Ghostly Influence

11 years, 2 months ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada.  All glories to your lotus feet.

Thank you for the verse on sleep.  I do also have issues with memory.  I am hoping those clear up soon.

Thank you for the compliment regarding intelligence Maharaja.  I think I noticed that you had noticed my mental condition was disturbed when I came for prasad after being at work.

Regarding ghostly influence from previous life, I do think that is the case.  The way I believe that I last died, I would have been ghost afterward.  I have been looking into past life information/regression and that is helping.

I am getting great association at Radha Govinda Mandir, and have made much improvement.  As I continue my sadhana, I am sure this influence will clear up.  Krsna brings us back to where we were so that we may continue.

Hoping to become your servant,
Bhakta David

                   HpS - ASA - AGTSP....  paoho....  Very nice.  Everyone is different. Krsna does not take into account as much, how much is in your hand when you make a donation to Him, as how much is left in your pocket.

One man is giving $10 but has nothing left in his pocket. Other man is giving $100 but has $500 left in his pocket. Do yu best to fight your enemies taking help from Krsna!

Sri Sri Gaura Nitay Madrid

11 years, 2 months ago by bhaktajosemadrid in Personal Sadhana Reports


        Acepte mis mas humildes reverencias. TlgaSP. Espero que se encuentre bien de salud.  

        Bueno, ahora estamos en Madrid desde el dia 30, seguimos 4 principios cada dia más estrictos. Creo firmemente que el servicio a Sus Señorias me esta ayudando y me  va ayudar enormemente en el futuro,,,,(Matematico). He bajado de 20 rondas y ahora son 17, ya que quiero focalizarme en la adoración y entusiarmar a los devotos.

        Estoy a cargo de coordinar los servicios de Sus Señorias Sri Sri Gaura Nitay en el templo. Tratando de concienciarme y concienciar a los devotos de que la adoración de las Deidades del Templo y prestar servicio es muy importante; claro que uno se puede quedar en casa y adorar a Deidades o hacer otras cosas como Sankirtan con libros, etc....pero el servicio en el Templo es muy Importante.

      Tenemos dudas sobre el estandar a seguir, ya que sólo se Bañan una vez por semana, y no todos tenemos cordon Brahminico, y no todos sabemos como seria el baño con 16 elementos, y sinceramente dudo que se pueda llevar a cabo.  El ultimo fin de semana Jaya Gopal baño a a las deidades y yo le ayude a vestirlas. Pero veo que sería complicado para todos hacerlo asi con 16 upacharas. Somos unas 5 parejas de devotos para vestir y bañar:      Caitanya Caran y su esposa Mela, Yasodanadana y su esposa Ekadristi, Bhadra Vardhana y su esposa Sananda, Dandava y su esposa Carquika, Jaya Gopal y Jharikhanda-gaura y lugo también estan Jara Mara Hari, Jiva Tattva, Janardana, Isvara.

    Seguramente iré al Infierno pero quiero servir a Sus Señorias.

    Su inutil sirviente Jharikhanda-gaura Das

      HpS - ASA - TlgaSP.  pfanrh.  Muy bien. 1. Krsna, Gaura-Nitai son personas. Si esta pensando de esta manera puede servir bueno. Con el consejo de Yadu Swami y otros pienso puede establecer un buen estandard. Como esta el Jayanta Das, Jaga mohana Das?

horse trying come to closer: Report

11 years, 2 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj, Great Sankhya Scholar and flute man :)
Please accept my joyful dandvats
Jaya Srila Prabhupada
All glories to monkey warrior!!!!

How is Narsingh dev and Prahlad ji?
    HpS - ASA - AGTSP   paoho.  They are suffering from our service but They are very great and traveling with us.

their relationship inspires us a lot.

we read in Luna Devi' Facebook

[ASA]: the ducks that come closer...
[Candramonkey]: get more bread..

This horse has robot problem, he can not logon to startmeeting. He has talked to US startmeeting office (with help of H G  Ramananda Prabhu, Hawaii), the request has gone from customer support  ----to --- tech support-- to-- developers... Hope it may get resolved.
             HpS - So do we!!!
till then we would try to log in through skype. Niscaya..
you wil be happy to know, horse has not missed a morning program since last 10 days. the time varied. max mangal arti at 8am, minimum 5am. average...520am and its improving.

                   HpS- Makes Radha Rasa bihari very happy!  Makes your day better!!!

as u said love> cleanliness>timeliness>details
 four rules and 16 rounds intact except once our son was admitted to hospital for 3 days. so environment was very passionate, our rounds were inattentive, irregular, we did not like the quality at all.. hence we were not able/decided not  to chant all we took 48 rounds as extra rounds to be done and till now we have finished 32 ronds= 8 extra round for four days. does that weakens our application for formal aspirant ?

HpS - At least 4-rounds on very busy days and then catch up. Does not weaken, strengthens!!!  Son O.K.?   He has lot to learn from you all!
can you please describe the thought process should go in morning program activities. generally we are focussed on rituals. but we want something more like

like while offering [arti/bell/incense/air/water] we say Krsna we offerall five elements to you.
so what should we say that for reason X, krsna  we are singing Guru Astak for you. then reason Y narsingh arti...
etc etc.

