Padmini Ekadasi. Kriya Sakti d.d. from Chile =)

12 years, 4 months ago by kriyasakti_dd_hps in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitay!

Please accept my humble obeisances...

Hare Krsna, dear Guru Maharaja.  I hear that your health is not very good. Selfishly I have prayed to Krishna for you, for your recovery and for we can have more time with your presence and your instructions.

HpS - ASA -   Honestly it is our Asses health, not sooo much our health.   We still feel insettled Prana in the chest, but not like the arhythimias we had last weekend.

Since I finished Journalism in May was with lots of free time, which helped me to sort my sadhana, my spiritual practices in general and be maya 'protected' with good asociation. I am serving my deities of Sri Sri Gaura Nitai religiously, chanting my rounds early and strictly following the principles.
Today I confirmed that I was hired as a journalist in a communications agency. During this week will start working.

    ASA -  Is nice.... !

The downside of that is that I have to leave my service as pujari assistant  <img alt="crying" src="" title="crying" /> and find another service that can do in the weekend. I'll do whatever it is most needed, but I have a preference for services related to the deity. The arca vigraha is my weakness.<img alt="heart" src="" title="heart" />

    ASA - Make your journalism service to Them!

I'm still in the Bhakti Sastri of Patraka prabhu. We are beginning the Bhagavad Gita. It was very inspiring to read your comments on the study guides.  <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" /> Overall the course being very good, it helps us to appreciate the books of Srila Prabhupada and the association of devotees. Now, in addition to the Bhagavad Gita, who is my new bedside book, I'm reading 'Journey to self'.

On Sunday I am attending the Bhakti vrksa of Dhanistha and Hari Murari prabhu. The group is still forming. We hope to be helpful in spreading the Holy Names. I love telling people about Krsna!
It has long been grown my devotion to Srimati Radharani <img alt="" src="" title="" />, actually I feel a more direct connection with her than Krsna and is easier to me pray to her, because her feminine and compassionate way. Twice I dreamed that I have at home deities of Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. I know that for them the worship is very demanding and unforgiving offense, but I have a strong desire to worship them someday. What should be my standard? I propose as a goal! It is highly inappropriate in our condition desired directly serve the divine couple?

I hope that you are immersed in the transcendental pastimes and your health gest better.

My sincere obeisances

Your aspiring servant,
Kriya Sakti Devi Dasi <img alt="" src="" title="" />

          HpS - ASA --    Prabhupada habla muy bien de adorar a Krsnna "directamente"!             Muchas gracias su carta.      Muchas gracias.                 Haz el maximo de control de sus sentidos como puede y por eso va a conquistar a Krsna.   Va a ser conquistado REALMENTE por su muestra de amor!!    Mas...

The One whos banner is Hanuman jaya !

12 years, 4 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeissances

Dear Maharaja

Reading you personal stories and insights with the Quena flute was really especial, highly transcendental jaya !   we`ve liked the quena since we were very young also but it was your example and pic in Las salinas de Chilca beach - Lima holding a quena for the Lord that put us to work it out for Sri Krishna and His devotees.  We will be eternally grateful !

HpS - ASA  -   AGTSP   pamho.   Who isn't indebted to the flute culture of the Ands for appreciating he flute.

We were reading the Sri Brihad Bhagavatamrita of Srila Sanatana Goswami and found a powerful insight into Gopa-kumar persistence in Dvaraka-Vaikunta to persist in his rasa with the Lord.  Being a cowherd from Vraja but being asked to change into a Vaikunta powerful citizen he persists as a cowheard,  seeing the tears in the  Lord`s eyes when holding his flute just filled our hearts with transcendenta love.  Goloka !  the Primeval Abode of the Primeval Lord is even hard to reach for the inhabitants of Dvaraka-Vaikunta but Gopa-Kumar  was on his way as a Vraja cowherd flute in hand.  I made us think of your flute stories and persistence to keep you rasa to the highest goal in the center of all the universes, Goloka.  So much insight Maharaja. We take it slowly but steady.  Jaya Srila Prabhupada !     service to his Lotus Feet is eternal,  sanskrit grammmar is eternal, flute is eternal, rasas are many but also eternal.  Goloka, Vraja, Radha Krishna   jaya  jaya  !!!!

