Hare Krsna GuruMaharaja! :o)

11 years, 7 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports
All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you!
All Glories to devotees

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!
          Hope you're fine!! Thanks for reed this letter.
Four principles strictly, 16 rounds, all days but fighting to improve the quality, I start the Bhakti Sastri, only Bhagavad Gita at this time, many things are getting clear right now.. Service, fix decoration of temple dasanudasa fest, and everything I can help. In home keep worshiping SriSri NitaiGaura Nataraj, TulasiDevi and Srila Prabhupada. I have some question to do:
1- If someone leave the body, and the family decides cremate the body, but like 3 or 5 months before, if thet put a Tulasi beads, have the same power, than if they do it inmediatly?
      hps - agtsp.  question is not clear.  he puts on tulasi 5 months before he dies?

2- When we bought something, is not prasadam, manufacturated like cookies or something like that, I only offer it with 3 Maha Mantra, because I don't think is prppertly to offer to you and Srila Prabhupada.

       asa -  NOI ¨visayera anna kaila, haya dusta mana", one who eats grains cooked by material enjoyers, his mind becomes wicked.  only offer fruits, roots, milk and nuts. other stuff only what is cooked by devotees.    cook a lot of cookies on sunday and the share them all week.
2b- Why when the devotees take prasadam, sometimes say about we eat the Conciousness of chef? Suppouse that the cook is angry. For offer the food to Krsna, Why the food would be impregnated of the cook conciusness?
     asa -  if we touch something the virus on our hands can mix with it.  the world is made of thoughts and consciousness as well as matter. so the consciousness of the cook, he who lights the fire, goes into the cooking.  of course, when it is offered to Prabhupada he adjusts it.  but still the basic ideas of the cook can be there.  there are different kinds of Prasadam even.  but if Prabhupada offers it then it is basically Prasadam.

3- I hear some devotees who chant the holy names in japa and when a new round commence, say more things than the PancaTattva Mantra or say it 3 times. Is it ok? is not a desviation? Why Srila Prabupada only give us the Panca Tattva Mantra, to commence a new round?
    asa- actually I never heard Prabhupada do or say that we should chant the pancha tattva mantra befor each. round.  before chanting hare krsna, yes.  so some devotees chant "nama om.."  some mix Japa with siksastakam verses. 

I wont write a long letter, but my bad english push me, many words to explain my idea. I'm sorry. Hope you're fine Gurudeva, I learning every day of you mercy and your dedication.

Trying to serve in Krsna Conciousness.
Rati Manjari Devi Dasi
       HpS - ASA -   Trying and doing. How is your Varna ashrama effort going?  You introduced us to your prospective Grhastha ashrama partner.  How are things developing?  Nice pictures!!

Humble obeisances from Mar del Plata

11 years, 7 months ago by Panca tattva das in Personal Sadhana Reports



It had past a long time from the last letter I wrote you, sorry....I keep a way from computers...  We are OK!!! but still in this Burro!! and in the same material world.We are working very hard at the loft and  the proyect of the farm at Sierra de los Padres.We are about to to move into the farm and start with the  construction of the Bramacaris ashram and the temple...Last weekend we did the ceremony of grownd breaking and install Ananta Sesa,today I'm performing a Pumsavana ceremony for a couple of devoties of the yatra...I am very busy and is the only way I can be in Krishna Conciences....or at least try to..

I'm a bit scared because I'm going to the farm and there is no prgram and any deities,so I have to make my one sadhana. Every Sunday I take care of the deities at the Loft so that is would be my stronger program.....

We are very enthusiastic with your future visit to  Mar del Plata Yatra...

And we read every day  your blog....

What else we can do????? 

Your servant  Panca tattva das

      asa - hps -   jaya.  tlgasp.   paoho.    you seem to be doing very well.  we all start life from a little bit wet-wood perspective.   the first steps don't produce much fire.  rather they just make the wood dry.  then the wood can burn.  we can be in ecstatic mood all the time. of course like that we can warm and ignite others.   seems we can take it that Krsna is putting you on the farm so that you can get in touch with Him personally, get ready for Sannyasa. Keep a record of your Sadhana and report each weak, one line even to us or others.
What books are you studying?  We are studying SB 4.7 this weeks.
     We have been physically exhausted yesterday and today.  Don't know why?   Initiations?     Hare Krsna.
    Big struggle to get to this internet connection ie. using temple computer, but now is working fast and we have a key to the office.   Sooo   try to work with what you can.  Share your results, successes and problems with others, use your intelligence to see the help Krsna is sending.     How does Mar work fit into Lord Caitanya's mission?   How is Nicassio?    Still in USA?   When ever we see Lord Nrsmha Deva and His beautiful painting we think of the devotee in Mar who did it.  What is his name?  How is he??


