Nitai Caitanya bolo re sobai !

10 years, 6 months ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A


Dear Maharaja

please accept my humble obeisances

Things here are going pretty nice.  I stay in the ashrama from Tuesday to Friday. Go out on harinama-sakirtan  book distribution every day with the bramacharis.  Also holding a program for junior devotees at home twice a week (with Brhadmirdanga das bramachari). I also keep editing the english translation to a book on leadership (orginal is in russian!).  We spent a nice week in Toronto in a seminar with Vaisesika prabhu and the bramacharis.  16 rounds daily, new readings: Nectarean Ocean of the Holy Name, the Art of Chanting, and got a copy of Waves of Devotion.  We are just missing your tpp cbs !!       my address is    ....    Health is ok, body still working good enough to serve Prabhupada's sankirtan and follow saddana.   We are also starting to reed and experience the Brahma samhita.  It seems there is no end to the quality and quantity of written material by the BBT and Prabhupada's disciples. We also got a copy of Vedic Astronomy and Cosmography bu Richard L. Thompson  (Satyaraj das - Sadaputa Das)   After the editing service we hope to write a proposal for a university program from selected  materials on your essays.   (Philosophy of nature, Jung in India, etc)  We also wrote small poems in the spirit of your earlier poems.  Will share them here soon.   

 Ohe Vaisnava Thakur !  receive my humble obeisances and gratitude


HpS - ASA - AgtSP. We talked with you thiso morning for about 20-minutes. Was very nice. We just go ahead. We are on the right path. Enthusiasm is more important than patience!

Historial personal

10 years, 6 months ago by venudha das in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Querido GuruMaharaja mis masYu humildes reverencias


Respondiendo a su pedido paso a describir mi historial:

naci 14 de febrero de 1955 en Melgar de   Yuso provincia de Palencia España. 

Curse estudios basico en Valladolid obteniendo titulo de oficial soldador. 

Me canse a los 24 hasta los 27 1982 cuendo ingrese en la Conciencia de Krishna en Diciembre del 1982 (divorciado)

en 1983 recibi la primera iniciacion Hari Nama de Bhagavan prabhu y el 1985 la segunda

desempeñando servicios en la vaqueria, jardineria, cocina y con la segunda iniciacion pujari y cocinero en el 1994 me reinicie con Jagadhisa prabhu y despues  de unos años de su marcha tome refugio en sus pies de loto. . 

              HpS - ASA -- Pies de loco? TlgaSP!

...el dia 09 de diciembre 2006 (Carta de Aprobación Kadamba-kan. Swami) ud me acepto como su discipulo hasta la actualidad que sigo desempeñando el mismo servcio de pujari y cocinero

esperando que me conceda sus bendiciones a este su insignificante sirviente

venudhara das

    HpS - ASA -- Ummmmm! Muy bien! Su historia. Muy muy bien. y.  Ya su plan y expectativas. Eg. Cuantos anos mas piensa tiene en su cuerpo actual? Va a quedar siempre en NVM? Que servicio?
En la analysis adau sraddha, sadhu sanga, anartha nivrtii... mas on menos donde esta?

chanting and intiation

10 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Maharaj,Pamho, Agtsp,

its glorious to have been associated with you in anyway for sinful, insincere beast like me.
we have improved a lot our last 1 month in terms of our external behaviour and agitation of mind.

but we have concern with our chanting. our external circumstances are not very encouraging or reminding us of good chanting. we dont hope they would change quickly until we learn some lesson which Mr. Krsna SPOG wants us to learn.

however bigger trouble is our mind....our pronuniciation is not very clear, when the pronunciation is clear our beads rotate faster (less than 5 min for a round), and top of that, all sinful/ beastful ideas come up in our mind....if nothing else our body esp lower neck will have pain after two three rounds..which is indication of reduction of stress...........thought there have been occasional 1-2 min nice chanting, slow, rhytmic, and with proper meaning...getting up from Mangal arti helps but itstwice or thrice in a week........mostly our idea is just to get rounds done....there is no question of relishing it.............there is no doubt it is mostly parrot chanting...


we also figured out that we are doing offences mainly 1 {cursing past counsellors], 3 { not obeying super soul and gurus},  7, 9, and 10 ( mind does not want to give up sex desire even illicit, but agrees to remain in marriage)..

