Pefecting Grhastha Ashram

8 years, 9 months ago by berniebg in Personal Sadhana Reports

yuktasya bhaktams ca niyuñjato’pi
vande guroh sri-caranaravindam

Por favor acepte mis mas humildes y respetuosas reverencias todas las AGTSP! AGTHPS!


 HpS -Look for Satyaraja Kahn in NOI. Follow the link and read the instructions in CC. Tell us what you think.

Madhya 15: El Señor toma prasādam en casa de Sārvabhauma Bhaṭṭācārya

(versos 105 al 111)

Maharaja from my point of view this six verses sumarize, as a practical guide,  the process of devotional service in the beginning stages, where Prabhupada emphasizes specifically the importance  of Arcana, the principle of diksa and the chant of the Holly Names.

It is interesting how Prabhupada describes the Kanistha adhikari devotee, now we understand better this high Vaisnava concept.

We often think that we belong to this category or even to other more elevated ones, but the sad truth is that we do not even behave like real Kanisthas.

It is explained that Kanistha is the devotee who is dedicated to diety worshiping, this we understand to be the main activity in which a brahamana is engaged.

So Srila Prabhupada in this verses is giving us the recipe to progress in espiritual life, specifically for those ,like myself, who were not born in a Vaisnava family, but thanks to your mercy Maharaja, we can aspire to become one at one point.

Thus we understand the importance of following the process very strictly, just like when we want to get cure from disease we take the prescriben drug by a doctor, in the same way if we want to advance in espiritual life we should not be peevish regarding our practices.

To be fair, I had not paid much attention to the arcana process, and was not able to understand its relevance, but now we know thanks to you Gurudeva, that it is essential for us, because we know that while we are absorbed in the shape and the service of the Lord we will gain a greater control of the mind and the senses.

We are being witnesses of how diety worshiping it´s a powerful and efective medium  which is making strong impressions in our mind, and that which I thought imposible to overcome not long ago, its becoming more easily  to achieve, and thus our faith and taste hearing and chanting.

This is helping us to understand better the relation-ship between Guru-disciple and the fact that vani is more important than van (as stated in the sastras), the espiritual life of the disciple it is dependen only on faithfully following the instructions of his espiritual master, and we believe without this espiritual life becomes a show and a phantasmagoria. “Disloyalty to the espiritual master pays off with ignorance”.

We feel that we are going trough a transitional stage, of changes, after having being stucked for some years, but we are clear that we will not let go the train of your mercy, we only aspire to assist you in devotional service.

This is my point of view Gurudeva, for sure there are many others, but this is all I could see, for now, thank you.

your aspiring servant

 Bhadra Vardhana

HpS - Hare Hare Krsna! Very nice to be here with you all Barcelona! We just went for a walk with Nimai. So many nice things for sale. Thousands of tourists, but if we shop for our Deities all the passion and lust disappear. We want to glorify Radha Krsna's conjugal pastimes.

I am in problem

8 years, 10 months ago by Vijay in Personal Sadhana Reports
Maharaj Dandavat pranam .My family is not a devotee and forced me not to follow prabhupad instructions so I left home and go to temple but my family is rich so they found me and now I am in trouble ..what to do maharaj in this situation...Hare krishna ..plzz plzz plzz pray HPS - Hare Krsna! I don't know what you should do on any detail because I don't know the details! In general, talk with a lot of people who know the situation, chant Hare Krsna and take advice from Srila Prabhupada's books. Okay?

Firsth Initiation

8 years, 10 months ago by Kristina Donoso in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Maharaj, reciba mis mas humildes reverencias,

todas las glorias a Su Divina Gracia Srila Prabhupada Ki yai!

Como Usted ya sabe: soy arquitecta estoy viviendo en Mayapur con mi hijo de 9 años

desde hace 10 meses, haciendo servicio en MDS (Mayapur Desing),

hasta ahora con Prabu Vaikunta Nitai quien acaba de renunciar y lo remplaza Prabu Hari Lila.

Tambien le comente hace un año que queria iniciarme con Guru Maharaj Jayapataka Swami, quien 

me pidio que viniera a trabajar con Vaikunta Nitai, hace mas de tres años en Cochabamba.

Como yo pedi refugio con Usted hace 4 años me piden en la oficina JPS office que Usted por favor envie

una carta a Prabu Mani Gopal Das dando su autorizacion a la direccion de coreo

por favor la carta debe ser con copia para mi, mi correo electronico es [email protected]

Reciba mis humildes reverencias

Sri Krsna y Radha lo bendigan siempre y que siga distribuyendo su Gracia

Su humilde sirvienta

Kristina Donoso

HpS - We just sent the letter!    Good luck!

Muy recordado Gurudeva!

8 years, 10 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Por favor acepte nuestras respetuosas reverencias a sus pies de loto danzantes!! Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Todas las glorias a sri Nitay Gauranga! Todas las glorias a Sri Sri Radhe Syam!!! Espero se encuentre muy feliz en este hermoso movimiento de sankirtan y en su predica!

ASA - Enfermo como 8-peros!

Espero haya pasado hermosas fiestas de sri nityananda trayodasi and gaura pournima!! Deseo que su predica en España sea un exito! Perdoneme que ahora no le escriba en ingles.. se me paso el tiempo y no me queda para traducirlo en google.

