Personal Sadhana Report - Tarangaksi dd from Lima

7 years, 11 months ago by Tarangaksi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

I'm happy to write you. We are trying to participate in FMP and chanting rounds at the morning. I'm giving classes of Bhagavad Gita in Wilson temple twice a month.

HpS - ASA -- Are you going through one verse after another or are there topics that you are dicussing?

At house, my mother Gauri is recovering from an illness and I'm taking care of her. My daughters are trying to serve Krishna. My father has a radio program, so we are trying to preach and introduce Krishna consciousness. We invited m. Candramukhi, m. Isvari and we are thinking of inviting more devotees. We also have a study group with m. Isvari, p. Abhinanda, m. Nitya Kishori, p. Gandharva, m. Indira Sakti, Bhakta Juan, her wife Lourdes and Bhaktin Rukmini. We study twice a month.

HpS - Judo, Real Estate Marketing???

Trying to mantein sadhu sanga with friendship, knowing each other and sharing realizations. In the next report, I will send you some photos of the group. I'm reading again the Upadesamrta and inviting devotees to read it with enthusiasm.

HpS - Are you going out for work during the day??

I will try to write you more frecuently. May Sri Nrisimha always protects you. Please, if you could give me instructions and mercy for continue in this service. 

Trying to serve, 

Tarangaksi Devi Dasi

HpS - ASA -- Thank you. We will see you in like 11-weeks!    Become a great devotee!!


Todas las glorias a sri sri gaura nitay

todas las glorias a srila prabhupada y a su sankirtana

Hare Krsna querido gurudeva, porfavor acepte mis más humildes y respetuosas reverencias.

Espero ésta carta le llegue, aquí reportándome; 4 principios regulativos, 16 rondas y 9 extras luchando para que sigamos nuestro voto de cantar más maha mantra, sadhana a las 5:00 am, adorando a las deidades JBS, silas ( tenemos una más es una krsna balaram), gaura nitay y krsna balaram, 3 gayatris, lectura del SB Canto 1 cap.15, todo gracias a seguir los estudios del bhakti vaivaba con p. Laksmana.

Aquí muchas cosas han cambiado; estámos viviendo en el centro cultural "Bhaktivedanta", los programas son miercóles y viernes y alquilamos  el primer piso para seguir con el restaurante llamado ahora Jaganata's hay de 20 a 30 personas en el almuerzo, distribuyendo también algunos extras, todo lo que se le cocina se le ofrece a las silas, la cocina es un pequeño puyari. El día es agotador pero tratamos de mantenernos en nuestro sadhana y rondas, aqui vivimos con p. Hari un devoto muy antiguo y su hijo p. Deva Deva Vyasa, agradecemos a krsna por permitirno asociarnos con devotos mayores que nos ayudan en nuestro avance espiritual.

Con los devotos de aquí Huancayo tratamos de mantener la casa alquilada que es el templo y el restaurante Jaganat's [Jagannatha's].

También sembramos choclo, habas, arverjas, calabazas en los terrenos,  hemos cosechado algunos productos y lo cocinamos en el restaurante para las deidades, tenemos un perro llamado kirtan es de raza peruano tiene ya un año

Gurudeva en cuanto al sankirtana de libros le diré que en mayo p. gadai y p. bhakta Percy van a organizar una marathon por Nrisinja y yo deseo apoyar con el prasadam de los devotos sankirtaneros en Huancayo, estámos muy felices porque en verdad no hay otra cosa que satisfaga más a Srila Prabhupada, yo siempre voy a estar muy felíz si mi esposo dedica su vida a la distribución de libros y al sankirtana de Prabhupada.

P. gadai le está escribiendo una carta invitándolo para que pueda venir a Huancayo en junio o julio, aquí hay vuelos en avión, ojalá se dé, lo extrañamos mucho y quisiéramos que venga a huancayo para que muchos jóvenes se entusiasmen más y la prédica se fortalezca en Huancayo

Hare krsna

su hija Nadiya Nivasi Dasi 

HpS - HAre Krsna. TlgaSP   Muchas, muchas, muchas gracias para su carta y noticias. Reverencias a todos los devotos. Aparece que Vds. son bien situado en Sri Dhama Mayapura con Senor Caitanya y Senor Nityananda. Solamente tiene que ver como los nuevos devotos convierten en Sankirtaneros como Vds.

Fotos, del edificio, cuartas, comunidad, Hari Das...

