regarding my uncontrollable tounge

11 years, 8 months ago by nataraj in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj

Please accept my humble obesciences. All glories to Srila Prabhupad. Thank you for taking time to respond to this fallen person. Thank you very much for your kind response.

I have closely observed myself in why I am addicted to Onion Garlic. Please dont publish it and keep it confidential


HpS - ASA - AgtSP  Paoho.  We have sent an answer to your "confidential" comments at the addresses we have in our Yahoo book.  Did you get them?

Honestly it is more than we can handle to answer too many individual letters like this.  It is not just you. There are maybe six more people who read the Blog who are in just the same situation as you. So if you can put dialog in a comfortable general sense, or even log in from an anonymous account then it will help us a lot.

Your sincerity in regards to advance in spiritual life is unique. Krsna is taking note of all that you are doing.  You seem to be just one little step away from knocking down a big wall. Don't give up!

Sri Ramacandra ky jaya

11 years, 8 months ago by nandaraja das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Guru Maharaja , si usted lo desea 

Por favor acepte mis humilres y respetuosas reverencias postrado a sus Extraordinarios Pies de Loto.

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Todas las glorias a Usted Guru Maharaja.

Disculpe que lo moleste , solo es para agradecerle por darme su misericordia y sus bendiciones . Por las cuales este tonto que le escribe puede seguir cantando un poco mas de 16 rondas por dia ,los 4 principios ,estoy siguiendo Ekadasi con ayuno completo, sigo fijo en mi servicio en el templo y leyendo los libros de Srila Prabhupada ya termine el Caitanya Caritamrita completo el Nityananda Caritamrita y comence a leer nuevamente El Srimad Bhagavatam. Mi sankirtana es todavia flojo , en realidad el flojo soy yo.

Deseando que su salud sea muy buena , quien siempre espera servirlo y desea sus Bendiciones, Su Caido aspirante a sirviente Nanda raja dasa . 

HpS - Jaya TlgaSP!    pfanrh.      Vd esta en el sendero correcto.   Solamente tiene que mantener ahora y va a volver a jugar con Krsna en Goloka.  Cual es la duda!!!   Por favor mas noticias como puede.  Que pasa con el Templo...

hare krsna.

11 years, 8 months ago by Bhakta Jorge España in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna Maharaj por favor acepte mis caidas reverencias agtsp.

ultima carta escricta 27 weeks 5 days ago.

bueno no se ni por donde empezar asi creo que es igual no? 

Maharaj le pido que por favor no publique esta carta por que es personal no quiero que nadie conosca mi vida personal gracias.

ASA - ...........................  (contenido privado)

hare krsna.

atentamente bhakta jorge.

ASA - TlgaSP!     Tom Brown, Monocito, aqui.  Honestamente su carta no es algo tan particular que no podemos hablar aqui entre amigos.  Yo, Vd, muchos estamos en la misma esfuerza para desarrolla.  Ayuda mucho intercambio de experiencias.

Una cosa.   "El primer deber en todos los asuntos espirituales es controlar la mente y los sentidos. A menos que uno controle su mente y sus sentidos, no podrá avanzar nada en la vida espiritual, Todo aquel que se encuentra en este mundo material, está absorto en las modalidades de la pasión y de la ignorancia. Uno debe ascender al plano de la bondad, sattva-guṇa, siguiendo las instrucciones de Rūpa Gosvāmī, y entonces le será revelado todo lo relativo a cómo avanzar más."

Upadesamrta, Prefacio.     Esta bien, no?       En la comenza, mucho es purificar la mente PARA Krsna.  Es servicion, amor, pero en la comenza Karma-misra-bhakti yoga.


11 years, 8 months ago by David Ananda in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All glories to Sri Krishna Caitanya Sankirtan movement!.

Thank you Maharaja for your answer. This is David, from Argetina, but I think there was a confusion, I´ve never had the grace to talk to you by skype good sir. Thank you so so much to allow me to do a question to you, I need some advise...
I do have a baby Tulasi plant, and you know, Buenos Aires Weather is not the best for Tulasi so I am doing a big big effort to  make to stay with me ... I am feeling so worried about it , I do not want to build this offence (If she leaves Her body) as I have promised to take care of Her.
Also, some devotees told me that is better to have deities at home first, Tulasi is difficult in the beginnig. I do not have deities yet, but I am preparing a room for Goura Nitay and waiting for some Laksmi to build the fourniture and Deities...

I just want to know, what do you think about it Maharaja? Have I done things wrong?. I Do love Tulasi and love Her as my daugther (I have adaughter called Alma, she is 9 months old) but maybe I am not ready yet .... Let me add a picture of myself and my Daughter last Sunday at Buenos Aires mandire´s Kirtan with HH Gunagrahi Dasa! All glories to Your lotus feet Maharaja. All glories to Gouranga! Nityananda!.

Thanks for this possibility, thanks for your kind mood and nice welcome to you as Siksa Guru, thanks for taking this responsibility and allow me to open my heart to you. I will do anything you tell me, your advice will be my dharma Maharaja. Hare Krishna!

HpS - ASA -  Jaya!   Thank you your letter.     It is O.K. to try to keep Tulasi.

