
Si Gurudeva, de ida tendría que pasar por New York por una semana, aún no compramos el ticket de regreso de India a México,  la idea es ya no pasar por USA.  Es poco tiempo tres semanas en India como usted menciona, el punto es que me dieron la visa de India solo por un mes. Talvés podría ajustar las fechas de regreso y quedarme solo una semana más en Vrindaban?

HpS - AGTSP. Paoho No entendiendo las logisticas, pero haz lo que vd piensa correcta para utilizar el tiempo bueno. Es mejor quedar mas en un sition que pasar much tiempo en vehiculos pasando a muchos y no experimentar nada de Vrndavana or Mayapura, en vez el interior de trenes or coches. Vrndavana - Mayapura, guiado por buen devotos.

El viaje  lo haré con el que fungió como presidente del templo de México lo ultimos meses prabhu Darmaraja Das, Sakhi Vrinda dd y Syama Priya Takhurani, hijas de prabhu Maha Sankarsana. Ellas van a encontrarse con su maestro espiritual SS Indradyuman Swami. Ellos realizaran otros viajes, así que yo me regresare sola. Mi esposo sugiere que  yo pase la mayoría del tiempo en Vrindaban y tal ves me pueda encontrar con la compañia de alguna hermana espiritual o algún devoto con el que el pueda tener contacto.

HpS - Tungavidaya Devi Dasi, la gran Mexicana esta alla muchos anos con su hijo y son-in-law in Radha kunda.  +91(India) 81 719 711 70, +91 98 9765 789 1. Muy amable devota.

Le agradezco mucho su valioso tiempo Gurudeva.

HpS - Hare Krsna. We hope you see Krsna in Vrndavana with all His friends. Respects to the Vidagdha Das and the Monkeys.


Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada. 

Querido Gurudeva porfavor reciba mis reverencias a sus Divinos Pies.

HpS - Pies de mitad-loco. AgtSP!

Disulpe por escirbirle en calidad de urgente esta carta. El motivo es para informarle que viajare al Santo Dhama por primera vez dentro de dos semanas más o menos. Yo ya había pedido su permiso hace más de un año para poder realizar este viaje, pero hasta ahora es que se dio la oportunidad. Yo viajaré sin mi familia, mi esposo prabhu Vidagdha se quedará a cargo de nuestros hijos se que no será muy sencillo para él, pero él esta muy dispuesto a que yo realize sola este viaje. Estaré por una semana en el templo de "Sri Sri Radha Govinda" en Brooklyn y por tres semanas en India. El grupo de devotos con quienes viajaré, irán a Mayapur y despues a Sri Vrindabana Dham ¿usted piensa que esta bien? (aún podria hacer ajustes).

HpS - Aparece bien, si va con buen guias. Es corta tiempo.  Visa a Nueva Yorke y volver a EEUU entransito???  Pred. Trump puede cambiar los leyes de migracion, no?

Gurudeva para mi es esencial que usted lo supiera y disculpe por avisarle hasta ahora, pero yo no quería molestarlo antes de tener algo claro. Ruego humildemente por sus bendiciones inmerecidas para que pueda lograr llegar a Sri Vrindaban Dham y logre una apropiada apreciación de la belleza espiritual del Santo Dham. Le ruego humildemente me instruya en algo que considere que deba saber antes de hacer este viaje. Realmente me siento muy nerviosa y con temor de cometer ofensas en el Santo Dham, pero se que con sus bendiciones nada puede salir mal. Yo confío plenamente en sus palabras y son mi guía a donde quiera que vaya. 

Por favor disculpe mis ofensas.

Con todo el amor, respeto y admiración hacia su persona

Su sirviente Gopi Radha DD. 

HpS - Con quien va?

New Proyects!!!

7 years, 11 months ago by Patrak das in Personal Sadhana Reports

hare krsna dear Gurudeva!!! 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada and U!!!    

Please accept my humble obeisances at your lotus feet

ASA - Lettuce feet.

Here we are after some months from our last letter....  HOW ARE YOU???

ASA - Just like you! Struggling with our senses and Kali-yuga and our selfish greed.

We are OK for a transplant patient for 2nd time and still dealing with weight... As our ayurvedic doctor said no matter how much you weigh the important thing is the energy we have to do things

ASA - Yes!   It is the energy!

