My Report, News, and many questions :)

7 years, 9 months ago by abhimanyu das in Personal Sadhana Reports


Hare krishna dear GM, I hope this better of your health, and that every day your bhajans is growing in your heart. A long time ago I had not written a product that I honestly do not feel very motivated to share my personal life with all those who read this blog, but still strange to have your feedback and your association with respect to my life.

I am now working as a psychologist in a state program that is responsible for assisting people living on the street, and I have been able to know many complex and distressed life histories, which always makes me think of the focus of our life which is to progress spiritually in the love of Krishna.

With Soledad we are very happy together and as you already know we will marry, and that is why I wanted to write to you so that you know that we already have a clear date, it is July 8, and we would like you please if you were there with us, Particularly you are the most significant person in the world, in what are my life processes, that is why I would very much like to have your presence, is this possible?

HpS - Sure seems like it. We are scheduled to be in Chile! Can you just let Jagat-guru Das know so that he doesn't start planning for us to go to Valpariso or something that day!  Congratulations!

These months that have passed and that I left the university I felt that I already fulfilled his instruction that he gave me 6 years ago on studying psychology, and I feel that now I need to know better my course besides my occupations as grhastha and psychologist, I That you would indicate me as subject, what instruction could you give me now in this period of my life?

HpS - Of course, this is like a boy asking how he can grow well, and of course the answer chant 16-enthusiastic rounds a day minimum, follow the four principles strictly, keep a regular morning program, engage in Sankirtan in Srila Prabhupada's ISKCON and evening program. Jaya!

How to do Sankirtan in your work of course requires some detail, but being psychology counselor it is easy to come to the questions of deeper aspects of people's lives. Keep some notes and start writing to the Blog about your job and how to tell people about Krsna based upon BG and SB. We can make comments. We already made some in the letter we just wrote to Srimati Soledad!  Jaya!!!  Expect rapid progress!

In relation to my spiritual life this is still trying not to offend anyone, following all the principles and with the singing of rounds very negligently, as I have sincerely realized that I have not developed in these years a true taste for The holy name, I believe that there is the main problem of my spiritual life, what advice can you give me?

HpS - In the letter I wrote to your good wife, I mentioned the basic principle, association. Make a partnership with others to chant together on the phone...  We have the every day with about 13-people average from 4.30-5.30AM. Is great!  It is only $20/month and can share Powerpoint. Take turns chanting!

I also wanted to tell you that with Soledad we are doing a program every month in our house, in order to generate a space for self-care for devotees, the point is that many serious mental health issues that require attention have arisen (for example people with possible Psychoses in progress), and Krishna consciousness is being a crop of this type of psychopathology product of the mystical aspect that is often understood in a fantastic and psychotic way, so I needed to ask you What actions should be taken with a devotee who is practicing But that your own practice of sadhana is being harmful because it develops psychotic symptoms?, is it sometimes good to keep someone from spiritual progress to take care of this type of ailments?

HpS - That is a very detailed question!  Maybe again, write with your specific experiences from work and religious community, ISKCON, and we can make general, some specific contributions. Yes, if we artificially push Vaidhi bhakti, Japa for example, weeds can grow with the creeper and it can result in many crazy things. I knew several cases of where people stole the tape of Prabhupada chanting the Gayatri mantra and listened to it and then went crazy.

Without more to tell you I hope when I [you] come to Chile I can talk with you some doubts that I have about the consciousness of Krishna and I know that only you can solve these doubts.

HpS - I bet Bh. Vijna Swami from Russia could also solve them!  Haw!   Haw!      Write. Let's generate a good book here from dialogs. The world needs it.

