Report from Toronto

11 years, 1 month ago by Rashmin dd in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Dear Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!! 
It has been too long since I last wrote. Reading the kaphi dvaja inspired me to finally write. I suffer from procrastination. Regarding the date for next year's ratha yatra festival on Toronto it will be the second weekend of July - the 12 and 13 of July 2014!! We look forward to hopefully see you!

     HpS - ASA -- AGTSP!   Paoho.  Yes, so nice to hear from you. O.K. RY dates are on our Calendar.  We are sure inclined to come, and now it is on the Calendar.

Yogendra and I are having a daughter :) She is expected on November 11. Very soon basically. Of course we are not agreeing on a name... Maybe you have some suggestions maharaja?

            HpS - Very nice. She's not an ordinary person.  One factor is that the day of the week she appears fixes the first letter of the name. That is why P'pada kept same first names at initiation (I hear). So, ask some Vedic Indians to help. Beyond that I don't have any ideas, but don't start arguing where she will go to college yet. (Ha!  Ha!  Ha!)

When I sent the last letter I forgot to include a question. One of my husband's friends got us a set of Gaura Nitai deities in April. Recently we started to do regular offering of incense in the morning. Should we do a more elaborate arti or simply incense is ok?

          HpS - Is nice to offer a flower.  You and Yogendra can even look for flowers to steal during the day.

I become afraid that They don't get such a high standard of worship as that in the temple and therefore are committing offenses.

          ASA - Main offering is love.  That will tell you what to do. Second is cleanliness and Third is punctuality. Set a time standard you can do. Fourth is all the details in the Deity worship hand book. Be sure to give them regular classes so they get good character development and don't grow up to be crimminals.

My sadhana is steady. Chanting 16 rounds, 4 principles. Currently reading 4th canto of Bhahavatam about Prthu Maharaja. He just became content with only performing 99 horse sacrifices.

              HpS - We are on Chapters 17-18 this week.

I am glad to hear you are healthy.

Your aspiring servant, Rasa-mandali devi dasi

                      HpS - ASA -  Your aspiring, guru, teacher, counselor.   Please give our respects to Yogindra Ji and your family and President!

Reporte de actividades

11 years, 1 month ago by Angada das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Todas las glorias al movimiento de Sankirtan de Sri Gauranga

Querido Gurudeva porfavor acepte Dandavats a sus pies

Por fin me he decido a escribirle por este medio para contarle el servicio que estamos realizando. Por ahora estamos en la ciudad de cancun nos mudamos para aca devido a que empezare a trabajar en el restaurante que es mantenido por una devota llamada Chandrika devi dasi , la comunidad de aca nos estan reciviendo muy bien

Estamos apoyando en la proyecto de la finca me han dado el servicio de pintar las paredes del area del templo que construyen y en la elaboracion del altar. Estamos muy agradecidos con la misericordia de Krishna , Seguimos con el servicio de participar en progamas artisticos, en el festival de Janmastami apoyamos con la decoracion, funcion de titeres e hicimos Rangolis esto esta complaciendo mucho a los devotos tenemos una paguina en FB (Monkey Warriors)con fotografias de lo que estamos haciendo en diferentes festivales

Cuando estavamos en mexico participamos en varios progamas de predica y Ratha Yatra. Los devotos se complacen mucho con este servicio y nosotros somos felices por ello.

Con respecto a nuestro sadhana estamos con mas fuerza devido a su misericordia retomamos nuestro principios (no mas humo) y estoy encontrando mucha fuerza en el canto de mis rondas , adoramos a nuestras deidades todos los dias , distribuimos libros y estamos muy activos con la comunidad apoyando en los progamas que aca se realizan . Todo aquello a lo que se le pueda llamar exito es definitivamente devido a su misericordia es usted una constante inspiracion para seguir avanzando y si no le escribia antes era devido a que que me avergonzaba no poder seguir sus instrucciones , ahora oro al Señor por que pueda mantenerme y ser un digno receptaculo de su misericordia sin causa . Con mi esposa las cosas van bien ella esta contenta de que trabaje mas y sea mas determinado, como todo habeces tenemos diferencias pero estamos tomandolo con mas calma ella va bien con su proceso un poco preoocupados por una cuestion de su salud devido a que tiene un osteoma en su craneo pero parece que nos es grave estamos buscando la manera de que se opere pronto, y confiamos plenamente en la voluntad de Krishna Gracias por mantenernos inspirados con sus gloriosas activades Gracias por recordanos a seguir pas instrucciones de srila prabhupada Gracias. Krishna por haberme dado la opurtunidad de haberlo conocido Reverencias a sus pies y oramos por que se encuentre bien

HpS - ASA -  TLGASP.    Es tan tan tan bueno oir de Vd.  Escriba aun no esta siguiendo perfecto.  Puede hacer algo. Unos alcoholicos toman un voto no tomar alcohol antes de media dia. Para ellos es tan fuerte como un voto de los gopis en su nivel. Hacer lo que Vd puede hacer para Krsna.

