Como Relacionar Con Los Vaisnavas

11 years, 3 months ago by Schwarzesteine in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a sus pies de loto!

Estimado Hanumat Presaka Swami, espero que se encuentre bien de salud y animo. Le escribo por un tema puntual, ya que en el último tiempo me he estado cuestionando si el camino que se lleva através de la institución y asociación con los devotos de la misma es lo mejor para mi vida espiritual y la de mi familia, ya que constantemente nos sentimos afectados de mala manera por estos.

esto provoca una serie de discusiones y también dudas, claro, nunca contestamos de la  manera más adecuada pero esto es por que somos humanos, e imperfectos y  es imposible controlar la lengua.

¿Que es lo que debiésemos hacer? Nos sentimos decepcionados, tristes y sin ánimos de seguir siendo parte de la congregación, dudando de nuestro futuro espiritual y cuestionándonos si lo que estamos haciendo está bien o mal, nosotros creemos que los devotos dan mucha importancia a lo accesorio y no a lo fundamental o esencial, que son las personas, provocando exclusiones por parte de los devotos.

Esperamos una respuesta, para aclarar nuestras dudas y no tomar desiciones apresuradas.

Por favor acepte nuestas más humindes reverencias, estimado Guru Maharaj.Hare Krsna.

Pablo Gallardo y Josefina Matus.

               HpS - ASA  - Jaya.  TlgaSP....   Entiendo Espanol como  un muchacho de seis anos.  Pero como yo entiendo solamente hay criticas de la comunidad "vaisnava" solamente general.    Hmmm.   Es deficil responder con mucho detalle.    Y tambien existen esta problema si en la comunidad Vaisnava Srila Prabhupada, Rupa Goswami, Jayananda Das, Senor Jesu Cristo, Gundica, Yadu Swami, HpS y otros.

Pero basicamente puede leer Upadesamrta 4-6.  Servio o o  (It worked for me).  Alla encontramos que hay devotos de 1, 2 y 3 clase y tenemos que relacionar, confiar, con ellos en diferente maneras.


Depues escribir otra vez con un analysis mas clar de que es la "communidad Vaisnava" que tiene estas faltas   Y    su nivel de desarrolla. No esta humildad falso, "Yo soy el mas caido!"

Gracias su carta!


Barcelona Madrid Dham

11 years, 3 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports

       Por favor acepte mis más humildes reverencias.

   Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada.  Oro para que Krishna cuide de su salud.

   Perdone por favor todas mis ofensas.

           ASA - HpS ---- TlgaSP!!!!   Interesante su peticion. "Perdone por favo todas..". Yo hago la misma de Srila Prabhupada, pero pienso que es mejor pedir que puedo entender, sufrir, un porcion de mis ofensas como puedo entender lo que estoy realizando!

   Todavia en Barcelona hasta el final de mes y luego despues del Ratha Yatra  a Madrid. Sigo haciendo las hamburguesas y estamos preparando un concierto de Mantra Rock con Gundica Prabhu, y Dos devotos más, para Ratra Yatra. Tambien tocamos algo de Bhajan en Janmastami, y tambien limpiamos nuestro corazon al limpiar el templo.

    Sigo los cuatro principios y 20 rondas, mangala arati todos los dias menos el dia de Srila Prabhupada. Cerramos el ciclo de Barcelona al menos por un tiempo. Vivimos un año de muchas emociones y sigo intentando asimilar toda la misericordia que puedo, para tratar de mejorar mi practica. Estoy llegando a la conclusion de que tengo que equilibrar el nivel de estres, servicio, ocio, posicion, ... Varna, Asrama...etc  Creo que por un lado tengo un poco de confusión, y por otro, veo que lo mejor es abandonarse a Krishna y vivir intentando ser feliz, tolerando las inclemencias y exitos del camino sin apegarse.

Sigo intentando subir el siguiente peldaño de la escalera, y pienso que cada vez estoy menos atraido a meterme en un agujero del mundo material e intentado establecerme en la posición dasa-dasa-dasa-anudasa, seguire intentando mejorar, un profesor antiguo decia que siempre hay una mejor manera de hacer las cosas.

   Gracias por su Misericordia infinita..    

   Jharikhanda-gaura Das

                  HpS - ASA ---  Muy bien.   Muy bien.   De esta modo, si continua,  va a ser el maximo que un ser humano puede.  Va a ser un instrumento de Krsna. Si quiere puede conquistar Espana para El y convertir en la proximo Rey del Espana, o puede ser un perrito para El.  Adelante... 

Thank you for your kindness and blessings!

11 years, 3 months ago by Christian in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and Parampara

All glories to the Sankirtana Movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu

First i want to tank you for all your endeavor for serving Srila Prabhupada in his preaching mission all over the world, and for taking so many stress and pain for your body in order to help us all to transform at least one drop of our lust into love for Krishna! here we are all wating very enthusiastic for 16 oct to come!

