Netherlands - Spain

Hare Krishna Maharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I was very happy to have received your reply to my letter,

ASA - We were more happy to receive that and this letter, thank you for your association and saving our life during our transit in Amsterday to Spain.

..and thank you very much for the advice; distinguish reality from illusion for the welfare of all, in the wellfare of Krishna.

Unfortunately i will not be able to make it to Spain, but i will certainly use your offer of the Tele - Phone. You suggest to write a letter to send to Madrid Temple. Is calling all right?

HpS - PRAY to Lord God, that you can visit, your work will send you to Spain, but if not, then Call, Call, Call!  

Our daughters are four and a bit (elementary school) and 19 months. I'm not exactly sure how much they weigh, but the youngest is like a little giant. Very strong physically, resourceful, and naughty too. The eldest is a little dancer, and she likes Hare Krishna music and Pippi Longstocking. Affection is plenty.

HpS - These children are usually gods and goddesses taking birth in this movement.

Please inform me about when its best to call and to which number.

Your aspiring servant,
Raghava-pandita dasa

HpS - We have international texting, so you can text us when we arrive. We will go straight to the Farm but think it works there. +1 209 505 3219. 3-6 in the New Vraja Mandala, then Madrid.

Bhaktin Loly (Madrid)

Querido Gurudeva, espero que se encuentre bien al recibir esta carta. Por favor, acepte mis más humildes reverencias. TLGSP.

     Solo quería volver a agradecerle todo lo que hace por mi y la oportunidad que me da al iniciarme en esta próxima visita suya.

HpS - ASA -- Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!

Voy contando los días que quedan no solo para mi iniciación, si no también para que usted venga y poder disfrutar de su compañía. Tantas veces deseo que esté usted cerca de mi y por fin eso se va a hacer realidad. 

     Estoy encargandome de la organización del Harinam que se hará el viernes con ayuda de Dandava y Jayanta Prabhú. Esto es una de las cosas que más ilusión me hace poder hacer con usted. Adoro cantar el nombre de Krisna porque cuando lo hago, siento (o por lo menos me imagino intensamente) que Prabhupada y S. Caitanya M. están a mi lado cantando conmigo. Y solo de imaginármelo, siento gran placer trascendental en intimidad con Ellos. Creo que cuando salga con usted a cantar, sentiré como si Ellos estuvieran mucho más cerca de mi.

HpS - Hay realidad en estas meditationes. Especialmente para devotos que mantener su pureza abajo un gran Acharya como Srila Prabhupada.   Tiene Banderas en el Harinama!   Hace un gran diferencia.  Si puede, puede tener dramas cortas: El escolar y el barquero, pajaro en la jaula.
Alguine tiene un loro?  Puede alquilar para Harinam y animar cantar Hare Krsna con abono de uvas. Puede obtener TODO exito solamente para Harinama.

     Le envío todo mi Divino amor y mis deseos de servirle. Hare Krisna.

HpS - Hare Krsna, nos vemos en tres dias!

Apegando tres photos de Sankirtan!

Vyasa Puja Offering (Sugopi)

Hare Krishna Maharaj, please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

I had sent this letter on you Vyasa Puja day but I think you were very busy and were not able to read it.

HpS - ASA -- Yes, that is probably a fact, 23-cities in 42-days!

We had a very nice celebration of Vyasa puja on December 30, 2016. It was nice to have all the devotees, namely Anantarupa Prabhu and Family, Murari prabhu and family, Balabhadra Prabhu and family, Amrta Mataji and family, Acyuta Mataji and family, Upendra prabhu and Family, Premalila Mataji and family and Anahi Radha Mataji. I have attached a link to some pictures and videos. Thank you so much Maharaj for your  mercy. My offering is below.

HpS -- Thank you. Nice pictures.   Was there a pie with sliced bananas on it?


Hare Krishna Maharaj, please accept my humble obeseinces all glories to Srila Prabhupad. All glories to you. On this auspicious occasion of your Vyasa Puja I would like to thank you for everything you do for us .You are like a grandfather to me and bring gifts for me. This time I was very fortunate to receive your boarding pass on which you drew Radha and Krishna. Thank you Maharaj for tolerating me in Bhakti Shastri class even though sometimes I don't mute  my microphone and talk to my parents, don't pay enough attention to what you are saying or don't know an answer that I'm supposed to know to a question you ask, you  take no offense and continue to encourage me. It was very nice to take your association this year when you came to Boise in May. I was very happy that you stayed for ten days this time instead of one week. The  morning programs were very blissful and I look forward to them every year. By your mercy, this year we did four Kirtan programs in Idaho. Three of them were in Yoga centers and the fourth one was at a farmers market in Eagle. We sang there for 4 hours in shifts, each devotee singing for a little bit. Thank you Maharaj for visiting Boise every year just to check on the devotees and give them strength to continue for the rest of the year when you are not here. We are eagerly looking forward to your next visit. Please bless me that I improve in my sadhana and serve the Vaishnavas nicely. 