Muy bien sus noticias.  Estamos en Mexico 16-20 Octubre.

reporte de Alejandra Jimenez desde yatra de monterrey

<var>todas las glorias a srila prabhupada</var>

<var>todas las glorias a sri goura nitay </var>

<var>todas las glorias a los vaishnavas jaya !</var>

Asepte mis reverencias y una disculpa por no reportarme hace tiempo, desearia tener muy buenas noticias pero e estado muy descuidada a mi vida espiritual, demaciado servicio y mente y el cuerpo que no logro cantar muchas rondas, me dieron el servicio de despertar a la deidad y dormirla pero muchas veses la mente no me deja estar despierta tanto tiempo ya que muchas veses los devotos estan en programas de predica que manga arati despiertan mas tarde y estoi sola haciendo el programa podria aconsejarme sobre esto ? soy cabeza dura disculpe S.S.

    HpS - ASA -  AGTSP.   Pfanrh.  1. La estandard es levantar "la deidad" a las 4AM, 4.15AM para Mangala arati a las 4.30AM.   Pero podemos adjustar a la hora de levanta el sol.   Mangala arati tiene que ser realizado como 1-1/2 horas antes de levanta el sol. Despues Japa, SB...  Sankirtan!

Esta requiere descansar temprano.

Si no puede mantener 96-minutos antes de levanta el sol, 4.00AM entonces, tiene que fijar una hora que puede mantener y LO HACE.  No para siempre, pero como desde un ekadasi al otro.  Depues puede pensar en la estandard para los proximas semanas. Claro, todo en cosulation con los brahmanas y president et al.

Nuestras ideas

...Sigo en el restaurante del templo haciendo mi servicio para el templo de cuidar atender y dar cuentas de la venta diaria hoy es probable que no pueda ir tengo farinjitis (infeccion en la garganta) y no es muy agradable para la gente que les sirva alguien enfermo y tosiendo, coff coff, ademas trato de poder llevarme bien con mi servicio pero no me ayuda mucho en que no soy muy flexible con los dema como dicen la administración es fria y bueno soy quien tiene que hacerlo pero aprender a hacerlo bien tambien para la predica . grasias por su atención esperamos pronto su llegada a Mexico . 

De parte de la prometida de su dicipulo Gadadhara gosai prabhu desde monterrey. 

HpS - ASA -  Gracias. Si, esperamos encontrar en D. F. 16-20 Octubre. Buena suerte!  Basicamente tiene que ser feliz. Realizando austeridades razionables. Y todo va a pasar bien.

Tratando ser conciente de Prabhupada y Krsna

11 years, 1 month ago by atenea bhaktin in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas todas las glorias a su gurumaharaja, Srila Prabhupada!
Todas todas las glorias al movimiento de sankirtana de Sri Caitanya y Nityananda prabhu!
Todas todas las glorias a mi maestro espiritual, Hanumatpresaka Swami!
Por favor acepte mi intento de humildes y respetuosas reverencias a sus magnánimos pies de loto.

              ASA - Oink!   Oink.  AGTSP!
Hare Krsna :'D)
Le agradezco sus bendiciones, Srimati Radharani por medio de usted ha derramado una lluvia de éstas. Desde que me preguntó por mi familia, en la carta anterior...sucedió magia!!! (¡puaa!) Mi hermana tomó curso bhaktishastri conmigo, mi mamá fue un mes a hacer servicio allá y también escuchaba algunas clases, papá tiene un servicio los domingos en la cocina y mi abuelita canta rondas. Por la gracia de Prabhupada ahora todos estamos muy entusiastas en la conciencia de Krsna, tenemos una meta en común y sólo oramos por siempre tener la compañía de los devotos. En casa se están atendiendo mangalaratiks con deidades de GauraNitay y también se les ofrecen las preparaciones de alimentos a ellos.
Apartir de esto, me tomé a la tarea y les pedí unas palabras para usted, esto dijeron:

Palabras a gurumaharaja

Abuelita Pily (mamá de mi mamá):
“Que toda la misericordia de Krsna sea derramada en Su ser, iluminando de luz todos los caminos que Usted recorre por el mundo y le dé salud y larga vida, para que siga llenando de esa paz al mundo entero.