               HpS - Don't know this five elements.  Never reading. For us is just offering nice reception for Krsna and nice things, incense... and chanting the Bhajan with meaning. 
we discovered that ou wife is intreseted/inspired in biblical studies, we read one chap a day from bible. she also watches visual bible<wbr>v=fc8qOXeTsUQ</wbr>


.... HpS - ASA - Look for the Imitation of Christ. Is very old and is second biggest selling Chrisitian book after the Bible. Think is a
Little Horse enjoys playing, bow down, rotate incense sticks, flame.. copies us completly.. seems he is made in our image..
he some time cries geniunely some times fake..
now we understand what it means by genuine cry for mother hara

HpS - What is his age now?    We trying to send letter about distribution of Feliciatations volume. In transit in Houston.





Passionate Horse--- May Kesava[killer of kesi] kill us..

HpS - ASA -  May he inspire you!  Tku ur letter. IS very nice news. How is PhD?  How is India?  We see you in February? 


Desde Chile

11 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krsna Gurudev, mis sinceras reverencias a Sus pies, espero qus sus malestares  fisicos se hayan aliviado aunque sea un poco....

............HpS - ASA -  Ha!   Ha!  HARE!.....  Este cuerpo ES un malestar! Aliado de malestares indica ser aliviado de esta cuerpo!!!  Jaya!

Aqui estamos, luchando todavia, sesguimos con el servicio de festival de sankirtan dos veces por semana en paseo ahumada y aveces fuera de stgo, en regiones, estamos con proyectos para mejorar, ha sido un gran desafio organizar un programa de predica y que se mantenga a lo largo del tiempo, sabiendo incluso que con suerte logro organizar mi vida y mi sadhana. Pero Krsna ha sido bueno con migo, y los devotos me ayudan mucho, ya hay un equipo fijo, me alientan a seguir y mejorar. 

         HpS - Jaya!!! SIguiendo los paso de Srila Prabhupada. Hija digna!

Con respecto a la adoracion de las deidades en casa continuamos intentando mejorar el estandar en cuanto a puntualidad y limpieza, como usted me dijo, ahora nos cambiamos de casa y por mientras ordenamos todo, las esta cuidando mi papa,hasta que terminemos de instalarnos.

querido Gurudev, queria preguntarle, acerca del momento de la muerte. ¿ tiene el mismo "efecto" pensar en el diksa guru que en Krsna?

HpS - "So Kṛṣṇa includes all such expansions, as well as His pure devotee" NOD, Introduction. Nuestra diksa guru es un devoto puro? De primero, segunda, tercero clase? Si es de segunda clase, entonces pensando en el estamos recordado (reminded) de su Guru, nuestra Acharya. despide su sirvienta eterna y aspirante a discipula Fernanda Leiva

HpS - Gracias. Unas noticias de sus Sankirtana. La gente quien encuentran, milagros por Krsna, bromos por Krsna, consejos como mejorar nuestra Sankirtan.

info about krisna west pasted link

11 years, 2 months ago by bhaktanicasio in Personal Sadhana Reports, Hot Topics

hare krisna gurudeva, pamho, agtSP, Following is pasted this link September 18, 2013 Vedic Culture & Krishna West Posted by Alysia J. Radder under  . . .

HpS - ASA   --   AGTSP!   paoho.  Thank you. We got this link and started to read Maharaja's words. We also commented here in a letter to RPD. Last night NGD was talking as we walked about 30-minute phone conversation with Hrd. GOswami just before we walked. He also talks daily with Rtadhvaja Swami, Maharaja's Disciple.

NGD was saying that in general, Hrd. Goswami is still forming his ideas about how to preach in the West in the Modern environment. That is very nice.
..  We watch for more developments. We made other observations in letter to RpDas. We hope is great success.
Krsna West.
Athens West.


Question about instruction.

11 years, 2 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Personal Sadhana Reports
All Glories to Sri Sri Gauranga Nitiananda
All Glories to HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada!!!
All Glories to you!
All Glories to devotees.
Please accept my humble obeisances at your sacred feet.
Guru Maharaja, I write to you sincerely without any desire to contradict your instruction. I want to be honest as a disciple and for the trust you have bestowed upon me. I hope that you do not consider this to be an offense, my attempt to understand your sacred instructions. You have suggested that I prepare for my second initiation on two ocassions, the first via a letter on your blog saying I should prepare which I interpreted as for the future, and another instance on Japa Joe indicating that this would be in January. I want you to know that I am not prepared for my second initiation. I complete the vow of my first initiation and try to be a suitable student. Personally, I think that my effort is not sufficient to receive your mercy, but if you in your infinite mercy, decide that this would be the best for me then I will accept it without hesitation. I wanted to be clear with you. More than anyone else you know what is in my heart. I will do my best, the rest will depend on Krsna and HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Please excuse my letter and I hope that it is clear that I will never doubt any of your instructions. I will only try to be sincere with you just like the first time when we came into contact.
 Thank you for your time.
 Your aspiring servent,
 Rati Manjari Devi Dasi
              HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. When do you usually get up each morning? What do you do before 10AM?