Your insignificant servant,

HpS - Thank you.  We hope we can share more generous gifts for people than just used Boarding Passes. We habe the picture of Radharani that you colored on the wall of our Office/Ashrama here and see it daily. We hope that you have very good results from going to the Sadhu-sanga!  Be careful, be enthusiastic, like a tree that's four feet tall, any twists or bends that it gets now will probably stay with it for the rest of its life, even when it is 30-feet tall.

Who was Dushala?

Urgent back to classes

7 years, 10 months ago by candra108_mukhi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva



Very nice to have your daily association in FMP. That is perfection of life.

Well I finished my advanced studies in English in 2002. And in 2003 I started to teach at Alas Peruanas University. Then I study my master, doctorate but I have always wanted to improve my English in order to read better SP's books and in order to serve U better.. so many things, stupid things, actually distracted me from that goal.. so today I give [took] a test in order to classify [qualify] to [for] a course that prepare[s] us for The Certificate of Proficiency in English...  I passed the classsification Exam yeeeee [yeah!]. So[,] on monday [Monday] I will start my classes.

I feel.really happy. My only desire is to serve U better and better.. other things are really irrelevant to me.

HpS - We have many attachments. If you or anyone wants to serve me, or anyone like me, then seems they must keep a direct awareness of Srila Prabhupada also. We make mistakes and then one can comment: Maharaja, it seems that Srila Prabhupada explained this, acted, differently, and we can correct our mistake!

Please give me your blessings... So[,] maybe then[,] when I got [am] 60 I will move to n[N]ova g[G]okula or India and finishes [finish] my days in this material world and see U again in Gokola[,] jaja [Ha! Ha! ]I am pretty greedy[,] but I have to be[.] IF U want to be greedy[,] be completely greedy.

I got invited again to the radio[.] I was thinking next time [to] talk about how to deal with your material duties and also practice a spiritual process. Is that ok[?].. They do a facebook live so I am recorded .. maybe I can go with my sari [and gold ornaments!]... I am a Hare Krsna nun. And so proud of my lineage.

Pujari in w[W]ilson once a week

TLC amazing reading!!!

HpS - ASA -  Yes!  We think it should be a part of th Bh.Vai. study just like Southern Part of Nectar of Devotion.

Thank U for all iur [ur] support

See U in June

Trying to be useful

Candramukhi dd

HpS - ASA ---   You English is probably many times better than my Spanish. Are you reading Srila Prabhupada's books once a week with your sister or mother in English?  It helps so much just to read them outloud. We don't learn a language as much as absorb it, right?

Thank you for the news!   Now other letters.

Sankirtana Brasil lmb

7 years, 11 months ago by [email protected] in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las glorias a Srila prabhupada!

Todas las glorias a Sri Sri goura Nitay!

Todas las glorias a usted querido gurudeva! !

Muchas gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer y responder mi carta, se que se encuentra ocupado en su servicio.

quería comentarle que estamos pensando ir a Chile para poder verlo a usted! ! Y tambien quería preguntarle que piensa sobre mi iniciación, hable con devakinandana (el director del Bhakti sastri) para ver si me puede hacer la carta de recomendación.

HpS - Hare Krsna!!   I hope we see you in Chile.  If you have been chanting 16-nice rounds and following the four principles strictly for one year and have recomendation from Temple President then most likely you can, should take initiation if you want to.  Have you read ""?

también quería decirle que estoy consultando a Maharaja Dhanvantari Swami como mi siksa guru. Usted está de acuerdo?

HpS - Claro!   Reverencias a el. El es buen siksa, diksa, vartmana-acharya guru para todo el mundo.

espero su respuestas y le pido sus bendiciones para tener la fuerza y la inteligencia de poder seguir sirviendo a la misión que nuestro gurú Srila Prabhupada nos dejó!

Su sirvienta María Bernarda.

HpS - When does your course of study end in Brazil?

Ananda vardhana das

Hare krishna Guru Maharaj! !!!

 TlgaSP!!!!! Todas las glorias a usted!!!!!

 He deseado ser un buen discípulo, nunca lo he logrado.

HpS - Me, too! 

 Me esfuerzo por participar del Harinam cada semana. Así ocurre!  Vamos junto a esos maravillosos seguidores de Sri Caitanya!  Llevamos 1.500 galletas!!!

HpS - Hare Krsna!  !

Bailamos y tratamos de hacerlo para el placer de krishna! Tratamos de cantar y escuchar. 

 Por otro lado he vivido una dolorosa telenovela , de esas que influencia  cupido y solo vemos lagrimas y desolación!  Mi corazón y el de otros está roto! !!! He cometido errores,   he luchado para no sucumbir . Ha sido mi más feroz batalla.

 Quedaré con cicatrices profundas. Me refugio en usted,  con la esperanza de que no me abandone. Deseo seguir en el movimiento de Sankirtan! !! Deseo complacerlo a usted . Nos vemos en Santiago! !!

Madhu, tiene un tienda en un lindo barrio en santiago. Distribuimos mucho Prasadam !!!!

HpS - Claro, espero que pasa todos sus desafios bien!  Si, no la primera vez, esforzar para segunda vez. Nuestra principio fundamental es distinguir la realidad de la ilusion para la bienestar de todos. Vd, mi, familia, comunidad y KRSNA.  Es posible!

Va a ser exitoso satasfer a todos.