Querido Gurudeva: por favor, acepte mis humildes reverencias. Todas las glorias sean para Srila Prabhupada. Cómo está?
HpS - ASA - Jaya! TlgaSP. Ya son las 5.38PM aqui en ashrama de Srivasa Pandita. Tengo dolor de estomago, dolor de trasero por sentir y escribi. Por la fin puedo responder a cartas. Todas las proyectos y nuestras 26 rondas para hoy dia casi a tiempo. A las seis vamos al tercero programa de hoy dia! Jaya pero tenemos su asociacion... bueno!
Por aquí, seguimos con la lucha. El sábado fue el Ratha yatra de Madrid. Fue muy inspirador. Jaganatha, Baladeva y Subhadra por las calles de la capital de España que, a esas horas, estaban llenas de gente, que miraban de manera curiosa.
HpS - ASA - Estamos oiyendo que era un gran exito. Gran esfueza. Aun realizamos no muy bien compartir volantes al publico, Krsna en la corazon puede animar ellos tomar interes in Con. de Krsna y encontrar a un devoto. Haz su misma ser listo para encontrar a gente.
Profesionalmente, ya han comenzado las vacaciones de verano en los colegios españoles, así que he empezado las vacaciones. Creo que me van a venir muy bien para bajar un poco el ritmo. Con estas vacaciones, tambien han comenzado las vacaciones del Gurukula, ya que en julio no estaré mucho en Madrid. Tenemos que viajar a Andalucía, luego a Bilbao y, con Avesa y Adirasa a Asturias. En fin, unos días para leer más, preparar el examen del Bhakti Sastri e intentar saborear un poco más el sadhana. Gracias por su dedicación. Espero que se encuentre bien de salud. Su aspirante a humilde sirvienta, Purnamasi devi dasi
HpS - Con Avesa y todo viajando??? Con Nimai? Como esta El Jayanta despues de su cirugia???????? Su Sankirtana?
My dear Gurumaharaja.
Hare Krishna!!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
All Glories to Sankirtana movement.
All Glories All Glories to Sri Guru & Sri Gauranga!!
Please accept my humble obeisances to your lotus feet!
HpS - ASA - AGTSP... We have 50% spiritual feet.
Thanks for all your effort and always inspiring me to chant the holy name of Krishna.
Sadhana is three days a week, 2 days a week in the temple, one at home with chant and adoration to Gopal and Sri Jagannatha Baladeva and Subadra. I am trying to 1 day a week participate in Japa Joe.
Tuesdays and Fridays, I'm going to Sankirtan with a matayi, has been wonderful try this service, please Gurumaharaja your blessings pair so you can continue.
I continuous chanting 16 rounds and 4 principles. I am Studying German and English, is the first time that I write in English for you, surely looks terrible, is very dificult , but I need to try and necesary.
Raja Bhoga Monday morning.
This week I will try to begin to seriously study the First Chant of Srimad Bhagavatam, Gurumaharaja please give me the intelligence to understand the Bhagavata light.
I'm learning how to look internally and talk with senior devotees to avoid offense, I felt like the work has become more internal than external. Listen to devotees gives me stability and knowledge to act.
Trying to surrender to your guidance.
His slow aspiring Bhaktin Zareth.
Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Jaya Sri Nityananda! Jaya Sri Gouranga!
HpS - ASA ---- Interesting. You English is very nice. What about the KRSNA book? That is very, very, very fundamental reading and in many ways what more do we need? With who you will study Canto One? N I C E ! ! ! Foto!
All Glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitai
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada
All Glories to you!
All Glories to devotees
Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!
I miss so much your and the devotees association in Japa Meditation, but is so hard for me waking up at 3.30Am to join in Japa Joe, before go to work. Krsna Consciousness is so exigent! And I’m so busy because of Krsna’s mercy. I try to not loose my time and doing always something for Krsna, oh Gurudev! Is so difficult stay consciousness all day all days. Sometimes I feel like a machine, without feelings and doing things because I have to be a good disciple a good person, because without effort there's no goal. The Krsna Consciousness is the process and the aim at the same time. Now I'm trying to redirect my wishes to Krsna.
