Su santidad Hanumat P

11 years, 8 months ago by anka varda in Personal Sadhana Reports

 TLGASP, Hare Krishna Maharaj

Acepte mis respetuosas reverencias:

Sigo los 4 principios desde el 28 /8 del 2,008, que es la fecha que conoci a Prabhu Yadu, luego desde que me mude al Peru en el 2,009 he estado intentando cantar el mantra, conociendo a los Hare Krishna, leyendo los libros, que son como tesoros,  mangala Artik, japa, SB,Govinda,  Goura Artik y BG , por la tarde, desde su ultima carta me levanto a las 4 a.m, no lo estaba haciendo a la misma hora o regularmente, pero desde que me pregunto, deseo obedecerlo y he experimentado que es la mejor hora para empezar la vida espiritual, thanks a lot ! Maharaj por iluminarme el camino, por inspirarme, agradezco a Krishna por haberlos puesto en mi camino para guiarme, quien intenta servirle . Anka dasi.

                HpS - ASA -  Super.   TlgaSP.  Cual es su pais de origen, en esta vida...        Que idioma?   Como encontre   a los devotos?      Que pasa en Ashrama Prabhupada??

Gracias Gurudeva

11 years, 8 months ago by purnamasidevidasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva: Por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Gracias por su repuesta e instrucción. He vuelto a la rutina de levantarme temprano por la mañana. El sueño me vencía y yo sólo le echaba la culpa al embarazo. Gracias de nuevo por darme una lección y recordarme la gran importancia de esta instrucción suya. La verdad es que la calidad de las tondas varía. El domingo pasado tuve la misericordia de poder vestir a las deidades del Templo de Madrid con mi esposo Jayanta das. Fue un servicio muy bonito. El dia del Avenimiento del Señor Ramacandra, los niños del gurukula pudieron hacer una puja a un cuadro que ellos habian hecho de Rama. Fue muy bonito y le pusieron mucho entusiasmo. Espero que se encuentre bien cuando reciba este mensaje. Su humilde sirvienta, Purnamasi devi dasi.

            ASA -  Super!       TlgaSP!    pfanrh.    Muy bien sus esfuersa convertir a una Yogini perfecto.  Es como Devahuti y Kardama Muni   x   Paurnamasi y Jayanta Muni!              Aparece que esta entrenando la proxima generacion de Pujaris.   Los necesitan por que va a ser muchos Templos en Madrid pronto!!   Nos vemos en unos horas.

Aspiring to become useful to the guru

11 years, 8 months ago by aja.govinda in Personal Sadhana Reports
Dear Guru Maharaja:
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and your dedication to the mission of starting the ground-breaking largest online distance education of Bhakti-Shastri and Bhakti-Vaibhava in service to His Divine Grace.
By the power of your instruction, I am staying in Vrindavan and strictly following the four principles, going to the temple to chant japa before sringar arati, chanting 16 rounds, attending sringar-arati, Guru-puja, Gaura arati in the evening, and listening Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita classes. Yesterday morning in the ISKCON Vrindavan Krishna-Balaram temple when I saw the brahmacaris dancing for Srila Prabhupada's utsav-murti's daily procession around the temple, I thought that this ISKCON morning program (especially sringar-arati of Vrindavan and Guru-puja) never becomes old and you never feel that this is something I already did. The devotees here daily feel transcendental bliss upon attending these morning programs established by His Divine Grace.
Dear Maharaja, I realize the power of your tolerance that you allowed a sinner like me to accompany you on your travels. I need to learn to follow your strict example of full Krsna consciousness. I need to rectify my offensive consciousness so that I am a help to Guru and parampara rather than a useless fellow. I need to give up my arrogance and foolishness. I need to take advantage of your mercifully extending your association through the online Bhakti-Vaibhava. My education is worthless without spiritual education. I can only hope and pray that my Oxford PhD can be useful in Krsna-conscious science / academic outreach. My field has changed from heart research to DNA / RNA in connection with immunology (in particular my post-doc research is on how our immune system cells recognize the DNA of viruses). I hope to use this field in scientifically showing that life comes from life, specifically that DNA is not the sole cause of life but that DNA is a biological pattern imprinted by consciousness. I am most inspired by scientists as yourself, Sadaputa Prabhu, and HH Bhakti-svarupa Damodara Swami. When you explain sankhya, it becomes clear that mind is superior to and the origin of matter.
Due to my offenses unto your holiness and to the Vaishnavas, I am destined for the worst hell. Though I do not deserve it, I can only beg your mercy to allow me some service to your holiness so I may purify my existence. I gained some experience in
book editing and publication while working on HH Lokanatha Swami's Samskrta-Uccarana: A Comprehensive Guide to Sanskrit Pronunciation. I pray that if you consider me worthy, and as you suggested some time back, I may assist in editing and formatting for publication the Bhakti-shastri and Bhakti-vaibhava Pada-padma manuals for the Anjana Suta Academy. I could share my screen with you over skype every weekend to take your advice on the progress once both your Holiness and I am in the USA. However, you and Paramatma know what is best for me and how to engage my skills best in Srila Prabhupada's service. I pray that I may serve you in Murfreesboro, Tennessee as it is not too far from New Orleans where I will be staying starting July. I know you are extremely busy Maharaja, but your mind and intelligence has so much knowledge on the Vedas that even your single word can give direction to me.
Asking for your forgiveness and opportunity for some small service unto you,
Aja Govinda Dasa
              HpS - ASA -  Jaya!!!!   AgtSP.   paoho.  Is soooo nice to be able to read and comment on your Letters to the Editor/Blog....   We discussed a little of this in separate letter to the Secret Disciple Address, but basically, any problems you have caused for us have been far, far smaller than then problems we have caused for Srila Prabhupada.  The reward for your stupid activities is that you will have stupid disciples that will cause you problems just like you caused your parents.  Haw!    Haw!!  Ha-Ray!
    'Even fleas have little fleas that bite them', William Blake.
So,   please see the news here and in the Kapi Dhvaja and then we can talk a lot when we get to USA.  We hope your therapy is going well!!!!                  There is no teacher like Vrndavana Dhama!

