Nitya Kiśori dd reporting

12 years, 3 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I am in Cueramaro now.

Just before, I was in Mexico DF, for the Ratha Yatra. It was great, with Malati Mataji, she shared with us many pastimes with Srila Prabhupada. The festival was very very nice. I distributed some books: 18 Krsna Books, and 32 small books

HpS - ASA --      ! ! ! ! ..! ! ! !

And before... we spend 2 weeks in traveling sankirtan at Cuernavaca, Chilpancingo, and Acapulco. Elizabeth and I distributed 1594 small books, 151 big books, 15 Krsna Books, 20 Bhagavad Gitas (in the universities).

 ..... . . . .... .. .     !!!   .. . .  ASA -  Jaya!! 

I am seeing about my desicion for the College at Radhadesh. I ask to Malati Mataji and she told me it's nice if I can go this year. I couldn't talk with mataji Asta Sakhi because I didn't saw her in the festival. And I couldn't talk with prabhu Maitreya and prabhu Bhakta Vatsala, because I just arrive for the festival, and they were so busy!

Foe the admission at College they ask for 2 recomendation letters: can I ask one from you Gurudeva. I don't Know who else t ask, I thought in Prabhu Gita Govinda...

I couldn't send the Sattva report, I will try to do it now, but we have to go back to the farm soon! No internet there! No posible to enter to japa joe.... :(

Thank you very much for your attention

your insignificant servant
Nitya Kisori dd

When we have an obstacle in the spiritual life, like an attachment, it can be helpfull to reveal the mind to a vaisnava we trust, isn't it?

HpS - ASA -  Of course, NOI 4.              It sounds very mysterious!    We just wrote down that we have to send a letter for your recomendation.  It is 7.17PM.  Monday.   Both sides of our mouth are infected, sore.  One sore on our tongue. This is our last letter for today!   Outside there is strange grey clouds coming quickly and strange rain.  Here are tornados!   One passed five houses away last time we were here.  Whole house was gone down to the level of one meter!  Could see the sofa, television etc.  Second letter can come from Mexico authorities.  Gita govinda, yes.

Kriya Sakti devi dasi report, from Chile.

12 years, 3 months ago by kriyasakti_dd_hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!

Please accept my humble obeisances

Hare Krsna, dear Guru Maharaja. How is your health?

ASA - HpS  -  Honestamente en esta momento, Lunes, 11 Junio, 6.10PM, no siento muy bien el cuerpo.   Siento contaminacion bastante profundo. Siempre ayunando un poco para mucho tiempo y vamos a continuar, profundando la austeridad eliminar la contaminacion.               Oooop!           The soul is eternal!

I know your condition is due to the bad practices that have had your disciples. I hope if I did’t contribute more to your suffering.<img alt="" src="" title="" />

ASA - Ha!   Ha!    We don't have any "bad disciples".  If some one is smoking marijuana and only chanting 6 or 7 rounds then they are not our Disciples.  We don't take much responsibility for their Karma.     We have to become even more strict about this because, yes, there is a reaction, for me, for you, for everybody for the things we do. If we eat food cooked by materialistic minded people we become contaminated, what to speak of other things.

What do we want, social peace or Krsna?

Been a while since I last wrote you, but I was waiting to give you this news: finally I finished university! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

HpS - Jaya!!!

We deliver the thesis and we gave the final exam with Jagad Guru das and had good results. We already have a diploma that says we are journalists so that no more bother us ahahaha! The theme was education, so I hope to contribute to society of devotees and people in general who are interested in Krsna. I would like to manage a conference for your visit to Chile about education. What do you think? Specifically how to approach it?

We are chanting at least 16 rounds daily, following the four regulative principles, serving our deities and doing service in the temple. I’m pujari assistant once a week. We also participate in the Harinama of Friday and the Feast of Prabhupada preaching to new people. We are reading every day.

Of our old bhakti sastri group with prabhu Patraka only Vanamali and I just stayed. So, we decided to start all over again from the LOB, with a new group, also with Patraka. We are very happy, because we like to study Prabhupada's books and associating with devotees.

I recently learned that the seed of Krsna killed each other. I made ​​an impact mainly by detachment from him to his 'family'. If He didn't not mind his family... Krishna really cares about us, that we constantly forget him? or is that until we really love him not be importing? Krsna doesn't love us? <img alt="crying" src="" title="crying" />

HpS - Jaya.  Last paragraph the translation is not clear.  Subtle idea.    We are looking at our Calendar for South America right now.   We can fix some content  in the next few days!   Thank you so much for the letter.  It really helps us!   Congratulations on your diploma.  Is very nice!   Yes, you can use it.  It is that simple, sharpen your intelligence on BG & SB and then explain things for everybodys benefit.

