Apendice AmD Report Octubre 2016

8 years, 3 months ago by anandamayadas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Gurudeva

Por Favor Acepte mis Humildes reverencias.

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada !!!

Muchas gracias por responder.

Ahora nosotros intentaremos responder las preguntas que Usted nos hizo en nuestro reporte:

HpS - Who are you keeping for associates?

HpS - Sita abandoned her program with the university in Cuzco?

- Estamos los cuatro en Chosica (AKSA), con Sri Sri Lakshmi Nrishimhadev, Ananta Sesa y Krsna Balaram, en mi cuarto que ya estaba rentado para este mes, ahora estamos buscando algo más grande, por unos meses, porque hay muchas posibilidades para que en febrero podamos estar viajando a India… Esa es la razón por la cual Sita dejo sus estudios este ciclo, para aprovechar esta oportunidad de viaje, ella seguro le enviara su propio reporte…

HpS - Lo tengo!!

HpS - Que plan bueno. Claro, primero es pensar en su perspectivo especifico: Quien soy? Y despues, Quien somos? Estableciendo relaciones con otros quien tiene un poco claro quien son ellos.  Un equipo. Tercero: Cual es la Plan, basado en buen auto-comprehension, buen relaciones de caracter y vision, y Cuarto: Que necesitamos basado en esta plan. Poco más de, "Quien es Ananda-maya Das"!

- No sé realmente quién soy? No sé si realmente es mi autoestima baja o una humildad fingida, pero por ahora tengo una sensación de ser muy insignificante, especialmente cuando veo a devotos alrededor con tantas cualidades, que a veces me avergüenzo de ser tan simple. Y eso hace que dé un paso al costado cuando se presentan servicios con responsabilidades, porque pienso que otros podrían realizarlo mejor. Por ahora estamos investigando que es lo que nos gusta hacer, nuestras cualidades de trabajo, y nuestras reacciones naturales ante los diferentes estímulos, y cuanto puedo tolerar y cuanto no en trabajo o servicio con diferentes perfiles de conducta de otras personas. Por ahora estoy convencido de que las buenas relaciones con todos van venir, de mucho contacto con devotos más avanzados, con los amigos quienes me pueden tolerar, y muy poca asociación con aquellos con los que no tolero ni me toleran.

HpS - Krsna es nuestra amigo, amigo de todos, principal!   Como ocupar otros en su relacion con Krsna!? 

HpS - Un poco más de su visión de su propio misión.

- Debido a mi baja autoestima, la visión que tengo de mi misión es tan bien muy simple, por muchos años, he tenido que trabajar duro y debido a eso tenía poco tiempo para leer y cantar. Si me he mantenido cerca a los devotos, ha sido por pura misericordia de ellos y especialmente de Usted. Ahora lo que más deseo, es poder cantar mis rondas sin ansiedad, y poder leer los libros de Srila Prabhupada especialmente el Srimad Bhagavatam. Si Mayapur y Vrindavan dham son como Chosica, sería muy feliz poder sentarme cerca a los devotos y cantar con ellos en cualquier de estos sitios. Esto espero que llegue para después del 2020. Igual Krsna tiene su plan al que tendremos que ajustarnos, incluso el dejar este cuerpo. “El Hombre propone y Dios dispone”.

Si puedo seguir ese plan, podría ocuparme en cualquier otro servicio, nos gusta adorar a la Deidad, hablar y cantar. Tratando de ser lo suficientemente honesto, no sé si me guste predicar, y la administración y el liderazgo no es agradable para mi mente egoísta.

HpS - Maharaja, Jayapataka, me dijo que bueno es comunicar, coordinar con Atmarama Das y Madre Divya priya Devi Dasi. Entonces es bueno hablar, presentar sus ideas a ellos, antes de pasar ellos con ellos al Maharaja.

- En cuanto a nuestra propuesta para asumir un servicio apoyando al GBC de Perú, no es algo que realmente desee, incluso si hubiera una encuesta en Perú, pienso que la mayoría no querría hacer ese servicio. Como le mencione antes, Usted nos pidió eso en el 2006, además de eso, tuve unos sueños con JpS Maharaj, lo que dice mi carta astral, y la propuesta de algunos devotos me motivo llegar a este momento. Pero lo más importante para mí es lo que piensa Usted en el presente. De este tema he conversado con M. Divya y Atmananda Prabhu, ambos saben que estoy tentando mandar esta carta con la propuesta a JpS Maharaj… Gurudeva Usted cree que yo esté haciendo bien al hacerle esta propuesta a Maharaj?