Lo conocí de cerca y dejó para siempre en mí una inmensa emoción, que cuando comento que lo vi de cerca, vuelvo a sentir la misma alegría. Que todas las glorias de Krsna sean para Usted.”

Papá Alejandro:
“Es una bendición haber conocido a los devotos, estoy muy contento, muy feliz, porque Atenea ha encontrado a una gran alma, Hanumatpresaka Swami. Le estoy agradecido eternamente, aunque por el momento ella es una firme aspirante a ser su discípula, tengo la convicción de que muy pronto se convertirá en su discípula formalmente iniciada. Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.”

Mamá Palas Atenea:
“Acepte mis humildes reverencias por favor. Le doy las gracias a Krsna por ponerlo en esta vida y que mi hija lo haya conocido. Gracias a Krsna con todo el corazón por ponerlo como padre espiritual de mi hija Atenea, y sentir una gran felicidad y tranquilidad, que usted pueda guiar, instruir, proteger y ser la guía espiritual de Atenea, porque yo como madre en este mundo material deseo lo mejor, que mi hija sea feliz y alcance crecimiento espiritual y me he esforzado por ser buena madre, pero me da gran tranquilidad y felicidad que usted guíe su caminar, usted sabe del gran amor que le tiene una madre a un hijo; y tengo la confianza y fe en el amor que usted le tiene a su hija espiritual Atenea. Gracias eternas Su Santidad Hanumatpresaka Swami.”

Prabhu Jayadeva Hari Das (facilitador BG y SB):

“Querido Hanumatpresaka Swami Maharaja, le ofrezco mis respetuosas y humildes reverencias a Sus pies de loto y le agradezco de todo corazón  toda la guía y enseñanzas que he recibido de Usted, en cuanto al Srimad Bhagavatam se refiere, mientras tuvimos la fortuna de tener su santa asociación en varias ocasiones aquí en México, ya que han sido herramientas muy importantes para mi intento de facilitación del curso de Padapadma. Espero que se encuentre con buena salud y predicando exitosamente la filosofía Bhagavata como es natural en usted.

Pd: Bhaktin Atenea es una estudiante muy dedicada al estudio de las Escrituras y ojalá muy prontamente pueda recibir la gran misericordia de ser iniciada por una gran alma como lo es usted.

Por favor no deje de visitarnos, porque necesitamos su inspiración.”

Xiadani (hermana menor):

“Todas las glorias a Sri Guru y Sri Gauraga!
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada!
Todas las glorias a usted!
Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.”

Mi reporte de sadhana es que estamos cantando más santos nombres en japa de lo requerido, y participando en la distribución de libros, ayer por pura misericordia sin causa, pude ser instrumento para que se distribuyeran dos colecciones del Srmad Bhagavatam c: (primer canto, ya lo tenemos en español, nueva edición). Participando en algunos servicios en el templo y atendiendo todos los programas, estuvo Bhakti Bhusana Maharaja, estuvimos en todas las clases. Un Janmastami muy especial, con una obra de Prabhupada, de su llegada a los E.U., de las pruebas que por la gracia de Krsna superó y su enorme deseo de cumplir la instrucción que le dió su gurumaharaja ;el siguiente día fue muy emotivo. Ahora nos sentimos mucho más inspirados, determinados a servir en la misión y con una enorme deuda de amor a Prabhupada. Podemos sentir cómo el alma se siente reconfortada y feliz al escuchar de él, ésto nos sensibiliza. Últimamente tuvimos servicios muy intensos, pero pudimos comprobar cómo el alma es feliz. Una devota nos dijo que el éxito en la vida espiritual es eliminar de nuestra mente la palabra cansancio... (Oro porque en algún momento llegué a esta realización, pueda trascender las modalidades de la naturaleza material y cantar y servir fijamente los santos nombre!)
Supimos que ya no viene a México, claro que queríamos verlo,  aún así nos sentímos  felices porque sabemos que la causa es su sankirtana a Srila Prabhupada. Gracias por enseñarnos con el ejemplo.
Su intento de eterna eterna eterna siempre eterna sirviente, Bhaktin Atenea. 
Sri Krsna y Balarama lo protegen. Lo quiero mucho. Sri Nrsimhadeva cuide su salud.

