in Mayapur  Academy ?  What do you think ? or where and how i can study  Bhakti-sastri ? I need to study in a classroom  because i'm not good study online ,i did before and that does'nt work with me .

HpS - ASA -  Mayapura Institute with Atul and everyone, no?

 To be  and staying in Sri Mayapur Dham I'm learning more and more english that's good for me . i think my english is not so good but i can learn more .  Guru sevananda Prabhu, my Guardian say  If i study Bhakti-sastri in english  i will learn more english and also i will get knowledge learning about Bhagavad Gita. mmm i dont know that do you think about this . 

ASA - Super!

Bhakti Sastri course start on November six  so what can you advice me ?


Ys Caitanya candrodaya Das.

HpS - ASA -  Yes, Yes, Do it.  November 6th! You and Krsna and Balarama can go to Study at Avanti-pura with Sandipani muni (Mayapura Insitute)