Bhakta Marco de Monterrey

10 years, 8 months ago by marco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada! 

Todas las Glorias a Usted Maharaj!

Mi nombre es Marco y he estado viviendo en el templo de Monterrey (México) desde Mayo del 2013. Canto 16 rondas diariamente y sigo los 4 principios. No he tenido la misericordia de conocerlo en persona pero he escuchado mucho de Usted y Sus pasatiempos me inspiran a servir al movimiento. Gadadhar Gosai y los demás devotos me han ayudado enormemente pero siento que es momento de un cambio. 

Es por eso que he tomado la decisión de servir en la finca Prabhupada Seva con Maha Sankarshan y hacer unos días de Sankirtan cuando me encuentre en la ciudad. 

Espero pueda complacerlo de esta forma y tener Su misericordia cuando esté en México.

Su humilde aspirante,

Bhakta Marco.

                     HpS - Jaya!   Muy bien, y ya que pasa!???

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!

10 years, 8 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!

TODAS las glorias al eterno Sankirtan de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

TODAS las Glorias a USTED Gurumaharaja

Primero Que Nada espero sí encuentre bien gracias a la misericordia de Sri Krishna.

Ahora ESTAMOS Mucho Mejor, un levantandonos las 5:30 am párr cantar rondas, asistiendo a los Programas y tratando de SERVIR a los Vaisnavas, SEGUIMOS 4 Principios Fijos Y Con El Servicio De Cocinar el boga Los Domingos párr ogrecer un Nitai Gauracandra. 

Gracias a la misericordia de Sri Nityananda ESTAMOS Saliendo un HACER sankirtan los miercoles Con Los Devotos de la Congregación, siguen Aun los Conflictos Pero el centro de la ciudad es Seguro, Vigilancia mucha heno. Ademas iniciamos el Programa de Alimentos para la vida Los Domingos, La Respuesta de las Personas ha Sido muy Positiva, ESTAMOS YENDO un tienguis ONU, tambien TENEMOS Una mesa de libros, sí van Pocos Pero invitamos a las Personas a Los Programas.

Gracias a misericordia do El Deseo de cantar y levantarnos Más Temprano ha Vuelto :) 

ESTAMOS muy entuciasmados Por El alimento para la vida, en las Naciones Unidas del lo ibamos a Principio CADA HACER 15 dias però lo pasamos A Semana Cada, ya Hasta los Encargados del tianguis nos apartan Lugar, estafa sos Bendiciones seguiremos Adelanta tratando de de Me congragación cresca, muy somos caidos y descualificados Pero de Tenemos el gran Deseo de SERVIR una Prabhupada Srila. 

ESTAMOS muy Felices de do pronta visita en Gaura Purnima, GRACIAS POR Ser tan misericordioso y permitirnos servi do sirviente.

Le Ruego disculpe Las ofensas 

do aspirante a sirviente

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

    HpS - ASA ---  TlgaSP. Era feliz visitar a Vds. para Gaura purnima. Ya que pasa. Su carta es escrito en idioma poco raro, no? Es Portugues???

Nitya Kisori reporting

10 years, 8 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva,

Please accept my humble obeisance

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

I am studying a module called "Encountering World Religion". The previous module was about Philosophy of Education. I have to write a paper on the contribution of Montessori schools. My marks are good, I am happy [about] that although English is not perfect, it doesn't affect so much my ability to express my ideas in my writings.
I like the College, and I really like the career, however I am not completely satisfied, the quality of the modules is not constant, and the atmosphere is often charged with different challenges (administrative, social). I am considering of continuing the same career in UK. I think it may be more consistent. I feel afraid, because that option will be much more expensive, and changes is always challenging. I think I will need to work in parallel or even take a loan. I am trying to get enough information to take a mature [decision] information.

I also feel very challenged in my spiritual life. I am more critical, in the way that I [am] questioning myself in the deepness of my believes [beliefs]. How I can make my blind faith become realized faith. But I feel confused about that.

As I told you previously, I am having problems with my rounds. Sometimes I felt that there is not real connection, thus it doesn't make a big difference to not finish my rounds.

        HpS - ASA ---- AGTSP paoho. It makes a BIG difference. Even if we don't have an intellectual connection what to speak of a meditation or emotional connection, doing our rounds in Karma yoga. By Karma yoga we come to Jnana, Dhyana and Bhakti yoga. Just do them because God wants you to do them.

Although, now I see I have more doubts, but I don't know if it is [a] result of a weakened practice or the weakened practice is result of the doubts.

   HpS - It is a cycle. So you can improve it at any point and the other part will improve.

I am sorry I was not enough and sincere to identify my level before taking my commitments. However, my spirit remains surrendered and willing to take shelter in Krsna Consciousness as my dearest way to understand life.

Krsna Consciousness makes completely sense for me, just I need to deepen my realization to be able to be a successful practitioner, and not just maintain a superficial understanding. However I remember you told me that it will help me to practice even in a mechanical way. I accept that, but it is hard to do it as a daily practice. Please forgive my lack of maturity.

Your servant, Nitya Kisori dd

HpS - ASA -- It seems that we should have answered this letter immediately, but we could not, because of our own sinful nature and because of the actual circumstances of our service. In any case here is our answer. How are you now?

Are you chanting 16-rounds a day, even if they are not with attention?

Bhakta Marcos from Madrid

10 years, 8 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Hanumat Presaka Swami, PAMHO, AGTSP!!

