Anuraksa Das and Caitanya Candrodaya Das's Report

12 years, 4 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Vaishnavas ki jay !!

Please, Dear Guru Maharaj,
Accept our most humble and respectful obeisances and to you . Anuraksa Das's Report: Sadhana Report: Everyday ...Mangala Artik , 16 Hare krishna rounds of japa.

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    Srila Prabhupada's mercy!

Sunday of service in iskcon- chosica and bhakti sastri is going on with Laksmana Agraja Prabhu.

Caitanya candrodaya Das's Report: Sadhana Report: My sadhana and japa is not so good now but from tomorrow because begins Purusottama month my friend Jai Prakash and I are going to do some austerities for increase our devotional service,  Tomorrow August 18th we will not have grain and sweets. We will go to Ganges, chants extra hare krishna rounds of Japa, Read Srila Prabhupada's books, and try to think in krishna all the moment . This Purusottama month is not different of Krishna so I will do my best for increase my devotional service . Serve the vaishnavas and dont talk bad things about others devotees. Please Dear Gurudeva bless me for follow and continue advance in my spiritual, I just can reach krishna Prema by your mercy. PLz Pray for me !!!

HpS - ASA ---  Not just we push extra but we have to realize that Krsna is also pushing extra.  So we have to push to take advantage of His push!

Tomorrow also Iskcon congregational development ministry, we have a Amazing program " The first international BHAKTI VRIKSHA CONVENTION" so i will be very busy for two days.  August 18 and 19.

Thanks so much for be my best example in everything and give mercy to my family. Vanca kalpa !!!

Ys.... Anuraksa Das and Caitanya candrodaya Das

HpS - ASA --  Thank you for your regular Sadhana Anuraksa Das.  Krsna will never punish us for making 16 rounds and Mangala arati / SB our daily priority. He will reward us with easier material situation to do more!!!

CCD - More news of Mayapura as you can.     We worked on the plans to visit India yesterday.

To my Guru Maharaja!!!

12 years, 4 months ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I hope you are doing well. I was reading a few of your DTCs and you have some inflammations on your throat? Well, all I can say is that it must be Krishna's mercy :) just like living in the material world is His mercy even though it sure doesn't seem to be. Alas, our karma is ever astonishing. I am writing an update to my last letter regarding my husband to be. From your response I realized that him and I definitely did not have Krishna in the centre of our relationship. You mentioned that the basis for varna ashrama is Bhagavat dharma. It makes sense 100%. We suffered because we did not seem to have the same aim in life. I wish in the future it can be like that. I do have one concern which I wish you can help me with. You mentioned aso in your response of how it is ideal for girls to marry a "sane" dude. Well he has been gone for three weeks kind of getting some good devotee association and he will be coming back very soon. We had a brief conversation over the phone in where he mentioned that he thinks that the best thing for us is to be apart and engaged at the same time. This seems odd because I don't understand that logic. I guess his real ing is that the place where he will be going is going to give him a better environment to flourish devotionally. But from what I have heard it's not better off than where I am. Im just afraid that he might dwindle in his KC. Maybe for my own selfish reasons I would prefer for him to stay here with me but it might be good for him to go. I thought husband and wife should stay together. Anyways, my plan is already in action. I have found an apartment to live in. Al I have to do is move out next month and start school. I will hopefully work at the temple during school to cover the rent and also still have devotee association. I will see what Krishna's plans will unveil for me in the moths to come. Your aspiring servant, Princess sunshine of the north

HpS - Jaya!       AGTSP   pamho.    I always remeber that Srila Prabhupada says that in the beginning things are a little impersonal.   We are     ABSORBED    in material "personal" variety, so when we take to KC the transcendental form is little difficult to see.   We can really see it through the Deity worship. If we are more advanced we can see it through the potent Sankirtan, how Lord Nityananda is personally helping us.

      So, in the beginning we should be a little bit happy that our family is not in bars in adulterous relations and our Sankirtana is not yet floating in Goloka, but the books are going out and we are meeting nice people.

     Some patience.   But most important is enthuiasm. So try to develop good communication with fiancee, fiancee's mother...   Work on having a fun relationship.  Hari bol!                Some patience.     But work on things.     Then Krsna will make it     OBVIOUS     if we have to go to a different Temple or get another Mother or Father or dog or parrot or fiancee!

Tom Brown / Buck White.

Still here / song (finally!)

12 years, 4 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeissances

Dear Maharaj

We hope this letter finds you in better health.

   ASA -   AGTSP!!!!!       If you read the DCT today, Su/19th, you will see that your hopes have not been realized.  Brother Ass is with severe heart arhythmias.  Yet we are always, easily becoming Jolly, and these death notices push to do the essentials, which gets us in good Goloka consciosness.  Everything in Goloka es ESSENTIAL!   Thank you!

