Nitya Kisori Report

8 years, 5 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Estimado Gurudeva,
Por favor acepte mis humildes reverencias
Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

El mes de Julio terminó, tuvimos la suerte de tener su asociación y de poder cooperar en el servicio del simposio. Es reconfortante sentirse útil en un servicio a Krsna, contagiados por el entusiasmo de Prabhu Abhirama y trabajando en equipo con otros devotos.

En el plano familiar, mis papás se están separando.

HpS - Pues es natural - Vanaprastha y Sannyasa, solamente hacer de una manner espiritual

Es algo que se venía venir hace muchos años. Ellos son buenas personas, y por eso se mantienen como buenos amigos. Como fue por iniciativa de mi papá, fue difícil para mi mamá al comienzo, pero ahora está cada vez mejor.

En el plano personal, sigo leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam, voy a terminar el canto 2 pronto.

HpS - Jaya!   Companera de estudios??

Leo cada día, pero avanzo lento porque es mucha información. Es muy impresionante lo elevada que es la asociación de Srila Prabhupada y lo afortunados que somos de poder leer sus libros. Cuando termino de leer, y vuelvo al mundo real [comun], veo que realmente en este mundo material estamos muy locos y confundidos, y hemos perdido el rumbo. Y me pregunto ¿Cómo lograré yo volver con Krsna? Y veo que mi primer obstáculo es mi propio deseo de seguir aquí.

HpS - Si, pero Radharani (Hara) es tan tucioso, que Ella es buscando nuevo medios extraer nostros de esta mundo.

Sigo sin disciplinarme con mis rondas y mi hora de levantarme. Nunca fui muy disciplinada en la vida material, sobre todo porque no les encontraba sentido a las cosas. Pero en la vida espiritual esto es muy perjudicial para mí. Me siento frustrada y triste conmigo misma, porque intelectualmente entiendo la filosofía, pero me dejo llevar por la comodidad y el día a día. Cuando pienso en volver a practicar estrictamente como antes en el templo, creo que tengo miedo de volver a esforzarme y sentir que no avanzo como quisiera. Entonces pienso que tal vez simplemente debo ser más humilde.

HpS - Y mas experimentado.  Levanta temprano y haz sus rondas muy bien en Ekadasi.

Este mes quiero hacer mejoras y poder reportar avances en mi siguiente reporte. Especialmente porque estoy cada vez más aburrida de mi vida material. (Disculpe por la carta muy larga, intentaré ser más breve!)

Muchas gracias Gurudeva por su asociación.

Su sirviente, Nitya Kisori dd

Hoy leí esto, quisiera que esta frase se quede en mi corazón, significado SB2.9.25:  La perfección de los deseos puede alcanzarse cuando uno desea servir al Señor, y el Señor también desea que toda entidad viviente destierre todo deseo personal y coopere con Sus deseos.

HpS - Y El Hermano Menor, como esta?  El Papa y unos familiares aprecian los libros de Srila Prabhupada?     Ensyansas de Senor Caitanya para El Papa y libro KRSNA para La Mama y La Tia.

URGENTE To le you know how are we doing...and to ask about visiting you.. and you visiting Spain and Jung Preaching.

8 years, 5 months ago by Sananda in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category B

                   HARE KRSNA DEAR GURUDEVA,

                   PAOHO, AGTSP!!



HpS - ASA ---  Hare Krsna!   I guess we will be in India from 10 January to 15 February, so we could visit The Spain, coming our going.  Which is best?






                    WE WANT TO WAKE UP AND DO SERVICE.




HpS - ASA -- We have a little mobile home with a little room etc. It is freezing in the Winter and Buring in the Summer, but Nitai-gaurasundara Das also has so place in his house for guests. We are trying to develope a permanent program on the Campus (Middle Tennessee State University), with a "Krsna House" near the campus. One could apply for grants to do a Bachelor's or Master's Degree in Education or Mass Communication (selling Coca-cola etc) as a Foreign Student, the study there, preach and get association of ourselves and the other devotees here.




HpS - We are trying to get a little bit involved in the politics of ISKCON to help push things forward, so it is quite natural that we get our feelings twisted a little bit as a result. If you want to have kids you have to suffer, but the result can be pretty nice.