- Por ultimo también considero que en la Junta de Chosica tenemos a buenas personas, y Karuna Prabhu, es muy serio, su presencia es importante, no solo para Chosica si no para el Yatra en general. De todos modos considero que hay temas de fondo, como la falta de un supervisor de GBC, definir mejor quien es el CO-GBC, una estructura adecuada, y supervisión en diferentes niveles. Va a ser una gran tarea establecer eso en Iskcon Perú.

                                          Por favor perdone mis faltas, su tonto discípulo AmD.

Dear Gurudeva

Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!

Thank you very much for answering.

Now we try to answer the questions you made us in our report:

HpS - Who are you keeping for associates?

HpS - Sita abandoned her program With the university in Cuzco?

- We four are in Chosica (AKSA), with Sri Sri Lakshmi Nrishimhadev, Ananta Sesa and Krsna Balaram in my room that was already rented for this month, we are now looking for something bigger, for a few months, because there are many possibilities in February  for us to travel to India ... that is why Sita left her studies this cycle to take this opportunity to travel, she will send You her own report for sure ...

HpS - Good plan. Of course, you first think about your specific perspective: Who am I? And then, Who are we? Establishing relationships with others who have a little clear who they are. A team. Third: Which is the Plan, based on good self-comprehension, good relations, character and vision, and Fourth: what do we need based on this plan. Just over, "Who is Ananda-maya Das"!

- I dont really know who I am? I do not know if it really is my low self-esteem or feigned humility, but now I have a feeling of being very insignificant, especially when I see devotees around with so many qualities, sometimes I am ashamed to be so simple. And that makes me take a step back when services appear with responsibilities, because I think others could do it better. For now we are investigating what we like to do, our working qualities and our natural reactions to different stimulus, and how much we can tolerate or not in work or service with different profiles of behavior of other people. For now I am convinced that good relations with everyone will come, much contact with more advanced devotees, with friends who can tolerate me, and very little association with those I dont tolerate or they dont tolerate me.

HpS - A little more of your vision of your own mission.

- Because of my low self-esteem, the vision I have of my mission is very simple as well, for many years, I have had to work hard and that why I had little time to read and sing. If I have kept close to the devotees, it has been pure mercy from them and especially from You. Now what I want most is to sing my rounds without anxiety, and to read the books of Srila Prabhupada especially the Srimad Bhagavatam. If Mayapur and Vrindavan Dham are like Chosica, I would be very happy to sit next to the devotees and sing with them at any of these sites. I hope this goes on after 2020. Even Krsna has His plan to wich we will have to adjust, even leave this body. "The man proposes and God disposes".

If I can follow that plan, I could deal with any other service, we like worshipping the Deity, talking and singing. Trying to be honest enough I dont know if I like preaching, management and leadership is not pleasant for my selfish mind.

HpS - Maharaja, Jayapataka, told me that good is to communicate, coordinate with Atmarama Das and Divya priya Devi Dasi. So it's good to talk, present your ideas to them before passing them to Maharaja.

- Regarding our proposal to assume a service supporting Peru GBC, is not something I really want, even if there was a poll in Peru, I think most would not want to do that service. As I mentioned before, you asked us that in 2006, besides that, I had some dreams with JPS Maharaj, what my astral chart says, and the proposal of some devotees made me arrive at this moment. But the most important to me is what You think in the present. I talked about this topic with Divya M. and Atmananda Prabhu, both know I'm tempted to send this letter with the proposal to JPS Maharaja. Gurudeva... You think I'm doing well to give this proposal to Maharaj?

- Finally I also believe that in the junta of Chosica we have good people, and Karuna Prabhu is very serious, his presence is important not only for Chosica, is also for the Yatra in general. Anyway I think there are deeper issues, such as lack of a supervisor of GBC, define better who is the CO-GBC, an appropriate structure and supervision at different levels. It will be a big task to establish that in Iskcon Peru.

                                          Please forgive my sins, Your silly disciple Amd .

Sita Lalita dd report.

Hare Krsna Gurudeva,

Please accept my respecful obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Well[,] I finished studing e[E]nglish last year and I have forgotten even more[many] things so I hope I wont [won't] make many mistakes. There is [was] always a continue [continuous] strive [strife [struggle]] to finish our good rounds at [on] time and [but] now that I came back to Chosica there is more time to chant better without homeworks [singular, no 's'] to present for the following day, everyday. As You know I left Cusco and it was like four weeks ago, before leaving I tried to leave my documents ready if I wanted to come back to Cusco and continue studing in the second semester  because I ap[p]roved [passed] all the courses of the first semester when I went to Cusco when You Gurudeva where already here in Chosica, however, everything happened so fast that I couldnt do everything, so all of this makes me think that if I come back to Cusco I could start since the begining, of course, if Krsna wants me back. The reason I came is because we are doing Harinama everyday with some devotees and then we can probably go to the Holy Dham next year ! s[S] o far, is kinda difficult to believe this is going to happen, however, we wont [won't] stop and we will give our best because Maya is very, very strong and we can clearly see that she works trying different ways and we feel so weak because we have ups and downs all the time. We hope all this three hours daily of Harinama during six months will purifies [purify] us enough to get to the Holy Dham, we know Harinama is as strong as Krsna Himself because there is no difference between Them, however, if it is not the moment  we will keep preparing ourselves to be ready when the moment comes.  Finally, we are nothing without Your and devotees blessings[,] so we are going to strive to be worthy to receive them.  Que el Señor Nrsimha Deva lo siga protegiendo.