No se si podemos ir a Huancayo!  Ya tenemos Callao, Wilson, Chosica, Arrequipa, Santiago, Chocabamba. Pero podemos adjustar detalles en los siguiente dias.
Sankirtan...  Sankirtan... Sankirtan
Vamanos a los demas cartas juntos!!!!
Mas noticias. Ha ido a India, no??

LAD Report No really urgente

7 years, 11 months ago by laksmana-agraja in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna, dear Gurumaharaja, Pamho, AGTSP

I wrote you before, but I guess you were and are very busy.

HpS - ASA --- Was it over two weeks ago?  We have answered all the letters within two weeks, and this one said, not so Urgent so we would have got to it tomorrow. We are busy, but also lazy.

So, just to inform that I'm finishing my 10 days Cuzco educational tour.

Five students in Bhakta program, some Communications and Conflicts Resolution Seminar. Some Bhakti vaibhava and Bhakti sastri.

M. Goura gaddhadara is doing pujari and studying english. She is doing very well as always. Send regards.

I hope I can continue my service in this area with your blessings.

This is my ekadasi report. I'll do it regulary.

Thanks for your support.

Your servant,


HpS - We were wondering about you, very much. If we chant good rounds we get sufficient intelligence to do inspired service!
Please send us more news.

Chat during the FMP!

More news!   More news...  How will you accomplish the mission of Lord Caitanya?   You are still doing these Bh.Sastri, Bh.Vaibhava programs with Nimsar suspended? Details?

Shelter request

7 years, 11 months ago by mercurio3 in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to srila prabhupada!
All glories to sri sri guru and gauranga!

Jay Maharaj! How are you? How is your health?

HpS - ASA -- Almost every letter asks: 1) Where are you?, 2) What are you doing?  3) How is your health. We are a little bit naseaus, our Inguinal Ligaments are burning a little etc because of our life in the modes of passion and ignorance a little bit. We are fighting to become perfect, but even to death we will be in the middle of these modes, especially if we are preaching. NOI-6, no?
Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna!   How is your health?

Our host, NGD strained his knee just while walking but it seems to be healing. His good wife has to go in for kidney surgery today.

I'm writting you because after a few years I realized that you are my Gurudev and would like to ask you for shelter.

HpS -  What about Krsna!!??  Prabhupada?? is so nice.  I guess that is some of the shelter we can give, giving some nice stuff to read about Guru. That whole chapter is worth reading.

Also would like to ask you for your blessings for a mental health issue Im dealing with and to quit smoking. Im following all the other principles thanks to krishna.


HpS - God bless you, Hare Krsna!!   Tell us what you think about that verse and chapter.

Nitya Kisori reportandose

7 years, 11 months ago by b.Natalia Molina in Personal Sadhana Reports

Querido Gurudeva,
Acepte por favor mis humildes reverencias, todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada

Primero, estoy viva. En Lima trabajando. Terminé un curso de reposteria y pasteleria de un año, ahora puedo hacer postres más bonitos para Krsna, aunque aun falta práctica.

HpS - ASA -- Super. There is a devota in Oregon. Our God-sister, Maha-bhagavata Devi Dasi. She was one of the biggest collectors in ISKCON. Very nice. She started making cakes for weddings, birthdays etc. and very quickly she had more clients than she could handle. Use you customers as your salesmen. Give them printed stuff so they can give it to others who want to know about your service. Give them small free cake for every big order they give you. Preach. 

Estoy bien, siento que desde el corazón Krsna me está ayudando para tener una mejor actitud frente a la vida, y muchos problemas materiales se han disipado sólo gracias a una mejor inteligencia. He tenido algunas pruebas en el "amor", en las que falle 40%, pero creo que aprendí mucho y mejoré, reflexioné, y crecí. Ahora tengo una mejor perspectiva, más madura, menos egoista. Quisiera que esa area de mi vida tomara un rumbo que beneficie mi vida espiritual. 

ASA - Romeo y Juliet, Draupadi and Arjuna, Kunti and the Sun God!

En mi trabajo, trato de trabajar con buena actitud, con desapego, como deber, hablo de Krsna o temas espirituales cada vez que puedo y trato de tener un buen caracter, lo más ejemplar posible, aunque a veces fallo, pero trato de aprender y corregir. Mis amigos les interesa las cosas que les comento de Krsna, suelo tener muy buenas conversaciones, y aunque no se vuelven devotos, creo que logramos reflexionar de manera significativa sobre temas sensibles y relevantes. Trato de darles a los demás una perspectiva distinta de la que están acostumbrados a escuchar, inspirandome en las enseñanza de CK. 