I keep studying the Bhagavad Gita in BS. One day a week I stay in the temple to do Mangala Aratik, once a month, participate in Dasanudasa Fest decoration, 4 principles, and almost all days 16 rounds, sorry for that, worshiping SriSriNitaiGauraNataraja ans Srila Prabhupada. I have a dream, you was here and tell me “who not chant the rounds, is not my disciple” and your look was so deep to my eyes, that dream was great GM! I can realize in my heart your huge effort to keep us consciousness, Thanks, thanks thanks!
With my partner, like you ask me in my previous letter, strive and strive. Both have a strong personality and sometimes is difficult for us understand and support each other. Is not easy give to a person exactly what it wants. We keep living with our families, and we’re not talking about marriage yet. We are engaged right now and like four years together. The Grhasta Asrama got many lessons hidden. And sometimes we’re overwhelmed because of that.
Thanks for ask about that and for take care about me GuruMaharaja. You’re so important in my life, everyday I offer my obeisances to your holy lotus feet. AGTSP.
Please keep teaching and showing the correct way. You are the object of my vision, because of your mercy I can aspire to be a dust atom of Srila Prabhupada's feet. Jaya Srila Prabhupada! Jaya Hanumat Presaka Swami.
Your fool but determined servant.
RatiManjari Devi Dasi.
HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP........ paoho. Thank you your letter. Srila Rupa Goswami says in the NOD that in the beginning there is a tendency to impersonalism. We try to give up our attachment to the personal reflection in the mirror, then we don't yet have personal relation with Krsna, devotees. So don't be too distubed by this. Try to chant you rounds with feeling. It will happen soon.
You need to get all your rounds done, even if you have to keep a register of how many you are behind. You promised Him you would do it. Don't break you promise. Of course, eventually you will see perfectly that whatever strength you have if you give it chanting 16-nice rounds then you will get the greatest benefit for every other aim by doing that.
Krsna will never punish us for chanting 16-nice rounds. Hari bolo! Have fun with Krsna!!!!
Hare Krisna Maharaja:
JMHD writing you from Madrid.
Actually living in my own apartment in Madrid.
30 Minutes by subway from the temple
50 minutes walking
25 biking
Actually sharing with Bhakta Marcos and Bhaktin Marta
Basiclly working trying to finish my debts with the Bank (around 9000 $)
Travelling alot with the dogs.
ASA - AGTSP. paoho (Woof! Woof!)
The 3 of us chanting 16 rounds and 4 regs.
ASA - But no the dogs. Just Prasadam and Kirtan
Waiting for Bhaktin Laksmi to arrive in a couple of weeks.
We live in a simple basement-apartment with a big park on the front.
We can park at any time with no problem so that save us a lot of time.
My expirience with the temple has been very strong and emotional.
3 wonderful months sharing with Gaura Nitay and the devotees.
I am very happy but also really realy down of energy.
ASA - That's O.K. The happy part is the most important the second half is a fact we have to deal with: Rain, Snow, Weak, Strong... just make a practical adjustment.
I closed my company in the north, closed my house, left my child with my parents and just jump in the temple.
Ok now I have to take it easy and establish my self in an organic way.
ASA - Seems O.K. We jump start the stop heart but then we go to more gentle methods.
First thing is to consolidate my sadana and my team sadana (Marcos, Marta and Laksmi if she finally arrive)
Second consolidate my personal relation with Madrid devotees
third quit my debts
My son vrindavan is coming soon and probably will stay july and agost.
We are trying to develope some kind of tribe.
ASA - Haya! Haya!
We are getting some income from the traveldog thing but want to start distribuiting SP books.
We do want to establish loving relation with the temple and authorities but think that right now is best for us to stay outside and try to help from outside.
Trying to understand our selfs and develope a personal and team plan for serving SP and change the world.
Is a great mercy to be your disciple.
It is a great mercy to meet Sp.
Thanks for all your help
Woul be nice to read Jayantas conclusions about love.
Yes I agree authority job is a hard job and they need extra love and care.
I hope he gets enough love and also Jagat Mohan.
They are doing a great service in Madrid.
Of course they could do things better, all of us can do better.
That is to live, to constantly improve the cuality an cuantity of our service to the lord.
I hope that by your merci all the devotees in Madrid willl find Love and the clue to cooperate in a lovely mood.
Will continue
Jara Mara Hari Das
ASA - HpS --- This letter makes us sooo happy Mr. JMHDas!! Respects to all your tribe and we do hope to hear the next news!!!! Seems you are on the right path!!! Very much on it. Seems you have improved 665%