Pd: perdón que fue tan larga!...

              ASA - Jaya!  We had to scan most of the comments but they were very nice. Art means to illuminate Krsna. Illuminate the lotus feet of Krsna, SP's lotus feet, his books, the KRSNA book.....  Perfect your service.  We arrive in Mexico on the 16th of October.  Very nice fotos.  Esperamos muy pronto Krsna haz un arregla muy bien para su proteccion.


Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I have recently listened to your lectures on scientific preaching. I am interested in learning more about this subject because I feel that it is related to my dharma. Maybe it is something that I can do for Krishna in the future.

I am currently living at the Krishna House in Gainesville, and I am enrolled in a Master of Education program at the University of Florida. I have a Master’s degree in Biology from the University of North Florida, and my current program is designed specifically for secondary science teachers.

When I first met the devotees, about 1 ½ years ago, I was taking a course in Advanced Evolution. I was thoroughly convinced that this was the mechanism by which species were created. It took some time for me to open up to the possibility that there is another explanation. I saw a presentation by Drutakarma prabhu on Forbidden Archaeology, and purchased his book Human Devolution. Unfortunately, I have not devoted much time to reading it yet.

For some time, I have left my questions about evolution behind, because I wanted to focus on strengthening my devotional life.  Now I am faced with these questions once again, because I am expected to teach the theory of evolution, and no other theory of the origins of life, in the secondary classroom.

I am planning to talk to one professor, who I believe is Christian, to find out what is permissible and what is not. I feel that I should be allowed to bring up some of the holes in the theory, the “loose ends” that don’t line up perfectly. I should be able to encourage critical thinking. But many people in my field are adamant that nothing other than evolution should be taught because it is the only truly “scientific” theory for life’s origins.

I find it a bit paradoxical, because I am also learning that we should be sensitive to the various cultural backgrounds of our students. We should present information in a way that relates to their experiences and prior knowledge. Yet while many of my students will have been raised with a belief in God, I am only allowed to teach an atheistic theory that promotes the idea that we are nothing more than matter, a fantastic accident.

Forgive me for taking up so much of your time, but after listening to your lectures I felt that you are very qualified to answer some of my questions. I have spoken to several different people about these issues, and I have received several different responses. Someone suggested that I should focus only on reading Srila Prabhupada’s books, because they are the most valuable and because there are so many. Another devotee, who works as a cellular biologist, said that he believes evolution is the best explanation we have, but he is willing to let go of his attachment to scientific evidence when it comes into conflict with spiritual knowledge. He also made the point that in order to fully understand the arguments for and against evolution, he would need to become an evolutionary biologist, and even then he would not know everything.

So I guess my main question is this: Is it a worthwhile endeavor to try and learn about the scientific arguments for and against evolution? Can I use this in Krishna’s service? Also, if you feel that it is worthwhile, I would like to know which arguments against evolution do you think are the strongest?

In addition to Human Devolution I have Rethinking Darwin and Life comes from Life. What other resources do you recommend? Can I find more information on the conferences you mentioned in your lecture on scientific preaching? Are there any conferences coming up in the near future?

I greatly appreciate your taking the time to consider my questions. I look forward to hearing from you, and perhaps I will even get to meet you at the Nashville Ratha Yatra! Hare Krishna!


Your Servant,

Laura McLaughlin

HpS - ASA - Jaya!    AGTSP.   Paoho.   You have many questions. Is it relevant to your service?    I would say that it is a little bit relevant at this point. Like looking outside to see if it is raining before you leave for school in the morning. Now just try to focus on getting the standard for first initiation, 16-enthusiastic rounds, 4-principles strictly, a regular morning and evening program, experimenting with different service, sankirtan, association.

Of course, along with this you have to go on living, eating, working, and looking to see if it is raining, but only by the time you are ready for second initiation will you really know if detailed investigation into evolution is your service.

It's a big topic.

I don't know too much about Druta. and Sadaputa. books. Also there is Nature's IQ which was nice.

In general, and I think first point is that there are FUNDAMENTAL flaws in the evolutionary theory the way it is presented, and second we have a SCIENTIFIC explanation from the Bhagavata.