HpS - Don't desire anything else!   This alone will mature into perfection. If we can go out on other inds of Sankirtan also, that is also very nice!

Trato de buscar inspiración y refugio en Krsna cada día, cantando Sus nombres, canciones, mis Deidades (Jagannath y Gaura Nitay), en mis amigos devotos, en los libros de Prabhupada (SB canto 3 ahora), oración y introspección, reflexión, buscando inteligencia que coincida con las enseñanza de Krsna. Trato que CK no sea una imposición a mi mente, sino busco aquellas cosas que atraen mi corazón naturalmente.

HpS - This is very nice in the main, like NOI-8, but also in our stage, NOI-7: Take some of the bitter sugar.

Aunque cada vez valoro más el trabajo regulado, la constancia y determinación de hacer algo que uno no "desea" 100%. PERO... Aun no canto mis rondas regularmente. Eso es terrible. Me cuesta mucho regularme, aunque veo cada vez con más claridad que sin seguir mis votos cómo quiero llegar a Krsna? cómo tendré verdadera buena inteligenica? Cómo haré algo que valga la pena? Me satisfago con reflexionar y estar en mi mente pensando de Krsna, pero me da miedo no llegar a ningun sitio. Veo en mi corazón mis apegos y trato de tener una actitud cada vez más madura con respecto a mis apegos, buscando refugio, pidiendo buena inteligencia, orando. Quisiera que mis apegos se transformarán en un rumbo para ofrecer algún servicio valioso a Krsna, un servicio que me comprometa seriamente y a largo plazo. Tengo esa esperanza. Para que CK y los apegos de mi corazón no sean dos cosas separadas, sino que pueda poner al servicio de Krsna mis apegos y hacerlos utiles. Espero estar caminando en esa dirección. Me estoy esforzando cada día en construir un entiendimiento sano dentro de mi, y sueño con poder ser un instrumento valioso en algún momento. No olvido nunca que mi menta es cumplir mis votos, quiero cumplirlos seriamente, espero pronto dejar de sólo desearlo, y hacerlo. Lo siento.

Gracias Gurudeva por su atención,
Su sirviente, Nitya Kisori dd (Lima, Perú)

HpS - Yes, there are different levels of development. Take some vow of rounds that you know you can do and write to us. Eg. I will chant 4-rounds a day until the next Ekadasi, or I will chant 1-round a year on Janmastami without fail. <img alt="devil" height="23" src="" title="devil" width="23" />
Then after you do your Vrata examine the result and make another vow. In this way you will get back to the Contract that Srila Prabhupada is offering for Initiated devotees.

About my first letter part 2

7 years, 11 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports, Calendar Development

All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

My remarks Maharaja,

How is your health? 

HpS - Right now we have some pain in our Inguinal Ligaments. It comes when we eat to many sweets!

How is it found in general?

HpS - Thanks to our General, Sril Prabhupada, we are engaged in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan!

I am Ma. Soledad from Chile again. Personally Maharaja I want to tell you that I have been somewhat unmotivated, I am very tired physically, a doctor told me that I probably have a disease called "myasthenia gravis" or "fibromyalgia" I am waiting to have laksmi and to be able to do tests ... Sometimes I think it is so difficult to internalize that we are NOT the body.

HpS - It is actually easier to be a Paramahamsa, first class devotee. Just chant Hare Krsna and and be happy. Your progress will be quickly but also without violence.

Well, the main thing of this letter Maharaja is with Abhimanyu we want to make a very very important invitation. You told me that in July he travels to Chile, therefore we want to know if it is possible that on that trip he can attend our marriage. We are going to look for it and leave it where it will be staying. The truth is that there were rumors that came in April so we wanted to do the marriage ceremony in that month, but without asking anything to you. On this occasion I sincerely write to invite you to our celebration, it will be very quiet with our families and friends.

HpS - Why quiet!   20-elephants!   You can wear a silk saree with gold from India. Abhmanyu Das can arrive with his friends on big dancing horses, sweep you off your feet and carry you away to his father's castle, along with 20-girl of your girl friends.

Do you know the dates you are traveling to our country? If so, could we share that beautiful news? And also if you can share with us the day of our marriage.

HpS - June 28th to July 12th, +/- one day.

I say goodbye and I will be attentive to your merciful answer. On this occasion use the google translator, which is very efficient !!

My obeisances dear Maharaja

Greetings from Chile

ASA - Who is Krsna?  Who are you?