Su aspirante a sirvienta,

Sita Lalita Devi Dasi.

HpS - ASA - Thank you for the news. As you can see your English is quite good, just some practice to correct some details.
Yes, chant Hare Krsna as much as possible and pray to Krsna to help you to advance very practically in devotional service. It should be fun and exciting, lots of progress everyday!
Send more news.

Who goes on Hari-nama?  Where do you go?  What type of people do you meet? ..

Rohini kumar das

8 years, 3 months ago by Rohini kumar das in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krsna Gurudev Reverencias 

Estare con Vijay Govinda Das por un año y es posible que estemos con usted en Brasil y en kartika del proximo año con sus vendiciones al santo dham .

Y ojala krsna me permita servirlo mejor. ayudandole en lo que ested necesite .

Trabajare todo un año alli en paraguay , perfeccionar mi ingles y asi quizas pode asistirlo en alguno de sus viajes .

Gracias por todo Gurudev

HpS - ASA - Gracias TlgaSP!   Quien es Vijaya Govinda Das?   Esperamos encontare un gran adventura en Uraguay!

Your Well Wisher - Sacto News and Not the Brain

Dear Maharaja,

PAMHO  All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

My dear friend, it sounds like your Chicago visit went very well even though it was so cold.  Sounds like the Chicago devotees are doing a lot of great activities.  Our little center is struggling right now and we may be out in the cold.  The owner of the Yoga studio who generously allows us to use her facility once a week for a very low fee has moved.  She purchased and remodeled a new facility which is not working out as well as before.  We failed to keep control of the children the first night there and she is very protective of her brand new studios.  She actually saw the children acting up with her new security cameras!  So we are on a short leash.  But the rooms are smaller and I don't think the shiny new facilities are a good fit for us.  In her old rented studios she didn't care much when the children broke something.  Where ever we go it will be conciderably more expensive so we are up in the air right now.

I watched a good on line talk by Dr. B. Alan Wallace on the brain, mind, and intellegence.  Much of it was over my head.  Some things he discussed were about scientific and medical studies.  Most researchers believe the mind and the brain are the same thing (which he does not).  Many believe the only way to explore the mind is with medical instruments like brain scanners.  The extreme ones believe there is no such thing a consciousness and self examination is impossible.  I loved one of his arguments.  He said if the brain is just an amoral body organ like the liver or gallbladder than we are not responsible for our actions.  How can the scientists respond to that?

Praying Krishna continues to bless you, Dave

HpS - So nice to hear from you.  If you have to meet in people's homes or wherever it will be O.K?  No, just go on with the essence which is to get together and Kirtan, Lecture, Kirtan, Prasad more and more!!

We will look for the B. Alan Wallace lecture.   Yes, it is a very good point, no?  Once it was thought that the liver was the seat of consciousness, no?
The SB gives nice details of how the Atma contacts the visually experienced body by going through different levels.   We are going right now for "Psychology and the Sacred" at Virginia Commonwealth University. We hope to distribute a lot of  
Nectar of Instructions, and then engage people in following the advice therein!

Writing anything?


We will read more about him and hope to contact him!  Our video clip on the Youtube is our best propaganda now!

HARIBOL!! - Madrid and the Tao

8 years, 3 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

Dear Gurumaharaj.
Please accept my most humble obeisances All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
First I wanted to apologize for not writing all this time.

HpS - ASA -  No, excuse. You must pay a penalty of one Laddu to three Brahmanas to be free from the guilt of your crime.

All goes well, from this month im combining the university (Master in  Sciences of religions, you asked me in the last letter if i can give classes i think also i can give classes in school but its more focus for people that want to investigate in academic way or do PhD, very good profesors its the 3(rd) best university in Spain, the person that is guiding me in my final work is expert in sanscrit, the title of my final work will be "Bhakti: origin and first interpretations of the concept of devotion in the hinduism ) with my service in the temple. My routine is very complete: spiritual program, service, university, pujari, etc ...