.we were waiting for a grhastha counsellor to tell this and see if he can tell us some thing.. but we did not find one whom we can trust.we even have doubts that we can fulfill the rule of illicit sex as described by you (sex only for procreation),, ..,,many times we have heard different standards of Illicit/illicit sex ( we understand you definition... we definitely are very much willing to follow them and the make sense.....

we have indulged in undesired movie/literature for around 10 years..even though we have stopped it now. we are getting flashes of it our mind...we are fighting hard...but we dont know if we can ensure accident less application of this rule, even if we are intiated....

once we asked you, the candidate should be willing or should be able to follow rules? as far as we remember you its willing...please correct us if we are  wrong... we are willing but dont know about our ability....

with such a circumstances (both internal /external) do you think we should apply for intiation? and what should we do to improve our chances for applying for intiation..

beast horse

HpS - ASA --- There is NO fixed schedule for everybody. Everybody is a different person. Even without formal vaisnava initiation if you are trying your best to advance by chanting then Krsna will help you forever.

Just try to make progress each two weeks. Yes, you have to be follow the principles, good rounds, morning program for one year before first initiation, but don't worry about that. Just see where you are and make progress over from Kapi Dhvaja to KDh.

You are also a very, very, very rare person. As a husband, father, son, student, we all feel happy to have your association.

Illict sex is usually a community problem not a private problem. Yes, get an Ashrama guru. It is not proper for Sannyasi to talk too much about these details.


10 years, 7 months ago by harsh_horse in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

hare Krsna Maharaj, Please accept my obeisances (not humble though), all glories to Srila Prabhupada, ASA Civil Dead Man Club.

glorious saint , you are the rare people on earth who is treading the path chalked by Acaryas seriously and is always looking to improve self.

            HpS - ASA - AGTSP paoho. We, Tom Brown, agree, but we are humble.

Your sincerity is undoubtable, it is corroborated when we noticed that you are preaching to walls at 5am. People of your intellect are very rare...

          ASA - Oink!

Hope we can just glorify you and then capacity to glorify the Parampars by purification.... All glories to Hanumantpresak Swami and his tradition/parampara.....

this letter is primarily on very broad topic of Guru-Tattva. We have some how decided to enroll ourself in of theological tradition..

though our mind once said us to direct ---i know there is god.. i have no problem with him.. i just want to enjoy sex life to the fullest..then if i can  serve god no problem.. he is my maintainer..... but i really want to enjoy...
at worst case....
let god be there where he is  and let me do my business ... this was shocking to us..


but we can not accept this plea/dictum of our mind[it will take us to hell definitely]. but we realize that we can not tame him without help of a guru. But we are really confused at position of guru and relation with disciple.
--- Who takes the sin of disciples ? If guru takes sin which all sins he takes--- before intiation or even after intiation.

     ASA - Anybody we give advice to, we take reaction for their Karma, no? As we follow Lord Caitanya's instructions, Srnvatam sva katha krsna (SB 1.2) then He burns up our reactions and then at the time of initiation the Diksa guru finishes off the last bit.

--- Is it possible that if guru takes the sins, he may not suffer ?

    HpS - He has to suffer, burn them up, but he doesn't do it until most of them are burnt up by the year of Japa etc by the candidate.

--- Is ritvik concept ok ? like in protestant christians Jesus is the ultimate guru (he takes the sin) , pastor (does not take your sin).....

        ASA - Problem with "ritivik concept" is that it is never stated in any kind of detail by Srila Prabhupada. It is just a word for "priest" that he uses. In general, no, there must be a priest. We must act as we hear from te lips of our spiritual master, but he can say with his lips, "Srila Prabhupada is in his books".