ASA -  Oink!   Oink!    Gracias a Vd!!!

Nitya Kiśori dd reporting

12 years, 4 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,
Please accept my humble obeisances
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

ASA - Jaya!!

    I am in Guadalajara, doing book distribution every day.
I am learning a lot. Yesterday we made a program of book distribution, we invite the devotees from the congregation, that we saw coming to the temple during the week, to go out 3h to distribute some books. It was the first time, and 4 devotees came, we hope the next sunday more devotees can come. We made a class about what is sankirtan, how to do sankirtan... the we went out from 12 to 3pm, then prasada, then feed back, pastimes... It was really nice to try to teach to other what we are learning. The were very enthusiastic, and they collected t help for the Ratha Yatra, only with few books they collected 500 pesos. It was easy, nice, and effective. We try to teach something, and we learn a lot from them.
One of them, is a young devotee that just met us on sankirtan this friday. But he was ready! He is like a devotee, and he went on sankirtan with us on the saturday harinam, yesterday, and also today. And because he has no engeagement he will come with us to Mexico DF for Radhastami!
Today we will go to a big university to try to make Krsna and Prabhupada famous there!!
Yesterday I had a very nice pastime: we went to an antique market on the street, and we were trying to distribute some books, but it was little hard because the people were mostly like wealthy people, to much false ego... they took only small books, and were not so mcuh appreciative (our experience in Guadalajara is that the people is very nice, so it was hard for my mind). So I sat a moment to read the Gita. I open (randomly) on the Universal form, v31, 32, 33. I was trying to take shelter from Krsna, I tryied to take enthusiasm from the words of Krsna and Prabhupada. They explained how Krsna has a plan, and we have to be intruments, how time is destroying everything, so people need the books, even if they cannot understand that death is coming t eat them, and I need to surrender to Krsna also! The next person I talk (on a car, semaphore) took the BG, the cience of self realization, and 2 small books without explaining anything, I felt an instrument, it was very nice to see that Krsna gave me a personal response to my anxiety...

My rounds and sadhana have to improve, they are fluctuating in quality... Today in Japa Joe (it is so nice to wake up for Japa joe) I felt I want to improve, it is not right to give only little endeavor to Krsna, who give us everything.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, please forgive me for my offenses
Your servant, Nitya Kishori dd

                HpS - ASA  -    Thank you very, very much...   We can only hope that you get the inside essence of all that you are doing, so that you can keep on doing it forever, so that you become a permanent sailor on Srila Prabhupada's boat!!!   Now we leave for the weekend in Virginia - Five schools in four days!   We have NOIs packed in our Bag.

Nature process

12 years, 4 months ago by Mahabhava Cintamani in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami



Thanks for your letter . Really I am very clear about my diksa relationship ! It is over! I understand your position , but in my position the reality is other one nothing pleasant , instead a way to hell . I am very sorry to tell you , my reality !!! When I begins this step , is because I don't comeback !!! I don't know how i can handle this but the Diksa in cuestion tell me :" that if i renounce to Him i renounce to my first and second iniciation" For me , renounce to kind of diksa relationship is the best . This problem is not trivial ! Ojos vemos corazones no sabemos!!! And if the heart is not clean the diksa or siksa don't have sense!!!. If you can not accept me , my way is are ritvik. With humbly, what do you think? You know in all my spiritual life i was behind to lotus feet of Sri Sri Radha Krsna with sincerity . I came to USA because I wanted a pure relationship with devotees,and i ask to sri giriraja in vrindavan for that , and the people that know me , know that i have a god actitud in all my relationship. The reason to break my diksa relationship is a big problem, no of my part !!!   But of course I am a woman!!!!    So, I hope you can understand me , anyway if You maintain your posturer for your relationship with your God Brother and for respects to him , i wil understand it !!!   I will understand, Krsna want other things    Note: I came to Hare Krsna Iskcon Center for a first book that I read " La ciencia de la autorrealizacion" When I finish to read it ,my life take sense and I star to try to find the temple. So Prabhupada make me a devotee !!! Srila Prabhupada Ke Jay!!!! And you help me to chant Hare Krsna , to read the books , and outlet from my concepts. Thank you very much for all your help !!!!! Instead a sopoust authority help me to fall down!!!! Hare Krsna!!!! I am not witch and you are not donkey !!!!    With love!!!!   Or bhakti rasa!!!!    Y.e.s Mahabhava Cintamani dd