We are always remembering your inspirational life and asking Lord Hari to keep you strong.  Always in touch through the Kapi Dhvaja.  We spent Jammastami at the ISKON rural community in Maryland,  great, awesome experience.  Playing flute close to the cows, surrounded by trees, doing service, chanting japa etc.  We're in Washington DC for a month visiting family and friends.  Also, we're still trying to get the music for Lord Vishnu recorded which has been hard to accomplish but we take it as a service now, so arrangements from above are keeping things steady although due to our fallen nature, slow.  We were at the Montreal Rathayatra; played flute and danced all the way to His final destination.

ASA - Goloka!!

We hope this will please Him. (we also played for the Radha Krishna deities in Jammastami in MD)   We are getting more focused and steady.  We also found nice association with Bhaktimarga Swami from Toronto who's crossing Canada on a devotional-pilgrim-trek.  [again!] We feel so blessed by the Lord that still wants us.  I'm happy to send you the link to our first demo devotional recording.  We promised to send it first to you and here it is.  (my service to Govinda and all Vaishnavas)  We recorded and played in a song by Janardan Das prabhu in Montreal. 

a pilgrim still on the road


   HpS - ASA - -   We have Peru Kena, Peru little high pitched flute and a harmonica in three different bags.  We have liked flutes since we were very little. It is wandering b'cari's harmonium.  Adjusts the prana, mood for us and others so easy.    We have been chastised for playing off key by one GBC but Tamal-krsna Goswami left his room and walked into the wretched B'cari ashrama where we had just arrived in Houston when we were playing and said that he had heard the playing and he had to stop everything and come see who was playing, it reminded him very much of Visnu-janan Swami, his cousin brother.

    The morning after Janmastami in Canada, Vancouver, everyone was sleeping late, recovering from 5,000 guests and there was a little, little corral right in front of the temple door where two little bull calves had been domiciled as part of the festival.  They were both sitting down chewing their cud and we began to play for them. After a few moments they got up and start to dance and butt each others heads!

   We were in the zoo in Lucknow (as tourists) and started playing our flute. The deer started to run in herd.  An old, old, grey haired chimpanzee came to the edge of his compound and sat and listened. When we stopped he slapped his thighs enthusiastically and swung both arms up two or three times.  So we played some more.

   Several stories.   Flutes are nice. All the cowherd boys have flutes.  Takes about 3-5 minutes for the flute to warm up.  Nice to play the same music with five or even twenty more flutes at the same time, with drums, and Hari Nama!!!!!

           Masculine and Femenine is eternal. Sanskrita Grammar is eternal. Flutes are eternal. Service of Srila Prabhupada is most eternal!

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami

12 years, 4 months ago by Bhakta Reilly in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

I just wanted to send you a letter saying thanks for helping me...

   .... Sorry for being offensive to you; I was just being sore over falling below my own expectations and those of others. Other times I'm sorry cause I was a little excited - maybe it's just puberty.   Hahaha...

But seriously;  thanks - things have been going great at my new house with my family, I wish we had finished our altar in time to invite you and all the Boise devotee's over for a home program.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP   pamho.  This is Reilley?   Yes, we were feeling a little sad that you didn't smile at us and say hello, but we kind of guessed what you were saying was happening.  Thank you for such a nice letter.
   Yes, we would have liked to see your alter! We steal ideas from other's altars to improve our altar.

I'll just accept what I've done is done and let it go. I'll continue trying to perform service for all the devotee's and practicing my 16-4.

Bhakta Reilly

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   How's skool?


12 years, 4 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitai ! <img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" />
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!<img alt="" src="" title="" />

Por favor acepte mis más humildes y sinceras reverencias a sus piecitos de loto.

ASA  -  WHoop!          WHOOp!       Oink.  Oink.              TlgaSP.

Camila, 19 años, estudiante Trabajo Social, Chile. 

Maharaj, espero que se encuentre mejor de salud, he leído en el blog que el corazón ha estado un poco agitado y que ha tenido malestares...ojalá se esté mejor y que el Señor Nrsimhadeva lo esté cuidando mucho. <img alt="" src="" title="" />

ASA - Pues no es mejor.  A veces poco pero.       Pero feliz.  Senor Nrsmhadeva siempre misericordioso con nosotros.   Ya tenemos arythmia constante.   Hmmm?

Janmastami y Vyasa-puja de Srila Prabhupada, estuvieron hermosos!  los devotos se esforzaron bastante en las fiestas, para complacer a Krsna, SP, los devotos y visitas :) 

ASA -  Unos buenos dramas?