Dandavats Gurudev

11 years, 8 months ago by nityasevaka in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krisna, Gurudev. Please accept my humble obeisances, dandavats. PAMHO.

Thank you so much for your attention with my wife and me, reading our letters and responding us. We're very happy if we're initiated together. Only Krisna knows.

Thank you for your tips about our altar. I'd though in that before now it's a provisional altar, but i'll build an wooden altar, with curtains, etc.

Thank you too for let me chant in a Japa Joe meeting. It's a very good experience.

We have a lot of things to do. May be i can worthy of them although i'm very fallen.

Thank you again for all.

Your aspirant to serve you, Nityasevaka.

HpS - AGTSP.  So we meet in our wet-ware, rather than soft-ware soon.  This body is 75% water!   Thank you.

Ha Radhe Ha Krsna. Pamho.

11 years, 8 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Hare Krsna!
Jaya Gaura Nitay!
Jaya Radha Govinda Candra!
Pamho Maharaja!
Hola Maharaja, soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.
Espero que se encuentre muy bien Maharaja en todos los aspectos.
Yo continuo con las Rondas y los 4 principios, aunque tengo muchos desafios ahora y esta siendo estos dias bastante estresante. Tengo tantos desafios constantemente que a veces me enfurezco muchisimo porque no tengo ni un segundo para respirar. 
Me gusta y lo odio al mismo tiempo.
Intento realizar que entre Krsna y los Devotos, y yo,  hay una cortina de ignorancia. Que no esta lejos ni cerca, y que tanto estres tiene que tener un sentido, porque todo esta lleno de sentido. Acaso no rompe Krsna el trabajo de las Gopis de muchas duras horas???, y me pregunto Maharaja, como tengo que enfocar mi consciencia o meditacion ante un estres constante???....
Gracias a Krsna se me van solucionando cosas, o eso parece.
Voy a ir a visitarle el dia 4 en Navalakunda, y si todo va bien, el fin de semana siguiente en Nueva Vrajamandala. No voy a poder estar con Usted mas dias, me es imposible. No me gusta nada esto, lo siento.
Que mas puedo yo hacer, ?.
Perdoneme por ser tan tonto.
Hare Krsna!
                    HpS -  TlgaSP.   Pfanrh.     Vamos a morir, no?  Y ya no falta mucho tiempo.  No hay mas estres que morir, es la suma total de stresssss.   Solamente podemos dejar ambos manos en el aire como Draupadi y llamar, "He Govinda!".  Eso es. Tenemos que levantar los manos y llamar y despues lo que Krsna envia es bueno.  Tiene una vida tranquila Draupadi??

Spain Visit Madhuchandra

Dear Hanumatpresaka Swami maharaja,
Please accept my obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It feels like it took me a long time to reply regarding our family's options for Spain, but here goes. Marriage is May 13, arrival near NVM the evening after, the 14th. We leave from Madrid, the 21st. A friend arranged a bungalow from one of the devotees nearby NVM, apparently about 10 minute walk. I have looked into the option to travel to Valencia for initiationceremony, but sad enough i had to conclude it doesn't work out very well for us. Monetary situation is a bit uncertain, but also for our little Mani, who will be 5 months then, a bit young to subject to that much travelling. I'm sorry to not be able to follow your suggestion.

I have a letter of recommendation, but it might be different than requested. TP Markandeya asked me to write down the basics for such a letter, but i wrote from a personal point of view, which wasn't quite the standard, he said. He did accept the content and signed it, but mentioned to put it before you to ask if you think it's okay, otherwise we'll do it again, and he'll write it. I added a scan in two pictures below.

What else is going on? Besides familytime and keeping up nicely with the 16-4 i started adding content in Dutch to the national Hare Krishna website, specifically articles written by Sadaputa prabhu. I've always liked him, and i guess you inspired me in Brussels with the science topics. Plus i heard you mention TKG's remark how science is such an important preaching field. Other than that, i just finished condensing 7th canto chapter 2 to 8 into a short story of 4300 words for our magazine. It came out very nice, Hiranyakasipu & Prahlada's story with some of the philosophy. A nice read for young and old. Now i can go back to science articles again, and i will investigate how to publish e-books online. To start with, we have Dhaneshvara's nice book about economics and Bhagavad-gita in Dutch. Idea is to start with an e-book, make money, then print real books. And to see what could be next to put out. So, happy in service! Sleeping and getting up is a bit unregular though. Could use some improvement.

And a thank you note for the great classes that you gave to the internet group, last december and january. I guess it was the facilitator who was so kind to record and put them online. They were deep, insightful, and very rich in connection with thoughts on society. Also it is nice to follow your classes from Australia, both visually and auditive. I'm very happy to follow you.

Good luck in India, and with all your projects, and see you in Spain! Hare Krishna, dandavat pranam.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Richard van Dijck

HpS - ASA -  Jaya... AGTSP   paoho.       We are in Kolkatta. We will write a DTC in just a few moments with your newz.    Then it seems that we can do a ceremony in NVM, no?  It doesn't have to be very elaborate. We can do it in the cowshed. Ha!   Ha!  Ha!          Very inspiring your writing.  We can talk a lot about that when we meet. I think your family will be very, very refreshed by NVM!!    Moooo!