11 years, 7 months ago by PABLOPARIKRAMA in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other
Agt Guru y Gauranga!
Agt All Devoties!
Hare Krsna!
Hola Maharaja, soy Bhakta Pablo del Parikrama, de España.
Espero que este super super bien en España en todos los aspectos.
Antes de nada pedirle perdon por no poder ir a verle, he intentado arreglarlo pero va a ser imposible finalmente. Pero voy a conseguir Internet  para comunicarnos por Japa Joe y otros. Es lo unico que puedo hacer. Voy a llamarle a su movil de España. Espero no molestarlo.
Tengo que pedirle un favor, Su Consejo.
-Hace 1 ó 2 años,  un familiar de un viejo amigo mio, es Vidente de la Virgen de Lourdes. Ella puede hablar con los antepasados y con su Guia, una Sirvienta de la Virgen.
Sin yo decirle nada y sin conocer nada de mi, le dijo a mi amigo que me dijera, que mi mujer Virginia no estaba dispuesta a que yo estuviera con mi hijo Varuna, y que por eso sufriria " grandes problemas ", y que rezara y pidiera para que cambiara la manera de pensar de mi mujer.
Yo no he estado rezando por que cambiara su mentalidad, pensando que con su nuevo matrimonio, el embarazo y el nuevo niño, estaba mucho mejor, fuera de  su depresion profunda. Pero creo que me equivoco.
-Mi pregunta es;     Como puedo rezar por mi mujer y pedir por Su cambio de mentalidad??
                                      Que tengo que rezar para cumplir el deseo de mi querida Virgen, Madre de Jesus.???
                                      La Virgen tambien la llama " mi mujer ". Voy a sentir siempre los pensamientos de Virginia por  nuestra union o desapareceran despues de los 5 años del Manu-samhita en los divorcios???      
Es muy duro sentir los pensamientos de otra persona que ahora solo intenta hacerme daño, y que ademas hace cosas muy feas.
Perdone por solo pedirle cosas y no ayudarle en nada. Intentare ayudarle en algo.
Hare Krsna!
                HpS - ASA ---   TlgaSP.   Hay muchas diferentes rayos del Sol, Dios.   Todos son buenos. No hay ninguna desacuerdo entre Jesus-cristo ni Srila Prabhupada.  Ambos solamente quiere el bien para todos.  Si vamos a tomar apoyo de Srila Prabhupada rendirse a Krsna para Kirtan de los Santos nombres es el mejor oracion. No tenemos que hacer algo especifica para adjustar la mente de otros. Krsna misma va a tomar responsibilidad para nuestra familias todo. Pero.....  Si Krsna quiere que estamos trabajando para El, como Krsna quiere Arjuna luchando para El, muy bien, va a instruyir nosotros hacer, rezar, algo especifica.  Tiene que preguntar del santo Cristiano que estan enviando esta mensaje a Vd. como orar para ella.

A.S.N.F (A Son Never Forgets)

11 years, 7 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports


all glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!! 

pamho  _____0_

hope u ar ok…

first of all I would like to apologize because I don’t write so often…

actually I feel more comfortable when talking to U on Skype


By the mercy of Radha and Krsna we have interesting experiencies in our life… we just try to understand and accept them as they are (their mercy)… <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/04.gif" title="" />

Our sadhana (16R,4P, 4AM, worship, reading) is ok… we would like it to be better so we are working on that…. a little bit away from devotees because of our ego… but keeping our service in pujari twice a week so it give us as a good excuse to see them and associate with some of them…

As I told U before I got a part-time job cooking for a family..i really feel it is Krsna’s hands cause for me it is very difficult to get a job…  it is going very well I have the opportunity to give them prasadam…

 Bhakti Sastri is great!!! I am not a good teacher but the students are so nice that I learn a lot from them… we have a very good group of matajis in Chile that culminate the course this year, and one godbrother from Tarapoto who started this year…

Brother Ass… well we can only say that we are here by Krsna’s mercy and of course yours too…  as u told me before this body doesn’t get a disease, this body is a disease

 Some projects for studying  but let see what krsna wants from us…

forgive me again for not writing so often on the blog…

thanks a lot for your patience…

always thinking a way to be useful for ur Sankirtan!!!

your servant Monkey warrior

Patrak Das <img alt="" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/22.gif" title="" />

     ASA -  Jaya!   AGTSP.     paoho.  Yes, SKype is nice, but is also so important to post news here.  Your news is very nice.  This is new for us a lot.   What about NIMSAR?  There was going to be an "Identity" meeting with your CMDD, RDD et al and then you were going to contact us after you discussed what were the purposes, members etc of NIMSAR.   We called LAD. Health is so much better.  We try to get computer for him, internet!          Really Krsna wants us to be fully engaged to our limit!

  SUch nice fotos!!!!