His eternal servant Abhimanyu Das

My second letter from Chile 2

7 years, 9 months ago by SoleOyarce in Personal Sadhana Reports
<pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> All glories to Sri Sri Gaura Nitay All glories to Srila Prabhupada Please accept my obeisances I am Ma. Soledad de Chile again. Maharaja how is your health? HpS - ASA - Our health is fine, but this vehicle, donkey, is about 70-years old so everything is dimishing. So much good health due to Srila Prabhupada's association! How are your travels? HpS - ASA --- Now we are in the planning stage for Boise, San Francisco, South America, India... If we don't do lot of work it is a waste of time. We wish to have your association soon, since we knew the date that comes to Chile we are counting the days! ASA - We are waiting for more news from Jagat-guru Das, Rodrigo.... about the Calendar! Help them if you can.. I want to tell you that with Abhimanyu we have a date for our marriage, and it's almost ready for the big day. HpS - When is it? On the other hand, I humbly want to ask for your instruction in front of some issues that have placed me in anxiety. First, I need your instruction with regard to Sadhana. I work five days a week, eight hours a day, my companions are not believers in anything that has to do with spiritual life, nor are they vegetarians, the topics of conversation most of the day are negative about other people I do not know and rumors. They are kind, helpful people, good companions, when I talk about Krsna consciousness they listen to me, ask me questions, but they see it very far from their reality, as if they were incapable of following this spiritual practice. Somehow I think I do Sankirtana, and I try despite everything to talk about Krsna if no one bothers you.</pre> <pre data-fulltext="" data-placeholder="Traducción" dir="ltr" id="tw-target-text"> That is my daily context Maharaja, in the morning we wake up the Deities next to Abhimanyu, every morning, but we are weak with the singing of our rounds. Maharaja, what can I do to regain my energy and motivation? I happen to feel alone in Krsna consciousness, although Abhimanyu is my partner, I do not feel accompanied by the devotees, I do not feel that there is a worried authority of those who move away from the temple or those who may conflict with their spiritual life. My only guide is Prabhupada and the spiritual masters. There are a couple of devotees who have been with me when there have been difficult situations, they are very loving, but I do not see that from any present authority. It is difficult to be in Maya, difficult and painful, it is also when I know the way and it is so difficult. That is why I need your instruction Maharaja What can I do to strengthen my spiritual life? What do you recomend? In my work as a strategy put a few reminders on my desk that say: "not control" "not criticize" "be tolerant" "not offend" and every time something does not seem right I read and practice. When I do not have the papers, I try it the same way. It has given me positive results. At night I am reading the biography of Prabhupada, when I do I feel inspired and everything makes sense. Maharaja you are a great inspiration for me, I hope that during your stay in Chile I can serve you in some way, I thank you for all you have done for the devotees, for Srla Prabhupada. It is a great mercy to have this contact with you, your words have helped me a lot. My Maharaja obeisances, I hope everything is going well in your travels, with your health, with your permanent service. I say goodbye affectionately from Chile, Ma. Soledad</pre>

HpS - ASA --  The authorities who are "supposed" to be looking after the devotees feel that no one is looking after them in many cases!   As you look afte your Students, like at work, they are looking after you. Keep reaching out to people in your community. Go to Temple programs.

Keep writing to this Blog!

Make a partnership with others chant your rounds. We hace our Full Morning Program on line every day and that is a central part of how I get up and get my rounds done.

At work you can preach Pantheism. In BG chapter 10, SB 2.2 this is presented as the first step in God realization: The Light of the Sun, The Ocean, Sharks, Ability in man. So many things you can present about that. The more you know the art the more you can show it to anybody.

Send report!  Your problem is 99.99% common. Others will benefit from your victories.

Bhaktin Rukmini from Lima

7 years, 9 months ago by Rukmini in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!! We are connecting to FMP with my mother (Tarangaksi dd) and my grandmother (Gauri dd). I'm following the four regulative principles and chanting 8 rounds at the morning and the rest along the day. I continue with my service of giving Bhagavad Gita classes twice a month at Wilson temple. My classes at university don't starts yet. During this time, I'm learning to cook for Krishna. I've recently made chapatis, but I burnt them. I'm also participating in a theater group with Prabhu Jiva Sakti, Bhakta Juan and his wife Bhaktin Lourdes. P. Jiva Sakti is teaching us acting, dancing, yoga and a little of singing. I like classical music, so I play the piano and participate in a chorus. I like japanese culture, too. Thank you so much for reading this letter. Thank you so much for your mercy, association and inspiration. Trying to serve, Bhaktin Rukmini

HpS - Very nice to hear from you also!!!  What about classical Chinese music (for Krsna)?

Personal Sadhana Report - Tarangaksi dd from Lima

7 years, 9 months ago by Tarangaksi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna dear Guru Maharaja

Please accept my humble obeisances. All Glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

I'm happy to write you. We are trying to participate in FMP and chanting rounds at the morning. I'm giving classes of Bhagavad Gita in Wilson temple twice a month.We are going through one verse after another. We are in chapter five. 

My father has a store of organic and natural products. I'm working on the area of health and integral culture dissemination. Recently, we have edited our first magazine with basic ayurveda articles and recommendations for a healthy lifestyle. We are trying to develop the goodness in the people. My eldest daughter, Bhaktin Rukmini, is helping in the magazine edition.

HpS - Jaya!    Abhirama Das has Cultural Organization called Sattva. Maybe he can work with you?

We are trying to study in association with devotees, sharing realizations. Please Guru Maharaja, I beg for your mercy and blessings to better serve Krishna through my work and preach activities.

Thank you very much for your saint association. May Sri Nrisimha always protects you. 

Trying to serve, 

Tarangaksi Devi Dasi

HpS - Thank you very, very much for your news!!   We will be in Peru in just six weeks!

Urgente..... Empezando de nuevo!!!

7 years, 9 months ago by Amparo Hernandez Castillo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada!!!!

Gurudeva por favor acepte Usted mis reverencias.

Gurudeva ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la ultima vez que le escribí,

ASA - Si, estamos pensando en que ha pasado con Vd!!