1. She likes association - Keep Her with you, not in an expensive green house all alone.

2. She likes warmth.  Touch Her soil. If it's cold, She's not happy.  Put an electric hot-pad or something on Her base.

3. She needs sunlight.

4.  She is flexible about water.  Can be robust amount everyfew days but every day some is good.

                Good Luck!

Carta de Susattva

11 years, 8 months ago by Susattva in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Maharaja, acepte mis humildes reverencias dandavats. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Mi nombre es Susattva (Conchi) y soy la esposa de Nityasevaka. Nuestro proceso en la Consciencia de Krisna ha sido el mismo y recibimos Siksa de Yadunandana Swami Maharaja.

Sigo los cuatro principio regulativos  desde hace 1 año y canto rodas desde que Yadunandana Swami Maharaja comenzó a darnos instrucción en septiembre 2012. Me levanto con Nityasevaka a las 5:30 a.m para el Artik, leer el Bhagavatam y hacer rondas. Sirvo en el Instituto de Estudios Baktivedanta, ayudando en Publicidad y Marketing. Y en el Templo de Madrid lavando la ropa de Srila Prabhupada, los pañuelos de pujari y coordinando la búsqueda de local para un nuevo templo.

Me alegra y me inspira mucho que vaya a  ser el Gurudev de Nityasevaka. He visto clases suyas en internet y me han inspirado mucho. La tradición vaisnava se basa en la cadena discipular Parampara y sé que debo buscar y tomar refugio en un devoto que represente a Srila Prabhupada, quien es mi verdadero Gurú.

Este último fin de semana estuve hablando  con Yadunandana  Swami y Jayanta Prabhu sobre la posibilidad de pedirle refugio a usted. Ellos estuvieron de acuerdo y me pidieron que le escribiese y por eso le escribo.

Soy muy imperfecta y  muy caída, pero tengo un gran amor por krisna y por Srila Prabhupada. Dicen que el camino espiritual comienza cuando alguien toma refugio en un maestro espiritual. Mi vida es mi camino espiritual y servir a Prabhupada, por eso me gustaría comenzar mi camino espiritual sirviéndole a usted, si me acepta.

Le agradezco su tiempo y su dedicación, le pido perdón si en algo le he ofendido.

Quien aspira a servirle, Susattva

               HpS - Hare Krsna.   TlgaSP.    A mi aparece bueno si quiere tomar primero iniciacion misma tiempo con su estimado esposo.  Necesitamos carta formal de recomendacion del Templo de Madrid.  Jayanta Das conoce que hacer.    Adelante!  Hay mucho hacer.  Necesitamos sentir la presencia de Krsna muy personal, como El esta manejando nuestra caro, como lo hace para Arjuna.  Hay tan mucho que podemos hacer con guia de El.

Responding to your reply

11 years, 8 months ago by nityasevaka in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna Maharaja, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Sirla Prabhupada.

 Thousands of thanks for you responding me, Maharaja.

 Thanks you to talk with Yadunandana Swami Maharaja and Jayanta prabhu about my initiation, and put it easy for me. It’s a great responsibility for me, and I only hope to serve better than be possible to you, to Sirla Prabhupa. Only be servant of servant of servant …

 The last weekend I was with Yadunandana Swami in the Bhakti Sastri Course and we talked about the possible date of the initation. Yadunandana Swami said me that he had to get dates and he’ll contact with you to talk about at this point. Thank you again to put it easy. I’m nobody to get much attention from devotes like You, Yadunandana Swami or Jayanta Prabhu. I’m not whorthy and I hope to correspond you with my heartfelt service.

 I’m already put your picture on my altar, between Sirla Prabhupa (more prominent) and Yadunandana Swami (Siksa guru as well), is that ok?. I send you a picture of altar home.

 My sadhana is going well. I’m waking up at 5:30 (I would like more early – step by step) to Arati, reading Srimad Bhagavatam and chanting Japa (6 rounds early in the morning). Japa: 20-22 rounds per day last week. Four regulative principles, working … but ok. I’m feeling strong,

 Furthermore, my wife, Susattva, who has the same history like me, she was talking with Yadunandana Swami and Jayanta Prabhu yesterday, because she would like to take shelter in your lotus feet too. So they don’t have any problem with that, and they said her contact with you to present to you, to ask you shelter officially, etc. She’s a good devotee. Her service is helping with marketing and publicity in the Bhaktivedanta Spanish Institutte with me, she’s washing Sirla Prabhupada’s clothes and Goura Nitay’s tissues of  Madrid’s Temple and she’s very integrated with the other devotees.

Well, I suppose she write you soon.

 This week I’ll try to connect with “Japa Joe” and if you want I hope chant Hare Krisna … too.

 I don’t take you any more time, Maharaja.

 Please, forgive me if I offended you something.

 Thank you, thank you for all.

 Your aspirant to serve you, Nityasevaka.

              HpS - Jaya!    AgtSP.....     We are in our last three days in Australia.  It has been soooo intense.           Brother Ass is 65-USA years old and we are learning how to adjust our service.      We have not heard dates from Yadu Swami yet, but we should hear them soon.      We see letter from your esteemed wife.  We will answer.       Prabhupada says that Initiation is just a simple practical thing. We promise to engage in fixed devotional service and Krsna promises to give us all help necessary to return to Him!    Big adventure!             No bigger adventure!

Altar looks fine!  Maybe pray to Krsna for a nice wooden altar, ornate!