I hope you feel better upon receipt of this letter.

My humble obeisances!

Aspiring to serve You,

Kriya Sakti devi dasi <img alt="cheeky" src="" title="cheeky" />

Hare Krsna!


12 years, 3 months ago by erick poblete in Personal Sadhana Reports

todas las glorias a sri guru y gouranga. todas las glorias a srila prabhupada.

mis humisldes y respetuosas reverencias maharaj. respetuosamente escribo esta carta para contar que cada dia de mi vida que pasa mas me deleito en isckon. la sasociacion con los devotos de chile es estable y e formado un laso de amistad fuerte con los devotos, sintiendo  que cuando sali de casa nunca sali de ella, por que la casa de prabhupada, es donde podemos vivir todos y ser felices. mis servicios variados a los devotos siguen diariamente estables despues de 3 años y x de asistir normalmente a mangala aratik, isckon. me entreno para poder servir en la tarea de expandir conciencia de krishna en el mundo entero como uno de los propositos de isckon, aprendiendo cantando recondando, etc...

se despide atentamente

su sirviente bhakta erick

HpS - ASA --  Jaya!    Hay muchos diferentes ISKCONs.  Uno para Mienbros Vitalizos, que solamente necesitan pagar algo una vez y son Miembros.  Otro para devotos iniciados.   Otro como institucion del perspecto internal, GBC, Presidente, y como esta relacionnado con el gobierno local.   Otro es el ISKCON que solamente es para Paramahamsas. Pero Srila Prabhupada es Fundador Acharya de todos!!

NImsar report appendix

12 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare KRsna Dear Gurudeva AGTSP¡¡¡


Gurudeva just to inform U that even if I sent emails, talked about this in the meetings ¡¡¡¡¡ just Patraka das B and Tattva vit Gaura das sent to me the list of their students ¡¡¡¡

ummm we have to be honest how can we  develop if we DO NOT TALK TO EACH OTHER not even by email everything is so impersonal it is a pitty.

But anyway my utsahan will never decrease 16 good rounds fix my intelligence ¡¡¡¡

YOur eternal servant

Kumari Candramukhi dd

NIMSAR's secretary <img alt="" height="18" src="" title="" width="21" />

ASA - AGTSP   pamho   In the last meeting we discussed this, no?   You Secretary, should send a Report to NIMSAR Members each month.   That Report should include a list of who are the Members and what are their different positions or roles.   Of course, Student, is one kind of role.

O.K. We expect a grand report to our ASA Branch, Yahoo Address with a list of all the Officers, Voting Members, Students, Teachers, Invited Members et al!

Thank You Guru Maharaja

12 years, 3 months ago by Dhanisthadevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

                                                              All Glories To Srila Prabhupada!!

                                                        All Glories to Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga!!

   Hare Krishna Guru Maharaja, please accept my humble obeissences, this is Dhanistha devi dasi from Santiago, Chile. Thank you very much for your answer and blessings for Bhakti Vriksha progra., I´m not eating so light at afternoon, I´m going to take care about this, beacuse at that time of the day I feel more ansious. I need to increase my faith, so I can have determination in my habits for improve my sadhana, how I can improve my faith? thank you for your time,

   Your servant,

   Dhanistha devie dasi.

HpS - ASA -  AGTSP     paoho....    It is just the same for us.   We have to improve how we honor Prasadam.   Better to die eating Prasadam.    We purify the body so that we no longer have a material body. It becomes a visuddha-sattva instrument of the soul and the Prasadam goes directly to the soul and the soul uses that nourishment to serve Krsna!


12 years, 3 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva 


We were really happy to meet You and all the devotees in Japa JOe also to see U in Atlanta through the internet service JAY ¡¡¡

Nevertheless we missed your association today for our BV meeting ¡¡¡ we have been missing your association for a long time ¡¡¡

Today Tattva vit was the presenter very nice ¡¡¡

And all of us continue with our sadhana, service and BV and BS 

Today is June 1 st so LAD is going to start a new era jay ¡¡¡Hope he share all his realizations ¡¡¡¡¡

I have one question I have the grades of the BV examinations shall I use the yahoo account or publish here??? 

Thank U very much

Your eternal servant


HpS - ASA -  Jaya!!!!          So we have good communication now, 11 June, for NIMSAR.     This is as planned.    As far as we understand the grades should be sent to individual students and President!