. . . lamento no haberle escrito antes pero siento mucha verguenza con usted por todas las cosas que han sucedido y en vez de avanzar voy para atras.

ASA - O.K. Pero luchando, no?   Puede escribir de sus luchas. E.g. "Maharaja estoy fumando pero manteniendo no fumar antes de 11AM".

Empezare por decirle que YO PERDI a los bebes que estaba esperando.

ASA - Ooooh!   Que lastima.    Pero Krsna esta en carga de cosas. Especialmente para devotos.  Posible fueron Yogis con solamente poco mas Karma y Krsna puede hacer esta arregla ser tomando Prasadam de su sangre y despues!   Ha ido a mejor sitio que Peru!

Desde diciembre del año pasado hablamos con Amala karuna despues de meses que no hablabamos para arreglar algo, pero es muy difícil ,ya no se puede, yo le hice muchas cosas.

Desde enero de este año vivo donde Amala o con el ??? me consiguió un lugar donde el vive, porque el lugar donde estaba yo ,era una cantina y me desórdene mucho.

Al principio nos levantamos temprano y cantábamos rondas luego ya no, así que los principios no se cumplian.

Leímos el Bhagavad Gita juntos por las noches ya terminamos y ahora estamos leyendo el Srimad Bhagavatam canto 1 capitulo 3,hemos aprendido versos .....yo he leído el Mahabharata, Sri Prema Bhakti Candrika, El terraplén de la separación y el Upadesamrta.

HpS - Super!

La vida ha transcurrido como una vida normal de familia ,aunque ya no lo somos,tomamos prasada juntos realizamos ekadasi,y yo la verdad cocino para todos porque ya es costumbre y por la asociación.

Ahora tratando de empezar de nuevo estoy levantandome a las 4:10 para ofeecer incienso y cantar rondas .
Tenemos una Tulasi y esta creciendo bien espero la misericordia y que siga asi.
Usted sabra que al templo no puedo entrar ,estuve yendo a Vrinda pero deje de ir, la verdad es que me di cuenta que no deseo ver a nadie y bueno Amala es mi mejor asociación ,me devolvió el gusto por las Rondas y la lectura,pido su bendición Gurudeva para poder seguir asi y no volver atras.
Estoy con mi hijo ,colecto con pan y trato de predicarle todo lo que puedo y que esta a mi alcance, darle prasadam etc,pero yo tengo aun mis apegos la coca cola,los chocolates y la musica,las películas, pero desde que empeze a leer ,deje de ver televisión, es que casi todo el tiempo que se puede Amala y yo leemos y hablamos mucho.
Gurudeva eso es lo que le puedo decir hasta ahora.

Se que no he hecho ni hago nada de lo que son sus ininstrucciones y aun asi me atrevo a pedirle que me de sus bendiciones para poder seguir así refugiada en la lectura y las rondas ....

Gurudeva ya no se si Krshna tenga algo preparado para mi,solo canto porque se es lo correcto y prefiero dejar que todo pase como tenga que pasar sin hacer planes.

Me despido de usted Gurudeva agradeciendo siempre la oportunidad que tuve de haberlo conocido y que tenerlo en mi camino.

Amparo H. Castillo.

HpS - Cartas mas cortas, mas frequentes. Estamos aqui!   La comunidad Monkey Warrior.  Nos vemos en Junio!!

Urgente carta de Akincana Prabhu

7 years, 9 months ago by Asta Sakhi Devi Dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports

Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupada.

Por favor reciba mis reverencias ante ud.

Querido Guru Maharaja, le escribo para informarle con tristeza la partida de un devoto en Guadalajara, Hari Vamsa Prabhu, quién fuese mi Siksa Guru, pues por su amable invitación comence a vivir en Nueva Nilacala Mandir, y fue así como por la Gracias de Srila Prabhupada pude conocerle a Ud. tenía un cancer avanzado (lo cual mantuvo en discreción absoluta), su partida fue cerca de las 2pm, rodeado de devotos cantando Hare Krsna tuve la fortuna de ponerle su última guirnalda, tulsi y kanti malas. Una vez más me pone Krishna como sirviente de ceremonia funebre. Como ud me ha dicho es parte de mi karma hablar con fantasmas... lo vi bailando durante el kirtan que hicimos en su funeral. Le suplico ore a Sri Jagannantha y Srila Prabhupada por el bienestar de su alma. Sentí la obligación de avisarle, pues se que Ud. apreciaba su servicio, estuvieron en su ceremonia como 10 jovenes, a quienes actualmente les predicaba. Agradecido eternamente con Ud.

Su siviente Akincana Krsna Das

HpS - No, foto aqui!!???     Dedicate next Sunday feast to him. Have his foto there there and offer first plate of Maha-prasadam to him Discuss his service and do Kirtan for him!


Thank you.