11 years, 7 months ago by aja.govinda in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj:

Please accept my most humble dandavata pranama. Jaya Srila Prabhupada and Jaya ASA, NIOS, and Bhati!

I will be returning to the USA in the end of June.

             HpS - Jaya!   AGTSP...  We will be in Denver then.  3 July we go to New Biharvan!

My parents are asking me to continue the treatment prescribed by Vaidya Nahar Singh of Hodal, a town which is 1 hour by car from Vrindavan. He is a nadi-vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor who diagnoses diseases through the pulse) and has Sanskrit Ayurvedic books based on which he cures many diseases. Nahar Singh has said that his treatment will continue for at least 10 months for me and he can only give one month's medicine at a time. However, I cannot stay in India that long as my Tulane professor is awaiting my starting the postdoc. My dilemma is that my mother wants me to stay in India indefinitely till I get treated, however, I have promised my Tulane professor that I will start the job in end of June.

Maharaj, you are so merciful for giving pearls of wisdom to us. It is a very interesting point that you mentioned - Why not get to Sannyasa???   Kardama Muni did it?    It is based on Yukta vairagya not impersonal renunciation. Renounce to become more intimate with everyone! - This is something I never thought about. I always thought that this stage is always going to be too advanced for me. However, you have clarified my vision that when a Vaisnava performs tyaga, they don't give it up, but they give up the desire to enjoy it. We need to renounce our desire to enjoy the world. The sannyasi gives up one small family to make the whole world his family. 

Maharaj, sometimes I feel that I am a theoretical devotee in the sense that it is easy for me to talk about the theory but bringing it into practice is so difficult. It is so difficult to give up the desire for enjoyment.


                    HpS - ASA --  Ha!    Ha!    Ha!                We see that a lot of our "material" enjoyment is just natural demands of the sense.   We think we are sleeping too much, but it is not a fact.  We have a different life and body than Rupa Goswami. The thing is too purify our enjoyment.  Probably there is good reason why we are addicted to a certain type of movies or sport etc.  Find out what it is and purify the attachemnt, no?

             2.  Medicine or PhD.   Why not ask the Doctor?????

Desde Chile!!!

11 years, 7 months ago by btna andrea in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Sri Sri Goura Nitay!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!!

Todas las Glorias a sus pies de loto querido Gurudeva!!!!!

               HpS - ASA - Lodo, no loto.           Posible pies de manzana.

Espero se encuentre usted muy bien Gurudeva, Nrsimhadeva proteja cada uno de sus pasos!!! Buenas noticias!!! Esta semana hable con P. Om Kesavaya y me dijo que este año podría iniciarme con usted J así que me estoy preparando para dar la prueba de iniciación a fin de mes, y si Radha y Nitay quieren podré iniciarme para cuando nos visite, estoy muy agradecida de poder tener esta bendición, es algo que he deseado hace mucho tiempo…. Les agradezco a todos a Srila Prabhupada, a los devotos, a GouraNitay, a la hermosa Radharani y a usted por esta misericordia!!!

Nuestro reporte

16 rondas diarias / 4 principios estrictos, mangalarati 3 veces a la semana, y todos los días Govinda con las deidades, lectura de los libros de SP, servicio semanal en el templo, buena asociación de amistad con los devotos, seguimos distribuyendo prasadam a todos los que se nos cruzan por el camino… este tiempo ha sido intenso, no he tenido mucho tiempo,  mucho trabajo, por lo que no pude seguir con el Bhakti Sastri intensivo, así que tomare el próximo curso que no es tan intenso, por ahora estamos estudiando con el material que nos dieron en el curso….este tiempo hemos dejado muchas cosas que no nos sirven atrás y estamos tomando aquellas que pueden ayudar en nuestra vida espiritual…

La construcción del templo va avanzando, se mantiene el programa de sankirtan y harinam,  pronto se hará un 24 hrs. Kirtan, hay pocos devotos viviendo en templo, así que necesitan mucho apoyo de todos los que viven afuera….lo extrañamos mucho!!!! Usted nos inspira a todos a ser más humildes y más cooperadores, a no dejarnos llevar por el tonto orgullo, a respetar a cada devoto, y a cuidar de ellos, usted Gurudev, va mostrándonos el camino con su ejemplo y dedicación, el camino que Srila Prabhupada nos dejo a todos nosotros para volver de vuelta a casa…. Y así poder jugar todos como locos, llenos de amor junto  a RadhaKrishna!!!!

Mis más humildes reverencias Gurudeva!!!

Se despide quien aspira a recibir su misericordia y ser digna de ella

Bhaktin Andrea

                    HpS - ASA -  Jaya!    Muy bien!      TlgaSP!         Muy bien.  Mangala arati 4-veces cada semana?????          Realmente BhSastri no es necesario hasta segunda iniciacion, pero si puede realizar no hay perdido!          Que significa, "La construcción del templo va avanzando"...  eso es en Maipu??