--- what is the difference between ISK ritivk and ISK non0ritvik disciple ? How they both have to relate to Srila Prabhupada ?

             ASA - As explained there is no standard meaning to Ritvik. Different guys use it generally, but in general it means that the "diksa guru" is just a priest, but in ISKCON the "diksa guru" is taking real responsibility on by authority of Prabhupada depending on his level of development.
--- what is the relation of ISK non ritvik disciple with intiating gurus ?

       ASA - It is individual. Depends on the personal nature, development, of the Iskcon Guru. Look at NOI 5 last paragraph. We present these things in, no? They are all accepting Srila Prabhupada as the Samsthapaka acharya. He make the foundation for ISKCON we can only, must, build on that. 

we are asking this because of our mind. In FIRO-B test wefound we  were high on command and control (8 OUT OF 9).. We like to receive commands and we like to give commands...
but in the past we had some mistake, we took our counsellors as representative of god.. and followed some advices ...which lead us in troubles later..

at present we are cautious of  accpeting people as gurus--esp (guru mukha padam vakya-cittate na kariye ekya).. because of our high command and control nature..if we accept somebody as our guru, mostly we will be ready to die and kill for fulfilling his wish....
hence we need to clarify Guru-Tattva principles. we hope these question will also help all bloggers may be whole universe

trying to be sincere--bhakta harsh

           ASA - The guru-tattva.txt thing is complete. Krsna is guru. If you pray to Him, Japa. He WILL guide you.

gadadhara gosai das

10 years, 7 months ago by gadadharagosaidas in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krishna gurumaharaja!!!! por favor acepte mis reverencias todas las glorias a srila prabhupada!!!!

el dia 28 de mayo a las 1:47 pm nacio nuestra niña, estamos muuy felices, su nombre es Vaisnavi, 

     HpS - ASA - TLGASP. We are also, very, very, very, very happy. She must be a great devotee to take birth in your family! Maybe she is Sita devi and will look for Rama? -[;D]---

le pedimos sus bendiciones para ella y para que nosotros podamos ser buenos padres.

sus sirvientes gadadhara gosai das & pushpa priya devi dasi.

hare krishna.

HpS - ASA - She looks very nice, but more like Lalita.

Desde Uruapan Yatra

10 years, 7 months ago by Linda Janeth in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna!!!

Todas Las Glorias a Sri Sri GauraNitay...

Todas Las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada...

Todas Las Glorias a Usted Guru Maharaja...

Por favor acepte mis humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Aquí reportandonos, seguimos en la lucha, Krishna es demaciado misericordioso con nosotros pero no lo merecemos, Nuestras 16 rondas siguen fijas, esforzandonos por concentrarnos más al cantar.

En los ultimos días mi hijo Santiago insiste en que él quiere ser un devoto puro y que de grande quiere ser Guru      ¿Gurudeva como puedo hacer para darle una buena educación en conciencia de Krishna, que es lo que puedo hacer para guiarlo?

    HpS - ASA - 1. Yad yad acarati sresthas.... Tiene que ser un buen ejemplo. No puede decir algo hacer otro. Es fuerte, pero mejor educacion que puede hacer es ser un buen ejemplo.

2. Puede leer la historia de Dhruva Maharaja en Canto Tres con el.

Ahora estamos tomando terapia psicológica con prabhu Murli Manohar, es muy buen terapeuta, nos esta ayudando mucho y nos estamos sintiendo bien, estamos tratando de arreglar algunos aspectos personales como la autoestima y seguridad.

Por el momento es todo, le ruego nos de sus bendiciones para seguir en este mundo material y algun día llegar a ser una digna sirviente suya.

Su aspirante a sirviente

Bhaktin Linda Janeth

                     HpS - ASA -- Muy bien. Esperamos mas reportajes de los resultados de sus esfurezas. Como esta el Presidente de su Templo??