Do you have copies of SOLARIS?   You can meet with Enrique Galan and give him copy and discuss with him. Dandha's boy friend, Editorial Ciruela (the one that publishes Jung's works and Journey to the West), and then we can get contacts from Ramon. He is Director of the National Library of Peru and Member of the Cervantes Foundation.

Jung is such a natural base for a bridge from East to West.

Your Deities need a roof!

Second City

8 years, 5 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva,

After having for many years the romantic idea of being a full time monk, now I feel, reaching my 30’s, that I am running out of time to get some material success and so I feel like I am perishing like a riven cloud in the sky with no position in any sphere. No completely successful neither spiritual nor material. But fortunately I guess I have few more years to balance both aspects although I can die anytime.

No matter how many rounds I chant, how many hours I read, how many service I perform, how strict I am in controlling my senses, mind and emotions; PREMA seem to be just a long term promise. Although doing things from the platform of duty I guess could be consider at some degree to be LOVE, but this duty seems never turn into spontaneous service, and that worries me. Routine as full time pujari can be often very heavy, but that’s all I have for now, so no complaints.

On the other hand, college is going fine, but I am really impatient to get some financial independence to move outside the temple. Temple is helpful until you start to take things for granted, then I strongly believe it is better to live outside to appreciate again everything Kishor Kishori and you dear gurudeva are giving me.

The rest is perfect. I also started some imrov classes at The Second City just  to release some stress.

Nashville Ratha Yatra this year? I am looking forward to visit you. If not, I will keep following your instruction in the best of my capacity.

I hope Krsna protects you always.

Ys Etasa Krsna  Das

HpS - Jaya!!!   What level are you at: Adau-sraddhau, sadhu sanga, bhajana-kriya...  Different medicine at different points.

All that you have learned in ISKCON is of course 100% useful in the material world in terms of personal habits. The techincal stuff you can pick up pretty quick. Do you want to get married, have a family, society and friends.

During Kartika we will be going out to Richmond, maybe D.C., maybe Raleigh, (maybe Chicago?)?

Our annual Festival here is Saturday, October 1st.  Celebrate Nashville, but you could come before and stay later.  There is some chance there will not be a Festival because they are rennovating the Park. Watch for more news.

You seem to be on the right path and what is blocking your progress will gradually but even rapidly become obvious if you continue.

Mandirs report and Personal sadhana

8 years, 5 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and Sripad

Radha Krsnaki Jay and Goura Bhakta Brinda  ki Jay

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji Maharaja's padmacharan that in our Saturday sankirtana arround 20 to 30 bhaktas and matajis participated. From the last Saturday we have shipfting one place to another started. This time we will perform at Prabhu Nanda Gopa Dasa's  Mandir. Yes, Prabhu Banamaly give prabachan on NOI, in Manipuri translation.

HpS - Hare Krsna.  Wonderful.  NOI is such a wonderful book. I have seen a translation of Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati's commentary, "Anuvrtti", where he states that one cannot make any advancement in spiritual life unless he hangs Upadesamrta around his neck. Of course, we do that by studying the comments by our Acharya's. Then becoming purified and approaching Radha Krsna in Vrndavana seems possible.

Also, the Kirtan report is wonderful also.

I get up daily at 3.30 a.m and completed my morning pujah (mangal arati) in my home at 5.00. After that started chanting three rounds only then started reading selected books. Now a days I am reading Prema Bilas a manipuri translated book - the portion of conversation with Gouranga Mahaprabhu and Lokanath Goswami.

We are discussing about Krsna Janma celebration, where and the modality.

My retirement is 28/02/2022. I had send and  talk to Prabhu Hari Dasa about Guruji's India visit. This time he suggested at least 15-20 days for North East specialy Thoubal, Silchr, Guwahti and Agartala. We want to know the dates when You are coming and going back. Please le us know date wise so as to enable us to fix Guruji's programme in advance.

In the mean time I have some problem (pains) in my backbond, neck and soulder so I am doing physiotheraphy. 