... so in that case we can say we are still alive... We read all your "BACHELOR BEANS ESSAYS" and most of the time we feel so connected with what you write... and we try to follow all your advices ("...you should eat as much as you can hold in your cupped hands ...", "...Eat like a King in the Morning, a Prince at Noon and a Beggar at night..." etc) the body is always telling us what is good for us... we follow some diets to improve our energy and by the mercy of Krsna our energy is improving, and about weight... well doctor said it's gonna take some time but now we know a little bit more our body... how to control agni and be more conscious of what we eat.

ASA - Even a little Ayurveda helps SO much.   Never going to perfect this body. Always some sand in the sweet-rice. Look at Maharaja Parikshit.  He was trying to make his kingdom heaven on earth, and Krsna pulled him out: I don't want heaven the prison house!!!  I want purification in the prison house. Take you Doctor and all the Hospital Staff back to Goloka with you!

Next week we start a new year in the school, this time and we will tutor children of sixth grade (12 years old)  and continue teaching english in secundary. We had to quit our job in the embassy of India because it was too much for us... we have this service in the school, classes at university ( Finally in August we finish the carreer), Waldorf Specialization ( five years)... so as doctor said do not push yourself too much...

ASA - Super!   Super!   Super!           You have to write some deep comparison, contrast between Bhagavat Education and Waldorf Education. Work on a book. Post is here.

By the mercy of Srimati Vrindadevi we have 3 tulsi plants in our home... they grew after more than one year of putting the seeds... it was incredible... Our sadhana is still low.... but we keep reading and chanting as much as we can... No Sanga yet, no temple program, but with our family we try to do something at home... specially the altar ... our Mom is so impressed everytime deities change the clothes that we try to keep that service not only for her but for everyone who comes to our house.

ASA - <img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" />

<img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /><img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /><img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /><img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /><img alt="angel" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/angel_smile.png" title="angel" width="23" /> 

Well these are the things we are doing now.... we always have hope to improve in every aspect our our life...

thanks a lot for all your support and all your patience

Your eternal stupid servant 

Patraka Das

ASA - Lets hope that we are eternal stupid servants and not eternally stupid servants.  Every time we fall, we should learn from that. You can become like th Mayor of Lima or famous Poet or so many things as you become better at Sadhana.

#1 - Chant Hare Krsna!   Adjust to get 16+ good rounds done!!!

Some answers

7 years, 11 months ago by AKD in Personal Sadhana Reports, Special Category A

All Glories to Srila Prabhupad

All Glories to the Sankirtan movement by Sri Krishna Caitanya

Dear Guru Deva I hope you are fineness and thanks for holding on the path to learn how to surrender to Krishna's mercy.

There some topics to if you like I want to know.

1. About fast on Ekadasi: why the honey bee must be avoid?

HpS - Very nice to hear from you. Now you are 38-years old. Are you going to take Sannyasa?    I don't know why we avoid honey on Ekadasi. Maybe because it is strong food and the idea is to let the body rest on Ekadasi, no?

2. About association: when we have friends favourables to Krishna consciousness and then they take initiation iskcon away, what's better to do and to avoid on the relationship?

HpS - Text 4-6 of NIO talk about that, no?   It depends on the particular situation. Maybe they are Kanistha adhikari and they just don't have a mature idea of ISKCON, Diksa etc. Maybe they are Indian and their family are devotees of Ramanuja acharya so they have taken diksa in that line but all appreciate Srila Prabhupada as the current Acharya of all Vasinavas. Very particular.

Thanks, actually I keep on siksa programming by CDM (congregation development ministry) and we are try to  make a program parents and Childs for. According to your learnings. We like to help with some tools on this works. I organise some samskaras for congregational's devotees.

I would like to chant the holy name without offences and just by the shadow of your lotus feet.

PostScript: We are waiting for the baby name still. (Of the previous letter)

Thanks to much, your crew member: Aniruddha Krishna Das

HpS - Please, what is the question about Baby Name. We have not seen the previous letter. Maybe because we were traveling!  We will be in Mexico for six hours June 21st!

Ekashma Das

7 years, 11 months ago by Bhakta Eric in Personal Sadhana Reports

Dear Guru Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!