Anteriormente le dije que las rondas no han ido bien, pero ahora están mejorando,  de a poco el entusiasmo vuelve.... !  Desde la última vez que le escribí han habido muchas cosas que me recuerdan a Krsna en el día y me hacen querer cantar sus santos nombres, PREDICAR es muy importante<img alt="" src="" title="" />, aunque sea sólo un poco.

ASA - "Un Poco".   Hemos visto que Krsna puede hacer cosas inmediable, GRANDISMO, con solamente "un poco" predica.  Haz lo que puede!!

Mi familia está caada vez más entendiendo Conciencia de Krsna y el Vegetarianismo :) ! 

Dejé de hacer el servicio de las guirnaldas, me complicaban muchos los horarios, y mi desafortunada alma no estaba disfrutaba del todo el realizar ese servicio tan hermoso por sus Señorías apena mucho, debería volver a hacer servicio, ocupar mi mente en Krsna. 

La Universidad salió muy bien la primera mitad del año, aprobé todo...ahora me queda el resto, VAMOS! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

Maharaj, tenemos que primero orarle mucho a Radharani para que ella hable con Krsna y él pueda fijarse en nosotros? Radhita es la intermediaria? Quién es el intermediario? o nuestra relación con Krsna es absolutamente directa?

ASA - Primero decimos, "Hare", "Radhe" y pedimos a Ella pedir a Rama  y Krsna. Rama, puede ser Balarama es el Guru. Pedimos a Radharani pedir a Rama y Krsna occuparnos en el servicio de Krsna!

LeaBG 18.75.  Super explicacion de nuestra relacion directo con Krsna.   Puede seguir la enlace si quiere.

¿Cómo podemos mejorar en el camino devocional? ¿Cómo lograr ser un mejor devoto(a)? 

ASA - Upadesamrt Texto 2 & 3.  Esta realizando estas ensenanzas?  Si, hay mas.

Le doy muchas gracias por haberse dado el tiempo para leer ésta carta TAN larga, discúlpeme por ocuparlo en mis asuntos, sé que está realizando muchas actividades....lo siento Maharaj...<img alt="sad" src="" title="sad" />

Como dije al principio, espero que se encuentre mejor de salud!!!  HARIBOOOOOOOOOL!!!!!!!!!!! <img alt="" src="" title="" />

ASA - Si es util tiene que compartir con sus siguiedores!

Sus Señorías

12 years, 4 months ago by Guna Manjari in Personal Sadhana Reports

TLGASP y Sri Sri Guru Gauranga

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja

La última vez que le escribí, estaba esperando poder despertar a SS Gaura Nitai en casa y hace aproximadamente un mes, pudimos levantarlos con Candrabhanu. Fué muy lindo e inspirador, trato de hacerles collares y ahora les estoy terminando Sus kuntis. Me gusta cantarles, hablarles y hacerles masajes pero no estoy teniendo excelente sadhana en la mañana, me cuesta mucho despertar más temprano pese a mis intentos, mi excusa es el frío pero estoy mal en eso.

HpS - ASA --   TlgaSP  Pfanrh.   Es buen excuso.   Puede levantar. Lava la boca, manos, todo.  Toma un vazo de agua y sentir comodo abajo de su "blanket" y cantar buen Japa.  Cuando hay mas opportunidad tomar bano, si es horrible sufficiente con toila mojada y atender Sri Murti.

Los cuatro principios y el servicio de hacer berfi y sandesh para Sus Señorías en el templo están bien, cambié el servicio para los días sábados a mediodía y eso me está dando más fuerza e inspiración, ya que puedo escuchar bhajans y eso me ha permitido tener una mejor conciencia al servir.

Estoy leyendo Prabhupada en Venezuela.

Hace 2 meses íbamos en el transporte público con Candrabhanu y un señor llamado Óscar se puso a conversarnos, primero creímos que estaba borracho pero luego me di cuenta que no; nos conversó de sus hijos, de su vida de esfuerzos, creencia en Dios y de la tristeza por la muerte de su esposa. Él compró unos dulces a un vendedor y nos regaló esos dulces a Candrabhanu y a mí, le prediqué y le regalé un libro de Prabhupada, y él muy agradecido, prometió que lo leería. Al despedirse, lo hizo feliz y emocionado por ese encuentro y yo también me emocioné por la posibilidad de hacer sankirtana.

Aquí le presento a SS Gaura Nitai que tenemos a nuestro cuidado con Candrabhanu. Están en mi casa. Por favor deme sus bendiciones para poder servirlos de mejor manera a Ellos, a Srila Prabhupada, a usted y a los vaisnavas.

Espero que se encuentre mejor de salud.                                                                                Discúlpeme por favor si he cometido alguna ofensa.                                                               Acepte por favor mis humildes y eternas reverencias.                                                                   ss. Guna Manjari DD.

HpS - ASA  --  No deseas nada mas!