Yours fallen servcant

Yamunesvara Dasa

HpS - So, so, so nice to hear from you and the news from the North East.  The whole world needs to hear what is happening there. There is so much life there.   We are trying to fix our visit to India now. There are so many demands on us and our body cannot handle the physical travel so much at this point. It puts so much pressure on our heart muscle that sometimes we feel a heart attack. Leaving India last time we had to travel by car to the airport for like three hours. Then we had to stand in line to check in  for 1-hour, then another 1-1/2 hours standint to get through the Immigration line. So we are having to be careful about our travel, but we are certainly hearing your comments, and we are make all the plans here in the Blog with you all and everyone else.
"Prema vilasa", ki jai!  What have you found in the book?

my personal sadhana (Yamunesvara Das)

8 years, 5 months ago by mukta singh in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Guruji and Gouranga Prabhu

Radha Krsna Ki jay and Goura Bhakta ki Jay

Dandavat Pranam,

Please accept my humble obeisances unto Sri Guruji’s Padamacharan that writing to Guruji through this email or blog is the only means to communicate with Guruji. It is very helpful to me and other bhaktas spiritually because we discuss every letter in our team.

In my previous letter I enquire some questions regarding my personal Shakhi & Manjari, my duty under which Shakhi among the 8 shakhis or upasakhis another 8 Shakhis under one Shakhis and directions. I know nothing about Gita, Bhagavatam, Caitanya Caritamrta, Sadhana Bhakti, Bhava Bhakti and Prema Bhakti. I am just asking only the way / steps to increase spiritual standard just like “if someone wants to become a doctor or an engineer their subjects from the 10th - 12th standard should be selected Math / Biology” likewise if someone  wants to enter the Goloka Vrndavan he/she should become a Shakhi and Manjari otherwise he/she  could not. The events of Shiva who enter in the form of a Shakhi, is the example. We should select of particular Shakhi among the 8th Shakhis or Upashakhis and under their guidance our duties will be fixed like chamar seva, jal seva, dhup seva, barti seva, tambula seva, nrta seva, etc. and  one particular direction or site. During our life time, it should be done by sidhaka from Nabadwip to Goloka. On the other hand, the seva of Caitanya Mahaprabhu at Nabadwip should be done by dasa name of the bhakta sadhaka (physically).

With the acceptance (anumati) from Nabadwip (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) we will get the name of the individual Shakhi & Manjari, direction and duty. Only then we have right to approach Goloka. It is the systems of Manipuri Gouriya Beisnava in Manipur as parampara. After some sadhu sanga I came to know such spiritual advancement. That is why I innocently asked Guruji? If there is any mistakes from my side in such manner, excuse me and keep me in the footstep of Guruji as padadhuli (trnadapi suni cena tarorapi sahisunam…….  Another thing I mentioned about Nectar of Devotion of A.C. Srila Prabhupada is so good and helpful for all but I meant another book translated in English sloka wise meaning of Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu of Rupa Goswami’s in sangskrt.  

I am doing my sadhana daily, mangal arati, chanting 16 rounds, reciting some slokas from Gita, Bhagavatam, reading selected religious books regularly. After retirement from service in the year 2022 some fixed system will be followed until then I request some relaxation from Guruji.

Please advise me does and don’ts frequently so as to enable me to increase spiritual level.

Yours fallen servant,

Yamunesvara Das

HpS - Hare Krsna.   There are verse, by verse translations of "Bhakti-rasa-amrta-sindhu" into English by ISKCON's Bhanu Swami and by a nice American professor named David Haberman. Then Danurdhara Swami has a elaboration on Prabhupada's "Bhakti-rasamrta Sindhu" named "Waves of Devotion".

There are so many lines coming down from Lord Caitanya, but ours is from Rupa Goswami. We take Rupa Goswami as the recognized Acharya representing Lord Caitanya. This is confirmed by the verse, "Sri Caitanya Mano Bhistam...", which occurs in the start of Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita.
Of course, there may be so many details and differences, but Rupa Goswami gives us the Upadesamrta as instructions for neophyte devotees and then the BRS as the complete science of devotional service.