I hope that you are fine!! Maybe when you see the name of the person who writes this letter cant remember about me, its logic cause I only wrote two letters to you and we didn’t meet in person (presentation about me and another letter )

Now in Madrid the situation is new and personally I have good vibes with the new projects that ISCKON Madrid want to develop. You know that the situations that we lived in Madrid were very strong for all but I think that we should to continue working together.

The reason of this letter is because from some months ago I would like to understand better about the instructions of A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. For me A. C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is the person who gave meaning to my life and I consider him like my principal siksa guru. Thanks to him we have fantastic books with the greatest philosophy that I couldn’t image before reading books like Bhagavad Gita.

The reality is that I need the help of somebody more advanced than me if I want to serve better to S.P. This is the reason why I write you. I would like to take instructions and diksa from you.

The authorities of the temple recommend me that I should  begin to think in searching for a spiritual master and in the future to take diksa. I think that all of the Gurus that you can find in ISCKON have a true desire to serve to S.P, and all of them are great option but in a personal level I feel special inspiration from you. I read your blog and your tweets and for me your writes helps and give me more desires to work for S.P.

My personal situation:

- In December of 2012 I started to chant some rounds, in January I went to Madrid with Jaramara Prabhu and I visited for the first time in my life a temple, and in march-april I began to follow the 4 principal regulations and chant 16 round everyday (when I finished to read bhagavad ghita my third year university I became vegetarian).

-I live in Madrid temple from October of 2013.

-Works in the temple (in the past and now): clean the temple, the pots, bathrooms, ashram, serve prasadam, go to shopping, play instruments (mridanga in spiritual program), help in economical administration (informatic administration), boutique, prepare the restaurant, serve to the devotes and senior devotes that come and pass a period of time in Madrid)

-I pass the curse of Introduction of Bhakti Yoga successfully and now im doing Bhakti Sastri.

Thank for your continuous inspiration!! Hare Krishna!!

I would like to be your formal aspirant disciple is it possible?

Your servant Bhakta  Marcos.

HpS - AGTSP very nice! Have you read ,

It has details of initiation.

Reporte Sadhana

10 years, 8 months ago by bhakta gonzalo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias sean a Srila Prabhupada !

Y todas las Glorias sean a Ud Guru Maharaj !!

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias a sus pies.

Querido Gurumaharaj le cuento que aun estoy viviendo en el templo de Santiago (chile) levantandonos temprano cada dia. hacistiendo a los programas del templo y cantando mucha japa .  Continuo con la distribucion de los libros de Srla Prabhupada cada dia.  tambien estoy tomando la asociacion de Adi yajña prabhu . ya q estamos conviviendo hace mas de dos meses .

Junto con mi esposa hemos estado participando en programas fuera de santiago ( Pichilemu) y pudimos participar intensamente de un yajña para el dia de aparicion del señor Nityananda.  donde hubo mucha gente nueva. luego para la aparcion del señor Caitanya , participe en una obra de teatro. haciendo de "Jagai"   

Por otro lado con mi esposa tenemos la idea de hacer sankyrtan viajero antes de hacentarnos en un lugar. y la pregunta es.. ¿ Que tan importante es el lugar en donde nacimos ?  . ¿ Debemos cuidar solo ese Yatra ?

HpS - AGTSP pfanrh. Es natural relacionar con el lugar donde esta naciendo. Pero mas importante es predicar donde su inteligencia esta indicando.

Le estoy muy agradecido por todo lo que hace por nosotros. espero su salud se encuentre biem . Oro para poder pronto tomar su asociacion nuevamente.

Su eterno sirviente Garga-acarya Das

             HpS - Jaya!!!!  Super!!


10 years, 8 months ago by Bn Gabriela in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada

Please Maharaja accept my humble obeisances

Hare Krsna!

This is my first letter,  so I´ll try to make a short introduction. My name´s Gabriela, from Buenos Aires. In your last visit to Argentina, Ambarisa Maharaja  and Vrisabhanu Nandini introduced me to you.

I´m 29 years old. I´m married to Markandeya Rsi  Das, Bhakti Marga Swami disciple. We met  KC about 9 years ago, and we are trying to practice since then. I´m studying for a degree in nutrition in college.

 Since your last visit I´ve commited to chant 16 rounds daily, wich always have been my most difficult problem.  At the moment  16 round are ok, but trying to chant  more attentively ,also following the regulative principles strictly. Serving  Gaura Nitai at home since 2010. Last year participating in the Dasanudasa Festival and Food for Life programs. Having so nice asociation from your disciples.

We got back from the Holy Dham yesterday, so we are trying to settle in again and looking forward to engage ourselves in service.

Please Maharaja accept my apologizes for my offenses and for my poor english.

Aspiring to serve you, Srila Prabhupada and all vaisnavas

Ys  Bn Gabriela

HpS - ASA - Jaya! Sorry for the delay in answering this letter. We have been traveling and then opening our office in Nashville, Tennessee. Still not completely settled. Is very nice to hear from you.

Krsna says in the BG, Chapter 10(?), Yajnam japa yajno 'smi.  Amongst sacrifices he is Japa. So it is not an easy austerity, especially if we use it to control the mind. It is so easy to think about things other than, Hara, Krsna and Rama while we are chanting. Chant with the tongue, mind and intelligence. Chant with a meaning, that's intelligence.

Send us news from your Yatra!