HpS - ASA -  Jaya, Srila Prabhupada!    Thank you for your nice letter.  One thing for sure, I know the experience you have in trying to express youself in English.  For me many things are not clear in this investigation, establishing relationships. These Blog letters are very good for general presentation. Like in classes, symposium, and then a little more intimate, like four or five people coming up and talking after the class, but then for very specific things that takes a few minutes with just the individual devotees to discuss details that could not be discussed in the public class, or smaller group...  Is natural.  So, if you like, we will be in Texas from 10th-21st and if it is convenient it would be nice for us to talk with you and Sriman Aravinda Das a little bit about this situation.

In general, one comment from Sridhara Swami, Prabhupada's Godbrother, really helped us a lot. He said that the essence of Guru is "trnad api sunicena..". It is not that we are trying to get as few Gurus as possible, but rather as many as possible.  Ultimately, to go to Goloka, we need to see that everyone is my Guru, master, but in different positions.  So, that develops as we go from 1st to 2nd to 3rd to...    initiation.         Then it is happy life.  I have no enemies.  I a here to serve everyone.  Somebody may be crazy and take me as their enemy but that is temporary insanity in one of my masters.   How can I help them.  Jaya.   So, if that is good we can maybe discuss some details in Houston with the Patni-guru. 

  {:o)-      AGTSP..   Now we go to Richmond, Virginia...


12 years, 4 months ago by madhavapriyadd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!!

How are  you dear Gurudeva?, i read your health isnt so good, but anyway you dont want people asking too much!     I hope you are feeling better.

ASA - AGTSP.    paoho....  Yes, long time....   No communication....      Our health is O.K. but sensitive...

...We are ok, trying to do some mangalaratik with Ram, Chanting 12 sometimes 16 rounds, Radhita and Krishnito 3 rounds every day <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />, Ram 16 rounds, eating just prasadam. no bhoga, offering everything to Radha Krishna JBS, not watching tv! working hard with my father, always problems but we can manage them, also 6 months pregnancy, so maybe for 28 december there will be a new baby devotee,

ASA - AGTSP...  That is not too far from GIta-jayanty..

... my kids are really devotional, Radhita is always playing Krishna games and looking for Krishna around the house.. she is inspiring us every day, we are offering ghee candles for Purusotama masa, flowers adn water, we are very happy..

Thank you Gurudeva for everything, always remember you, love you so much!!


Madhava priya dd

            ASA -  Hmmm.   Interesting.   Where do you live?   Lima?    What work do you do with your father.  Ram is settled in some work??

Estimado Hanumatpresaka Swami

12 years, 4 months ago by Schwarzesteine in Personal Sadhana Reports

He recibido su respuesta. La esperé con mucho entusiasmo y finalmente puedo leerla. Muchas gracias por sus consejos. Comenzaré a aplicarlos de la mejor manera posible.
Espero poder conversar con usted en Noviembre, cuando esté en Chile.


Pablo Gallardo Araya

HpS ASA -  Jaya!   Nos esparamos contactar su, en Chilly...