Hare Krishna, theater and things

8 years, 6 months ago by Nanuk in Personal Sadhana Reports, Other

Finally I got the email adress!

Please accept my humble obeisances, may all Glories lay upon HDG A.C.B.S. Srila Prabhupada!

I've been struggling and it is good, it is Slavic. This email list gave just new hope. My problem is that I have a puppetry project now completely on my shoulders. First there was 3, 2 and me in project, but the mother of the idea for the theater(had seen one in Scotland) is now somewhere, and another,, I started doubting is she qualified to things she wanted to do, on my frame(it's good that I controlled my anger, because I had very clear feeling what should be the quality). So now I am alone in the project. I would like to do it forward, but sometimes I feel I lack confidence, maybe I haven't let it all go then, still. Before I studied free-energy technology, and still I have for example now in post office the second version of ELFE http://trade.adgex.com.au/elfe . I know that the history is very much written by statoil, through the Rockefeller foundation. About vimanas and all, but I would like to do the theater, I thought Gajendra's story maybe from SB. One of your disciples made already a question on my behalf about the storylines for puppetries.

I'm reading SB 10. And I would have liked to ask you, is it right, when I always say that the vedic culture, if it would be on another planet the skymap would be centered to that planet, ofcourse I can understand that the seas are mostly for human astrology, ring like seas upon on which the planets do those flower like shapes when they go closer and further, but keep their position on the sky.

The theater http://www.hcteatteri-.weebly.com/

Hare Krishna!

P.S. My name is Nanuk Henrichs and I am born in Turku 1981, and now living in Turku, Finland. I have lived with “bhaktas” for a one year. Another with diksha, soon as I get to my own place, tomorrow I have keys. I will do much more harinama, because it will be close to city. I have played harmonium and singed on street alone quite much. I appreciate only few people for a long time, and I had problem with drinking and my father still very much have. But I haven't drank since I started chanting 16 almost 4 years ago soon,  or 5 years, but my childhood is gloomy, there was even criminal cases against my father about pedophily and things. So very intelligent people,  should have stayed with lsd, not to alcohol, it's demoniac. Still faith is the only thing that matters

HpS - Hare Krsna, Nanuk Henricks.   I don't know which mailing list you are to refering. At 70-years old our Donkey has small short-term memory, but your interest in cosmology seems very nice.
Yes, alcohol can rot the soul.
Renunciation and sitting peacfully and chanting Lord Caitanya's Names can access the same fineness and irrationality. Everything is preliminary to the Rasa-dance of Krsna and the Gopis.

Noticias de una mente surrealista

8 years, 6 months ago by rodrigo hernandez piceros in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Querido Gurudeva

Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias

Hare Krishna Gurudeva, espero que se encuentre muy bien. No escribimos antes porque entendemos que usted ha estado muy ocupado con el Simposium "Psicologia y lo Sagrado" en Perú.

Madre Candramukhi dd enviando muy buenos reportes por facebook y  WhatsApp. También teniendo mucha asociación de Prabhu Abhirama, un muy muy buen amigo nuestro.

Yo también he estado ocupado con muchas actividades (reporte y detalles en otra carta), entonces ahora hay más tiempo libre y finalmente quiero escribir a Prabhu  Nitai Goura Sundara das, tal como usted me dijo, pero me gustaría escribir con copia a Usted.

¿A qué email de usted puedo copiar mi carta para el devoto?

HpS - Con traduccion en Ingles puede escribir a el directo: [email protected].  El conoce suficiente bien que solamente necesita introduzcar Vd. un poco y entonces pedir su consejo.

Usted me dio la instrucción de escribir al devoto por mi bipolaridad y mi medicina, lamento no hacerlo antes. Le pido disculpas. A veces hago muchas cosas, luego otras, después vuelvo a trabajar  en lo anterior, luego otras nuevas cosas y después vuelvo a las primeras, es decir, hago mis actividades de manera cíclica y a veces quedo sin energía.

Me gustaría preguntar:

¿Cuándo usted espera visitar Chile? Sintiendo mucha separación de usted, mucha.

HpS - ASA --- Pienso pasamos pro Sud America mez de Enero. Posible pasamos por Houston-Mexico-Lima-Santiago-BsAs(+)-Brazil-Houston.  Vamos a Goloka. Aqui es su Amigo Krsna, el mas travieso muchacho en el mundo.

Estamos escribiendo esta carta, mientra escuchamos este Guru Puja:


Le envío mis profundas  reverencias SURREALISTAS a sus pies de loto,

Su inútil sirviente,

Bhakta Rodrigo Hernández Piceros de Santiago de Chile

ASA - Hare Krsna, Bh. Rodrigo. Aparece haces mucho profundidez de su vido. Espero mas. Espero llega a nivel de NOI 6.

pankajangri das (buenos aires) Argentina.

8 years, 6 months ago by pankaja anghri das in Personal Sadhana Reports

"En India, todos adoran a su maestro espiritual en este día que es celebrado con gran honor y reverencia, esta fiesta se denomina Sri Vyasa-puja o Sri Guru-puja. Sin embargo, es esencial que comprendamos el verdadero significado de Sri Vyasa-puja.