I feel these past months have been very difficult situations  in many ways but I think that gradually everything returns to a natural position.
I'm trying to have every day a little more faith in Krishna I try to protect my little devotion ... it is a fact that I am in the early stages of bhakti yoga.
I try to put in the center of my life the spiritual program, chanting my rounds and spending time with devotees. I think that this is the most important thing I do in my life. All other things around us social, personal, economics, friendships, families are like pieces in a theater that we should know how to use to promote our attraction and the rest of people to Krishna.
I am calm and happy, but I see that the service on the administrative council of the temple is not so natural and attractive as other services, but I will try to continue, I have faith in our team.

Looking ahead I think I'm in a year of transition and I feel that when I finish the university I'm going to take some time to reflect on my life and see where I want to address. Of course, the materials plans are completely fallible but I also like to have a projection of life in the medium term.

During these three years I have been very protected in the temple and now I return to interact daily with people who don’t do spiritual life I'm realizing how important it is to chant rounds and have a strict sadhana. Always remember Krishna and never forget him.

Thank you for your time and attention.

Sorry this time i used google translator, maybe you find some fails...

Mantri Rama Das

Do you like taoism?


ASA - Sun Wu Kong. Taoism. Ahuri Mazda... So much very nice perspective in this world. So many fresh things that teach us to apreciate the present moment. Then we can begin to appreciate Paramatma and then Bhagavan. Until we are accomplished in Brahma-bhuta, Tao, Upanisad, then we cannot appreciate Krsna in truth. Yes, some light of his smile, but it comes through many filters.

So, nice to get advantage of the Taste of Water. the Fragrance of the Earth, the majesty of a 747-taking off, but if we have any service that we can appreciate by the mercy of Sri Gauranga, then let us do that first, then all the knowledge of the Tao, Upanisad, the Dharma will increase auto matically. Watching some Taoism can very much be Hari Kirtan.

Have you seen this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRVnIwcJj6M

Your letter and attitude seem very nice!!  Our respects to everyone. We hope to get to Spain very, very soon.  Krsna will arrange it, no?

Lo recuerdo y lo extraño Maharaja

8 years, 3 months ago by BDianakarla54 in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias un Su Santidad Swami Hanumatpresaka 

Todas las Glorias un AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Acepte mis porfavor Más humildes y respetuosas reverencias. 

Muy cerca de verlo, cada día esta lleno de ansiedad en mi vida sin usted. Me siento muy feliz. 

El tiempo se me escapa de las manos, me Parece Que escurre Como el agua. El recuerdo de Sus Palabras yo Mantiene cantando. Aun no encuentro u n COMPAÑERO para cantar Pero estoy buscándolo . Las clases estan en los versos preguntando sí Llega a Roma. Quiero Escribir Tanto Pero las palabras se me han ido. ¿Qué más importa en la vida aparte de ESTO? Me refiero una Ser conciente de Krishna. ¿Cuando Llegará mi Momento de Ser conciente de Dios?

HpS - The question really does not have much meaning in terms of our Modern View of time. It can happen in a moment or after a long time. It happens at the pace that the relationship with Krsna dictates.

 ¿Cómo se avanza más rápido? Solo ud. sabe eso. Muchos cambios de autoridad en el templo, de la mente, de amigos. . . Cambiando de tema prabhu Dharmaraja me dijo que van a iniciarme estoy lista Gurudev para seguirlo lo más cerca que se pueda. Por mi parte y gracias a madre Astasaki y al prabhu Laskman Agraha estoy estudiando a distancia el curso para discípulos en NIMSAR Prabhupada siempre tendra un lugar muy especial en nuestros corazones es increíble . Quiero ocupar un día o más en distribuir libros. 

Trabajos incompletos en la escuela, qué opina si se llega a un acuerdo con el presidente para tomar un día y hacer tarea.

HpS - El Espanyol es poco denos para nosotros entender la pregunta exacta!  "Hacer tarea" ===??   Hmmm.   Necesita hablar con bastante devotos locales y entonces buen perspectivo en cosas cotidianas, no?

Me despido, su aspirante a sirviente Bhaktin Diana

HpS - ASA --- Gracias su carta!!!    Piense era Monja/e en su vida previo. Saboreando la necesidad de relacionar con la pasion de Krsna.   Senyor Gauara.   El siento muy mal ver la situacion de la gente moderna. Aparece Vd es en el sendero correcto. Entonces es un hecho no de cambiar nada de su sendero para adelantar mas rapido, es un hecho de concentar sus actividades, como esta realizando en el tiempo tiene. Tomando Prasadam pero con mas attention. Asistiendo Mangal arati, pero con conocimiento de el significado de las palabras.  Esta bien.  Concentran su servicio.

El vaso esta llena con piedras pero puede introduzcar arena fina tambien, y despues, agua!!!