1. We accept natural selection, that pressure from the environment eliminates or favors different offspring. Krsna learned in Guru-kula how to do selective breeding. It has been know in Vedic culture for 5,000 years, comes with the Vedas.

But evolution is another thing. Evolution says that a random mutation fits into the envirionment, nature, better than exisiting forms. But this means, and I have seen from the very beginning of Darwin's presentation this flaw was recognized and Darwin and Huxley were try to dance around it, that if we are going to call it "better" the environment already is supplying a higher standard. Where does that come from? "Nature" already knows the highest standard and favors those random mutations that fit better into "her" goal?

For example, we know the example of green moths and grey moths related to the industrialization of the English countryside. Today gray moths survive but then when the soot is cleaned up we are back to green moths. Which is "higher" on the evolutionary scale?

Do you see the BASIC flaw?

We accept natural selection but not that things are getting better by chance.

Nature itself may be changing. Then some thing will fit in better today and not tomorrow.

Second, Bertram Russell said that the most important idea in the 20th century in the idea of chance, because no one has the slightest idea what it means.

Push a mathematicion, statistician, biologist on this point, "What is a random event, chance mutation?". If you look in a basic book on statistics it will tell you that a random event is an event the outcome of which can not be detemined, "We are absolutely sure we don't know".

In Vedic philosophy this is called "neti, neti", not this not this. It is an approach or a retreat toward knowloedge.

Evolution is based upon random mutations, but why can we say they are random? Maybe there is a cause why all the mutations occur that we just don't know yet. It is another big area, but from basic to advanced study we find it is full of faults, a random event.

Nature must already have a goal, where do "random" events come from?

Such a coffee and cigarette and Colonel Sander's chicken headed philosophy of the origin of the cosmos?

Hitler, Goebels, "If you are going to tell a lie, tell a big one, because nobody would ever expect you to say such a big one".

Third and last major flaw that we see.

If the chunk or singularity had no competition, was all there was, then why did it change? Was is improving?  Was there a random event from some other source?

Then the alternative from the Bhagavatam. This is described briefly in the Gita more in the Second Canto etc. It is Sankhya. It is not understandeable to most Western intellectuals because they are conditioned to lower modes of mental activity. Their minds are absorbed in matter. We graduated 1st place in psychology for U. of California with minor studies in biology and electrical engineering. Then invited on on full fellowship to UCLA and Northwestern. Our mentor, Donald Campbell at NW pushed us with out own intelligence to look for wider perspectives. that lead okinawan karate, improvisational theater and YOGA....  SB...  Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami and Jiva Goswami.

Sankhya requires a change in perspective. We have to go from doing science (karma) to logical understanding of science (jnana) to contemplation, meditation in science (dhyana), to loving science (bhakti) to understand the deepest aspects of the source and operation of reality.

Meditation is only roughly taught in modern universities in the drama department in theater training as far as I know. Following the grand tradition of Stanislavskii and Viloa Spolin, "My LIfe in Art" and "Improvisation for the Theater" they offer practical methods of meditation for Western modern people. We use them in our ISKCON yoga.

What is the knowledge?

That Krsna expands as the Minister of Prisons, Maha-visnu. He sends the glass, cement, steel, wood, pnut-butter and BLUE PRINTS and PRISON RULES. Garbodaksayi visnu enters each prison as its Warden. Ksirodakasayi Visnu enters as the individual Guards.

Brahms in the Trustee who creates the individual cells etc.

The criminals, lunatics move in.

It starts from subtle to gross, from steam to water to ice.

The creation stories in the beginning are taking place when there are like maybe 100 gods and goddesses in the universe. It is a subtle level. More permament and substantial than gross matter. The blue print level. In a dream a women may have erotic connection with a snake and give birth to snake babies. This is the dream world. It is more "real" than the gross world. Read Carl Jung's Auto biography.

Then the subtle bodies from the demigod level start to produce more gross bodies at the semi-demigod level like Gandharvas (fairies), Dwarfs etc. They are magical powers to disappear etc. Then from them it evolves to ice, gross level, our level. Blue print becomes house.

This is a summary.

The details and the explantion of how to scientifically experience it are there in the SB.

We will submit this essay to the Spirit of Carl G. Jung with whom we are now having a dialog.  Thank you!!!!  We hope this was useful.

First thing is to get fixed deep in you heart in getting up early and getting your rounds done!!