Por tan solo ofrecer una guirnalda en el cuello de Sri Guru u ofrecer a sus pies un puñado de flores y frutas, algún dinero, dulces o vestimentas, no significa que se haya realizado una verdadera adoración al guru. El verdadero verdadero Vyasa-puja significa rendirse completamente a los pies de loto de Srila Gurudeva y satisfacer sus deseos.

- om visnu-pada paramahansa parivrajakacarya astottara-sata sri srimad Hanumat prasaka swami maharaj-ki jay.

¡oh,gurudeva! tu impartes conocimiento trascendental y eres el amigo de los caidos,distribuyes la bienaventuranza espiritual que existe en tu propio corazon y eres un oceano de misericordia.eres un residente de vrindavana y la encarnacion de todo lo auspicioso,y predicas acerca del amor de sri radha por sri krishna.te lo ruego,ten misericordia de mi.

¡Liberame,por favor,oh venerable sri guru! tu eres el refugio de las entidades vivientes de este mundo.estoy siendo abrasado por el fuego de la existencia material y devorado por el tiempo;por este motivo he venido a refugiarme en ti.

yo adoro siempre a sri guru en su forma de elevada sakhi en la compañia de sri Radha y las otras sakhis.

 ¡ feliz guru purnima !

su bien queriente srimad Pankajanghri das.

We are animals whom Srila Prabhupada is using in his service at great personal sacrifice. We try to be sincere but really we exploit his mercy. Try, try, try to be a part of Guru Parampara.
How are you Swami Pankanghri?



Please accept my humble obeinsances.

For a long time we have not had a nice conversation but I remembered you every day and at the same time we did many things. Now I am a Doctor in Education, last wednesday I had the presentation thesis. I gpt a nice grade. The judges were satisfied about my performance. Many congratulations for me. I juramente my new position. That the reason I cannot went to Chosica when you were there. I am really sorry Gurudeva.

HpS - ASA --- Congratulations!   Very nice.   Maybe next time we can meet there. Lalita-gopi Devi Dasi from Monterrey Tech in Mexico came for the Symposium and you would have been very pleased to have met her. M-tech is as big as University of Mexico.

Last sunday I was in Chosica I talked with Isvary mataji, NIMSAR member.

OK. since October you wont be the Bhakti Satri Examiner, and I wont be the Bhakti Sasatri administrator.

Thanks a lot your mercy Gurudeva with this simple old woman. I love you, I love Srila Prabhupada and I love Krsna.

You are always my Gurudeva. Thanks a lot again and again. HARE KRSNA RAMA!!!!!!

Your disciple, Rohini dd

HpS - How is Draupadi, Ananga, our Grand-daughter?  We are working very actively in Peru with BNP et al. Next project would be "Art and the Sacred" in 2018 with international delegates. What was the subject of your Doctoral Thesis?
As for the BhSastri program in Peru, I have started to exchange letters with Jayapataka Swami and hopefully we can all push the program forward more. Please give us your thoughts. Of course, we are all convicts in the material world, but when we join Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON in personal relationship with him we can practically cooperate.

Mandirs report. Thoubal, Manipur, India

8 years, 6 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji Maharaja and Gouranga Mahaprabhu

Radha Krsna Ki Jay and Goura Bhakta Vrnda Ki  Jay

Dandavat Pranam,

HpS - Manipuri Bhakta Vrnda, Ki Jai!

Please accept my humble obeisanses unto Sri Guruji Maharaja's padma charan that for the last 4 Saturdays we are continuing Nama Sankirtana and Prabachan by Prabhu Banamali along with Imphal ISKCON bhaktas. After the programme, distribution of prasadam and taking together.

HpS - How many people attend the program?   Does he preach from a certain book?

I am doing my rutine chanting 16 and above rounds, reading books etc. are continuing, but with the blessings of Guruji, the do's and dont's are more important, so please advice me new steps for advancement of spiritual life.

I am eagerly waiting Guruji Maharaja's ashirtabani and aasirbad.

Yours fallen servant

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - What time you are getting up in the morning?   When are you going to retire from the university?   We are almost ready to buy our ticket for India, February 2017.


8 years, 6 months ago by priyasakhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.

Acepte por favor mis reverencias.


Muchas gracias por Su respuesta.

Espero que Su salud esté bien.

El curso de Facilitación, se llama más específicamente, Curso de Facilitación de Grupos, y sirve para ayudar a desarrollar el aprendizaje de cualquier materia, de una manera más didáctica, en la realización de Talleres, cursos, seminarios, etc. Es un curso que imparte la Escuela Vaisnava de Prabhu Param Padam.

En relación a mi hija Indira Radha, es sorprendente ver la energía que tiene, y bueno, creo que los niños que nacen dentro de éste movimiento son muy especiales. Espero hacer un buen servicio para ellos.

Sukadeva parece un Ksatriya, e Indira también <img alt="laugh" height="23" src="http://hps-d6.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/teeth_smile.png" title="laugh" width="23" />, así que nos esperan muchas luchas, 

En agosto viajaremos a México,  después de Balaram Purnima, y pasaremos los demás festivales del mes de septiembre allá..

Espero haber respondido bien a Sus preguntas Gurudev.

Mis reverencias,

Su aspirante a sirviente.

Priya Sakhi

HpS - Gracias. Festival of boats in Monterrey, no? For the benefit of your family also do better rounds! More news!