By your mercy and your disciple's i have been able to get so many realizations this few time, im getting more and more encouraged to serve Krishna for the rest of my life, to serve Krishna as my life. 3 days ago, when i went to Irapuato city for my university class, i stayed there for practical reasons and i dreamed of you, (making it shorter) i was cleaning a small temple along with Mother Jambavati, listening a lecture of you in speakers; suddently you said, "but, i'm actually here" so mataji and me turned the head just to find out that the Vyasasana was situated as if someone was giving SB lecture, then i felt your presence right there, as you was saying in the recording... i feel very very inspirated since i had that experience, that you are actually here with us, supporting and helping us, ¡Thank you!

Finally i just want to ask you what can i do to achieve your mercy?

your dumb, yet sincere aspiring servant

Bhakta Christian

              HpS - Ha!    Ha!    Ha!     AGTSP.  paoho.   We are regular DOGS in the service of Krsna.  Hansadutta Das told us that Srila Prabhupada told him that the Spiritual Master does not do anything unusual. He gives BG classes, does Sankirtan... but through him the Supersoul does many things.

We all should become Gurus by being humble servants of our Spiritual Master.

Try to understand Krsna and follow His advice.

To get "our" mercy you just have to go on doing what you are doing and trying to improve it!!!

Photo:   Very interesting!   The Deities here in Nitai-Gaurasundara's house are one of three sets made from the same mold. They are the same as Radha Natabara in Ohio.

Dancing for Krsna

11 years, 3 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

It used to be that I would try to dance, because I wanted to dance for Krsna, but it was not very natural and a little forced.  Within the past several months however, He has made me dance for Him, and it feels very enlivening and natural.  I sometimes cannot get enough of the nectar from dancing in an esctatic kirtan.

Maharaja, I see that you have plans for going to Houston Oct. 15th - Nov. 1st.  I have been approved for time off work from OCt. 27th - Oct. 31st, and have intention to start looking into flights and making arrangements.  I had been praying that I would have the chance to see you again before the year ends, and Krsna is merciful as are you.

Hoping to become,
Your servant,
Bhakta David II

             HpS - AGTSP.   pfanrh.    Very nice.  Please make contact with the devotees in Houston about accomodation.  ONe Two, Cha, Cha, Cha!!!!!


Aruna-aksa Das's Sadhana Report

11 years, 3 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna! Jay Srila Prabhupada ki jay ! 

ALTSP. Pamho .

Dear Gurudeva, I hope your health is good, Radha Madhava bless you always :-) !

Aruna-aksa Das 's Sadhana Report :

He wakes up for Mangala Artik everyday , His services is assistant of Pujari , chanting 16 rounds everyday , He has the same job.

             ASA - AGTSP    paoho.   He is a Saint of the first degree.

My Father is asking you if he can  get in relationship with one mathaji from Brazil ,  she is mother-in-low of Sri Isvara Das, My eldest brother. My father said that the mathaji already asked to her Guru; Candramuka swami for the permission and He agree with her. So now he wants to know your opinion?

            ASA - I don't know the details.  Investigate the relationship with association of a lot of friends. Best attitude is toward Vanaprastha ashrama.   Then it may be O.K. even though it is very late, but Prabhupada says that these things happen.

Well my sister and i , we are not agree with this situation but we can not do so much now, My others two borthers , they dont mind so much . So my father is waiting for you answer and advices. 

My father wants to go to Brazil for 3 months and know more about the mathaji and after we dont know  what will happend. 

Please Gurudeva, Help us, i know you can give us the best advices for his spiritual benefit.

Vanca Kalpa ! 

Ys. Caitanya Candrodaya Das .

            HpS - Again our comments are above.  With nice association.  Srila Prabhupada cites similar story of older person in his community in terms of history of Cyvana muni and Sukanya.

Our respects to you all!

Back in Sridham Mayapur

11 years, 3 months ago by pnd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Dear Guru Maharaja.
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

Happy Radhastami!

I am back in Sridham Mayapur, determined to stay fixed in mangala-arati.

                      HpS - AGTSP...  paoho.    We ALL thank you for this BLog!!!!  We alll thank you for Veda!!!!   We all thank you for your smile!!!!!!!!!    DO you know the word by word meaning of Gurvastakam.  It will change your Mangala arati experience 17,000%   Mangala arati is when we fix our Buddhi, attitude for the day. Are we fixing it in....?

We had nice festival today for Srimati Radharani.

Some time ago I have seen letter on this website from Harsh about categorization. Yes, we will have it on During staying in Czech I found way how I can arrange for paragraphs and thus categorization to be synchronize through different languages (it will need 'some' manual work, but hopefully Krishna will send help). Project is like 98% done in my mind, soon to be manifested in digital form :)

Also, I wrote today to some devotees and got contact to Anirudha Prabhu regarding presenation of Online Vedabase on next Iskcon Leadership Sanga. I think presentation can inspire many devotees.

Your servant Prahlad Nrsimha das

PS: Is your room in Senior Brahmacari being arranged? I am not staying there now, but if nobody is managing it I can go there and try to arrange place for you for February when you will be here.

            HpS - AGTSP.   We plan to arrive in Dehli one week before ILS meeting go to Vrndavan and then to Kolkatta and Vrndavan and ILS meeting with NGDas!!  Guess we will stay with him.