I hope you had a rejuvenating trip to the holy dham! I'm anxious to meet with you when you return to California... it feels like it's been such a long time! I haven't heard any response from the last two letters I sent, so they should be in the blog history in case you missed them. Maybe you were busy, or no internet in India? I can also try to resend if you like...

HpS - AGTSP!   Paoho.  We just talked with you on the phone!   Yes, we only answered URGENT letters while traveling.  Too much physical interaction with devotees to also answer letters.  Resend them if they are important...       Was very nice to hear about your Sankirtan and Cat-Boy-Dog cure for Parkinson's syndrome.  So much possibility for preaching in this area of Art and the Sacred. Abhirama Das is supposed to be signing the Memorandoms of Understanding with the National Library et al in Peru and then reporting here.

Life here in California isn't easy, and I'm still living hand to mouth, trying to do something worthwhile as an artist; but somehow or other I manage to keep all my vows and have some kind of morning program in the temple or in the van if need be and I study as often as I'm able, but not as much as I'd like. I'm working hard to carve out a niche for myself in spiritual art and like you said Krishna seems to provide everything I need for service.

Recently my sankirtan has been focused mainly on music festivals. As far as I'm concerned it's by far the most fertile field for preaching to young people in the US, so I was seeking help from devotees who have a similar vision. Since I'm kind of on my own out here, my options are limited, but at the same time I have a great opportunity to engage sincere devotees who have a hard time fitting into mainstream ISKCON.

What we do is set up a big tent and an art display and perform Kirtan by the path so all day people stop in and chant with us and I collect contact info and distribute books and paintings. My friend Arya does massage and sells wellness products, chanting beads, etc and later on I set up by the stage and paint live. The whole time people come and sit by me and ask questions and I use my art to tell them about Krishna and meet tons of really favorable, open minded people of all ages from all over the country. It's hard to find words for how amazing the last few weeks have been. By your mercy, every time I have some doubt or frustration Krishna intervenes in my life and makes a way for me to move forward.

I'm starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel... I've got so much positive feedback and some promising leads too, and I feel like it's only a matter of time before I'll have more time to start going deeper into bhajan again and doing more to directly support your preaching also. I'm having so much fun right now, and I see so much potential with this, but at the same time sometimes I worry that I'm just being whimsical by doing what I like for Krishna. Please let me know if there's more I could be doing to serve you, Maharaj. More than anything else I just want to know that you are satisfied with my service...

Your humble servant,

Ekashma Das

HpS - Yes, it is so nice to do painting in public. It naturally attracts people. They like to see the Puris being cooked, they like to see the art being drawn. Watch "Category B".

Helping myself and others

7 years, 11 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva


Gurudeva. The last 2 years were very hard for me,

HpS - ASA -- For Sita, Draupadi, they had like 14-hard years in the jungle then it got worse.

but also very healing and rewarding. With my therapy, yoga, bhakti yoga. I have learned a lot and grow up a little bit I guess. With ups and downs but always trying to have iur association and other good devotees.

Nowadays I am doing vinyasa yoga and some days yoga pilates these combined with our sadhana helps a lot. Morover I have a page on facebook which is called "Armonizate con Candra" ( Harmonize with Candra). There I put some tips about relaxation, gym [gem, gym, would gimnasio] therapy etc. People come to my house.. and I give therapy there in the little cottage that we have in our garden. There I use aromatherapy there some Prabhupada's books also and I have the opportunity to preach also a litlle bit, I am starting doing also some essences that I learned in some workshops.

HpS - Sounds very nice. Don't change, just become perfect at what you are doing. I can tell you about one aroma therapy story of Prabhupada.

One of my patient is Melina Lavado, Jambavan's sister. She is now chanting some rounds and trying to follow the fastings and feastings.

We continue giving classes once a month in Wilson, Pujari once a week!

HpS - Jagannatha and Gaura-Nitai!

We renewed our contract with Alas Peruanas University , my mom and sis are ok. We basically are calm. Ulyses and Mia accompany us.

Well that's it. We are fasting nirjala until noon

Thank U for your association

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS -- Again. Don't speculate too much about how to do different things. Just work mostly on what you are doing, which sounds O.K., and how to improve it (a lot (rapidly)).  Have fun with Krsna!