According to this perspective your Siddha Svarupa, eternal spiritual body, will be revived as we engage in the process of hearing and chanting etc. We don't have to have it assigned to us.

"Nitya siddha krsna prema sadhya kabu...", quoted in the Nectar of Instruction.
The different levels of waking up to our Siddha Svarupa are described by Rupa Goswami as "Adau sraddha, sandhu sanga...". You can find the full verse cited in the purport to BG 4.10 Purport.

Prabhupada also paraphases it in NOI 7 or 8. 

The stage when we realize our eternal form in Vaikuntha or Goloka would be Bhava bhakti. Before that we try to realize control of our senses in service of the Holy Names and the Arca-vigraha, Deities, as prescibed by our Acharya, Srila Prabhupada.

Hmmm. O.K?     What level are you on now:  Sraddha, Sadhu sanga, Bhajana-kriya, Anarta-nivrrti...?

When we know this then we can take the medicine at that level to advance to the next level. Srila Prabhupada criticized so call Bobbajis at Radha Kunda who were giving Siddha-svarupa initiation to people who were still smoking cigarrettes etc.

We can realize our eternal service when we are free from the necessity of service to the this gross body. Of course we can hear about Radha Krsna pastimes if they inspire us to follow four principles more strictly etc, but to enter into these pastimes we have have no more material conception of life holding us.

Am I attached to thinking this is my job, these are my children, these are my clothes?

What do you think?

TSI & Updates

Hare Krishna Gurudev!

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabuhpad!

Your last tweet read your arm was swelled up L I am sorry to hear about the wasp bite. I hope you heal quickly. As much as I despise western medicine, Benadryl does wonderful (temporary) things.

 ASA - Because of Benadryl our just regular Bhakti-yoga, it is reducing the swelling quickly.

A devotee was telling me about one of the forms of NrsngaDev during the time Hiryanakashipu was being disemboweled. The merciful lord pinched a nerve that would numb the entire body, so Hiranyakashipu would not feel the pain. It had me thinking (from a former medical standpoint) about how perfect the creation of the Lord is. Our bodies and their mechanisms are just constructed where you can see Krishna everywhere!

Just an update- so my GRE scores got cancelled and I’ll end up taking the test again...eventually. I still ponder why Krishna made me look bad and I guess my motives became too egotistical. It was His arrangement to make me humble and therefore, love Him more. We can’t love God when we’re too in love with ourselves. I’ll do better next time. 16 Rounds going well. My rounds have become more intense (in a good way). Morning programs also going well. Getting up early- in a lot of association so very blessed out J

I recently came back from Chicago from The Sanga Initiative (TSI) – a wonderful youth retreat of ISKCON youth from all over the states. We got together and discussed the infusion of Krishna consciousness in our hectic lifestyles. It was very inspiring- especially being able to share about college programs and outreach. A week before Chicago, I went to New Vrindaban and saw “old vrindaban” , a few miles down, where Srila Prabhupad originally started the temple. It was in a rundown shack at the bottom of a winded down grassy, bumpy terrain (a road named Aghasura Road). There were snakes in the basement but some original paraphernalia on the makeshift altar.  It was very austere and gave me so much appreciation for Srila Prabhupad and this movement.

Just preparing now for Balaram Jayanti and Janamastami!

 I wanted to revisit the topic of initiation. I 100% understand you are extremely busy Maharaj, so everything is at your convenience and your mercy. We last discussed a date on a Sunday feast during Kartik. October? I was hoping that would still be an option…I get butterflies just thinking about it. What do you think? Pretty please?

I heard you were coming for the opening of the Baltimore Temple in mid-October? Is that so!? My heart jumped out of throat when I heard that.

I listen to your lectures nightly and pray to be at your service. Thank you for your mercy Gurudev!

Your aspiring servant,

HpS - We have to discuss with Braja Bihari Das about when we should go Potomac. We will try to call him tonight. Your scores being cancelled under such unfair circumstances is very, very, very intense. Seems that Krsna wants you to do very, very big service in this academic field.

What could that be?

Maybe you can take initiation in Vrndavan. Even if we are wrong in Vrndavan it is right. To have any service in Iskcon is perfection.