Muchas gracias por su anterior respuesta. Ahora entiendo mejor. Soy tan olvidadiza. Gracias por hacerme recordar que maya es muy experta en su servicio. Solo me queda seguir mi sadhana sagradamente y mis servicios y confiar en la misericordia y proteccion de krsna!! Que mas puedo hacer. ...?

Siento que cada dia voy aprendiendo algunas cosas que me hacen entender mas otras cosas. Mi sadhana sigue estable con algunos altibajos pero siempre cumpliendo con las rondas que fije..mangala completo, lecturas, etc. Muchas gracias por toda su inspiracion!

Hace poco vino un amigo de franco de uruguay a quedarse en casa. Estuvo unas semanas y estuvimos leyendo los libros de prabhupada ..el tomo mucho prasadam y estaba muy entusiasmado en conocer concuencia de krsna. Asi que se fue a vivir al templo de chile con los devotos.

ASA - Jaya!!

Yo envie alguna recomendacion para El. Pero.. solo estuvo como dos semanas y luego volvio a uruguay . Compro libros oata leerlos en su casa. Por lo menos .. nos entristecio mucho k se volviera tan rapido a uruguay.. nos conto k estaba viviendo tanto tiempo en el campo que la ciudad le choco un poco.. nosotris nos esforzamos y krsna da los mejores resultados para todos. Muchas gracias por su tiempo gurudeva. Intentando complacer su hermoso coraxon: radha japa prati jalpa dd.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!!!    If you does not become a devotee now, he will become a devotee later.

CCD Doubts

8 years, 10 months ago by Caitanya candrodaya das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Dear Gurudeva! 



Dear Gurudeva in this moments i write to u cuz i really need u and  i know that i didnt report myself  for a long time, sometines i dont want to write to u cuz i feel that u have so many things to do maybe i´m wrong to think in this way, i feel so confused . i´m sorry pls forgive me .

I have passed for many trouble situations after been in Mayapur , i got really sick , i felt depressed for not been in mayapur, my health situation is not good now, and so on ! i´m not feeling good and  sometimes i would like to disappear from this world!

Maybe i have all this problem  cuz i´m not chanting 16 rounds and i dont have a good sadhana but i dont feel inspired anymore for anybody, i feel like dead , even i dont want to go to the temple cuz there r  many fights  and problems what does everybody to go away. 

I like and love to do kirtan for Radha Madhana Bihari in the temple and  i try to keep myself in this service but sometines no one is there, i ask myself that is happening to the devotees ? what the authorities are doing ? Are they a devotees or a demons ? what is going on ? why the authorities r not taking care of the devotees ? what to do ?

Dear Gurudeva i don´t want to bother u with all this problem but  i don´t  know to whom to talk. pls help me. 

Vanca kalpa ! 

Ys Caitanya Candrodaya Das.

ASA - There are problems in the Temples. Some of the authorities are acting like demons. The nation is corrupt... This is the material world. There is one good thing - just by chanting Hare Krsna one can escape all this and go to Goloka. Krsna wants to help you but you have your mouth tight closed. The only way to open it is to chant 16-sincere rounds If you can breath you can chant. Take a vow to chant 4-rounds a day for five days and write us with the Blog news.

India Recap!

8 years, 10 months ago by sarita108 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudev,

 Please accept my humble obeisances, all Glories to Srila Prabhupad!

I saw a few clips of you dancing ecstatically in the Kirtan Mela in Mayapur—it felt so great to see you so active. I hope your health has caught up with your enthusiasm (in other words, hope you are feeling great).

I just came back from India and tried to absorb as much energy as possible from Vrindavan. Went to mangal aarti every morning, finished rounds, and then headed to the rest of the temples daily.

 I went on parkrima marg [on foot and stopped at all the temples along the way (Gopeshwara, Kaliya ghat, Keshi ghat, Imli tree mandir, Radha Raman, Vamsivat etc. )

I had the purifying experience of   getting my maha-prasad stolen from monkeys a few times.

I had a wee  bit of an accident with a rickshaw- it ran into me and left a few scratches on my face, but since it happened in Vrindaban, it was a relishable experience as well.

Also drove to Govardhan and offered sincere respects to the divine kunds. Radha kund was especially sweet. I think Nidhivan was one of the best experiences. I went to the temple there (with the bed) and the pandit gave me a good smack with peacock feathers six or seven times and "bestowed" the "dancing power in kirtans" ....that's verbatim what the priest said...what a blessing for all it's worth! 

It was an ineffable experience. I pray to Sri Sri Radha Shyam for the energy and enthusiasm to please Srila Prabhupad and yourself. I also pray for your good health, and momentum to carry out Lord Chaitanya's mission as you so desire. I hope I can keep this feeling up here in the US. The separation mood from the dham is already trickling in.

Well Gurudev, I wish I could have seen you in Vrindaban but perhaps another time when Krishna deems appropriate. I hope you have a wonderful and enchanting time in Vrindaban and India. 

Please keep me engaged in your service, please keep me sheltered at your lotus feet, and thank you for your causeless mercy.

Your aspiring servant,


*pics below!*

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Hp Swami - Hare Krsna! You don't have to go back to godhead. You are already there! Give mercy! !